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Plasma somatolactin (SL) concentrations were examined in chum salmon in relation to gonadal maturation; immature salmon in the Bering Sea at various stages of maturation, and mature salmon during upstream migration caught at the ocean, bay and river. Plasma SL concentrations as well as plasma prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) levels in the immature fish caught in the Bering Sea were maintained essentially at similar levels. Plasma SL in mature salmon increased significantly from the fish in the ocean to the fish in the river in both sexes. Although all the fish had fully developed gonads, females completed ovulation while still in the bay, whereas final spermeation in males was achieved after entry into the river. Thus, no clear correlation was seen between plasma SL levels and final gonadal maturation. On the other hand, plasma PRL concentrations in both male and female fish were higher in the fish in the river than those in the ocean and bay, and plasma GH levels were higher in both sexes in the fish in the bay and river than those in the ocean. Plasma levels of triglycerides, glucose, free fatty acids and ionized sodium and calcium were also examined. Significant-negative correlations were seen between plasma SL and plasma ionized calcium in mature male salmon, and between plasma SL and plasma triglycerides in mature female salmon. Although our findings do not rule out the possibility of the involvement of SL in final maturation, the results indicate that SL seems to be involved at least in energy and/or calcium metabolism during the spawning migration.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic protein content decreased significantly and myosin heavy chain was degraded gradually during spawning migration of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). Acid and neutral proteinase activities increased significantly during spawning migration. These proteinase activities were higher in females than in males. High levels of acid proteinase were not caused by the injury of lysosomal membranes. Considering the physiological states of chum salmon, neutral proteinase activity might be related to the degradation of muscle protein. As the changes in serum sex steroids were similar to those in the protease activities during spawning migration, it was considered that high levels of protease activity during spawning migration were closely related to the serum levels of androgens.  相似文献   

Using a salmon migration model based on the assumption that swimming orientation is temperature dependent, we investigated the determining factors of the migration of juvenile and immature chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the North Pacific. We compared the predictions of the model with catch data of immature and juvenile chum salmon collected by Japanese research vessels from 1972 to 1999. The salmon migration model reproduced the observed distributions of immature chum salmon and indicates that passive transport by wind‐driven and geostrophic currents plays an important role in the eastward migration of Asian salmon. These factors result in a non‐symmetric distribution of Asian and North American chum salmon in the open ocean. The directional swimming component contributes to the northward migration in summer. The model results indicate that during the first winter Asian chum salmon swim northward against the southward wind‐driven currents to stay in the western North Pacific. This suggests that Asian chum salmon require more energy to migrate than other stocks during the first winter of their ocean life.  相似文献   

The osmoregulatory ability of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), reared in fresh water for a prolonged period, was examined by transferring them directly to seawater and then back to fresh water. When fry and juveniles weighing 0.3–125g, reared in fresh water for 1.5–13 months, were transferred directly to seawater, they adjusted their plasma Na+ concentration to the seawater-adapted level within 12–24h. When they were transferred back to fresh water after having been adapted to seawater for 2 weeks, the plasma Na+ level gradually decreased during the first 12–24h, and then increased to reattain the initial freshwater level after 5–7 days. No mortality was observed during the experiment except among the smallest fry weighing about 0.3g after transfer to seawater (2.1%). The maintenance of good osmoregulatory ability of the chum salmon for a prolonged period in fresh water seems to be unique among Pacific salmon, with the possible exception of the pink salmon.Changes in plasma levels of hormones during the transfer experiments were recorded in juveniles reared in fresh water for 13 months. Prolactin levels increased maximally 3 days after transfer from seawater to fresh water, as would be expected from its well-established role in freshwater adaptation in several euryhaline teleosts. In addition, an increase in plasma growth hormone was observed during the first 12h after seawater transfer, along with a tendency towards a decrease during freshwater transfer, suggesting an important role for this hormone in seawater adaptation. There were no consistent changes in plasma levels of thyroxine and cortisol during freshwater to seawater or seawater to freshwater transfer.  相似文献   

