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A 15-y-old castrated male Maine Coon cat was evaluated for an ulcerated soft tissue mass on the right hindlimb that had been observed for 4 mo and had grown rapidly. A 3 × 3 cm soft, raised, amorphous, and ulcerated subcutaneous mass was observed on the lateral right metatarsus. In-house cytology via fine-needle aspiration was nondiagnostic. Incisional biopsy of the mass and further staging was declined, and amputation was elected. The amputated limb was submitted for histopathology, which revealed severe chronic nodular granulomatous dermatitis and multifocal granulomatous popliteal lymphadenitis with large numbers of intralesional fungal hyphae. Fungal PCR and sequencing on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue identified Chalastospora gossypii. No adjunctive therapy was elected at the time. The patient has done well clinically 1 y post-operatively. C. gossypii is a rare microfungus found worldwide and is considered a minor pathogen of several plants. To our knowledge, infection by this fungus has not been reported previously in veterinary species. Features in our case are comparable to other mycotic infections. Nodular granulomatous mycotic dermatitis and cellulitis, although uncommon, should be a differential for soft tissue masses in veterinary species; C. gossypii is a novel isolate.  相似文献   

Vaginal prolapse is a condition characterised by excessive accumulation of mucosal oedema and protrusion of hyperplastic tissue through the vulva. It has been reported in ruminants and canines, but has not been characterised in felines. This report describes the history, clinical signs and treatment of a pregnant Maine coon cat with a Type III vaginal prolapse diagnosed approximately 54 days after the first day of mating. Prior to queening, the prolapse was reduced and retained using a vulvar cruciate suture. Due to the risk of dystocia and recurrence, a caesarean section with ovariohysterectomy was performed. Postoperatively, a stay suture was maintained in the vulva for 2 weeks, resulting in permanent reduction of the vaginal prolapse. To the authors’ knowledge, this case represents the first report of the successful management of vaginal prolapse in a pregnant cat.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report the diagnosis and outcome after surgical correction of bilateral distal ureteral anomalies in a Standardbred filly. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical case report. ANIMAL: An 8-month-old, 310 kg Standardbred filly with left ureteral atresia and right ureteral ectopia. METHODS: The filly was admitted for evaluation of incontinence since birth and severe urine scalding of the hindquarters. Diagnosis was made by both direct (cystoscopy and vaginoscopy) and indirect (intravenous pyelography, ultrasonography, and scintigraphy) evaluation of the ureters and bladder. The filly had left ureteral atresia, hydronephrosis, and decreased left-sided renal function and right ureteral ectopia before surgery. Surgical correction was performed on the left by an end-to-side stapled anastomosis technique and on the right by a side-to-side hand-sewn anastomosis technique. RESULTS: Surgical correction was successful. The filly had no postoperative complications and remained continent 18 months after surgery. Left renal function improved. CONCLUSION: Ureteral anomalies can be successfully repaired in larger (>300 kg) foals and some renal function may be restored after surgical correction. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Scintigraphy should be considered in diagnosis of ureteral anomalies, assessing renal function, and determining prognosis for horses with hydronephrosis caused by ureteral ectopia and atresia.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old, castrated male Maine Coon cat was presented to Oklahoma State University Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for yearly echocardiographic examination monitoring hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) diagnosed in 2003. Physical examination revealed a heart murmur and premature beats, likely related to HCM, but was otherwise unremarkable. A biochemistry profile revealed a hyperglobulinemia (6.3 g/dL). Cytologic examination of fine‐needle aspirates from liver and spleen revealed increased numbers of plasma cells and mast cells, confirmed with subsequent histologic examination. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for c‐kit in the spleen and liver showed mast cells predominantly exhibiting type I staining pattern, with moderate numbers exhibiting type II pattern in spleen, and scattered cells exhibiting type II and III patterns in liver. Bone marrow cytology and core biopsy documented approximately 22% plasma cells. Cutaneous masses on the cat's left shoulder and right carpus were cytologically confirmed mast cell tumors. Serum protein electrophoresis with immunofixation confirmed an IgG monoclonal gammopathy. This is an example of 2 hematologic neoplasms occurring simultaneously in a cat. Concurrent pathologies may be overlooked if a single disease is diagnosed and suspected of causing all clinical signs. Both neoplasms were well differentiated, and neoplastic cells could have easily been interpreted as a reactive population had a full workup not been performed. Missing either diagnosis could result in a potentially lethal outcome. Eleven months after diagnoses, the cat was clinically doing well following a splenectomy and oral prednisolone and chlorambucil chemotherapy. Globulins decreased to 4.9 g/dL.  相似文献   

