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Pim Lindhout Wanda Korta Jeanne Dijkstra 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1988,94(6):307-310
Samenvatting Een methode werd ontwikkeld om de resistentie van in de kas geteelde tomateplanten tegen tomatemozaïek virus (ToMV) te bepalen. Bladeren van een vatbare en een resistente cultivar werden afgesneden en geïnoculeerd met ToMV. Na 6, 10 en 17 dagen werden de geïnoculeerde bladeren getoetst op de aanwezigheid van virus met ELISA en door inoculatie van bladeren vanNicotiana glutinosa. Met beide toetsmethoden kon de virustoename in de vatbare cultivar al vroeg na inoculatie duidelijk worden aangetoond. In de bladeren van de resistente cultivar was een zeer kleine hoeveelheid virus pas laat na de inoculatie aantoonbaar. Met deze methode is het mogelijk om de resistentie tegen ToMV te bepalen, tevens zaad te winnen en landbouwkundige eigenschappen te evalueren, zonder de plant te infecteren. 相似文献
The inheritance of tolerance to the herbicide metribuzin was studied in two durum wheat cultivars, one of which, 'Anton', is resistant and one, 'Nita', susceptible. Parents, F1 , F2 and F3 of the crosses 'Anton' × 'Nita' and 'Nita' × 'Anton' were tested for herbicide response. The character evaluated was the increase in weight of plants treated with the herbicide. As there were no significant differences between progenies of reciprocal crosses, cytoplasm was not involved in tolerance. Tolerance was semi-dominant with means values of F1 , F2 and F3 progenies in the range of mid-parent. The heritability of this trait estimated by regression of the average of progeny F3 in their parent F2 had a value of 0.23 ± 0.063 and a value of 0.52 ± 0.150 estimated by the relation V G / V P for full-sib F2 families. 相似文献
Activated carbon protected direct-seeded tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv. UC 82B) against pre-emergence applications of metribuzin and metolachlor, but not of oxyfluorfen or oxadiazon. Accurate placement of activated carbon on the soil surface directly above the seed was necessary for protection of tomato seedlings. Displacement of the carbon by overhead watering reduced its protective properties. A major disadvantage of the technique is that weed seeds under the activated carbon are also protected. Also, of the chemicals examined here, those against which it did provide protection did not control Solanum nigrum L. Utilisation potentielle du charbon actif comme phytoprotecteur des tomates conduites en semis direct contre les herbicides de prelevee Le carbone actif a protege des tomates en semis direct (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv UC 82 B) contre des applications de prelevee de metribuzine et de metolachlor mais pas d'oxy-fluorfen ou oxadiazon. Une locahsation précise du charbon actif sur la surface du sol directe-ment au dessus de la graine est necessaire pour la protection des plantules de tomate. Le déplacement du charbon par arrosage réduit ses propriétés de protection. Un inconvénient important de la technique est que les graines d'adventices sous le charbon actif sont égale-ment protégées. En outre, les produits chimiques examinés ici qui assurent une protection, ne sont pas actifs contre Solanum nigrum L. Aktivkohle als