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OBJECTIVE: To compare cardiac output (CO) measured by use of the partial carbon dioxide rebreathing method (NICO) or lithium dilution method (LiDCO) in anesthetized foals. SAMPLE POPULATION: Data reported in 2 other studies for 18 neonatal foals that weighed 32 to 61 kg. PROCEDURES: Foals were anesthetized and instrumented to measure direct blood pressure, heart rate, arterial blood gases, end-tidal isoflurane and carbon dioxide concentrations, and CO. Various COs were achieved by administration of dobutamine, norepinephrine, vasopressin, phenylephrine, and isoflurane to allow comparisons between LiDCO and NICO methods. Measurements were obtained in duplicate or triplicate. We allowed 2 minutes between measurements for LiDCO and 3 minutes for NICO after achieving a stable hemodynamic plane for at least 10 to 15 minutes at each CO. RESULTS: 217 comparisons were made. Correlation (r = 0.77) was good between the 2 methods for all determinations. Mean +/- SD measurements of cardiac index for all comparisons with the LiDCO and NICO methods were 138 +/- 62 mL/kg/min (range, 40 to 381 mL/kg/min) and 154 +/- 55 mL/kg/min (range, 54 to 358 mL/kg/min), respectively. Mean difference (bias) between LiDCO and NICO measurements was -17.3 mL/kg/min with a precision (1.96 x SD) of 114 mL/kg/min (range, -131.3 to 96.7). Mean of the differences of LiDCO and NICO measurements was 4.37 + (0.87 x NICO value). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The NICO method is a viable, noninvasive method for determination of CO in neonatal foals with normal respiratory function. It compares well with the more invasive LiDCO method.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the partial CO2 rebreathing method (non‐invasive cardiac output [NICO]) and the lithium dilution method (lithium dilution cardiac output [LiDCO]) for cardiac output (CO) measurement in anesthetized dogs. Design: Prospective study. Setting: College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida. Animals: Six adult dogs (weight range 22–25.4 kg). Interventions: All animals were instrumented for CO determinations using the LiDCO and NICO methods. Direct blood pressure, heart rate, arterial blood gases, end‐tidal isoflurane (ETI), and CO2 concentrations were monitored throughout the study. CO was manipulated with dobutamine and isoflurane to allow for intermediate, low, and high CO determinations in that order using LiDCO and NICO. Measurements and main results: A 1.5% ETI produced the intermediate rate of CO, a constant‐rate infusion of dobutamine (1–4 μg/kg/min) and 1.1% ETI, the highest rate, and 2.5–3% ETI, the lowest rate. Measurements were obtained in duplicate or triplicate for the LiDCO and continuously for the NICO method after achieving a stable hemodynamic plane for at least 15 minutes at each level of CO, allowing 5 minutes between measurements. Forty‐seven comparisons were determined. The correlation coefficient (r) between the 2 methods was 0.888 for all determinations. The mean LiDCO and NICO from 47 measurements were 155.9±78.7 mL/kg/min (range, 49.6–303.2) and 146.6±62.9 mL/kg/min (50–290.3), respectively. The bias between LiDCO and NICO estimations was 9.3 (?60.7 to +79.4) mL/kg/min (mean and 95% confidence interval). The mean (mL/kg/min) of the differences of LiDCO–NICO was 1.11 × NICO. The relative error was 2.4±24.7%. As CO increased, the relative difference between the methods also increased. Conclusions: The NICO is a viable non‐invasive method for CO determination in the dog and compares well with the LiDCO.  相似文献   

Newer techniques for cardiac output (Q) determinations that are minimally invasive remain to be validated in neonatal foals against other accepted techniques such as the lithium technique (LiDCO). This study compares Q determinations using the partial CO2 rebreathing technique (NICO) with LiDCO in anesthetized neonatal foals. Ten foals were instrumented for NICO and LiDCO determinations. For each foal low, intermediate and high levels of cardiac output were achieved in that order using an end‐tidal isoflurane (ETI) concentration of 1.3 – 2.1% for the lowest rate; an ETI of 0.85–1.4% and a constant‐rate infusion of dobutamine (1–3 ?g/kg/min) for the intermediate rate; and an ETI of 0.83–1% and dobutamine (2–6 ?g/kg/min) for the highest rate. Four foals also received IV intermittent doses (total cumulative dose of 1.1–1.7 mg) of phenylephrine at the highest rate of Q. The measurements were obtained in duplicate or triplicate for each Q technique after achieving a stable hemodynamic plane for at least 15 minutes at each rate of Q. For the lithium technique, all foals received 1.1–1.9 mL (0.16–0.28 mmol) of lithium. A Bland‐Altman analysis was used to compare the bias and precision of the two techniques. Eighty seven comparisons were determined between the two techniques. Eight were excluded due to more than 20% variation between the LiDCO determinations or technical errors at the time of determination. The correlation coefficient between the two methods was 0.67 for all Q determinations. Mean LiDCO and NICO values from 79 measurements were 130 ± 40 mL–1 kg minute–1 (range, 68– 237) and 152 ± 31 mL–1 kg minute–1 (89 – 209), respectively. The mean ( mL–1 kg minute–1) of the differences of LiDCO – NICO was = –0.7248 + 0.8602 NICO. The precision (1.96 SD) of the differences between LiDCO and NICO was 58.9 mL–1 kg minute–1 (–80.9–+36.9) with a mean difference of –22 mL–1 kg minute–1 (bias; 95% CI – 15.2 to ‐28.7). In conclusion, given the small bias compared to the limits of agreement, the NICO technique for determining Q deserves further consideration for adoption into clinical practice in neonatal foals.  相似文献   

