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据OIE最新信息,截止2001年2月5日,世界牛瘟(Rinderpest)、口蹄疫(FMD)、疯牛病(BSE)的疫情公布如下:1无牛瘟(Rinderpest)感染国家 阿尔巴尼亚,阿尔及利亚,安道尔,安哥拉,阿根廷,澳大利亚,奥地利,比利时,玻利维亚,波黑,博茨瓦纳,巴西,保加利亚,加拿大,智利,哥伦比亚,哥斯达黎加,克罗地亚,古巴,塞浦路斯,捷克,丹麦,厄瓜多尔,萨尔瓦多,爱沙尼亚,芬兰,前南斯拉夫,马其顿,法国,德国,希腊,危地马拉,圭亚那,海地,洪都拉斯,匈牙利,冰岛,印度尼西亚,爱尔兰,…  相似文献   

张才骏 《动物医学进展》1997,18(3):23-26,46
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对青海省5个品种共1050只绵羊的血清铁传递蛋白进行了电泳研究。结果发现青海绵羊的血清运铁蛋白共有11个电泳变异体(I,A,G,B,L,C,D,M,E,Q,),构成37种电泳表型(IA,AE,AA,AG,AB,AL,AC,AD,AM,AE,AB,GG,GB,GL,GC,GD,GM,GQ,BB,BC,CD,CM,LC,LD,LE,CC,CD,CM,CE,CQ,CP,DD,DM,DEDQ,KP,MQ)。在5个品种绵羊中,藏羊血清铁传递蛋白的电泳变异体和电泳表型最多,分别为11个和28种,茨盖羊的最少,分别为6个和16种,青海细毛羊,新疆细毛羊和青海半细胞毛羊介于两者之间。  相似文献   

我国猪矿物元素营养研究进展(综述)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
动物组织含约45种矿物元素,依其在动物体内含量多寡,分为常量及微量矿物元素,其中含量多于0.01%的矿物元素称常量元素,包括钙,磷,镁,硫,钠,钾,氯,含量少于0.01%者称微量元素,与动物营养有关的主要有铁,铜,锰,锌,硒,碘,钴,钼 ,氟,锡,镍,硅,砷,铬,钒(吴成坤,1991年,韩友文,1996)。本文仅对我国猪矿物元素营养研究进展予以综述,主要涵盖矿物元素需要量,来源及生物学效价等内容。  相似文献   

研究表明,一些中药对病毒有抑制作用。如丹皮,黄芩,黄连,金银花,连翘,大青叶,板蓝根,大黄,桂枝,茵陈,石韦,桑寄生,巷术,赤芍,侧柏叶,茜草,黄芪,甘草,何首乌,淫羊藿,贯众,水飞蓟等。其中大多数对流感病毒有抑制作用,有的还对肝炎病毒,肠道病毒,疱疹病毒,腺病毒,鼻病毒等有抑制作用。这些中药中兽医扶正祛邪,标本兼治的原则组成方剂后,  相似文献   

宿草不转,就是草料积聚胃腑,无力运化,不能开降的阳明胃实证,为羊常见的病症之一。患畜过饱,发病较多,肚腹胀大,左肷突出,触压坚实,嗳气酸臭,四肢开张,立多卧少,回头顾腹,不安,时作排粪姿势,粪便软或稀薄,发酸臭,有时尿粪齐下,呼吸急促,口色赤红,重证暗红,生津少而粘稠,舌苔黄,脉象沉实。呈现胃热症状者,病初食欲、反刍减少,逐渐不食,空口咀嚼,粪便干燥,口干喜饮,脉象沉数。病因分析:该病多因饲养不当,咀嚼不全,致使草料充塞胃脘,停滞消化,而成饱伤胃腹之症,原因有三:一是过食,停滞不化;二是燥热生津…  相似文献   

