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Hepatic Lobe Torsion as a Cause of Colic in a Horse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 14-year-old Arabian gelding was examined for colic. An exploratory celiotomy was subsequently performed and the left lobe of the liver was found to be twisted. The lobe was resected using a TA-90 surgical stapling instrument. Histologic examination of the resected liver indicated portal vein and sinusoid dilation and congestion with blood. There were focal areas of necrosis and bacterial cocci and rods throughout the section. The histologic findings were consistent with hepatic lobe torsion. After surgery, the horse was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin, and intravenous fluids. The horse recovered without complications, although serum liver enzymes remained elevated for more than 1 week after surgery. Seven months after surgery the horse showed no adverse affects from the disease.  相似文献   

The objective of this retrospective case series was to determine the clinical signs, diagnostic test results, treatment protocols, and outcomes of rabbits treated for liver lobe torsion during a 5-year period at a large referral institution. A total of 16 rabbits diagnosed with liver lobe torsion at Angell Animal Medical Center (Boston, MA USA) during January 2007 to March 2012 were included in the study. The diagnosis of liver lobe torsion was made at surgery, during abdominal ultrasound, or on postmortem examination. Medical records of the subject animals were reviewed for signalment, history, clinical signs, results of clinical pathology testing, diagnostic imaging findings, treatment, surgical and histopathology findings, hospitalization time, and outcome. The most common clinical signs of rabbits diagnosed with liver lobe torsion in this study included anorexia, lethargy, and decreased fecal production lasting 1 day. Lop breeds, particularly mini lops, were overrepresented. Anemia was the most common hematologic abnormality, while elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine were the most common serum biochemical abnormalities. Abdominal ultrasonography with Doppler assessment was used in 14 rabbits and provided a diagnosis of liver lobe torsion in all cases. The caudate lobe was involved in 10 rabbits (62.5%, 95% CI: 38.8 to 86.2), followed by the right lateral lobe (n = 5; 31.25%, 95% CI: 8.6 to 53.9), the left lateral lobe (n = 2; 12.5%, 95% CI: 3.7 to 28.7), and the right medial lobe (n = 1; 6.25%, 95% CI: 5.6 to 18.1). Two rabbits had more than 1 torsed liver lobe. Exploratory laparotomy and liver lobectomy were performed in 9 rabbits, and all of them survived. Supportive care alone was provided for 7 rabbits, 3 of which survived. The results suggest that nonspecific clinical signs of anorexia, lethargy, and decreased fecal production, in conjunction with anemia and high serum hepatic enzyme activities, should increase the index of suspicion for liver lobe torsion in rabbits. Abdominal ultrasonography with Doppler assessment is useful to confirm the diagnosis. The long-term prognosis for rabbits undergoing liver lobectomy and surviving the hospitalization period is excellent.  相似文献   

一只2岁布偶猫,体重4.3 kg,怀孕61 d,精神不好,血常规检查严重贫血,腹部彩超检查死胎、子宫扭转、子宫破裂、血腹,诊断为子宫扭转破裂。母猫交叉配血后输血60 mL,呼吸麻醉,行卵巢子宫切除术,术后消炎止血,1周拆线恢复。  相似文献   

Nephritis in the Cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Examination of 333 cats of all ages showed that 19 (5.71 per cent) suffered from some form of nephritis. The disease was seen mainly in old animals and was absent in cats under 3 yr of age. There was no correlation with sex or with any particular disease. The main histopathological lesion was an interstitial infiltrate by mononuclear cells associated, in the more advanced cases, with glomerular changes. The possibility that Leptospirae may be involved in the aetiology of the nephritis was considered.
Résumé— L'examen de 333 chats de tout age, montra que 19, soit 5,7% souffraient d'une variété de néphrite. La maladie existait principalement chez les vieux animaux; ceux de moins de trois ans en étaient épargnés. Il n'y avait aucun rapport avec le sex ou toute autre maladie. La principale lésion histopathologique était un infiltrat interstitiel de mononucléaires, et dans les cas plus avancés, des altérations gloménulaires. L'auteur pense que le B. leptospriroe pourrait étre incriminé comme étiologie de la néphrite.
Zusammenfassung— Eine Nachforschung an 330 Katzen aller Altergruppen zeigte, dass 19 (5.71yo) an Nephritis unterschiedlicher Formen litten. Die Krankheit betraf im wesentlichen die älteren Tiere und wurde nicht unter drei Jahren angetroffen. Geschlecht oder andere Erkrankungen zeigten sich ohne Einfluss. Die Histologie zeigte hauptsächlich interstitielle Infiltrate von mono-nukleären Zellen, in den mehr fortgeschrittenen Stadien auch Veränderungen am Glomerulus. Die Möglichkeit einer Infektion mit Leptospiren als Krankheitsursache wurde in Erwägung gezogen.  相似文献   