Treatment of common cutaneous neoplasms in the horse, including equine sarcoid, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma, can be problematic. Over the years, many techniques have been developed to minimize recurrence associated with the removal of these neoplasms. Lasers may be used to remove cutaneous tumors, offering the advantage of thermal coagulation of the surgical margins. The thermal effect may help to eliminate abnormal cells left behind by conventional surgical techniques. Combining laser surgery with adjunctive therapy, including intralesional, topical, or systemic chemotherapy or immunotherapy, provides additional protection.  相似文献   

A new technique using the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser for the treatment of aural hematomas is described. The laser is used to make an incision into the hematoma to allow for evacuation of the blood, and then multiple, small incisions are made over the surface of the hematoma to stimulate adhesions between the tissue layers. The CO2 laser was used in this fashion to treat 10 aural hematomas in eight dogs. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 23 months. Owners evaluated the cosmetic results following CO2 laser surgery as excellent in three ears, good in five ears, and fair in two ears. Hematomas were resolved in all 10 cases, although two cases developed serosanguineous fluid accumulation that required percutaneous drainage in one case and a second laser procedure in the other case.  相似文献   

蜂胶含有的生理活性物质,主要是类黄酮和酚类化合物,利用乙醇等有机溶剂进行萃取时,存在溶剂不能够完全除去等关键性问题。利用超临界CO2萃取分离法,与目前有机溶剂萃取法不同的是,超临界CO2萃取完全没有萃取溶剂的残留,近来在食品和医疗领域成为被人们关注的萃取技术。超临界CO2对于脂肪性成分是很好的溶剂,由于萃取温度、压力等的控制会让超临界CO2的密度等基础物性发生显著变化,所以,萃取时选择温度、压力变化范围是该萃取法的关键点。在这个树脂类物质、含有多种成分的蜂胶中,选择萃取生理活性成分的萃取方法,利用超临界CO2萃取法是较为适宜的。  相似文献   

The effects of sevoflurane or isoflurane on arterial blood gas, arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation and end-tidal CO2 tension were monitored during induction and maintenance of anaesthesia in 10 premedicated New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits.For induction, the anaesthetic agents were delivered via a face-mask. After induction was completed, an endotracheal tube was introduced for maintenance of anaesthesia for a period of 90 minutes. Changes in heart rate, respiratory rate, arterial blood gas, arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation, blood pH and end-tidal CO2 tension were recorded. Although sevoflurane and isoflurane produce similar cardiopulmonary effects in premedicated rabbits, sevoflurane provides a smoother and faster induction because of its lower blood/gas partition coefficient. Thus sevoflurane is probably a more suitable agent than isoflurane for mask induction and maintenance. Its lower blood solubility also makes sevoflurane more satisfactory than isoflurane for maintenance of anaesthesia because it allows the anaesthetist to change the depth of anaesthesia more rapidly.  相似文献   

Measurements (n = 126) of end-tidal halothane concentrations were taken from 21 horses anesthetized for routine and emergency surgery. One hundred five paired values allowed comparison of gas samples taken near the oral end of the endotracheal tube (Y1) to samples obtained at the cuffed end of the endotracheal tube (Y2). Twenty-one paired readings were assessed to compare samples taken 25 cm beyond the cuffed end of the tube (Y3) to samples from Y1. Measurements were made at all locations at 15-minute intervals starting 30 minutes after beginning halothane. All measurements were made in triplicate at end-expiration, and both sites were sampled within 1 minute of each other. Halothane concentration was measured by rapid infrared analysis with a gas sampling rate of 150 ml/min and displayed as a digital reading. Calibration of the machine was checked regularly. The difference between readings (Y1-Y2 or Y1-Y3 = Sdif) was tested using general linear models and a significance level of p less than 0.05 was used. The variable Sdif was analyzed with respect to time, mode of ventilation, and type of recumbency; no effects of these variables were detected. The mean values (+/- SD) of 105 readings for Y1 and Y2 were 2.41 vol% (+/- 0.49) and 2.39 vol% (+/- 0.49) respectively, and the Pearson's correlation coefficient (Y1 vs Y2) was 0.96. The mean values (+/- SD) of 21 measurements for Y1 and Y3 were 2.31 vol% (+/- 0.27) and 2.32 vol% (+/- 0.28) respectively and the Pearson's correlation coefficient (Y1 vs Y3) was 0.98.  相似文献   

