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There is interest in producing alfalfa as an alley crop because alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the most profitable hay crop in the USA. Field experiments were conducted near Stockton, MO in 2003 and 2004. Treatments consisted of alfalfa grown in open plots and in plots that were alley cropped between 20-year-old black walnut trees (Juglans nigra L.) planted in rows 24.4- and 12.2-m apart. Alfalfa was sampled for three harvest cycles each year. In the alley-cropping plots, samples were taken beneath the canopy (2.5 m from the tree row) and in the center of the alleys. Data were taken on dry-matter yield, maturity, and forage quality. At all harvest dates over both years, yields from beneath the canopy of both alleys and the narrow alley centers were less than yields from the wide alley centers and open plots. Yield from the wide alley centers was similar to that in open plots in every harvest but the final harvest of 2004. Transects across the plots indicated that yields increased linearly from the tree row to the center of both alleys. Alfalfa tended to mature faster in the open and wide alley centers compared to beneath the canopy of both alleys and the narrow alley centers. Forage quality differences were inconsistent across treatments. Alfalfa yield was significantly reduced and maturity was delayed by the narrow 12.2 m tree spacing, but yield was not reduced in the centers of the wider 24.4 m alleyways.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the complex interactions among trees, crops and their associated fauna is necessary to determine the viability of a particular agroforestry practice. Information is lacking concerning these interactions, particularly in temperate agroforestry practices. We examined the effects of two forages on the growth, nut production, and arthropod communities of alley cropped eastern black walnut, Juglans nigra L. Experimental plots of eastern black walnut, intercropped with alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., smooth bromegrass, Bromis inermis Leyss., or no vegetation were sampled with sweep nets prior to each cutting date for the forages. Comparisons were made between treatments and sampling dates. Tree growth measurements, nut yield and other nut quality measurements were taken at the end of each growing season. There were no differences in tree growth among alleyway treatments. The first season's nut yield was greater from trees with vegetation-free alleyways; otherwise nut production did not differ among the treatments. Arthropods were more numerous and diverse in alley cropped alfalfa than in alley cropped bromegrass or in the vegetation-free controls. Alley cropped bromegrass supported a more diverse population of arthropods than did the vegetation-free control. Arthropod diversity in the tree canopies did not differ among treatments. Alley cropped forages supported a more diverse and even arthropod fauna than did adjacent monocropped forages. We conclude that alley cropped forages had a relatively minor impact on the growth and nut yield of walnut trees.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) is a temperate tree grown for nuts and wood, but it is allelopathic to certain plants and animals. We compiled reports of valuable black walnut companion crops which may be grown in the short term (<15 years after planting walnut trees), medium term (15–30 years), and long term (>30 years). There are many black walnut companion cropping systems for the short and medium term, but there are few for the long term. Companion crops for black walnut serve multiple functions, including nitrogen fixation, added yields, the development of straight walnut stems, and added protection from forest pests such as deer. Black walnut polyculture is a viable alternative worthy of further development and implementation.  相似文献   

We describe the development of a robust and powerful suite of 12 microsatellite marker loci for use in genetic investigations of black walnut and related species. These 12 loci were chosen from a set of 17 candidate loci used to genotype 222 trees sampled from a 38-year-old black walnut progeny test. The 222 genotypes represent a sampling from the broad geographic distribution of the species. Analysis of the samples using the 12 loci revealed an average expected heterozygosity of 0.83, a combined probability of identity of 3×10−19, and a combined probability of exclusion for paternity analysis of >0.999. The 222 genotyped trees from the progeny test comprised 39 open-pollinated families, 29 of which (having at least five sampled progeny) were used to estimate the outcrossing rate for the progeny trial. The same 29 families were used to construct a Neighbor-Joining dendrogram based upon allele sharing between individuals. The multilocus estimate of the outcrossing rate was 100% (standard error of zero), higher than the 90% level found in previous studies at the embryo stage, suggesting that both artificial and natural selection against selfs may have occurred over the 38-year lifespan of the progeny trial. In the Neighbor-Joining dendrogram, the majority of the putative siblings grouped together in 21 out of the 29 families, showing that the microsatellites were able to discern most of the family structure in the dataset. Our results indicate that errors were sometimes committed during the establishment of the progeny test. This set of microsatellite loci clearly provides a powerful tool for future applications in black walnut.  相似文献   