Schutzmittel gegen Vorauflauf-Herbizide in gesdten Tomaten Mit Aktivkohle konnten gesate Tomaten (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., ‘UC 82B’) gegen die Vorauflauf-Anwendungen von Metribuzin und Metolachlor geschutzt werden, jedoch nicht gegen Oxyfluorfen oder Oxadiazon. Fur den Schutz der Tomaten-Keimpflanzen mußte die Aktivkohle ganz genau uber den Samen auf die Bodenoberflache ausgebracht werden. Ver-schwammen der Kohle durch Beregnung reduzierte ihre Schutzwirkung. Ein großer Nachteil dieser Methode liegt darin, daß keimende Unkrauter unter der Aktivkohle ebenso geschutzt werden. Auch konnte mit den hier untersuchten Herbiziden Solanum nigrum L. nicht bekampft werden. 相似文献
Willis S. Hardcastle 《Pest management science》1975,6(6):589-594
Experiments were established in the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Limestone Valley and Mountain areas of Georgia in 1972. Following pre-emergence field applications of metribuzin at 0.56, 0.84, 1.12 and 1.68 kg a.i./ha, cv. Semmes was generally more susceptible to injury than were cv. Pickett, Bossier or York. The injury, first manifested as a typical chlorotic response of soya beans to triazine herbicides, caused reduced soya bean stands, heights, harvest yields and seed weights. 相似文献
Quaglia Mara Bocchini Marika Orfei Benedetta D’Amato Roberto Famiani Franco Moretti Chiaraluce Buonaurio Roberto 《植物病害和植物保护杂志》2021,128(4):989-998
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The purpose of this study was to determine whether zinc phosphate treatments of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) can attenuate bacterial speck... 相似文献
由粉虱传双生病毒引起的番茄曲叶病[1]在我国最初仅分布在海南、云南、广东和广西,自2006年上海市和浙江省先后在番茄上发现番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)以来,该病害蔓延迅速,在多个省份的番茄上暴发成灾[2]。引起番茄曲叶病害的病原较复杂,在我国其主要病原为TYLCV、中国番木瓜曲叶病毒(Papaya leaf curl China virus, PaLCuCNV)、中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus, TYLCCNV)、泰国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus, TYLCTHV)和台湾番茄曲叶病毒(Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus, ToLCTWV)[2~5],而浙江省的主要病原为TYLCV和ToLCTWV。选育抗病品种是防治番茄黄化曲叶病最有效的手段。了解番茄品种对不同双生病毒的抗性,对因地制宜布局抗病品种具有重要意义。浙杂502、浙粉701、浙粉702是浙江省大规模种植的番茄品种,为了解这些品种对上述5种病毒的抗性,本研究利用5种病毒的侵染性克隆,在人工接种条件下,综合评定分析这3个番茄品种的抗病指标。 相似文献
番茄青枯病内生拮抗细菌的筛选 总被引:46,自引:2,他引:46
从广西一些市县采集番茄茎标本分离得到55个细菌菌株,分属为芽孢杆菌(Bacillus spp.)、黄单胞菌(Xanthomonas spp.)、假单胞菌(Pseudomonas spp.)和欧文氏菌(Erwinia spp.),其中芽孢杆菌为优势种群。经回接测试,有36个菌株为番茄植株内生菌。这些内生菌只有7个菌株对番茄青枯病菌有拮抗作用,芽孢杆菌B47菌株对番茄青枯病菌拮抗作用较强,经室内和田间初步防治测定,它对番茄青枯病有较好的防治效果。 相似文献
Ashish Kaushal A. T. Sadashiva M. Krishna Reddy E. Srinivasa Rao T. H. Singh S. Sriram M. V. Dhananjay R. Venugopalan Kundapura V. Ravishankar 《Plant pathology》2020,69(9):1777-1786
Tomato leaf curl Bangalore virus (ToLCBaV), a monopartite begomovirus transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, has become a major constraint in tomato production in the Indian subcontinent. Earlier breeding efforts in India led to the adoption of tomato cultivars carrying the resistance gene Ty-2. However, it has been observed recently that such cultivars/hybrids are susceptible to begomoviruses. This requires the identification of additional or new sources of resistance against ToLCBaV. The present study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of