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Water scarcity and nitrate contamination in groundwater are serious problems in desert oases in Northwest China. Field and 15N microplot experiments with traditional and improved water and nitrogen management were conducted in a desert oasis in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Water movement, nitrogen transport and crop growth were simulated by the soil-plant system with water and solute transport model (SPWS). The model simulation results, including the water content and nitrate concentration in the soil profile, leaf area index, dry matter weight, crop N uptake and grain yield, were all in good agreement with the field measurements. The water and nitrogen use efficiency of the improved treatment were better than those of the traditional treatment. The water and nitrogen use efficiency under the traditional treatment were 2.0 kg m−3 and 21 kg kg−1, respectively, while under the improved treatment, they were 2.2 kg m−3 and 26 kg kg−1, respectively. Water drainage accounted for 24-35% of total water input (rainfall and irrigation) for the two treatments. Nitrogen loss by ammonia volatilization and denitrification was less than 5% of the total N input (including the N comes from irrigation). However, 32-61% of total nitrogen input was lost through nitrate leaching, which agreed with the 15N isotopic result. It is impetrative to improve the water and nitrogen management in the desert oasis.  相似文献   

Major ions and stable isotopic (δDwater, δ18Owater, δ15Nnitrate, δ18Onitrate) measurements in concert with hydrochemical modeling were used in order to elucidate the sources and geochemical processes controlling nitrate contamination of shallow alluvial groundwater underneath a riverside agricultural field in the Buyeo area, Korea. Beneath vegetable fields in the sandy soil, the mean nitrate concentration of groundwater was 148.6 mg/L, which is significantly higher than in groundwater (mean 28.8 mg/L) beneath silty soils underneath rice paddy fields. Nitrogen isotope data indicate that synthetic fertilizers are the predominant source of groundwater nitrate in the study area. Denitrification during recharge through rice paddy soils appears to be responsible for the lower nitrate concentrations in groundwater beneath the silty soil zone. The relationship between nitrogen and oxygen isotope data of nitrate also suggests mixing of two different groundwater bodies with nitrates from the silt zone and the sand zone. Geochemical mass balance modeling on hydrochemical data indicates that various agricultural chemicals such as urea, lime, magnesium sulfate and potassium chloride dissolve in vegetable fields of the sandy zone, resulting in significant enrichment of various solutes such as K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NO3, SO42− and Cl. As a consequence of over-utilization of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, the sand zone is characterized by very high nitrate concentrations in the groundwater. This study suggests that a reduction of over-fertilization especially on vegetable fields in the riverside sand zone is required to minimize the nitrate contamination of groundwater. This study also shows that combination of geochemical and isotopic techniques with simple mass balance modeling provides information about the causes and processes of nitrate contamination of groundwater underneath a riverside agricultural field. The study also provides sustainable measures to optimize fertilization rate as an important basis of eco-friendly agriculture.  相似文献   