Wild raptors brought into an ex situ environment often have poor semen quality that is further compromised by urine contamination. Generally, it is believed that in birds, artificial insemination into the cloaca or caudal vagina of females requires large doses of high-quality spermatozoa to maximize fertility. In an effort to define and overcome some of the challenges associated with reproduction in wild raptors, the objectives of this study were to 1) evaluate the frequency, impact, and remediation of urine contamination in fresh ejaculates for the purpose of maintaining sperm motility and viability in vitro, and 2) develop a deep insemination method that allows low numbers of washed sperm to be placed directly into the magnum to increase the probability of producing fertilized eggs. The species evaluated include golden eagle (Aquila chrysoetos), imperial eagle (A. adalberti), Bonelli's eagle (Hiernaetus fasciatus), and peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus). Semen samples were collected and pooled by species, and a minimum of 25 pooled ejaculates per species were evaluated for urine contamination, pH, sperm viability, and sperm motility; the samples were either unwashed or washed in neutral (pH 7.0) or alkaline (pH 8.0) modified Lake's diluent. Female golden eagles and peregrine falcons were inseminated via transjunctional, intramagnal insemination with washed spermatozoa from urine-contaminated samples. Urine contamination occurred in 36.8 +/- 12.8% (mean +/- SEM) golden eagle, 43.1 +/- 9.1% imperial eagle. 28.7 +/- 16.1% Bonelli's eagle, and 48.2 +/- 17.3% peregrine falcon ejaculates. The pH in urine-contaminated semen samples ranged from 6.48 +/- 0.3 to 6.86 +/- 0.2, and in noncontaminated samples it ranged from from 7.17 +/- 0.1 to 7.56 +/- 0.1. Sperm viability and motility were reduced (P < 0.05) in all species for unwashed vs. washed sperm after 30 min incubation at room temperature. Two peregrine falcon chicks and one golden eagle chick hatched after intramagnal insemination. This study demonstrates that urine contamination, a common and lethal acidifier in manually collected raptor ejaculates, can be circumvented by immediate, gentle seminal washing. Furthermore, these processed sperm, when deposited by transjunctional intramagnal insemination, can produce live young.  相似文献   

Freshly harvested equine skin incised with an electrosurgical unit, a radiosurgical device, or a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser was examined by light microscopy to determine the extent of thermal injury caused by each instrument. There was no significant difference between the thermal injury caused by the electrosurgical unit in the pure-cut mode and the CO2 laser in the superpulse mode, or between the electrosurgical unit and the radiosurgical device in the fully filtered cut mode. However, thermal injury caused by the CO2 laser was significantly less than that caused by the radiosurgical device. The amount of thermal injury in this in vitro study was similar to that found in vivo with other species.  相似文献   

Chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) is a recognized human illness with zoonotic implications that is rarely described in animals. Eight birds of prey examined between 1992 and 1995 and sharing common symptoms (asthenia, inability to fly, poor appetite and emaciation) underwent laboratory tests revealing immunodeficiency, anaemia, high creatine kinase levels and low serum magnesium levels. Diagnosis of CFIDS was based upon these features. The effectiveness of an arsenic-based medication, thiacetarsamide sodium, administered intravenously for 2-3 days at low dosages (0.1 ml/kg/day) has been demonstrated by checks carried out 10, 20 and 30 days after therapy. The symptoms and the immune and haematological dysfunctions disappeared within 2-4 weeks of treatment. In all patients, micrococcus-like organisms found adhering to the outer surface of many red blood cells, had disappeared at post-treatment controls. Two of five blood cultures were positive for Staphylococcus spp. (S. intermedius and S. xilosus). Consideration is given to the pharmacological activity of an arsenic-based drug in animal illnesses resembling CFIDS.  相似文献   

The skin of the perianal region is very thin and sensitive. The carbon dioxide laser is a very effective tool for removing tumors and treating conditions of this area. It offers a "no touch" method of treatment for conditions of the perianal region. There is less bleeding, less pain, less swelling with the use of the carbon dioxide laser. The carbon dioxide laser is an effective tool for excising perianal tumors, rectal tumors, performing anal sacculectomies and treating perianal fistulas.  相似文献   