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is a prime tree species for agroforestry practices in the United States providing highly prized wood and nuts for human consumption and wildlife. In 54 black walnut stands in south central United States, the site index (i.e., mean dominant height [DH], at age 25 years) ranged between 5.2 and 21.4 m, and was independent of stand density. There were no differences in height and stem diameter (DBH) growth rates between stands with improved varieties and native stock. Most stands were in a “free growth” stage because of either early age or wide spacing. Mean annual increments in DBH and height were positively related both for improved varieties and native stock. Understory competition had a substantial detrimental effect on DH. In a 26 year-old stand, trees growing within Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis) had a site index 5 m greater than trees growing within tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Predicted nut yields in 2002 varied between 0 and 1370 kg of hulled nuts per ha. Improved varieties had, in general, higher nut yields than predicted from a nut yield-DBH equation developed for individual trees. Nut yields were highly variable both within and among stands, and were related to DBH in native stock but not in improved varieties.  相似文献   

Black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) produces both valuable lumber and a nut crop. Because of this, it is an important tree for agroforestry plantings in the Midwest USA. However, during processing of the nut crop, the outer tissue of the nut (husks) accumulates in great quantities. Applying this material to pastures is a possible method of disposal. However, black walnut has been implicated in allelopathic interactions with numerous plant species and may inhibit the growth of pasture species. Greenhouse and field studies and a chemical analysis of the husks were conducted to determine the effects of applying walnut husks to orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) or red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) pastures. Applying husks at rates up to 68 Mg ha−1 to pot-grown orchardgrass resulted in root and shoot yields that were greater than in pots receiving no husks. Field studies indicated that orchardgrass and red clover benefited from the application of husks. For orchardgrass, significant increases in growth occurred when husks were applied at a rate of 34 Mg ha−1 while red clover responded to rates up to 68 Mg ha−1. A chemical analysis of husks indicated that significant quantities of N and K were present in walnut husks. A whole effluent toxicity test (WETT) indicates that runoff from walnut husk-treated pastures, at the rates used in this study, would not adversely affect aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Ponder  Felix 《New Forests》1988,2(3):195-201
Eight years after planting in a hardwood clearcut, black walnut trees in plots with weed control had significantly better survival and were taller and larger in diameter than those in plots without weed control. Planting autumn-olive with walnut also significantly increased height and diameter of the walnuts but did not affect their survival.  相似文献   

Data on curculio-caused nut mortality have been collected since 1985 to assess the impact of this nut predator on black walnut trees grown in a plantation environment. These data have been analyzed to investigate spatial and temporal patterns of curculio damage. Curculio damage was independent of nut cluster height or cardinal direction within the crowns of young, nut-bearing black walnut trees, and was greater in parts of a walnut planting that bordered a stand of native hardwoods than in a part remote from the stand. Nut losses caused by the curculio were consistently higher in an upland versus a bottomland planting, although the differences were not significant during most years of the study. Nut mortality caused by the curculio differed among years of the study and was negatively correlated with annual nut abundance.Contribution from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No 12, 156.  相似文献   

Tree height, diameter, and grade were measured on 14 cattle grazing trial plots located on the Palustris Experimental Forest in Louisiana's Kisatchie National Forest. These plots had been established in the early 1960s. Mensurational data was gathered on 28 trees from grazed sites and another 28 from ungrazed plots. Increment cores were also taken from these trees. Statistical analyses showed no effect attributable to grazing on any of the variables measured: tree height, tree diameter at breast height, tree grade, growth rate, amount of latewood, unextracted specific gravity, or tracheid length. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Many landowners in the United States have little knowledge of the potential economic returns from agroforestry practices. Economic simulators for temperate agroforestry practices have been generated; yet, there are few data sets on yields of timber and other products to validate and refine such models. The objectives of this study were to characterize variations in nut yields among open canopy eastern black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) trees and apply this information to the development of predictive equations between tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and nut yields. Three data sets were analyzed that included results from Tennessee; Chetopa, Kansas; and Mt Vernon, Missouri. Tree-to-tree variation in nut yields was high within each data set, with coefficients of variation for nut yields typically exceeding 50%. Averaging nut yields over several consecutive years reduced coefficients of variation. Nearly half of the high nut producing trees exhibited an alternate, biennial nut bearing pattern. Trees with low average nut yields had either sporadic or irregular patterns of nut bearing. The regression coefficients for equations relating stem diameter and nut yields varied considerably. Averaging nut yields over consecutive years, and averaging stem diameter and nut yields over a number of trees increased regression coefficients of such equations. These results indicate that predicting nut yields of a tree stand over a several year-period will be easier than predicting yields for a specific tree in a specific year. Deceased 2002  相似文献   