Considerable NO3 contamination of underlying aquifers is associated with greenhouse-based vegetable production in south-eastern Spain, where 80% of cropping occurs in soil. To identify management factors likely to contribute to NO3 leaching from soil-based cropping, a survey of irrigation and N management practices was conducted in 53 commercial greenhouses. For each greenhouse: (i) a questionnaire of general irrigation and N management practices was completed, (ii) amounts of N applied in manure were estimated; and for one crop in each greenhouse: (a) irrigation volume was compared with ETc calculated using a mathematical model and (b) total amount of applied fertiliser N was compared with crop N uptake. Total irrigation during the first 6 weeks after transplanting/sowing was generally excessive, being >150 and >200% of modelled ETc in, respectively, 68 and 60% of greenhouses. During the subsequent period, applied irrigation was generally similar to modelled ETc, with only 12% of greenhouses applying >150% of modelled ETc. Large irrigations prior to transplanting/sowing were applied in 92% of greenhouses to leach salts and moisten soil. Volumes applied were >20 and >40 mm in, respectively, 69 and 42% of greenhouses. Chemical soil disinfectants had been recently applied in 43% of greenhouses; associated irrigation volumes were >20 and >40 mm in, respectively, 78 and 48% of greenhouses conducting disinfection. Nitrogen and irrigation management were generally based on experience, with very little use of soil or plant analysis. Large manure applications were made at greenhouse construction in 98% of greenhouse, average manure and N application rates were, respectively, 432 m3 ha−1 and 3046 kg N ha−1. Periodic manure applications were made in 68% of greenhouses, average application rates for farmyard and pelleted manures were, respectively, 157 and 13 m3 ha−1 (in 55 and 13% of greenhouses); the average N rate was 947 kg N ha−1. Manure N was not considered in N fertiliser programs in 74% of greenhouses. On average, 75% of fertiliser N was applied as NO3. Applied fertiliser N was >1.5 and >2 times crop N uptake in, respectively, 42 and 21% of crops surveyed. The survey identified various management practices likely to contribute to NO3 leaching loss. Large manure applications and experiential mineral N management practices, based on NO3 application, are likely to cause accumulation of soil NO3. Drainage associated with: (i) the combined effect of large irrigations immediately prior to and excessive irrigations for several weeks following transplanting/sowing and (ii) large irrigations for salt leaching and soil disinfection, is likely to leach accumulated NO3 from the root zone. This study demonstrated that surveys can be very useful diagnostic tools for identifying crop management practices, on commercial farms, that are likely to contribute to appreciable NO3 leaching.  相似文献   

Excessive irrigation and nitrogen applications result in substantial nitrate leaching into groundwater in intensively cropped oases in desert areas of Alxa, Inner Mongolia. An integrated modelling approach was developed and applied to compare policy incentives to reduce nitrate leaching. The integrated model consists of a process-based biophysical model, a meta-model, a farm economic model and an assessment of policy incentives. The modelling results show that there are “win-win” opportunities for improving farm profitability and reducing nitrate leaching. We found that 4471 Yuan ha−1 of farm gross margin could be obtained with a reduction in nitrate leaching of 373 kg ha−1. Farmers’ lack of knowledge about water and nitrogen in soil, and on crop requirements for water and nitrogen could explain the differences, so that agricultural extension is an appropriate policy incentive for this area. When the economic optimum is obtained reductions in nitrate leaching are not achievable without profit penalties and there is a “trade-off” relationship between farm profitability and groundwater quality protection. The combination of low elasticity of nitrate leaching and large elasticity of farm gross margin against water price increases results in very high costs for reducing nitrate leaching (105.6 Yuan kg−1). It is suggested that if the water price increases were coupled with subsidies for adopting nitrate leaching mitigation practices, environmental gains could come at a lower cost.  相似文献   

Maximization of crop yields when the salinity of irrigation water is high depends on providing plant transpiration needs and evaporative losses, as well as on maintaining minimum soil solution salinity through leaching. The effect of the amount of applied irrigation water was studied regarding transpiration, yields, and leaching fractions as a function of irrigation water salinity. Bell pepper (Capsicum annum L. vars. Celica and 7187) in protected growing environments in the Arava Valley of Israel was used as a case study crop to analyze water quantity–salinity interactions in a series of lysimeter, field and model simulation experiments. Leaching fraction was found to be highly influenced by plant feedback, as transpiration depended on root zone salinity. Increased application of saline irrigation water led to increased transpiration and yields. The higher the salinity level, the greater the relative benefit from increased leaching. The extent of leaching needed to maximize yields when irrigating with saline water may make such practice highly unsustainable.  相似文献   