Trace element levels in the otoliths of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta were examined by means of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). A close linear relationship in the Sr/Ca ratios between X-ray analysis with an electron microprobe (EPMA) and LA-ICPMS analysis was found, suggesting that the latter technique could be used to distinguish the marine and freshwater life phases. Mg, Zn, Ba and Sr concentrations of the otoliths differed between the freshwater and seawater growth zones. Mg and Zn concentrations in the freshwater growth zone were significantly higher than those in the seawater growth zone, while Sr and Ba concentration s in the former were significantly lower than in the latter. The relationship between Sr concentration and Mg, Zn, and Ba concentrations at each ablation showed significant correlations. These results suggest that trace element compositions may reflect differences between freshwater and seawater environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between adult (age‐4) return rates for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) originating from the Iwate Prefecture, Japan, and coastal environmental conditions during their early ocean life in coastal residency. We analyzed distributions of water properties via intensive hydrographic observations using a conductivity–temperature–depth profiler. Both the return rates and water properties vary strongly over interannual time scales. We found that the time when the return rate decreased drastically corresponded well to the time when the frequency of warm waters in the coastal residency increased.  相似文献   

Using path analyses, we investigated relationships between size at release from hatcheries, the early marine growth of juveniles, and adult return rates for chum salmon from five river stocks of Hokkaido, Japan, in relation to sea surface temperature during ocean residence. Marine growth was estimated using scales collected from 11 760 adults of age 0.3 (1980–2004). The growth and survival of each stock appeared to have a different suite of regulatory processes. Interannual variability in return rates was mainly regulated by size at release in two stocks from the Sea of Okhotsk. A similar relationship was found in one stock from the Sea of Japan, but growth during coastal residency also affected their return rates. In two stocks from the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, variability in return rates was not related to size at release or to the coastal growth of juveniles, but with offshore growth in the Sea of Okhotsk, the nursery area for juveniles after leaving Japanese coastal waters. Whereas coastal growth tended to be negatively correlated with size at release in some stocks, offshore growth was positively associated with the August–November sea surface temperature in all stocks. This study confirmed that mortality of juvenile salmon occurred in two phases, during the coastal residency and the late period of the growing season, but the relative importance of both phases varied by stock and region, which probably regulated year‐class strength of Hokkaido chum salmon.  相似文献   

Freshwater adaptability of chum salmon was examined in juvenile fish reared in seawater for 4 months. The fish, weighing about 40g, were transferred directly to fresh water in October, when their cohorts are migrating in the North Pacific Ocean. Plasma sodium concentration decreased from 167 mM in seawater to about 130 mM during the first 24h, and increased gradually during 2–7 days after the transfer. No immunoreactive prolactin (PRL) was detected in the plasma of the seawater-adapted fish nor during the first 24h in fresh water. Significant levels of PRL were detected after 2–3 days. The maximal level (2.6 ng/ml) was observed after 5 days and became undetectable again after 7 days; no significant correlation was seen between the changes in plasma sodium and PRL levels during the transfer. Plasma growth hormone levels were relatively constant, except for a significant decrease 12h after the transfer. Although plasma thyroxine levels were highly variable during the experiment, a significant decrease and an increase were observed 12h and 5 days after the transfer, respectively. The present study indicates that juvenile chum salmon retain hyperosmoregulatory ability even after prolonged rearing in seawater. Examination of turnover rates, rather than changes in plasma levels, seems to be essential to clarify the osmoregulatory roles of the hormones.  相似文献   

The abundance and stomach contents of salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) and the biomass of prey organisms were examined in the central subarctic Pacific and Bering Sea in the summer of 1991 and 1992. Salmonids were caught by surface longline using the same level of fishing effort. Chum (O. keta) and pink (O. gorbuscha) salmon were the predominant species, representing 44% and 36% sof the total catch (n = 1275) in 1991. In 1992, chum salmon composed 85% of the total catch (n = 603), but the catch of pink salmon decreased to 1% of the total catch due to the odd/even year fluctuation of Asian pink salmon abundance in the study area. It was found that chum salmon changed their dominant diet from gelatinous zooplankton (pteropods, appendicular-ians, jellyfishes, chaetognaths, polychaetes and unidentified materials) in 1991, when pink salmon were abundant, to a diet of crustaceans (euphausiids, cope-pods, amphipods, ostracods, mysids and decapods) in 1992, when pink salmon were less abundant. Local crustacean biomass (wet weight; mg m-3) had significant negative correlation with the CPUE (catch number per 30 hachi) of pink salmon in 1991 (r = -0.586; P = 0.026) and that of chum salmon in 1992 (r =–0.616; P = 0.014). There may be a limitation in the available prey resource for production of salmonids.  相似文献   