several Ty genes in providing resistance against infection by ToLCBaV. The kinetics of virus multiplication in different Ty resistance gene stocks of tomato were estimated and compared using quantitative PCR data. Accumulation of viral genomic units and symptom severity were lower in tomato lines carrying Ty-3 and Ty-2 + Ty-3 compared with those carrying Ty-2 alone. All tested lines carrying Ty-2 showed typical tomato leaf curl disease symptoms. Tomato lines carrying Ty-2 + ty-5 and ty-5 + Ty-6 combinations had a significantly higher disease severity index and viral genomic units compared to those carrying Ty-3 and Ty-2 + Ty-3 at 30 days postinoculation. The accumulation level of ToLCBaV genomic units serves as a good indicator for resistance selection along with other parameters of disease. We present here a comprehensive overview of the effectiveness of Ty-2, Ty-3, and ty-5 alone as well as the combinations Ty-2 + Ty-3 and Ty-2 + ty-5 against ToLCBaV. 相似文献
表达dsRNA的细菌提取液可抑制黄瓜花叶病毒对烟草的侵染 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
利用RT-PCR分别克隆了CMV P3613株系的RNA2片段、MP(movement protein)基因片段及CMV AN株系的CP(coat protein)基因片段。以CP基因为中间间隔序列,分别构建了含有RNA2片段和MP基因反向重复片段的原核表达载体。体外转录试验表明:两个载体转录后都能形成预期大小的dsRNA。经过IPTG诱导,在大肠杆菌HT115(DE3)菌株中可表达产生预期大小的核酸片段,经DNase和RNaseA消化处理,证实为dsRNA。将表达病毒基因dsRNA的细菌超声破碎后处理烟草,进行保护和治疗试验,结果表明:表达CMV MP基因和RNA2片段dsRNA的细菌破碎液能够诱导烟草对CMV产生抗性。接种病毒60d后,保护效果试验病株率分别为45%和60%,治疗效果试验病株率分别为75%和85%,而其他对照发病率均为100%。本研究结果证明了利用RNA沉默的原理,构建具有反向重复序列的原核表达载体,用细菌表达dsRNA的粗提取物可防治CMV对烟草的侵染。 相似文献
The residual activity of 4-ammo-6-tert-butyl-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazine-5-4(H)one (metribuzin) on indicator plants in Sassafras sandy loam soil was studied. Inhibition of coleoptile. radicle and primary root development were found at 1 ppm in oat (Avena sativa L., var. Beede) and at 5 ppm in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L., var. Pepino). At concentrations below 5 ppm, metribuzin stimulated the elongation of primary root and radicle in cucumber. After 46 days’ incubation. less than 1 ppm of the intact compound remained in soil without affecting the elongation of oat roots while its half life was approximately 6 days at 28deg;C incubation. L'activité résiduelle de la métribuzine dans le sol L'activité résiduelle de la 4-amino-6-t-butyl-3-(méthylthio)-1,2,4-tHazine-S-(4H)-one (métribuzine) a étéétudiée sur des plantes tests dans un sol sablo-limoneux de Sassafras. L'inhibition de la coléoptile, de la radicule et du développement de la racine primaire a été constatéà la dose de 1 ppm pour l'avoine (Avena sativa L. var. Beede) et à 5 ppm pour le concombre (Cucumis sativus L. var. Peplno). A des concentrations inférieures à 5 ppm, la métribuzine a stimulé l'élongation de la racine primaire et de la radicule du concomposé. Après 46 jours d'incubation, moins d'un ppm du composé intact restait dans le sol sans affecter l'élongation des racines d'avoine, alors que sa demi-vie a été approximativement de 6 jours à une température d'incubation de 28°C. Die Residualwirkung von Metribuzin im Boden Es wurde die Rcsidualwirkung von 4-Amino-6-tert,-butyl-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5-(4H)-one (Metribuzin) an Indikalorpflanzen in Sassafras-sandigem-Lehm untersucht. Bei 1 ppm war bei Hafer (Avena sativa L., Sorte Beede) die Entwicklung der Koleoptile, der Keim- und der Primär-wurzel gehemmt und bei 5 ppm desglcichen bei Gurke (Cucumis sativus L., Sorte Pepino). Bei Konzentrationen unter 5 ppm, förderte Metribuzin bei der Gurke die Streckung der Primär- und der Keimwurzel. Nach 46 Tagen Inkubation-szeit war weniger als 1 ppm der unveränderten Verbindung im Boden, was aber das Längenwachstum der Haferwurzeln nicht beeinträchtigte. Die Halbwertzeit betrug bei 28°C ungefahr 6 Tage. 