Irrigation return flows may induce salt and nitrate pollution of receiving water bodies. The objectives of this study were to perform a salt and nitrogen mass balance at the hydrological basin level and to quantify the salt and nitrate loads exported in the drainage waters of three basins located in a 15,500 ha irrigation district of the Ebro River Basin (Spain). The main salt and nitrogen inputs and outputs were measured or estimated in these basins along the 2001 hydrological year. Groundwater inflows in the three basins and groundwater outflow in one basin were significant components of the measured mass balances. Thus, the off-site impact ascribed solely to irrigation in these basins was estimated in the soil drainage water. Salt concentrations in soil drainage were low (TDS of around 400–700 mg/l, depending on basins) due to the low TDS of irrigation water and the low presence of salts in the geologic materials, and were inversely related to the drainage fractions (DF = 37–57%). However, due to these high DF, salt loads in soil drainage were relatively high (between 3.4 and 4.7 Mg/ha), although moderate compared to other areas with more saline geological materials. Nitrate concentrations and nitrogen loads in soil drainage were highest (77 mg NO3/l and 195 kg N/ha) in basin III, heavily fertilized (357 kg N/ha), with the highest percentage of corn and with shallow, low water retention flood-irrigated soils. In contrast, the lowest nitrate concentrations and nitrogen loads (21 mg NO3/l and 23 kg N/ha) were found in basin II, fertilized with 203 kg N/ha and preponderant in deep, alluvial valley soils, crops with low N requirements (alfalfa and pasture), the highest non-cropped area (26% of total) and with fertigation practices in the sprinkler-irrigated fields (36% of the irrigated area). Thus, 56% of the N applied by fertilization was lost in soil drainage in basin III, as compared to only 16% in basin II. In summary, a low irrigation efficiency coupled to an inadequate management of nitrogen fertilization are responsible for the low-salt, high-nitrate concentrations in soil and surface drainage outflows from the studied basins. In consequence, higher irrigation efficiencies, optimized nitrogen fertilization and the reuse for irrigation of the low-salt, high-nitrate drainage waters are key management strategies for a better control of the off-site pollution from the studied irrigation district.  相似文献   

Nitrate resulting from nitrogen fertilisers used in Agriculture is a widespread contaminant of shallow groundwater and causes adverse effects on human, animal and ecosystem health. In order to evaluate the full extent of groundwater nitrate contamination, and how it might evolve in time, it is essential to understand controls on aquifer assimilative capacity. This level of understanding will also help to better target policies and incentives aimed at controlling the amount of nitrate entering downstream water systems.The potential for nitrate attenuation in groundwater was assessed by examining the concentration and distribution pattern of electron donors such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ferrous iron, and redox indicators such as dissolved oxygen (DO) and Eh in 57 monitoring bores on the lower Burdekin coastal floodplain, one of Queensland's and Australia's premier irrigation districts. Nitrate concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 14.4 mg/L NO3-N but were mostly undetectable in bores close to the coast. Groundwater age dates suggest that while there are nitrate ‘hot spots’ in certain areas, some or most of the nitrate is being consumed on its way to the ocean. Low nitrate concentrations were coupled with high ferrous concentrations. The low DO concentrations (<2 mg/L) and high ferrous concentrations found in 55% of the bores indicate that redox conditions are suitable for nitrate attenuation by either denitrification or dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium. The reducing environment may be associated with the high DOC concentrations (up to 82 mg C/L) found in these groundwaters. Furthermore, high levels of ferrous iron found in the Ayr area combined with the wide spread geographical distribution of DOC indicate that these areas have a high potential for sustaining geochemical processes that reduces nitrate levels. The distribution of geochemical indicators also suggests that the shallower depths (<15 m) of the groundwater systems have more potential for nitrate reduction than the deeper depths. The map identifying areas within the lower Burdekin with most potential for denitrification is a valuable first step in helping to understand and manage the fate of nitrate entering the groundwater.  相似文献   