Relationships between the vertical distribution and thermal habitat, and body size of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta were studied in the Bering Sea in summer using trawl surveys at various depths. Chum salmon abundance decreased with increasing depth, but the patterns of decrease differed between size groups. The abundance of small salmon fell rapidly with depth, whereas that of large salmon decreased gradually to 40 m depth, and abruptly below that. The average fork length of chum salmon collected from each trawl correlated positively with trawl net depth and negatively with water temperature. Since the optimal temperature for growth decreases with body size in this species, the observed body size‐related vertical habitat use by chum salmon may indicate size‐dependent thermal preferences.  相似文献   

The incorporation and metabolism of (n-3) and (n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acids were studied in a cell line derived from chum salmon heart (CHH-1). Supplementing media with 25 M fatty acid considerably altered the cellular fatty acid composition but did not affect the lipid class composition or cause the appearance of cytoplasmic lipid droplets. CHH-1 cells exhibited considerable -6-desaturase activity but showed no preference between (n-3) and (n-6)PUFA substrates. CHH-1 cells also possess -5-desaturase activity which showed preference towards (n-3)PUFA, but -4-desaturase activity was totally absent. Elongation of 20-carbon PUFA was especially active in CHH-1 cells with 22-carbon PUFA being specifically incorporated into PE and PS lipid classes. The fatty acid composition of PI indicated specific incorporation of 20-carbon PUFA into this lipid class. Supplementation with 22:6(n-3) generated fatty acid compositions more closely resembling those of intact salmonid hearts. Substantial chain shortening of 22:6(n-3) to 20:5(n-3) occurred.Abbreviations BHT butylated hydroxytoluene - BSA bovine serum albumin - CL cardiolipin - FCS fetal calf serum - PA phosphatidic acid - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PI phosphatidylinositol - PS phosphatidylserine - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid - SM sphingomyelin  相似文献   

The importance of interspecific competition as a mechanism regulating population abundance in offshore marine communities is largely unknown. We evaluated offshore competition between Asian pink salmon and Bristol Bay (Alaska) sockeye salmon, which intermingle in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, using the unique biennial abundance cycle of Asian pink salmon from 1955 to 2000. Sockeye salmon growth during the second and third growing seasons at sea, as determined by scale measurements, declined significantly in odd‐numbered years, corresponding to years when Asian pink salmon are most abundant. Bristol Bay sockeye salmon do not interact with Asian pink salmon during their first summer and fall seasons and no difference in first year scale growth was detected. The interaction with odd‐year pink salmon led to significantly smaller size at age of adult sockeye salmon, especially among younger female salmon. Examination of sockeye salmon smolt to adult survival rates during 1977–97 indicated that smolts entering the ocean during even‐numbered years and interacting with abundant odd‐year pink salmon during the following year experienced 26% (age‐2 smolt) to 45% (age‐1 smolt) lower survival compared with smolts migrating during odd‐numbered years. Adult sockeye salmon returning to Bristol Bay from even‐year smolt migrations were 22% less abundant (reduced by 5.9 million fish per year) compared with returns from odd‐year migrations. The greatest reduction in adult returns occurred among adults spending 2 compared with 3 years at sea. Our new evidence for interspecific competition highlights the need for multispecies, international management of salmon production, including salmon released from hatcheries into the ocean.  相似文献   