This article describes the management of a case of liver lobe torsion in a domestic rabbit, which was presented with lethargy, abdominal pain and a palpable abdominal mass. Laboratory investigations showed anemia, hypoalbuminemia and raised liver enzymes. An exploratory laparotomy revealed torsion and necrosis of the caudate liver lobe. The affected lobe was removed by lobectomy. The rabbit made a rapid recovery and was in good health at a follow-up examination three months later.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis (MG) was diagnosed in four cats--one had an apparently congenital form and three had the acquired autoimmune form. All four cats were examined because of episodes of weakness including gait abnormalities, voice change, neck ventroflexion, and regurgitation. Palpebral reflexes were absent in all cats. Administration of edrophonium chloride resulted in transient resolution of clinical signs in all four cats. Three cats were tested for the presence of serum autoantibodies against acetylcholine receptor (AChR) by radioimmunoassay. Two cats with acquired MG had anti-AChR antibody titers of 10.5 and 96.8 nmol/l (normal, less than or equal to 0.03 nmol/l). Antibodies were not detected in the cat with presumptive congenital MG. All four cats were treated with pyridostigmine bromide. Two cats with acquired MG were euthanatized because of clinical deterioration. The third cat with acquired MG has been asymptomatic since 2 months after diagnosis. The cat with presumed congenital MG is alive 3 years after diagnosis.  相似文献   

Post-mortem examination of two cases of natural Haemobartonella felis infection in the cat is reported. In both cases haemobartonellosis was confirmed on blood smears from the diseased animals. The most noticeable macroscopic finding was a pronounced general anemia.The microscopic examination revealed hyperplasia of the bone marrow and a moderate extramedullary hematopoiesis in case 1 and in case 2 a reduction of the M/E index in the bone marrow.Keyword: haemobartonellosis, Haemobartonella felis, Eperythrozoon felis, feline infectious anemia, blood diseases, anemia  相似文献   

Abstract— —A case of Lactational Tetany in a 3-year-old cat is described in detail. The case followed the addition of an orphan kitten to the litter of five 3-week-old kittens already suckling. Rapid recovery followed injection of a calcium solution, but a relapse occurred after ten days. The cat again responded well to treatment and remained well. A review of recorded cases is presented briefly and a note on the neurophysiology of tetany is included.
Résumé— —On décrit en détail un cas de Tétanie de Lactation chez un chat de 3 ans. Le cas s'est produit à la suite de l'introduction d'un chaton orphelin dam une portée de cinq chatons âgés de 3 semaines et encore à la mamelle.
Une guérison rapide a fait suite à l'injection d'une solution de calcium mais une rechute se produisit 10 jours après. A nouveau le chat fut sensible au traitement et se remit. On présente brièvement une revue des cas déjàn rapportés dans la littérature. Il est inch une note sur la neuro-physiologie de la tétanie.
Zusammenfassung— —Ein fall von Laktationstetanie bei einer dreijährigen Katze wird im einzelnen beschrieben. Dieser Fall folgte der Aufnahme eines venvaisten Jungtiers in einen Wurf von fünf 3 Wochen alten gesäugten Jungen. Nach Injektion einer Calciumlösung trat rasch Besserung ein, aber nach 10 Tagen kam es zu einem Rückfall. Die Katze sprach wiederum gut auf die Behandlung an, der ein anhaltender Erfolg beschieden war. Eine kune Übersicht über belegte Fälle und eine Bemerkung über die Neurophysiologie der Tetanie schliessen sich an.  相似文献   