一条黑色成年牧羊警犬患病求诊。症见:外感高烧,间或狂躁,昼轻夜重,不思饮食,颈项强直,能俯不能仰,左右失灵,两腿不能行走,呈弯曲状,爪似鸡爪抽风。呕利并作,右肋作痛。主诉:已在一家兽医院治疗3天无效,看其处方,以清热解毒、抗炎解痉镇痛为主。辨证柔痉病(重伤心阳,邪结少阳枢纽重症)。   治疗:针刺期门穴(位于第六肋间隙,与同侧乳头连线的相交点),平刺0.5~1cm,慎勿刺入胸腔。中药以泻肝胆郁热之结,疏通枢纽之锁为主,药用桂枝汤:桂枝15g,甘草30g,煅牡蛎15g,煅龙骨30g,蜀漆10g,生姜30g,大枣12枚,柴胡12g,黄芩6g,黄连10g,干姜15g,先重煎蜀漆,后纳诸药,一日三服。   二日症状基本消失,后又开两剂。处方:党参20g,茯苓10g,焦白术15g,白扁豆10g,陈皮6g,焦山药20g,石莲子12g,砂仁10g,炒苡米20g,桔梗10g,甘草10g。四日内痊愈。   病例分析:痉病皆由太阳过汗,损伤津液,导致阳气大虚,阳不化阴,阴不敛阳,心阳浮越,热扰神明,心无所注,故扰躁不安,阴液不足筋脉失润,则发“痉病”,颈背强直,能俯不能仰,湿困脾阳,故腹满呕利并作,寒湿停着,经脉不利,牵引而痛,左右转动不灵,乃津伤亡阳重证。痉病属太阳部位,右胁下痛,为肝胆经输郁结,乃痰热互结,首先刺“期门”,泻肝胆郁结之邪热,输通募穴之枢纽,热散痰解,经络疏通。   方剂分析:仲景曰:“太阳中风,阳浮而阴弱,阳浮者热自发,阴弱者汗自出,啬啬恶寒,淅淅恶风,翕翕发热,鼻鸣干呕者,桂枝汤主之。”桂枝汤为太阳表而虚而设,桂枝汤变法,而治痉病奇效。桂枝辛温归心肺膀胱经,龙牡蛎滋阴潜阳,镇惊安魂,蜀漆消痰散结以治惊谵,甘草调和诸药,去芍药之阴柔酸敛,免留病邪,柴胡黄芩疏解少阳之邪,黄连与干姜,寒热并用,平调阴阳疏通气机。桂枝为君药,甘草主臣药,助桂枝救阳撞心,以推动血流运行,又缓筋脉之挛急疼痛,佐龙牡敛正镇潜,使柴胡黄芩入少阳和解痰热之结;蜀漆别名黄常山,苦、辛、温,有毒,主治、用法、成分、药理均同常山,本药内助柴芩,散结以开痰;黄连与干姜,平调全身之气机;生姜大枣健脾益气,补充化源,扶正祛邪,调和营卫,辛开苦降,调和阴阳。  相似文献   

1998年10月,我县一牧户饲养的500只绵羊在煤矿附近采食时,有20多只绵羊突然发病,当日至翌日死亡60多只。经现场调查,剖检,实验室检查,确诊为绵羊硝酸铵中毒。 1 临床症状 采食硝酸铵多量后呈急性发病,绵羊在数小时内拒食,兴奋不安,无目的乱跑,四肢乱蹬乱刨,站立不稳,颈、胸部肌肉震颤,惊悸不安,发出痛苦的哀叫,口吐白沫,鼻流灰红色带泡沫的液体,呼吸困难,心跳加快,口腔粘膜脱落、糜烂,咽喉肿胀,头颈向后挺直,倒地痉挛而突然死亡。采食较少的呈慢性经过,病畜食欲减少或废绝,口边缘有红色泡沫状的液体,腹痛不安,出现兴奋症状,站立不稳,多尿呈橙红色,数小时后卧地,反刍停止,不时抽搐,精神极度沉郁,肌肉颤抖,呼吸困难、促迫,心跳加快,120次/分钟,节律不齐,有的体温升高,瞳孔散大,濒死期体温开始下降,肛门外突,四肢痉挛,发出痛苦的呻吟声而窒息死亡,病程一般1~2天。 2 剖检变化 鼻唇有血水样,腹部肿胀臌气,四肢内外侧及腹部皮下有出血斑点,血凝不良,胸腔内充满紫黑色的血液,心房、心室充血呈紫黑色,心内外膜充血有出血点。肺边缘增厚,间质增宽,气管内有大量胶冻样物并混有少量血液。肝肿大呈紫黑色,胆囊充盈,胆汁呈酱油色,脾肿大淤血质脆弱,肾水肿,浆膜下及肾盂瘀血,膀胱浆膜有出血斑点,肠系膜淋巴结肿大出血呈紫黑色。胃内容物充满,胃粘膜脱落,有成片出血点,胃内容物呈褐色并有氨味,肠充血呈紫黑色,似血肠一样,粘膜脱落,肠内容物混有少量气泡的紫色粘稠液体。  相似文献   

1、雏鸡雏鸭中毒,多发生在2-6周龄。表现为食欲不振,生长不良,衰弱,贫血,冠苍白,排出白色稀粪,腿麻痹,常缩脖闭眼呆立,幼鸭脱毛,时时发出哀叫声,常躺卧地上,头呈角弓反张,后痉挛而死。成禽的耐受力强,呈慢性经过,症状不明显,仅表现食欲减少,消瘦,贫血。中毒久者发生肝癌,产蛋禽则产蛋率下降,孵化率降低。剖检肝脏有特殊性损坏。急性中毒,肝肿大,色淡而苍白,有出血斑,肾肿大、出血,十二指肠有出血性炎症;慢性中毒,肝脏呈淡黄褐色,并有多处出血和不规则白色坏死。肝脂肪含量增加,病程长者,可见肝癌结节。  相似文献   