Pink salmon is found from 40° to 70°N; but successful reproduction occurs over a much more restricted area, from about 47° to 60°N. The time window of spawning opportunities is censored both at the southern and the northern boundaries, and reaches its widest expansion in south east Alaska extending from 54° to 58°N, more or less in the central part of the occupied area. Duration of peak spawning time for a single population seemingly does not vary with latitude, but the number of spawning populations increases from the northern and the southern limits toward the centre of distribution. Recent intensive studies of straying of pink salmon from enhanced stocks in Prince William Sound into wild stocks and vice versa have given estimates of high straying rates (J. Seeb personal communication). But movement of tagged fish into other streams than the one of origin does not automatically indicate successful spawning. The existence of more than 2000 pink salmon streams in south east Alaska, each with a characteristic time of spawning in spite of straying, indicate that there exists barriers, which prevent or reduce successful interpopulation spawning.  相似文献   

将发育积温242℃.d的山女鳟发眼卵置山溪中进行流水孵化。在日均水温4.8℃环境下,发育积温达382℃.d时开始有少数鱼苗孵出。此后在日均2.3~1.5℃,最低0.2℃环境下历时36d,发育积温达456℃.d时全部孵化出膜,孵化率90.2%。最早出膜的孵化稚鱼在日均水温1.5~3.7℃,最低0.2℃环境下历时93d,发育积温达668℃.d时开始上浮。受精后172d发育积温达762℃.d时全部上浮,上浮率77.3%。驯饲一个月的稚鱼育成率63.2%。雏鱼孵化及形态机能发育正常,表明山女鳟在日均水温4.8~1.5℃,最低0.2℃的低温环境中可以正常地进行早期发育。  相似文献   

Information on prey availability, diets, and trophic levels of fish predators and their prey provides a link between physical and biological changes in the ecosystem and subsequent productivity (growth and survival) of fish populations. In this study two long‐term data sets on summer diets of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in international waters of the central North Pacific Ocean (CNP; 1991–2009) and Gulf of Alaska (GOA; 1993–2002) were evaluated to identify potential drivers of steelhead productivity in the North Pacific. Stable isotopes of steelhead muscle tissue were assessed to corroborate the results of stomach content analysis. We found the composition of steelhead diets varied by ocean age group, region, and year. In both the GOA and CNP, gonatid squid (Berryteuthis anonychus) were the most influential component of steelhead diets, leading to higher prey energy densities and stomach fullness. Stomach contents during an exceptionally warm year in the GOA and CNP (1997) were characterized by high diversity of prey with low energy density, few squid, and a large amount of potentially toxic debris (e.g., plastic). Indicators of good diets (high proportions of squid and high prey energy density) were negatively correlated with abundance of wild populations of eastern Kamchatka pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) in the CNP. In conclusion, interannual variations in climate, abundance of squid, and density‐dependent interactions with highly‐abundant stocks of pink salmon were identified as potential key drivers of steelhead productivity in these ecosystems. Additional research in genetic stock identification is needed to link these potential drivers of productivity to individual populations.  相似文献   

To understand the interplay between habitat use and contemporary anadromous Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., distributions we explored the habitat associations of three species, pink (O. gorbuscha), chum (O. keta) and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) in streams of the Wood River system of Bristol Bay, Alaska, where sockeye salmon (O. nerka) are numerically dominant. We developed models to investigate the occurrence of nondominant salmon in relation to habitat characteristics and sockeye salmon density, using four decades of salmon presence and abundance data. The frequency of occurrence and abundance of nondominant species increased with watershed drainage area and stream depth and decreased with sockeye salmon density. The range of occurrence varied from nonexistent to perennial for the other species in sockeye‐dominated streams. Increasing watershed area resulted in larger stream habitat area and deeper habitats, allowing for the sympatric occurrence and persistence of all salmon species. The relationships between habitat and the presence of these Pacific salmon help define their requirements but also remind us that the patterns of presence and absence, within the overall ranges of salmon species, have yet to be fully understood.  相似文献   