山杨木材性状及个体内变异的研究*   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
在山杨主要分布区6省内,各抽样1个天然林分,每个林分随机抽样20株,其中5株伐倒木作标准材性试验;另15株钻取木芯条测试。试验结果:(1)胸径处木芯条的木材密度与纤维长度等与伐倒木测定结果具有一致性;(2)株内髓心向外水平方向年轮组之间,木材密度及纤维长度的差异都极显著(α=0.01),两性状随年龄增大而增长,符合“S曲线”与“Sanio规律”,木材密度与纤维长度的相对增长率的最高值分别在11~2  相似文献   

Pine plantations on selected sites in the extensive zone of degraded oak coppice of northern Greece are deemed necessary for increasing wood production in the area and suitable site preparation may accelerate early tree growth. Seven site preparation treatments including raking (R), with sub-soiling (RS), disc harrowing (RD), tine ploughing (RT) and their combinations (RSD), (RDT) and (RSDT) were compared for the establishment of black pine (Pinus nigra Arn) in an oak coppice site, of conglomerate parent material at Anthrakia, northern Greece. The randomised blocks trial of three replications and 110 trees per treatment, half of which were fertilised with 150 g NPK per plant, was assessed at the age of 15 years for diameter, dominant tree height and survival. There was no significant difference between the treatments in any of the traits examined, nor did the fertilisation had any effect. Only the fertiliser × treatment interaction was found significant at p<0.001 for dominant height, accounting for 37% of the observed variation in this trait. The lack of response to site preparation treatments may be attributed to the hard Bt3 clay horizon, extending beyond cultivation depth (50 cm), that prevents the roots penetration into deeper moist soil layers. The F × T interaction, where the combination of (RSDT) treatment and fertiliser was found to accelerate tree height growth in relation to the same treatment without fertiliser, indicates that thorough soil cultivation is needed for fertilisation to be effective in such sites.  相似文献   

10个引种核桃品种嫁接成活率及苗期生长性状研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以1年生铁核桃Juglans siggillata苗和1年生新疆核桃Juglans regia实生苗作砧木,试验研究10个国外引种核桃品种和2个本地核桃(对照)品种嫁接成活率的差异性和对1年生嫁接苗苗高和地径的定株、定期观测数据进行综合分析,采用Logistic生长曲线方程对其生长过程进行拟合和样本聚类,分析苗高和地径生长动态规律。结果表明:(1)采用1年年生铁核桃苗和1年生新疆核桃实生苗作砧木10个引种品种和对照品种间的嫁接成活率存在显著差异,1年年生铁核桃苗的嫁接成活率高于1年生新疆核桃实生苗作砧木的嫁接成活率;(2)10个引种品种中,Hansen和Axel2个品种适合于采用1年生新疆核桃实生苗作砧木,Broadview、Buccaneer、Coenen、Fernelle和Rita适合于采用1年生铁核桃作砧木;(3)本地核桃品种(对照品种)采用1年生新疆铁核桃实生苗作砧木的嫁接成活率极低,不宜采用;(4)苗高和地径系统聚类结果很明显的划为不同的2类;(5)苗高和地径生长规律基本一致,符合"S"型曲线,呈现"慢-快-慢"节律,且有二次生长;(6)苗高和地径生长可划为分生长前期、速生期、生长后期3个时期,从嫁接至停止生长期大约为205 d,速生期大约为112 d,生长前期大约为33 d,生长后期大约为70 d;(7)Juglans regia和Juglans siggillata两个核桃种间苗高和地径相对于种内变异较大,种内变异不大。  相似文献   

