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Immunoperoxidase technique was applied for pathological study on naturally occurring pneumonic tissues of calves from which Pasteurella haemolytica was isolated. Multifocal necrosis occurred in the lungs of 25 out of 42 calves (59.5%) and P. haemolytica antigen was detected in 22 out of the 25 calves (88.0%). The calves were divided into 3 groups according to the number of P. haemolytica isolated. The positive rate of the bacterial antigen detected by the technique was 66.6% (28/42) on the average, reaching up to 85.7% (18/21) in the group from which the largest number of P. haemolytica was isolated.  相似文献   

To evaluate the relationship between pneumonic lesions and distribution of bacteria, lungs from calves inoculated with Pasteurella multocida were examined histologically by use of immunoperoxidase technique. Pneumonic lesions fundamentally consisted of broncho-pneumonia with fibrinopurulent pleuritis. The lesions were confirmed to be associated with inoculated P multocida, using the immunoperoxidase technique. The P multocida antigen was detected not only in the bacterial clusters in the lesions, but also in the cytoplasm of infiltrating neutrophils and macrophages. Further, immunoelectron microscopy indicated that the inoculated bacteria generally were phagocytosed and digested by neutrophils.  相似文献   

Intrabronchial instillation of a Pasteurella haemolytica type A1 crude cytotoxin preparation in calves resulted in pulmonary gross and microscopic lesions comparable to spontaneous and experimental pasteurellosis. In the acute stage of the lesion electronmicroscopy revealed intravascular accumulation, degeneration and fragmentation of leukocytes in the interalveolar septa. Secondary thrombus formation and increased vascular permeability resulted in alveolar flooding, fibrin deposition, extravasation of erythrocytes and loss of alveolar epithelium. No cytotoxicity was observed for the tracheal (in vitro) and bronchial epithelium (in vivo). The pathogenesis of the vascular lesions and their significance for the development of the typical lesions of pneumonic pasteurellosis is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of neutrophils in the development of peracute lung lesions of bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis was investigated. Eight calves were divided into two groups of four calves each. Group I was treated with intravenous phosphate-buffered saline and served as the neutrophil sufficient calves. Group II was treated with intravenous hydroxyurea which produced a state of neutropenia. When peripheral blood neutrophil numbers dropped below 300 cells/microL in group II, all calves were challenged with an intrabronchial bolus of Pasteurella haemolytica in the log phase of growth. An acute inflammatory process occurred in both groups of calves indicated by a rise in body temperature. While pulmonary lesions occurred in both groups by six hours postinoculation, they varied in pathological characteristics. Pulmonary lesions in the neutrophil sufficient calves consisted of fibrinopurulent alveolitis-bronchiolitis with associated alveolar septal necrosis, interlobular edema, and intravascular thrombi. The neutrophil deficient calves had extensive intra-alveolar edema, interlobular edema, intraalveolar hemorrhage, atelectasis, and focal areas of alveolar septal necrosis. These results show that P. haemolytica can induce severe pulmonary tissue damage through both neutrophil dependent and neutrophil independent mechanisms.  相似文献   


Madam:– The significance of Pasteurella haemolytica as a pathogen of cattle and sheep is well established. However, less attention has bcen paid to its role as a pathogen of goats and this limited work relates mainly to tropical countries. (2)(3)(4)(5) The lack of information on this topic and the increase in economic importance of goats in New Zealand led us to undertake a preliminary survey to find which of the 15 serotypes of P. haemolytica are commonly isolated from pneumonic goats in this country.  相似文献   

Ninety-three calves comprising 16 experimental groups were exposed to viral (bovine herpesvirus-1 or parainfluenza-3 virus) and Pasteurella haemolytica aerosols. Serum samples from these calves were tested before and after exposure for antibodies to P haemolytica by a modified direct complement-fixation test. At slaughter of the calves, the extent of pneumonia produced was estimated for each calf and compared with the results of the modified direct complement-fixation tests. The extent of pneumonia was not related (P greater than 0.05) to the amount of anti-P haemolytica antibody produced by either naturally occurring or experimentally induced infection.  相似文献   

Therapeutic efficacy of sulbactam, a beta-lactamase inhibitor, in combination with ampicillin was evaluated in an ampicillin-resistant Pasteurella haemolytica pneumonia model in cattle, using an IV agar emboli method of infection. Groups of cattle given vehicle (group 1, n = 19) or ampicillin (group 2, n = 8) had 74% and 50% mortality, respectively, whereas group 3 (n = 11) given sulbactam-ampicillin had no mortality. Morbidities were 100% in groups 1 and 2 and 27% in group 3. Retrospectively, mortalities and morbidities were significantly (P less than 0.001) lower for group 3 given sulbactam-ampicillin when compared with those in groups 1 and 2 given vehicle or ampicillin, respectively. Evidence of embolic pneumonic pasteurellosis was observed histologically.  相似文献   