美貌二号 日本协和公司生产,一代杂交种,可春播、夏播,植株呈半开张性,外叶紧抱,适宜密植,长势旺盛,肥力要求高,结球大,高扁圆球,球面浓绿,直至球底部,着色均匀,内叶淡绿,吃口脆软,味甜品质佳,特抗软腐病和黑腐病,裂球迟,田间保持期长,极易栽培,春播2月中旬大棚育苗,3月底移栽,6月中旬收获,  相似文献   

1猪肉一级肉:有光泽,红色均匀,脂肪洁白,外表微干或微湿,不粘手,指压凹陷立即恢复,气味正常,肉汤清,脂肪团集于表面,具有香味。二级肉:色泽稍暗,脂肪缺乏光泽,外表干燥或粘乎,新切面湿润,指压凹陷恢复慢和不完全,稍有氨味或酸味,煮肉汤稍混浊,脂肪呈小滴浮于表面,无鲜味。2牛、羊、兔肉一级肉:有光泽,红色均匀,脂肪洁白或淡黄,外表微干或有干膜,不粘手,指压后凹陷立即恢复,气味正常,煮肉汤清,脂肪团聚表面,具特有香味。二级肉:色泽稍暗,切面尚有光泽,脂肪缺乏光泽,外表干燥或粘手,新切面湿润,指压凹陷恢…  相似文献   

Complications in late gestation are challenging problems for the equine clinician and are causes of considerable distress to owners. Health problems in a pregnant mare in each stage of gestation can adversely affect the pregnancy. It is important to obtain a thorough history and perform a detailed and systematic examination of the pregnant mare so that the mare may be classified as normal or high-risk. However, even after a thorough examination, practitioners may face problems with the interpretation and assessment of risk. Normal mares should foal in the stable or pasture. Mares classified as having a high-risk pregnancy need to be monitored precisely for signs of oncoming foaling with attendance of trained personnel when labour begins. A valuable method for monitoring of the high-risk mare is assessing fetoplacental well-being. Fetoplacental well-being is most accurately assessed with ultrasonography as well as several available hormone profiles. We are proposing our scoring system of the mare's health, which may be useful in the assessment of risk during pregnancy and help clinicians to decide whether sending the mare to the clinic is reasonable or unnecessary.  相似文献   

The understanding and application of genetics have grown extremely quickly since it has become possible to sequence the whole genome of an organism. The human genome sequence was completed in 2001 and that of the horse in 2007. The significance of this is that it makes it more feasible to explain how both genetically simple and complex traits are transmitted from one generation to the next and, therefore, to make informed breeding decisions, modify how horses are managed and trained to minimise the risk of disease and injury, and improve methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many conditions. The science of genetics/genomics will continue to grow internationally, limited only by the funds available. The application of the science to man, horses and other species raises very complex moral and commercial issues. Thoroughbred breeders are perceived by some as resistant to change, but their apparent intransigence is often based on a genuine concern for the integrity of the breed. By taking control of the application of the advances in genetics, the Thoroughbred industry potentially has the opportunity to improve both the health and performance of Thoroughbreds. If, however, the science is applied in an uncoordinated manner, driven by commercial interests with no underlying concern for the horses themselves, there is a very real risk that breeders, the Thoroughbred breed and individual horses will all suffer as a consequence.  相似文献   

As there is no statistical evidence that saddle fit influences the load exerted on a horse's back, this study was performed to assess the hypothesis that the width of the tree significantly alters the pressure distribution on the back beneath the saddle. Nineteen sound horses were ridden at walk and trot on a treadmill with three saddles differing only in tree width. Kinetic data were recorded by a sensor mat. A minimum of 14 motion cycles were used in each trial. The saddles were classified into four groups depending on fit. For each horse, the saddle with the lowest overall force (LOF) was determined. Saddles were classified as "too-narrow" if they were one size (2 cm) narrower than the LOF saddle, and "too-wide" if they were one size (2 cm) wider than the LOF saddle. Saddles two sizes wider than LOF saddles were classified as "very-wide". In the group of narrow saddles, the pressure in the caudal third (walk 0.63 N/cm(2)+/-0.10; trot 1.08 N/cm(2)+/-0.26) was significantly higher compared to the LOF saddles (walk 0.50 N/cm(2)+/-0.09; trot 0.86 N/cm(2)+/-0.28). In the middle transversal third, the pressure of the wide saddles (walk 0.73 N/cm(2)+/-0.06; trot 1.52 N/cm(2)+/-0.19) and very-wide saddles (walk 0.77 N/cm(2)+/-0.06; trot 1.57 N/cm(2)+/-0.19) was significantly higher compared to LOF saddles (walk 0.65 N/cm(2)+/-0.10/ 0.63 N/cm(2)+/-0.11; trot 1.33 N/cm(2)+/-0.22/1.27 N/cm(2)+/-0.20). This study demonstrates that the load under poorly fitting saddles is distributed over a smaller area than under properly fitting saddles, leading to potentially harmful pressures peaks.  相似文献   