相似文献
A reproducible and accurate procedure, based on HPLC analysis, has been developed to determine simultaneously acibenzolar‐S‐methyl (CGA 245 704) and its acid derivative (CGA 210 007) in tomato leaves. The limit of detection and quantification of the method are 0.015 and 0.15 mg litre?1 for CGA 245 704 and 0.030 and 0.30 mg litre?1 for CGA 210 007. In tomato plants treated with 250 µM CGA 245 704, it was found that the inducer rapidly translocates from treated leaves (cotyledons, 1st and 2nd) to untreated leaves (3rd to 5th), with the maximum translocation (40% of the total quantity found) occurring 8 h after the treatment. CGA 245 704 residues decreased as time elapsed in both treated and untreated tomato leaves, reaching negligible values 72 h after treatment. The acid derivative, CGA 210 007, was formed in tomato plants as early as 2 h after CGA 245 704 treatment, albeit only in the treated leaves. CGA 210 007 residues decreased in treated tomato leaves with a trend similar to that observed for CGA 245 704. Treatment of tomato plants with CGA 245 704 or CGA 210 007 at 250 µM systemically protected the plants against Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato attacks, the causal agent of bacterial speak disease. Evidence of this were reductions in the degree of infection, the bacterial lesion diameter and the bacterial growth in planta. Since neither CGA 245 704 nor CGA 210 007 inhibited bacterial growth in vitro and the protection against bacterial speak of tomato was observed when the two compounds were completely degraded, the protection must be due to the activation of the plant's defence mechanisms. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
4种生物源杀线剂对番茄根结线虫的田间防效 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为减少化学农药的施用量, 筛选出高效生物杀线剂, 选用0.3%苦参碱水剂?1.8%阿维菌素乳油?2亿孢子/g淡紫拟青霉粉剂和2.5亿孢子/g厚孢轮枝菌微粒剂4种生物杀线剂进行田间药效试验?结果表明, 0.3%苦参碱AS?1.8%阿维菌素EC?淡紫拟青霉DP和厚孢轮枝菌MG对番茄根结线虫病的防效分别为64.0%?44.0%?44.0%和32.0%, 增产率分别为92.6%, 53.1%, 15.9%和-0.1%?苦参碱对番茄根结线虫病的防效明显高于对照10%噻唑膦GR和其他生物杀线剂, 可以更好地抑制番茄根部根结的形成, 控制土壤中2龄幼虫的数量, 促进植株生长, 适合在生产上推广应用, 促进设施蔬菜的可持续安全高产和稳产? 相似文献
Marian Saeman Bleeke Martyn T. Smith John E. Casida 《Pesticide biochemistry and physiology》1985,23(1):123-130
Metribuzin was hepatotoxic in mice when administered intraperitoneally (ip) at sublethal doses of 150 to 250 mg/kg. Four dose-dependent abnormalities were evident. Histopathological examination revealed a fulminant centrilobular hepatic necrosis. The serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activity was elevated. The liver glutathione (GSH) content was almost completely depleted. There was extensive covalent binding of radiocarbon from [carbonyl-14C]metribuzin to liver proteins and also high blood levels of metribuzin fragments. Each of these four effects of metribuzin on