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卷盘式喷灌机组合均匀度计算软件的开发方法和软件功能,为快速、准确地预测卷盘式喷灌机喷洒性能提供了有效的方法,并能指导卷盘式喷灌机设计者和使用者合理选择喷灌机的运行参数,以达到实现最佳喷洒性能的目的。  相似文献   

卷盘式喷灌机应用配套若干问题浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卷盘式喷灌机是一种高效农业节水灌溉机械 ,1996年以来 ,在我国得到了大力推广。据统计 ,至 1998年底 ,国内已引进 15 0 0余台 ,主要分布在山东、辽宁、新疆、河南等省区。总体来说 ,卷盘式喷灌机具有喷洒均匀、节水节能、自动化程度高以及对作物、地形适应性强等特点。 1997~ 1998年度 ,笔者曾在中国灌排技术开发公司协助进行卷盘式喷灌机的推广工作 ,期间走访了河北、山东、辽宁等地 ,就卷盘式喷灌机配套、运行、管理等问题进行了调查 ,并对其应用推广中的有关问题作了初步总结。1 喷灌机与水泵的配套卷盘式喷灌机所需工作压力较高 (最…  相似文献   

卷盘式喷灌机在农作物灌溉中有对地形适应性强、易于管理、省工省时、喷洒质量高、使用寿命长、投资适宜等优点,但单喷枪喷洒时耗能较高,受风影响较大。  相似文献   

甘蔗是亚热带的高杆作物,是广西的主要农作物,由于其独特的生长特性,一般种植在旱坡地,缺乏灌溉,产量及品质均较低。喷灌是目前解决甘蔗灌溉的比较好的模式。本人着重介绍了卷盘式喷灌机对甘蔗灌溉的适用条件及使用要求,为推广卷盘式喷灌机在甘蔗喷灌中的应用提供建议。  相似文献   

卷盘式喷灌机是目前世界上更为先进的喷灌设备,国外经过30多年的开发与研制,已形成系列产品.为科学合理的选用其进口设备,文中从卷盘式喷灌机的结构原理、规格性能方面出发,介绍几种机型,并阐述其适用条件、喷灌工作步骤,以及使用中应注意的技术问题,便于选择卷盘式喷灌机时,更好地了解其技术性能.  相似文献   

排管装置作为喷灌机的重要组成部分,其设计的优略直接影响着喷灌机的喷灌效率及制造成本。本文对喷灌机排管装置进行了研究与分析,排管装置采用正反向8字螺旋轴排管装置,能够更好更精确地完成喷灌机PE管的回收及排列。  相似文献   

王德岭  王鹏 《排灌机械》1998,16(4):32-34,46
针对夏津县地表水资源匮乏的状况,介绍了引进的法国卷盘式喷灌机在该县的试验情况,进行了效益分析,阐述了该机的特点及出现问题的相应对策。  相似文献   

节水灌溉装备是实现农业高效节水利用的有效保障,是解决农业节水灌溉规模化和集约化高效作业的根本途径。我国传统的节水灌溉设备存在装备技术水平低、灌溉效率及质量低、水资源利用率低、作业能耗高损失大以及影响作物生长等问题,严重制约我国农业灌溉技术装备的发展。该文针对上述问题在如何提高卷盘式喷灌机水涡轮工作效率、喷头车速度感知控制精度以及提升传动效率和灌溉质量等方面入手,设计一种适合大田灌溉使用具有高适应性、高效率、低损耗的新型智能卷盘式喷灌机,对于提高我国卷盘式灌溉设备的整机智能化技术水平起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

星雨卷盘式喷灌机特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对新引进奥地利鲍尔公司制造星雨系列卷盘式喷灌机的工作特性评述的基础上,重点对该机的机械、水力性能和生产作业方式进行分析,提出了适应本地区实际的各项技术经济指标,为合理采用本设备在大田中推广应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

卷盘式喷灌机软管阻力损失的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对几种不同曲率半径的软管进行了阻力损失试验的基础上,通过对试验实测资料的统计分析,推导出一定流量范围内,在特定管径和曲率半径下的软管阻力损失公式h=flQm,对卷盘式喷灌机的设计有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

The characteristics and potential of project management software as a tool for improved planning and management of on-going irrigation operations are assessed. A commercially available package was tested through use for the simulated planning of the close season maintenance campaign of major pump stations at a large scale irrigation scheme in Morocco. The software was found to be well suited to this planning activity and successfully helped resolve conflicts in terms of time and resources available. Its potential as a tool for sensitivity analysis and for monitoring and control was clearly demonstrated. The exercise had an immediate effect on management decision making and managers concerned have adopted the software for further trials. The approach is recommended as a means to enhance planning, communication and teamwork for suitable irrigation management operations, but will be most effective with the development of supporting databases to enhance the quality of planning data used.  相似文献   

基于水利统计数据,分析了近10 a中国节水灌溉应用分布,发现东北以喷灌为主,西北以微灌为主,华北以低压管灌为主,华东以渠道灌溉为主,具有明显的区域特征,节水灌溉仍有50%发展空间,喷灌技术占比与欧美国家相比仍然偏低.总结回顾了中国喷灌机发展历程、研究进展和发展趋势.从国家政策引导、智慧农业发展、农业种植结构变化和盐碱地耕地改造4个方面,分析了在资源环境约束挑战下中国喷灌机的发展机遇.阐明了喷灌的优势和不可替代作用,指出随着中国高标准农田建设及农业规模化经营稳步推进,喷灌机性能及功能不断增强,使以往喷灌的局限性逐步转变成发展优势.最后从补齐农业全程机械化短板、水肥药一体化作业新模式和无人化智能化方面展望了中国喷灌机未来发展前景.  相似文献   