With medical general practitioners soon being able to buy themselves out of the requirement to provide overnight cover for their patients, for how much longer will the veterinary profession be able to sustain its 24-hour commitment? Here, Professor Bob Michell argues that it is time for the profession to rethink how it provides out-of-hours services--and, with the RCVS about to review the situation, concludes that something will have to change.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the caudal distal antebrachium using ultrasound is a very useful diagnostic procedure for identification of soft tissue abnormalities in flexor structures of the equine limb. In this article we describe how ultrasonographic imaging may be used to complement radiography of the carpus in evaluating horses that present with peri‐carpal swelling and/or lameness localised to the carpal region. Ultrasonographic examination assists with the identification or exclusion of significant injuries to muscular, tendonous and ligamentous structures within the distal antebrachium and enables practitioners to proceed with appropriate therapeutic and rehabilitation plans for the immediate benefit for their patients while also recognising pathology that could progress to cause long‐term, chronic lameness issues without aggressive and effective intervention.  相似文献   

目前图书馆普遍存在着馆员综合素质不高、不能满足知识经济时代需求的状况,提高图书馆员的整体素质是新时期图书馆建设的当务之急。笔者针对提高图书馆员素质的必要性,论述了新时期对图书馆员素质的要求和图书馆员素质教育的主要内容,并指出了提高图书馆员素质的有效途径。  相似文献   

张学峰 《吉林畜牧兽医》2010,31(12):9-13,16
本文论述了通过改变日粮、添加离子载体、饲用微生物及利用基因工程技术等手段对瘤胃发酵进行调控的作用瘤胃发酵调控的机理,探讨瘤胃调控目前面临的问题和对未来的展望,以便更好地调节瘤胃发酵使反刍动物达到稳定高效的生产目标。  相似文献   

Progesterone levels in peripheral blood of dogs were analysed during the cycle in which hysterectomy (n = 5) or sham surgery (n = 3) was performed as well as during the cycle of dogs (n = 5) hysterectomized at least one year prior to this study; the data were compared with the findings in control dogs (n = 3). The averages of the duration of the luteal period observed in the three experimental groups were not significantly different from those of control dogs. Immediately after surgery, the progesterone level decreased from 25 to 50% of the presurgical level, but returned to presurgical level in about four days. Prolactin levels were elevated for about 30 h after surgery. Nevertheless, the averages of the mean prolactin levels for each animal during the luteal period of the experimental groups were not significantly different from those of control dogs. It is concluded that in the dog, the uterus is not involved in the lifespan of the cyclic corpus luteum.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):348-350
Frugivores feed on fruits and nectars that contain different types of sugars in different proportions, which provide these animals with energy. Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi) has a high glucose intake irrespective of sugar concentration of nectar. It is not known how these bats regulate their blood plasma glucose concentrations in order to avoid the negative effects associated with hyperglycemia. Fruit bats have a high amount of sugar intake in a short period of time which could cause a glucose challenge and it is therefore necessary to determine whether these bats are able to regulate their blood plasma glucose concentrations within normal concentrations. This study investigated the diel variations in blood plasma glucose concentrations of E. wahlbergi. Epomophorus wahlbergi‘s blood plasma glucose concentration was lower (5.24 ± 0.38 mmol/l) at 18:00 before feeding and increased during/after feeding (8.19 ± 1.24 mmol/l) but bats appeared to regulate it within limits. Their range in concentrations was higher than the normal mammalian blood plasma glucose concentrations range. Consequently these bats appear to regulate their blood plasma glucose concentration, although at a range higher than normal mammalian levels, and thus reduce the negative consequences associated with hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

青藏高原多年冻土地区公路建设对植被类型的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
尚永成  张小华 《草业科学》2005,22(12):17-19
在查阅相关资料的基础上,采用常规草地调查的方法进行了实地调查.结果显示:随着生态因子发生变化和人类活动的加剧,该区公路沿线高寒草甸类草地群落结构表现出了较强的稳定性,中旱生耐旱的根茎型禾草比重有所增加;高寒草原植物群落稳定性相对较差,草地群落为适应新的生境而发生了自然演替;沼泽化草甸亚类草地植物群落中群落伴生种的种类增加,优势种嵩草属植物在群落中的比重有所下降.  相似文献   

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