the liver or blood was alleviated or blocked in mice pretreated with piperonyl butoxide (PB), which inhibits the cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase. PB also reduced the lethality of metribuzin by three-fold. In contrast, pretreatment with diethyl maleate to suppress the liver GSH content increased the lethality of metribuzin by twofold. The hepatotoxicity and acute lethality of metribuzin were probably due to reactive intermediates which are normally detoxified by GSH conjugation. The principal urinary metabolites of metribuzin in mice and rats are mercapturic acids, which arise via metribuzin sulfoxide or deaminometribuzin sulfoxide reacting with GSH. Sulfoxidation therefore appears to activate metribuzin to an electrophilic metabolite which, in the absence of GSH, binds to tissue proteins producing hepatotoxicity. 相似文献
2株分泌型铁载体真菌对番茄青枯病的防效 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为筛选对番茄青枯病防治效果好的天然产物,本文以分泌型铁载体产生菌云南木霉Trichoderma yunnanense 2-14F2和拟球孢白僵菌Beauveria pseudobassiana 2-8F2为材料,考察其铁载体活性物质对番茄青枯病的防效。采用CAS检测法及全波段紫外光吸收法判定铁载体化学结构类型及其活性。采用Sephadex-LH20凝胶划段法分离活性物质。采用平板扩散及96孔板倍半稀释法检测铁载体活性物质对青枯雷尔氏菌Ralstonia solanacearum的离体抑菌活性;采用盆栽法检测活性物质对番茄青枯病的防效。结果显示,菌株2-14F2和2-8F2产铁载体活性单位(SU)分别为62.02%和52.06%,铁载体化学结构类型均为异羟肟酸盐型(hydroxamates)。当铁载体活性物质浓度为0.15 mg/mL时,两菌株对青枯雷尔氏菌抑菌率分别为73.26%(2-14F2)和37.23%(2-8F2);对番茄青枯病的防治效果分别达到51.36%(2-14F2)与50.27%(2-8F2)。此外,当两菌株铁载体活性物质中含1 mol/L FeCl3 相似文献
番茄灰霉病拮抗细菌的筛选与鉴定 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
将采自天津、辽宁、新疆地区温室栽培和露地栽培的番茄21份根际土壤样品,经室内分离、纯化及初筛,获得了12株对番茄灰霉病病菌具有较强拮抗作用的细菌。采用平板对峙培养法结合盆栽试验,测定了拮抗细菌的抑菌活性和田间抑菌效果。结果表明,拮抗细菌LNWFD-05对番茄上常见的7种真菌病原具有一定的抑制作用,抑菌圈直径在16.23~37.48 mm之间,对番茄灰霉病的盆栽防效可达68.65%。LNWFD-05经10代传代培养后,对番茄灰霉病菌的平均抑菌圈直径为24mm左右,各代之间的生防活力均无显著差异,其抑菌效果稳定。通过PCR鉴定和部分生理生化特征测定,确定该生防细菌为解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens)。 相似文献
聚多曲霉Snef210对南方根结线虫毒性的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
蔬菜根结线虫病在我国乃至世界危害日益严重,安全防控该病害成为目前急需解决的农业生产问题。本研究筛选到一株可毒杀南方根结线虫Meloidogyne incognita的生防真菌Snef210,经形态学和分子生物学鉴定为聚多曲霉Aspergillus sydowii(Bain.et Sart.) Thom et Church。该菌株发酵液对南方根结线虫2龄幼虫(J_2)具有很强的毒杀作用,原液处理24 h后校正死亡率达90.1%,处理3 d后对卵孵化的抑制率达92.8%。盆栽试验中,与对照相比,菌株发酵液10倍稀释液土壤处理对番茄根部的根结减退率为66.7%。聚多曲霉代谢产物丰富,多用于抗菌和抗肿瘤的研究,本文首次发现其对南方根结线虫有效,是一类潜在的控制植物线虫病害的新型生防因子。 相似文献
The disappearance of linuron and metribuzin was studied during laboratory incubation of soil samples which had been taken from several depths at three sites, and treated with the pesticides. Temperature and water content of the soils were varied. There was a tendency for the rate of loss to be slower in soil taken from deeper horizons than in surface soil but the differences were not large. In only ten out of forty experiments did the value 1 for the apparent order of reaction fall within 95% confidence limits. In the remaining experiments the apparent reaction order was greater than 1 with eight values higher than 4. For one soil, the reaction order for linuron was markedly lower for incubation at 22°C compared with incubations at 10°C. The results could be explained on the basis that the systems were complex, involving consecutive or competing reactions. An alternative possibility is that the apparent complexities were artifacts brought about by the inherent limitations of the laboratory incubation system. 相似文献