Three hundred and twenty broilers were stunned for 2 minutes in batches of 10 per crate in four treatments: 45 per cent carbon dioxide; 55 per cent carbon dioxide; 2 per cent oxygen, or 5 per cent oxygen presented as air diluted by argon. The number of survivors and the time to resumption of consciousness were recorded using the time to eye opening and response to comb pinching as indicators of consciousness. In 45 per cent and 55 per cent carbon dioxide and 2 per cent oxygen, 28, none and eight birds, respectively, survived out of 100 in each group. In 5 per cent oxygen the birds were still fully conscious after a 2 minute exposure period, and the test was discontinued. The time to recovery could be rapid after stunning in both the gases. It is suggested that a concentration of 55 per cent carbon dioxide or less than 1 per cent oxygen are required to kill broilers within a 2 minute exposure period, and that care should be taken to ensure that there is sufficient turbulence within the stunning chamber to avoid air pockets being trapped between the birds.  相似文献   

A previous investigation indicated that when hens were exposed to 2% oxygen in argon (anoxia) EEG suppression and loss of SEPs occurred at 17 and 29 s after exposure. In this study, hens were exposed to 49% carbon dioxide in air (hypercapnic hypoxia) or 31% carbon dioxide with 2% oxygen in argon (hypercapnic anoxia) and their spontaneous electroencephalogram (EEG) and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were investigated. The results indicated that EEG suppression and loss of SEPs occurred in 11 and 26 s, respectively, in hypercapnic hypoxia. These events occurred at 11 and 19 s, respectively, after exposure to hypercapnic anoxia. These results indicated that, with regard to preslaughter stunning/killing of chickens, a mixture of 31% carbon dioxide with 2% oxygen in argon resulted in a more rapid loss of evoked responses in the brain when compared with 49% carbon dioxide in air or with 2% oxygen in argon. It is concluded that stunning chickens with low concentrations of carbon dioxide in argon would result in a more rapid loss of consciousness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Carbon dioxide (CO2) embolism is a possible complication of capnoperitoneum during laparoscopic surgery. Experimentally induced venous CO2 embolism has been studied in pigs. In this paper we report a case of spontaneous CO2 embolism. OBSERVATIONS: A 4-month-old Large White pig weighing 20 kg underwent experimental laparoscopic surgery under general anaesthesia. Monitoring consisted of pulse oximetry, capnography, airway pressure, electrocardiography, invasive arterial and central venous blood pressures, and arterial blood-gas analysis. Shortly after the start of laparoscopy and onset of CO2 insufflation, sudden decreases in end-tidal CO2 (Pe'CO2), haemoglobin saturation of oxygen (SpO2), systolic arterial blood pressure and heart rate were observed. Airway pressure increased and pulmonary compliance decreased simultaneously. Insufflation was immediately discontinued and epinephrine (2 mg IV), atropine (0.5 mg IV) and a 50 mL bolus of a polygeline solution were administered without effect. At this time arterial blood-gas analysis revealed a pH of 7.29 and a PaCO2 of 6.8 kPa (51.2 mmHg); PaO2 was 26.6 kPa (199.5 mmHg). After 4 minutes asystole occurred. CONCLUSIONS: The sudden decrease of Pe'CO2 and lung compliance combined with the sudden decrease in systolic blood pressure, heart rate and a poor response to resuscitation suggest a case of fatal gaseous venous embolism.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to validate the CO2 entry rate technique (CERT) for prediction of heat production (HP) of sheep. Finnsheep cross wethers were used. Carbon dioxide production was estimated by continuous infusion of NaH14CO3 intraperitoneally and collection of saliva. Times required for 14C to equilibrate with the body CO2-bicarbonate pool and excretion of 14C in feces and urine were determined in four wethers (45.5 +/- 1.7 kg) infused for 3 d. Retention of radioactivity was measured for wethers (29.0 +/- 1.9 kg) slaughtered 3 h and 3, 10 and 15 d postinfusion. Using an indirect respiration calorimeter, CO2 production estimates were compared to values derived by CERT for six wethers (45.0 +/- .4 kg) fed at low, medium and high levels of intake. Further data on feed intake level and CO2 production were obtained from 24 wethers in two weight groups (29.5 +/- 1.1 and 42.3 +/- 1.4 kg) fed at three levels of intake. From 12 to 20 h were required for equilibration of NaH14CO3 and the body CO2-bicarbonate pool. Radioactivity of the saliva samples declined rapidly after cessation of infusion. Fecal and urine excretion of 14C was minimal. No detectable 14C was found in tissue of animals slaughtered after CERT. Estimates of daily CO2 production did not differ between the calorimetry and CERT measurements (20.6 vs 20.3 liters/kg body weight .75). Although feed intake levels were different, HP and respiratory quotients (RQ) did not differ between the methods. In the second calorimetry experiment, feed intake level was correlated with estimated HP. Respiratory quotient values did not differ among intake levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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