An 8-month-old, crossbred dog, presented with a painful, swollen face. The problem was of 4 weeks duration and had not responded to antibiotics. A diagnosis of canine juvenile cellulitis was based on the clinical presentation and supportive cytological and histopathological changes. Attempts to identify canine distemper virus were not successful. Complete resolution occurred with glucocorticoid therapy. This is the first report of canine juvenile cellulitis in a dog of this age.  相似文献   

An ectopic fetus was discovered in an 18-month-old uniparous queen that was admitted for an elective ovariectomy. Six months prior she had delivered three healthy kittens. During the preoperative examination, a mass similar in size to a full-term fetus was detected in the abdominal cavity. Ultrasound examination revealed the mass to be an ectopic fetus in the mid-abdominal region. A mummified fetus was removed by laparotomy. No rupture of the uterine wall was visible, but a small necrotic area was present on the left uterine horn, adjacent to the very proximal portion of the uterine horn. The fetus, which was fully developed and covered by a thin membrane, was carefully dissected. Histological examination did not enable us to definitively prove the extra-uterine development of the fetus; however, the ectopic development of the conceptus secondarily expelled into the peritoneal cavity could be assumed.  相似文献   

An oral lesion in a cat caused by the actinomycete Dermatophilus con-golensis is described. Multiple granulomata were present in biopsy material taken from a tongue lesion. After surgical excision and daily penicillin therapy the condition regressed.
Résumé. Une lésion oralle dans un chat, causée par l'actinomycète Dermatophilus congolensis est décrit. Des granulomes multiples étaient présentes dans la substance de la biopsie, prise de la lésion de la langue. Après l'excision chirurgicale et la thérapie journalière de pénicilline, la condition décroissait.
Zusammenfassung. Man beschreibt eine orale Verletzung in einer Katze, die durch den Strahlenpilz Dermatophilus congolensis , verursachet wird. Die multipelen Granulomata waren im Stoff von der Biopsie, Welches von der Verletzung der Zunge, genommen wird. Der Zustand klang ab, nach der chirurgischen Exicision und nach der täglichen Heilung von Penizillin.  相似文献   

An 8-month-old, virgin Holstein heifer with precocious mammary development was presented for examination. Protein, fat, and lactose in the mammary secretion were 14.90%, 0.12%, and 0.20%, respectively; somatic cell count was 3.9 x 10(6)/mL, with no bacterial infection. The heifer was inseminated at 15 months of age, confirmed pregnant, and subsequently slaughtered.  相似文献   

An unusual tracheal foreign body in a cat and the problems associated with its removal is described. A review of other documented feline tracheal foreign bodies is included.  相似文献   

A case of secondary ectopic pregnancy found in a 2½-year-old queen. The clinical case history, surgical findings and examination of excised tissue are described and discussed.  相似文献   

A case of congenital biliary atresia in a six-month-old cat is presented. The cat had recurrent bouts of depression, anorexia, vomiting and pyrexia, since it was acquired as a three-month-old kitten. Physical examination showed the cat to be jaundiced. Abdominal palpation revealed several smooth, round masses, confluent with the liver in the right cranial quadrant. A tentative diagnosis of congenital biliary atresia was made based on history, clinical and laboratory examination and radiography. This was confirmed at necropsy.  相似文献   

