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Summary Biourge andSokal have claimed: firstly: Black heart is not caused by lack of oxygen, followed by suffocation of central part of the tuber, but it results from attack byBacillus mesentericus vulgatus;Flugge) andBacillus mesentericus ruber (Globig); Secondly: Tubers suffering from black heart develop plants suffering from the diseases, which have been ascribed to viruses. Therefore it is not necessary to suppose the existance of viruses. This type of disease is caused by the bacilli mentioned. Sanitation of the plants can be performed by keeping the tubers during 48 hours at 42 centigrades. The tubers withstanding this heating without turning black develop virus-free plants. The present author however has, in controlling experimentally the work of the writers mentioned above, not been able to detect any relation between the occurrence of black heart in the tubers and of viroses in the sprouts. Sensibility for black heart proved to be more dependent on the climate and the soil, than on hereditary characters of the potato variety. Between the melanine-value (as aimed byHaehn) and the intensity of black heart, thus far no correlation has been found by the present author.  相似文献   

Summary In 1960 and 1961Phytophthora syringae Klebahn was isolated repeatedly from diseased bark of apple (Cox's Orange Pippin, James Grieve) and pear (Beurré Hardy).As far as the author is aware, natural infection of apple- and pear bark byPhytophthora syringae has not hitherto been reported, either in The Netherlands or elsewhere.gedetacheerd bij het Proefstation voor de Fruitteelt in de volle grond, Wilhelminadorp  相似文献   

Samenvatting Door het feit dat witrot,Sclerotium cepivorum Berk., in de grond overblijft in de vorm van sclerotiën die zeer levenskrachtig zijn, is een economische bestrijding van deze ziekte met chemische middelen nog niet mogelijk. Onderzocht werd of een natuurlijke bestrijding met gebruikmaking van gladiolen als tussenteelt enig perspectief biedt.Uit laboratoriumproeven met de knollen vanGladiolus bleek, dat één of meer onbekende stoffen via de wortels aftescheiden worden die, in zeerg geringe concentraties, de kieming van sclerotïen vanS. cepivorum stimuleerde. In hogere concentraties bleken deze remmend te werken door wortelexcreten van de mycelium. Ook sclerotiën in de grond werden door wortelexcreten van de gladiool op de een of andere wijze beïnvloed, waardoor het aantal scleoriën sterk verminderde. In besmette grond, afkomstig van zieke percelen, werd de aantasting van uieplanten door witrot belangrijk verminderd na een voorvrucht met gladiolen.DaarGladiolus zelf niet als waardplant vanS. cepivorum optreedt, zou bestrijding van witrot mogelijk kunnen zijn doorGladiolus als tussenteelt bij de verbouw van uien in the schakelen.Summary Sclerotium cepivorum Berk., the cause of white rot in onions, survives in the soil in the form of sclerotia, which remain viable for many years and which are highly resistant against fungicides. Therefore economic control of the disease with chemical compounds is not yet possible.In laboratory experiments root exudates ofGladiolus stimulated the germination of sclerotia. Higher concentrations of the active ingredient seemed toxic to the mycelium ofS. cepivorum (tables 1, 2; figs. 2, 3, 4, 5).The number of sclerotia in soil decreased more in the presence ofGladiolus than in controls withoutGladiolus (tables 3, 4). In soil from infested onion aereas growingGladiolus decreased the incidence of white rot in onions grown afterwards (table 5). It may therefore be possible to control white rot of onions by growingGladiolus in infested fields.  相似文献   

Samenvatting en bespreking Een vijftiental plantensoorten werd onderzocht op vatbaarheid voor het zoösporangium-stadium vanP. brassicae. Hiervan werdenTrifolium pratense, Reseda odorata enLolium perenne in zeer geringe mate, enPapaver rhoeas iets sterker aangetast. De mate van aantasting van deze laatste was echter nog aanzienlijk minder dan van als vergelijkingsobject gebruikte bloemkoolplantjes. Gezien deze resultaten is het niet waarschijnlijk, dat niet-cruciferen enigermate kunnen bijdragen tot de instandhouding of vermeerdering van de schimmel bij afwezigheid van kruisbloemigen. Evenmin is er reden te veronderstellen, dat niet-cruciferen als vangplanten voor het uitroeien van de rustsporen van groot practisch belang kunnen zijn.Summary Webb's (1949) discovery of zoosporangia ofP. brassicae in non-crucifers raises the question of further means of multiplication and survival in the soil (MacFarlane, 1952). Perhaps the fungus can maintain itself in successive generations of zoosporangia in root hairs of these plants. From there it might in turn infect crucifers and produce a fresh crop of resting spores. This must be kept in mind when considering the possibility of eradicating the fungus from the soil by growing non-crucifers which stimulate the resting spores to germinate. If survival in root hairs were important, plants for this purpose would need to resist the zoosporangial stage as well as stimulate spore germination.In the present study a number of non-crucifers was tested for susceptibility to the zoosporangial stage by a method already described (Kole, 1955). In addition, the rate of infection of susceptible non-crucifers was compared with that of cabbage grown under the same conditions. Of seven non-crucifers, not tested before, onlyTrifolium pratense became infected.MacFaralane's findings of non-cruciferous hosts were confirmed forPapaver rhoeas, Reseda odorata andLolium perenne (Table 1). In all the susceptible non-crucifers exceptPapaver rhoeas, infection was very sligth. There were more infections onPapaver rhoeas than on the other non-crucifers but fewer than on cabbage, which was heavily infected. On the basis of these results it is not thought that the occurrence of non-cruciferous hosts ofP. brassicae will generally be of great practical importance.  相似文献   

Summary Physiologic specialization inP. triticina, the organe leaf rust of wheat, was discovered byMains andJackson (8, 9, 10), who, in the United States, found 12 physiologic forms.Scheibe (11), in Germany, found form 11 and three new forms: 13, 14 and 15. The present author found forms 11, 14 and 15 to occur among five isolations ofP. triticina from different regions of the Netherlands (cp. table I on p. 7). The wheat-varieties, usually grown in Holland, were all found to be equally susceptible to all three forms of the rust. Foreign varieties, however, exist which are highly resistant to the three froms, so that improvement of the dutch wheat-varieties can be accomplished by crossing with such resistant varieties. (vroeger: Wageningen, Holland; thans: Buitenzorg, Java)  相似文献   

Summary Zoospores ofPhytophthora infestans were seen to fuse in pairs. Generally within 30 min. after zoospore discharge, fusion started by the formation of a connection between touching zoospores. Gradually the connection became shorter and thicker (fig. 1,2 and 3), and within 30 min. the two zoospores united to form a spherical body (fig. 4). The flagella were thrown off just before the compound zoospore assumed the spherical shape. The compound zoospores germinated by a germ tube within 30 min. after their formation. The analogy withCritopoulos' observations on zoospore fusion inP. capsici is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The zoosporangial zoospores ofOlpidium brassicae are uniflagellate (fig. 1). Observations with a phase contrast microscope on living zoospores in watermounts showed that biflagellate zoospores resulted from zoospore fusion. Further, specimens were found with more than two flagella (fig. 2 and 3). As at zoospore discharge only uniflagellate zoospores occur, it may be, assumed that zoospores with more than two flagella are also the result of zoospore fusion. As there may be an analogy betweenO. brassicae andO. viciae,Kusano's explanation of the occurrence of compound zoospores with more than two flagella is discussed.  相似文献   

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