Renibacterium salmoninarum is a significant pathogen of salmonids and the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (BKD). Water temperature affects the replication rate of pathogens and the function of the fish immune system to influence the progression of disease. In addition, rapid shifts in temperature may serve as stressors that reduce host resistance. This study evaluated the effect of shifts in water temperature on established R. salmoninarum infections. We challenged Chinook salmon with R. salmoninarum at 12 °C for 2 weeks and then divided the fish into three temperature groups (8, 12 and 15 °C). Fish in the 8 °C group had significantly higher R. salmoninarum‐specific mortality, kidney R. salmoninarum loads and bacterial shedding rates relative to the fish held at 12 or 15 °C. There was a trend towards suppressed bacterial load and shedding in the 15 °C group, but the results were not significant. Bacterial load was a significant predictor of shedding for the 8 and 12 °C groups but not for the 15 °C group. Overall, our results showed little effect of temperature stress on the progress of infection, but do support the conclusion that cooler water temperatures contribute to infection progression and increased transmission potential in Chinook salmon infected with R. salmoninarum.  相似文献   

大麻哈鱼胚胎耳石的茜素红标记及其效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以人工繁育大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchus keta)发眼后胚胎为研究对象, 设置4个茜素红染料质量浓度梯度(10 mg/L, 20 mg/L, 40 mg/L, 80 mg/L)4个浸染时间梯度(8 h, 16 h, 24 h, 32 h), 分析茜素红染料在耳石上的沉积情况, 以及不同暂养天数的动态变化, 以期为大麻哈鱼标志放流技术及效果评估提供基础参考。结果表明, 茜素红在矢耳石和微耳石上都能形成良好标记, 在可见光和黄绿激光下均检测到标记带。随着暂养时间的延长, 可见光下标记逐渐减弱, 80 d基本消失, 而在黄绿激光下标记区能长久保持, 荧光强度无减弱迹象。对不同时间点的标记级数随浓度变化关系进行曲线拟合, 结合安全评估, 得出适宜胚胎期大麻哈鱼耳石群体标记的条件为: 浸染质量浓度(w/v)25.9~40 mg/L, 浸染时间为15.6~24 h, 并且在二次函数y=0.055x2–3.861x+86.9(x表示时间值, y表示浓度值)之下的曲边三角形区域选择浓度和时间点。标记后不同采样时间点的新生轮纹数与暂养天数线性相关性显著, 矢耳石和微耳石相关方程的斜率分别为0.9650.924, 表明大麻哈鱼胚胎-仔稚鱼后期矢耳石与微耳石上的沉积轮为日轮。  相似文献   

Electronically tagged juvenile Pacific bluefin, Thunnus orientalis, were released off Baja California in the summer of 2002. Time‐series data were analyzed for 18 fish that provided a record of 380 ± 120 days (mean ± SD) of ambient water and peritoneal cavity temperatures at 120 s intervals. Geolocations of tagged fish were estimated based on light‐based longitude and sea surface temperature‐based latitude algorithms. The horizontal and vertical movement patterns of Pacific bluefin were examined in relation to oceanographic conditions and the occurrence of feeding events inferred from thermal fluctuations in the peritoneal cavity. In summer, fish were located primarily in the Southern California Bight and over the continental shelf of Baja California, where juvenile Pacific bluefin use the top of the water column, undertaking occasional, brief forays to depths below the thermocline. In autumn, bluefin migrated north to the waters off the Central California coast when thermal fronts form as the result of weakened equatorward wind stress. An examination of ambient and peritoneal temperatures revealed that bluefin tuna fed during this period along the frontal boundaries. In mid‐winter, the bluefin returned to the Southern California Bight possibly because of strong downwelling and depletion of prey species off the Central California waters. The elevation of the mean peritoneal cavity temperature above the mean ambient water temperature increased as ambient water temperature decreased. The ability of juvenile bluefin tuna to maintain a thermal excess of 10°C occurred at ambient temperatures of 11–14°C when the fish were off the Central California coast. This suggests that the bluefin maintain peritoneal temperature by increasing heat conservation and possibly by increasing internal heat production when in cooler waters. For all of the Pacific bluefin tuna, there was a significant correlation between their mean nighttime depth and the visible disk area of the moon.  相似文献   

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