Abstract— —The differential diagnosis of fluid effusions of the thoracic cavity of cats is considered. Special reference is made to suppurative pleurisy (“granular pleurisy”). This is characterised by the presence of granules in the exudate, similar to those described in pleural actinomycosis of carnivores. The cases described, however, are apparently not due to actinomyces or Nocardia, but to a mixture of organisms, including anaerobic fuso-bacteria, spirochaetes, streptococci, Pasteurella, and a gram-positive filamentous organism. The lesion is possibly due to infection from indigenous mouth organisms and could originate from cat bites. Résumé— —L'auteur ttudie le diagnostic différentiel des épanchements dam la cavité thoracique chez le chat, compte tenu notamment de la pleurésie suppurée (“granulée”), caractérisée par la présence dam le liquide épanché de granulations semblables à celles de l'actinomycose pleurale des carnivores. Dam les cas examinb, il ne semble toutefois pas s'agir de l'actinomycès ou norcardia, mais plutôt d'un mélange de divers organismes, notamment: fusobactéries anaérobies, spirochètes, streptocoques, pasteurelles et un organisme filamenteux Gram-positif. Il n'est pas exclu que la léion provienne d'une infection par des organismes buccaux indigènes, à la suite d'une morsure de chat. Zusammenfassung— —Die Differentialdiagnose von Pleuraergüssen bei Katzen wird besprochen. Dabei wird die eitrige Rippenfellentzündung (“granulöse Pleuresie”) besonders erwähnt. Diese ist dadurch charakterisiert, daß das Exsudat Granulen enthält. Ähnliche Granulen wurden auch bei Fleischfressern mit Rippenfellaktinomykose beschrieben. Die vorliegenden Fälle sind jedoch anschienend weder Actinomyces noch Norcardia zuzuschreiben, sondern einer Misching von Erregern, unter denen sich anaërobe Fusobakterien, Spirochäten, Streptokokken, Pasteurella und eine Gram-positive Stäbchenbakterie befinden. Die Erkrankung entsteht wahrscheinlich durch die Übertragung von im Maul beheimateten Organismen und könnte durch Katzenbisse verursacht werden.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum Osteomyelitis in the Cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seven cats with osseous lesions as the primary manifestation of disseminated Histoplasma capsulatum infection were evaluated. The major clinical signs in these cats were related to the bony lesions and included lameness, bone pain, and soft tissue swelling of limbs and joints. Other clinical and pathologic findings were similar to previously reported forms of disseminated histoplasmosis in the cat. The radiographic appearance of the lesions was predominantly osteolytic; periosteal and endosteal new bone production was present in some cases. Infection occurred primarily in bones of the appendicular skeleton with a predilection for sites below the elbow and stifle joints.  相似文献   

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a syndrome caused by an insufficient amount of pancreatic digestive enzymes in the small intestine. Clinical signs most commonly reported in cats with EPI are weight loss, loose and voluminous stools, steatorrhea, polyphagia, and in some cases a greasy soiling of the hair coat in the perianal region. Serum feline trypsin-like immunoreactivity concentration is the diagnostic test of choice for the diagnosis of affected cats. Treatment of cats with EPI consists of enzyme supplementation with either a powdered pancreatic extract or raw pancreas. Most cats with EPI also have severely decreased serum cobalamin concentrations and may require lifelong parenteral cobalamin supplementation. Most cats respond well to therapy and can have a normal life expectancy and quality of life.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mast cells were found in the surface epidermis and outer root sheath epithelium in 37 of 338 cats (11.6 per cent) with non-neoplastic skin disorders. Epidermal mast cells were most commonly found in the eosinophilic plaque and the eosinophilic granuloma. Thevast majority of dermatoses wherein epidermal mast cells were found were characterised by: (1) a presumed immune-mediated pathogenesis, and (2) tissue eosinophilias. Résumé— Des mastocytes ont été observés dans l'épiderme superficiel ainsi que dans l'épithélium folliculaire chez 37 chats parmi 338 (11,6%) atteints de dermatoses non néoplasiques. Les mastocytes épidermiques ont été le plus souvent trouvés dans la plaque éosinophilique et le granulome éosinophilique. La grande majorité des dermatoses présentant des mastocytes épidermiques était caractérisée par: (1) la présomption d'une pathogénie immunodépendante et (2) une éosinophilie tissulaire. Zusammenfassung— Mastzellen konnten in der oberflächlichen Epidermis und in den Epithelien der äußeren Wurzelscheide bei 37 von 338 untersuchten Katzen (11.6%) mit nicht-neoplastischen Plaques oder eosinophilem Granulom gefunden werden. Die überwiegende Zahl der Dermatosen, bei denen epidermale Mastzellen auftraten, war durch die beiden Kriterien 1) vermutlich immunvermittelte Pathogenese und 2) Gewebs-Eosionophilie charakterisiert. Resumen En el presente trabajo se describe la presencia de mastocitos en la epidermis superficial y en la vaina folicular externa de 37 gatos de 338 examinados (11,6%) ninguno de los gatos examinados padecia enfermedades neoplásicas. Los mastocitos epidérmicos fueron más frecuentes en animates que padecian placas eosinofilicas y granulomas eosinofilicos. La gran mayoría de las dermatosis en las cuales se detectan mastocitos epidérmicos cuales se se caracterizan por: 1. Una posible patogenia inmunomediada y 2. eosinofilia tisular.  相似文献   

The origin of the pair of common carotid arteries in the cat is inadequately described, and there are conflicting accounts in English veterinary anatomy textbooks published in the USA. We found one‐quarter of 40 adult domestic cats dissected had a bicarotid trunk (5 female, 5 male). When present, the bicarotid trunk arose from the brachiocephalic trunk approximately midway between the expected origins of the more frequently independently arising left and right common carotid arteries, and on average, it was 5.6 mm in length. Our findings make the incidence, topographical and measurement information available so that students and veterinarians can be aware of this not insignificant variation in branching of the major arteries, forming a bicarotid trunk, in the cranial mediastinum of domestic cats.  相似文献   

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