Pasteurella haemolytica pneumonia of the right caudal lung lobe was experimentally induced in 2-week-old Holstein calves (n = 11) by endobronchial inoculation of 7.9 x 10(10) colony-forming units of 6-hour log-phase bacteria. Calves were studied for 72 hours after inoculation. The challenge procedure consistently induced a lesion in the right caudal lung lobe, which was consistent radiographically with results of pathologic examination and a similar volume of bronchography contrast medium. Clinically, the calves developed a significant increase in rectal temperature within 24 hours after inoculation. Seventy-two hours after inoculation, the total WBC counts, absolute band neutrophil counts, monocyte counts, and blood fibrinogen concentrations were significantly higher than normal and albumin concentration was significantly decreased. Necropsy revealed a circular to oblong lesion that was congested, edematous, and firm and occupied 20 to 40% of the right caudal lung lobe. Histologic examination revealed a severe acute inflammatory reaction characterized by cellular exudate and proteinaceous fluid in the alveoli, interlobular septa, and pleura.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study of Pasteurella haemolytica in calves   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Experimental pneumonia caused by Pasteurella haemolytica was induced in 2-week-old gnotobiotic (n = 4) and conventional (n = 6) calves by endobronchial inoculation into the right caudal lung lobe of 7.9 x 10(10) +/- 0.6 x 10(10) (mean +/- SD) colony-forming units of P haemolytica in the 6-hour log phase of growth. The calves were studied for 24 hours or less. Regression lines for the relationship between clinical index and time for the gnotobiotic group and conventional group of calves were compared, and the clinical index was found to be significantly (P less than or equal to 0.005) more rapid in the gnotobiotic group. There was also a significant difference in the preinoculation, absolute segmented neutrophil count (P less than or equal to 0.05), and in the total serum protein, albumin, and globulin values (P less than or equal to 0.05). Comparison of the preinoculation and post inoculation blood cell and blood chemical values revealed a significant increase (P less than or equal to 0.05) in the numbers of band neutrophils and fibrinogen in conventional calves, and a significant decrease (P less than or equal to 0.05) in the total WBC count in gnotobiotic calves. Necropsy of both groups of calves revealed a circular to oblong lesion that was congested, edematous, and firm, and which occupied 20% to 100% of the right caudal lung lobe and involved the remaining lung lobes to a more minor degree. When mean lesion scores of the 2 groups of calves were compared, no significant difference (P less than or equal to 0.05) was found.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Thirteen healthy neonatal Holstein calves were cold stressed twice by hosing with cold water for 20 minutes, 12 hours between hosings. Measurements of the pattern of ventilation [tidal volume (VT), respiratory frequency (f), minute ventilation (VMIN), and functional residual capacity (FRC)], gas exchange properties of the lungs [alveolar ventilation (VA), oxygen uptake (VO2), CO2 production (VCO2), dead space ventilation (VD), dead space/tidal volume ratio (VD/VT), arterial oxygen tension (PaO2), arterial CO2 tension (PaCO2) and alveolar-arterial oxygen difference (AaDO2)] and of the mechanical properties of the pulmonary system [dynamic compliance (Cdyn), pulmonary resistance (RL), and total respiratory system resistance (RRS)] were taken. Calves responded to chilling by increasing VO2 and VCO2 necessitating an increase in VA. This was accomplished by increasing VT with reciprocal decreases in f so that VMIN remained constant. There was no change in Cdyn, RL, or AaDO2. Seven of these 13 calves were then exposed to intratracheal inoculation of 2 X 10(9) organisms of Pasteurella haemolytica, the remaining calves serving as controls. Within 1 hour, calves exposed to P haemolytica had increased VMIN, f, VD/VT, and VD. There was a decrease in PaO2 associated with increased AaDO2, but no change in PaCO2, Cdyn or RL. By 3 hours after inoculation, there were pronounced changes in PaO2 and AaDO2, and Cdyn was reduced below base-line values. By 12 hours after inoculation, calves infected with P haemolytica had increased RL and RRS and PaCO2, in addition to the previously mentioned changes. Data from Pasteurella-exposed calves indicate that gas exchange impairment and peripheral lung injury occur rapidly and that increases in airway resistance develop relatively late in the disease.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hemodynamic responses to acute pneumonia and to hypoxia were investigated in 10 newborn calves. Experiments were performed on heparinized, anesthesized and ventilated calves. Control calves were inoculated intratracheally with bovine fetal serum. Pneumonia was induced in treated calves by intratracheal inoculation with P haemolytica suspended in bovine fetal serum. Before inoculation (base line), at the time of inoculation (T = 0), and at 30-minute intervals for 3 hours, pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa), systemic arterial pressure, cardiac output (CO), arterial blood gases, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and systemic vascular resistance were determined. At T = 0, calves in both groups became hypoxemic, alveolar-arterial O2 difference, PVR, and Ppa increased, and CO and systemic vascular resistance remained unchanged. At subsequent measurement intervals, all values returned to base-line in control calves, whereas treated calves had progressive hypoxemia associated with a decrease in Ppa and PVR, with no change in CO. Three hours after inoculation and after inhalation of 10% O2 in N2, PVR increased significantly in the control calves. In the treated group, hypoxia did not increase the resistance, compared with base-line and 3-hour values. The data indicate decreased Ppa during pneumonic pasteurellosis is because of a decrease in PVR and that pneumonia may attenuate the normal pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstrictor response.  相似文献   