灌溉模式优选理论与应用研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为了提高灌区规划中灌溉模式选择的科学性,本文提出一套灌溉模式选择综合评价指标体系及优选评价计算方法。其成果在典型灌区取得了良好的效果,可在灌区规划、设计及改造中普遍推广应用。  相似文献   

Scheme irrigation management information system (SIMIS) is a decision support system for managing irrigation schemes. It can be used either as a management tool or as a training tool. The data needed for the technical and administrative management of the scheme can be stored, edited and displayed in various forms. They can then be used for helping in water management, calculating irrigation requirements, developing irrigation layouts, scheduling water deliveries, and keeping records of water consumption. The SIMIS approach is based on simple water balance models with capacity constraints. The user can simulate management alternatives, assess the results and try out new alternatives, until a satisfactory solution is found. SIMIS also helps in the administrative aspects of managing irrigation schemes (accounting, calculating water charges, controlling maintenance activities) and in assessing their performance.  相似文献   

The decision support system (DSS) MIRRIG has been developed to support the design of microirrigation systems and to advise farmers as a result of field evaluations. It is written in Visual Basic 6.0, runs in a Windows environment, and uses a database with information on emitters and pipes available in the market, as well as on crops, soils and the systems under design. MIRRIG is composed by design and simulation models and a multicriteria analysis model that ranks alternative design solutions based upon an integration of technical, economic and environmental criteria. User friendly windows are adopted for handling the databases and to manage the sub-models. The model allows creating and comparing a set of design alternatives relative to the pipe system and the emitters, either drip or microsprinkling emitters. For each alternative, the pipe system is sized and the irrigation system is simulated to produce performance, environmental and economic indicators. These include uniformity of water application, potential for contamination with agrochemicals due to water percolation, and installation and operation costs. Those indicators are used as attributes of the selected criteria. All alternatives are then compared and ranked through multicriteria analysis where the weights giving the relative importance of the adopted criteria are defined by the user. These procedures allow selecting the best design alternative and solving the complexities involved in the design of microirrigation systems. The model is available from the website www://ceer.isa.utl.pt/cms or by contacting cpedras@ualg.pt.  相似文献   

Online decision support for irrigation has been available in Denmark since 1996. This paper describes an Internet implementation of a previous stand-alone PC-program; the Internet version has undergone several modifications and upgrades. The system has a morphological model for crop development based on temperature sums, and a hydrological model for calculating soil water balance. Weather data are supplied automatically from weather databases, precipitation data can be overrode by user inputs. Users can initiate the system with data on fields and crops, and add data on irrigations. Irrigation advice and explanation are provided in tables and graphics. The system had 322 active users in 2004 and 490 in 2005.  相似文献   

滚移式喷灌机关键部件的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对节水灌溉技术中存在自主研发能力弱、技术性能低、设备可靠性差、经济成本过高等问题,设计研制出一种节省材料、降低油耗、工作可靠、喷灌均匀度高的滚移式喷灌机.根据输水支管受力特点,通过Matlab对支管壁厚进行优化设计,优化出3种不同壁厚的输水支管,不仅能够节省材料,降低油耗,还能增加机组爬坡能力.对滚移式喷灌机的自动泄水阀进行了结构设计,计算并确定结构参数,利用ANSYS CFX进行模拟仿真试验.田间性能试验结果表明,该滚移式喷灌机各项指标都满足要求,喷灌机向前移动时支管产生的最大挠度为2.7 m,喷灌均匀度为92.45%,喷灌强度为12.59 mm/h.该研究为滚移式喷灌机的进一步发展提供参考.  相似文献   

为了研究配置参数对轻小型喷灌机组能耗的影响,在基于遗传算法的喷灌机组能耗计算模型基础上,以机组4.4CP-45为例,采用四因素三水平考虑交互作用的正交设计,就管道管径、喷头间距、喷头数、喷头工作压力及其交互作用对机组单位能耗的影响进行了对比分析,在此基础上建立了机组能耗的多元回归模型.研究结果表明,喷头工作压力对能耗的影响最显著,其次为管道管径,喷头数的影响也很明显,喷头间距对能耗的影响体现在与其他参数的交互作用中.4组主要的交互作用因素中,喷头间距与喷头数的作用最敏感,其后依次为管径与喷头数、喷头间距与管径、喷头间距与喷头工作压力,因而在机组配置参数的选择中,参数间交互作用不可忽略.经综合比较,机组配置参数最优组合方式为喷头间距为15 m、管径为80 mm、喷头数9个、管道末端喷头工作压力为0.25 MPa,此时机组单位能耗为4.53 kW·h/(mm·hm2),比优化前降低了22.6%,比只考虑单因素作用得到的最优组合方式降低了1.0%,且配置参数的选择更能为用户所接受.机组能耗多元回归模型复相关系数达0.88,确定性系数为0.774,比较可靠,能为喷灌工程设计及性能评价提供一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

桔园喷灌增产机理和灌溉制度探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
喷灌是柑桔等经济作物先进的灌溉方式,充分认为柑桔喷灌增产机理,采用合理的灌溉制度,对提高柑桔产量和品质有十分积极的意义。  相似文献   

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