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We show that the quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect, a state of matter with topological properties distinct from those of conventional insulators, can be realized in mercury telluride-cadmium telluride semiconductor quantum wells. When the thickness of the quantum well is varied, the electronic state changes from a normal to an "inverted" type at a critical thickness d(c). We show that this transition is a topological quantum phase transition between a conventional insulating phase and a phase exhibiting the QSH effect with a single pair of helical edge states. We also discuss methods for experimental detection of the QSH effect.  相似文献   

The excitation spectrum of a model magnetic system, LiHoF4, was studied with the use of neutron spectroscopy as the system was tuned to its quantum critical point by an applied magnetic field. The electronic mode softening expected for a quantum phase transition was forestalled by hyperfine coupling to the nuclear spins. We found that interactions with the nuclear spin bath controlled the length scale over which the excitations could be entangled. This generic result places a limit on our ability to observe intrinsic electronic quantum criticality.  相似文献   

Calorimetric detection of a membrane-lipid phase transition in living cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The membrane lipids in living Mycoplasma laidlawii exhibit a phase transition characteristic of that from crystal to liquid crystal within the bilayer conformation. The transition occurs at the same temperature in viable organisms, membranes isolated from the organisms, and isolated membrane lipids. The enthalpy of the transition in the membrane is compared with that of an aqueous suspension of isolated membrane lipids. The result is consistent with presence of an extended lipid bilayer in the native membrane.  相似文献   

Post-perovskite phase transition in MgSiO3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In situ x-ray diffraction measurements of MgSiO3 were performed at high pressure and temperature similar to the conditions at Earth's core-mantle boundary. Results demonstrate that MgSiO3 perovskite transforms to a new high-pressure form with stacked SiO6-octahedral sheet structure above 125 gigapascals and 2500 kelvin (2700-kilometer depth near the base of the mantle) with an increase in density of 1.0 to 1.2%. The origin of the D" seismic discontinuity may be attributed to this post-perovskite phase transition. The new phase may have large elastic anisotropy and develop preferred orientation with platy crystal shape in the shear flow that can cause strong seismic anisotropy below the D" discontinuity.  相似文献   

The percolation phase transition in sea Ice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sea ice exhibits a marked transition in its fluid transport properties at a critical brine volume fraction pc of about 5 percent, or temperature Tc of about -5 degreesC for salinity of 5 parts per thousand. For temperatures warmer than Tc, brine carrying heat and nutrients can move through the ice, whereas for colder temperatures the ice is impermeable. This transition plays a key role in the geophysics, biology, and remote sensing of sea ice. Percolation theory can be used to understand this critical behavior of transport in sea ice. The similarity of sea ice microstructure to compressed powders is used to theoretically predict pc of about 5 percent.  相似文献   

A phase transition in an organic charge-transfer complex, which originates from the neutral-ionic valence instability, can be tuned toward zero kelvin with use of external pressure or chemical modification as a control parameter. The phase diagram and observed dielectric behaviors are typical of quantum paraelectricity, yet this zero-kelvin transition point namely, the quantum critical point, accompanies large quantum fluctuation of the molecular charge, as demonstrated by the molecular vibrational mode spectra. The result indicates that the pi-electron transfer between donor and acceptor molecules is coupled with the zero-point lattice dynamics around the quantum critical point.  相似文献   

The transition from body-centered cubic to hexagonal close-packed phase in iron has been studied in a diamond anvil cell with synchrotron radiation. The hexagonal close-packed phase, when it first appears, has a ratio of lattice parameters that is significantly larger than normal. This is attributed to a displacive mechanism that causes a distortion of the hexagonal close-packed structure in a body-centered cubic matrix. The hexagonal close-packed phase adjacent to a boundary with the body-centered cubic phase is stretched in the c direction and compressed in the a direction when it first forms.  相似文献   

Differences in gas production rates of comets may be explained in part by the phase transition of ice in the comet nuclei.  相似文献   