Increasing nut production through cultural practices is important to landowners for maximizing economic gain from agroforestry plantings. This project studied the effects of applying low rates of nitrogen (N) fertilizer during either the spring or late summer, on pistillate flowers formed, fruits retained, and fruit quality (percentage kernel) in black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) grown under alley cropping management. Treatments consisted of two forms of nitrogen fertilizers (NH4NO3 and NaNO3) applied in mid-April, or mid-August of 1995 and 1996, and a nonfertilized control group. Pistillate flowers counted in May, 1996, showed that fertilized trees, regardless of timing or form of N applied, produced from 2.3 to 3.4 times the number of pistillate flowers as unfertilized control trees. Through the season, the fertilized trees had greater fruit retention, and ended with 2.9 to 4.8 times more walnuts (on a whole tree basis) than nonfertilized control trees. In addition, all fertilizer treatments resulted in increased nut yields from 1995 to 1996, while unfertilized control tree yields decreased approximately 70%. Summer application of fertilizer showed the greatest benefit to kernel weight. Average kernel weights of nuts from the summer-fertilized trees increased from 1995 to 1996, while kernel weight averages from spring-fertilized and nonfertilized trees remained unchanged or decreased. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wood specific gravity of some tree species in the Garhwal Himalayas,India   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Estimation of terrestrial biomass depends critically on reliable information about wood specific gravity of forest trees. In recent years, wood specific gravity has become more important when exploring the universality of functional traits of plants and estimating their global carbon stocks. To estimate their specific gravity, wood samples were collected from a total of 34 tree species, 30 from lower elevations and 4 from upper elevations in the Garhwal Himalayas, India. The results show that the average wood specific gravity was 0.631 (ranging between 0.275 ± 0.01 and 0.845 ± 0.03) for the species at lower elevations and 0.727 (ranging between 0.628 ± 0.02 and 0.865 ± 0.02) for the upper elevations. The average wood specific gravity for the upper elevation species was 9.6% greater than that for the species at lower elevations. Aegle marmelos among the lower elevation species and Quercus leucotrichophora among the upper elevation species had the highest wood specific gravity, which were 0.845 ± 0.03 and 0.865 ± 0.02, respectively.  相似文献   

Growth, specific gravity, and wood fiber length of Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis, artificial acacia hybrid clones, and combinations, which were planted in a trial forest in Bavi, Vietnam, in July 2001, were examined. The radial variations from pith to bark were investigated to clarify the effect of genetic factors on these traits. Superiority of hybrids over their parents ranged from 36.3% to 41.6% for diameter, from 20.0% to 25.3% for height, from 6.9% to 20.7% for specific gravity, and from 6.1% to 12.8% for wood fiber length. The hybrid possessed heterosis in diameter, height, specific gravity, and wood fiber length regardless of whether the female parent was A. mangium or A. auriculiformis. The profiles of wood fiber length and specific gravity in the radial direction were similar for all the trees investigated. Wood fiber length was initially 0.5–0.6 mm near the pith and then increased slowly, finally reaching 1.0–1.2 mm near the bark. The specific gravity of acacia increased from 0.49–0.58 near the pith to 0.63–0.74 near the bark. From a relative distance of 30% from the pith, the specific gravity increased slightly and seemed to be stable. The relations among tree diameter, specific gravity, and wood fiber length were fair and could be represented by positive linear regression formulas. Hybrids for which A. auriculiformis was the female parent and A. mangium was the male parent had a faster growth rate and longer wood fibers than the inverse hybrids. Part of this report was presented at the 6th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference, Kyoto, Japan, December 2005  相似文献   

Measurements were carried out to survey the quantity of above- and below-ground biomass and its distribution of five Japanese black pines (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) growing on a sandy soil. The roots, divided into diameter groups, were surveyed using two methods—soil coring and excavation. Average dry weight of total biomass of the trees was 176,185 g. Roots represented 13.2%, below-ground stump 6.5%, stem 70.4% and branches with needles 9.9% of total biomass. Roots made up about two thirds and stump one third of below-ground biomass. Total length of below-ground biomass (except roots with diameter < 0.1 cm) was 479.1 m/tree. Roots with diameter of 0.1–0.2 cm represented only 0.7% of below-ground biomass, however as much as 49.9% of their total length. Roots with diameter over 10.0 cm constituted as much as 21.6% of below-ground biomass, however were only 0.3% of its total length. Root systems had well developed tap roots to maximal depth of 231 cm. The results indicated that mass and length of roots with diameter 0.5–2.0 cm had a close correlation with branch mass. Mass and length of roots with diameter 2.0–10.0 cm closely correlated to stem mass. Stem mass, root mass and root length closely correlated to DBH. A rather low correlation was found between DBH and mass of branches and below-ground stump. DBH was a suitable variable for predicting total biomass.  相似文献   

Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) is a pan-Mediterranean species of high ecological importance and one of the most important timber species in the area. We compare several site dependent height–age models for the species in three regions along its natural distribution area in Spain. The best model was a generalized algebraic difference approach (GADA) polymorphic model with variable asymptotes (Cieszewski, C.J., Bailey, R.L., 2000. Generalized algebraic difference approach: theory based derivation of dynamic site equations with polymorphism and variable asymptotes. For. Sci. 46, 116–126). There was no significant increase in error when a reduced model common to the three regions was tested instead of a full model with region-specific parameters. To study possible biases of the proposed model along the trees’ lifespan we carried out a LOWESS analysis of residuals in time. We detected deviations in the model residuals, and a patent growth reduction in the 1960s and 1970s, which might be related to climate and/or changing stand characteristics. Departures from estimated mean past growth should be monitored in the future to adapt models to a changing environment.  相似文献   

Beetles (Scolytinae) form intimate associations with a taxonomically and functionally diverse suite of nematodes that are phytopathogens, fungal feeders, and entomoparasites. Despite their ubiquity, the ecological significance of nematodes in the lifecycles of economically important bark and ambrosia beetle species (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) and associated plant diseases remains largely unexplored. Thousand cankers disease (TCD) is caused by the walnut twig beetle (WTB, Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman) and the fungus Geosmithia morbida (Kolařík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat; Ascoymycota: Hypocreales) and causes foliar senescence, progressive crown dieback, and mortality in black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) throughout western North America. In this study, nematodes recovered from P. juglandis and J. nigra in Idaho (ID) and Washington (WA) were identified morphologically and by constructing multilocus phylogenies to infer taxonomic relationships to taxa for which molecular data were available. We conducted assays to determine the extent to which nematodes feed and reproduce on G. morbida and other fungi commonly found in galleries of P. juglandis. Inoculation experiments were conducted to determine the effect of nematodes on the area of subdermal necrotic lesions (cankers) caused by G. morbida in branches of mature J. nigra and stems of seedlings. The phoretic nematode Bursaphlenhus juglandis (Ryss, Parker, Alvarez-Ortega, Nadeler & Subbotin) was frequently found under elytra of WTB in all locations, and a free-living nematode (Panagrolaimus sp.) was also widespread and found in the bark of mature trees. Both B. juglandis and Panagrolaimus sp. reduced the size of cankers caused by G. morbida in seedlings and branches of mature trees, respectively. However, these species may play opposite roles as disease synergists and antagonists based on the observation that exudates and/or microbiota associated with Panagrolaimus sp., but not B. juglandis destroyed G. morbida colonies in culture. Furthermore, B. juglandis contributed to foliar symptoms in seedlings inoculated with G. morbida. An entomoparasitic nematode (Aphelenchoididae), most closely resembling an Ektaphelenchus sp., was also found in the haemocoel of WTB. Infection rates were positively related to beetle population sizes as inferred from emergence rates. Ditylenchus sp. was also found in incubated walnut wood in WA and Rhabtidolaimus sp. was phoretic on P. juglandis and found in incubated walnut wood in WA and ID. The community of nematodes in J. nigra in WA and ID differed substantially from what has been observed associated with J. nigra in its native range.  相似文献   

Growing concern for economic and environmental issues emphasizes the potential value of intercropping systems in temperate regions. However, the selection of relevant tree species to be associated with crops has been little documented. The growth and the nitrogen nutrition of two economically valuable species, wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) and hybrid walnut (Juglans nigra L.×Juglans regia L.), were compared over six years after plantation. These two species were associated with non-irrigated cereal crops in the agroforestry treatment or grown separately (weeded control and fallow). Intercropping increased diameter growth as soon as year 2 in the two species. Leaf biomass assessment using allometric models showed an earlier and greater leaf biomass increase in hybrid walnut than in wild cherry tree. After six years, the relative growth increase of the agroforestry trees with respect to the control trees varied with the parameter considered (diameter at breast height from +26 to +65%, leaf biomass from +54 to +142%) and with the tree species (higher relative growth for hybrid walnut trees). The beneficial effect on tree growth can be accounted for in terms of enhanced nitrogen nutrition. The tree–crop association in intercropping systems, which improves tree growth, might thus allow the planting of more demanding trees on soils of lower fertility.  相似文献   

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