Immunogenicity of and protection afforded by Pasteurella haemolytica bacterins were studied in calves. Bacterins contained an aluminum hydroxide in gel (ALH) adjuvant or one of the following oil-in-water adjuvants: Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA), Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA), and trehalose dimycolate (TDM). On days 0 and 7, calves were vaccinated with phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBSS), a bacterin, or live P haemolytica. Transthoracic intrapulmonic challenge exposure was done on day 21. In 3 experiments, there were no significant (P greater than 0.05) differences between lung lesions induced in PBSS-or ALH bacterin-vaccinated calves. Both FCA and FIA bacterins significantly (P less than 0.05) enhanced resistance against challenge exposure. Resistance induced by FCA and FIA bacterins was comparable with that induced by vaccination with live P haemolytica. Calves vaccinated with FIA bacterin and challenge-exposed to P haemolytica at a concentration of 4.5 X 10(9) colony-forming units (4.5 times greater than used in the first 3 experiments) resisted challenge exposure similar to calves given live organisms. The TDM bacterin failed to enhance resistance. All bacterins caused a significant increase (P less than 0.05) in serum antibody to P haemolytica somatic antigens, as measured by a quantitative fluorometric immunoassay. Pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin neutralizing antibody titers did not increase significantly (P greater than 0.05) in sera after vaccination with any bacterin. Vaccination with FCA and FIA bacterins resulted in a significant increase (P less than 0.001) in serum antibody to a carbohydrate-protein subunit of P haemolytica, as measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of experimental Pasteurella haemolytica infection on the intravenous and intramuscular pharmacokinetics of flumequine was studied in dairy calves. The plasma concentration-time curve of flumequine after intravenous injection of 5 mg/kg bodyweight flumequine of a 10% solution before and after experimental infection, was best described by a three-compartment open model. After intramuscular injection of the same dosage rate of a 3% flumequine suspension is was best described by the one-compartment open model with first-order absorption. The experimental infection by intratracheal administration of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR)-virus and 5 days later intrapulmonary administration of Pasteurella haemolytica produced a clear temperature rise and signs of disease expressed as Average Health Status. Subsequently, plasma Fe and Zn concentration decreased after infection. The distribution volumes Vc, Vd(area) and Vd(ss) after infection (0.07 +/- 0.04, 1.38 +/- 0.36 and 0.50 +/- 0.11 l/kg, respectively) were smaller than those before infection, but the differences were not significant (P less than or equal to 0.1). The intravenous AUC infinity was significantly increased (21.86 +/- 3.51 to 33.85 +/- 2.97 mg.h/l, P less than or equal to 0.01) and the total body clearance (ClB) significantly decreased (0.24 +/- 0.02 to 0.15 +/- 0.01, P less than or equal to 0.01) after infection. After intramuscular injection of flumequine at 5 mg/kg as a 3% suspension, only the bioavailability, F, was significantly decreased after infection (78.5 +/- 14.3 to 59.7 +/- 21.2%, P less than or equal to 0.02). However, this had no consequences for the dosage regimen used. The urine concentration ratio flumequine:7-hydroxy-flumequine:conjugated flumequine changed from 2:1:10 before infection to 6:1:15 after infection, which indicates that hydroxylation and glucuronidation as metabolic pathways for flumequine were decreased after Pasteurella sp. infection.  相似文献   

Four male dairy calves, ages 1-9 months, were inoculated intratracheally (IT), with log dilutions (1.5 X 10(3)-1.5 X 10(6)) of an isolate of P. haemolytica A-1. Doses of bacteria varied according to ages of the calves, older calves receiving the larger doses. All four calves became severely ill within 24 h after inoculation and antibiotic treatment was considered essential. Two months later the four calves remained healthy after IT injection of P. haemolytica, again given in log dilution (2.8 X 10(2)-2.8 X 10(5)). The control calf, given a dilution of only 28 viable P. haemolytica (plate count), developed severe respiratory infection 9 days post inoculation. Antibiotic treatment was given to this calf for 7 days, at which time recovery was evident. All five calves developed direct bacterial agglutination titers to P. haemolytica. Persistent leukocyte migration inhibition indexes of all calves were decreased by greater than or equal to 20% compared to their controls. Although the initial doses administered were low, the calves became ill. Most reports refer to massive doses necessary to produce primary disease and significant agglutination titers.  相似文献   

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