A mechanism to enhance hardness in multilayer coatings is proposed. Using the technologically important hard transition metal carbides as prototypes, although the principle is transferable also to other systems, we demonstrate, from first-principles calculations, that by suitable alloying the energy difference between several competing structures in the transition metal carbides is small or tunable. This creates multiphase/polytypic compounds with a random or controllable layer stacking sequence, systems in which the propagation of dislocations can be strongly suppressed by a large number of interfaces between structures with different glide systems, accordingly allowing the possibility of a greatly enhanced hardness. With modern thin-film technologies, it should therefore be possible to deposit such materials that will express multilayer characteristics with only minor changes in the chemical constitution of the material, which is in contrast to conventional superlattices.  相似文献   

The formation kinetics and self-assembly of multilamellar tubules of the diacetylenic phospholipid 1,2-bis(tricosa-10,12-diynoyl)-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine formed under controlled cooling rates were studied by x-ray diffraction and optical, atomic force, and scanning electron microscopy. Tubule formation was driven by a reversible first-order phase transition from an intralamellar, chain-melted L(alpha) phase to a chain-frozen L(beta), phase. These observations are the basis of a highly efficient method of tubule production in which tubule lengths can be controlled, between 1 and 100 micrometers, by varying the cooling rate. These tubules can be made in suspensions with 10 percent lipid by mass, far exceeding the lipid solubility limit.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations of tetrahedrally bonded SiO(2) liquid show that pressure induces large changes in the topology of its four-coordinated framework structure but leaves the average properties of local coordination environments virtually unchanged. Ring statistics are used to describe the liquid's topology; the observed changes paradoxically indicate that the liquid compresses primarily by increasing the size of its rings. A theory for the effects of ring formation on density, which also explains the density of crystalline tectosilicates, accounts for the compression of the liquid.  相似文献   

用高效液相色谱法对三年生苹果(‘红玉×金冠'')自然实生树不同节位叶片、芽、韧皮部中的内源多酚含量的动态变化进行了测定.结果表明:80节以下苹果实生树芽中检测不到根皮苷或不存在根皮苷,80节以上含量急剧增加,80节以上韧皮部和叶片中检测不到咖啡酸或含量极低.120节前后实生树韧皮部和芽中杨梅苷含量极低或检测不到,芽中的绿原酸含量发生明显变化.认为80节和120节是苹果实生树阶段转变的两个重要临界点.  相似文献   

The future growth of the petrochemical industry depends in part on the industry's ability to improve efficiency in the use of oil and gas feedstocks and to develop promising alternatives. Technological innovation is proving to be the key to the long-term viability of the industry. The next 6 to 7 years will be characterized by the commercialization of new technologies designed to improve the efficiency of petroleum as a feedstock. Union Carbide's advanced cracking reactor, now nearing the demonstration stage, exemplifies this type of effort. The increasing price of oil and gas will make coal-based synthesis gas more attractive as a feedstock, particularly for oxygenated petrochemical products. A further development involves the conversion of biomass, through fermentation, to useful chemical products and the gasification of municipal wastes to raise steam for electricity generation and as a possible, supplemental feedstock. By the year 2000, it is predicted that feedstocks from all sources other than oil and gas may constitute 10 to 14 percent of the total new material requirement for the petrochemical industry.  相似文献   

We report the observation of pairing in a gas of atomic fermions with unequal numbers of two components. Beyond a critical polarization, the gas separates into a phase that is consistent with a superfluid paired core surrounded by a shell of normal unpaired fermions. The critical polarization diminishes with decreasing attractive interaction. For near-zero polarization, we measured the parameter beta = -0.54 +/- 0.05, describing the universal energy of a strongly interacting paired Fermi gas, and found good agreement with recent theory. These results are relevant to predictions of exotic new phases of quark matter and of strongly magnetized superconductors.  相似文献   

A diverse range of physical phenomena, both observed and hypothetical, are described by topological solutions to nonlinear gauge field theories. Computer-generated color graphic displays can provide a clear and detailed representation of some of these solutions, which might otherwise be physically unintelligible because of their mathematical complexity. Graphical representations are presented here for two topological solutions: (i) the solutions of a model that represents the filaments of quantized magnetic flux in a superconductor, and (ii) the solutions of an SO(3) gauge theory corresponding to a pair of separated magnetic monopoles. An introduction is provided to the gauge field theories giving rise to these solutions.  相似文献   

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