A case of ventricular septal defect in a cat is described in which the palliative operation of pulmonary artery banding was performed.
Résumé: On décrit un cas de communication interventriculaire chez un chat; un cerclage de l'artère pulmonaire a été effectué comme traitement palliatif.
Zusammenfassung: Ein Fall von Ventrikelseptumdefekt bei einer Katze wird beschrieben, bei der die Palliativoperation an der Pulmonalarterie durchgeführt wurde.  相似文献   

The kidneys of a 3-month-old female cat were examined. The cat which had been raised under controlled conditions with no history of any poisoning showed progressive weight loss with increases in blood BUN and creatinine concentrations. At necropsy, both kidneys were firm in consistency with formation of focal scars. Histopathologically, widespread deposition of crystals was observed in the renal tubules (in both dilated lumina and degenerative epithelia) accompanying mild interstitial fibrosis with lymphocyte infiltration. The crystals were colorless or basophilic on the hematoxilin and eosin-stained section and could be visualized with polarized light as doubly fractile crystals. The crystals were identified as calcium oxalate crystals by histochemical examinations using von Kossa stain and alizarin red S stain under different conditions and by ultrastructural examination. Judging from the above-mentioned findings, the present renal lesion detected in an infant cat was diagnosed as renal oxalosis which was suspected to be hereditary in nature.  相似文献   

A 1-year-old domestic shorthair cat was evaluated for a chronic history of back pain, dysuria, and paraplegia. Radiographic and computed tomographic examinations showed circumferential widening of the vertebral canal at T13 and T14. A spinal epidural abscess (SEA) compressing the spinal cord from the level of T11 to L1 was suspected following intravenous contrast administration, and was confirmed by surgical exploration and histopathological analysis. The cat recovered its motor and bladder functions following surgical decompression and antibiotic therapy. SEA is a neurological emergency requiring prompt treatment. However, the present case had a prolonged disease course and pressure atrophy of the vertebrae was strongly suspected. To our knowledge, this imaging finding has not been reported in dogs or cats with SEA.  相似文献   

A 7 month-old, male domestic shorthaired cat was referred because of facial swelling, an operculated cystic oral mass, and impaction of the associated maxillary left canine tooth. Surgical exposure and realignment failed to result in eruption. Surgical reexposure and orthodontic extrusion resulted in a functional alignment of the tooth within the dental arch. Follow up evaluations over the 5 ensuing years indicated persistence of the facial deformation, no evidence of ameloblastic biotransformation, and a healthy tooth.  相似文献   

Objective We present a unique case of a feline orbital extraskeletal osteosarcoma that developed 5 years post‐enucleation. History In 2002, an ophthalmologist enucleated the left eye of a 2‐year‐old neutered male DSH and submitted it to the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW). COPLOW diagnosed the left eye with feline diffuse iris melanoma. In June 2007, the cat presented to another veterinarian for moderate swelling of the enucleation site. Palpation suggested a firm mass along the lateral orbital rim and an exploratory orbitotomy revealed a cyst with a mass adhered to it and the ventrolateral orbital rim. The cyst and mass were excised by the veterinarian and submitted to COPLOW. COPLOW diagnosed the tissue as an orbital conjunctival inclusion cyst and an acquired orbital osteosarcoma. Conclusions Following the enucleation, retained conjunctival epithelium became embedded in the connective tissue of the orbit and caused a cyst to develop. The cyst wall consisted of a myofibroblastic collagen‐rich matrix and acted as a nidus of chronic irritation and tumor growth. This orbital osteosarcoma resembles feline vaccine‐associated sarcomas (VAS), feline post‐traumatic ocular sarcomas, and microchip‐associated sarcomas in terms of it histopathology and its hypothesized pathogenesis related to exposure to antigenic material such as implanted epithelium, lens protein, vaccine components, and microchips as foreign bodies.  相似文献   

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