Management, operation and maintenance services of about 1.7 million ha irrigation areas, constructed the scheme by State Hydraulic Works (DSI) were turned over to Water User Association (WUA) in Turkey. The number of the WUAs is 330 in Turkey for 2005. There is therefore an urgent need to study methods of measurement and evaluation of financial performance of WUA in order to improve the financial performance and raise the management level of WUA. This paper proposes 12 financial indicators in order to measure and evaluate the financial performance of WUAs. Based on the results in four irrigation schemes and WUAs in Great Menderes basin, Turkey, the methods of measurement and calculation of financial performance indicators selected, and difference factor value related to each indicator are presented. Several financial performance indicators and difference factor values varied widely 1999 to 2004. Therefore, these financial performance indicators should be carefully evaluated and monitored for financial sustainability of WUAs.  相似文献   

InfoCrop, a generic crop model, simulates the effects of weather, soils, agronomic management (planting, nitrogen, residues and irrigation) and major pests on crop growth, yield, soil carbon, nitrogen and water, and greenhouse gas emissions. This paper presents results of its evaluation in terms of its validation for rice and wheat crops in contrasting agro-environments of tropics, sensitivity to the key inputs, and also illustrates two typical applications of the model. Eleven diverse field experiments, having treatments of location, seasons, varieties, nitrogen management, organic matter, irrigation, and multiple pest incidences were used for validation. Grain yields in these experiments varied from 2.8 to 7.2 ton ha−1 in rice and from 3.6 to 5.5 ton ha−1 in wheat. The results indicated that the model was generally able to explain the differences in biomass, grain yield, emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides, and long-term trends in soil organic carbon, in diverse agro-environments. The losses in dry matter and grain yield due to different pests and their populations were also explained satisfactorily. There were some discrepancies in the simulated emission of these gases during first few days after sowing/transplanting possibly because of the absence of tillage effects in the model. The sensitivity of the model to change in ambient temperature, crop duration and pest incidence was similar to the available field knowledge. The application of the model to quantify multiple pests damage through iso-loss curves is demonstrated. Another application illustrated is the use of InfoCrop for analyzing the trade-offs between increasing crop production, agronomic management strategies, and their global warming potential.  相似文献   

Seasonal climate forecasts provide probabilistic information on future climate on timescales of two to three months. Where this information is not presently used it is difficult to evaluate the impact it might have. In order to justify disseminating the information to marginal groups it is important that the potential impact of the forecast is explored so that the negative and positive effects are at least partially appreciated before use of the information is widely promoted. We use an agent-based social simulation model, based on empirical evidence from field work in Lesotho, to assess the impact of using seasonal forecasts among smallholder farmers. The impact of using the forecast depends on the agents' initial household characteristics, what options they choose in responding to the forecast and the trust they place in the forecast (which in turn depends on their ability to learn and to follow their neighbours). Interaction of climate, crop productivity and social factors determines how much household-agents benefit or lose, evaluated in terms of crop yields and likelihood of exhausting food storage. Adoption of the forecast has the potential to decrease starvation among marginal household-agents but poor forecasts may do more harm than good. This work suggests that if forecasts are not correct more than 60–70% of the time, then they are unlikely to benefit poor farmers. Poor forecasts, or forecasts that fail badly, when they do fail, lead to longer adoption timescales for forecast use. Further investigation into the impact of the forecast at the village level is encouraged before dissemination is actively pursued without appreciating potential impacts.  相似文献   

The disciplinary nature of most existing farm models as well as the issue specific orientation of most of the studies in agricultural systems research are main reasons for the limited use and re-use of bio-economic modelling for the ex-ante integrated assessment of policy decisions. The objective of this article is to present a bio-economic farm model that is generic and re-usable for different bio-physical and socio-economic contexts, facilitating the linking of micro and macro analysis or to provide detailed analysis of farming systems in a specific region. Model use is illustrated in this paper with an analysis of the impacts of the CAP reform of 2003 for arable and livestock farms in a context of market liberalization. Results from the application of the model to representative farms in Flevoland (the Netherlands) and Midi-Pyrenees (France) shows that CAP reform 2003 under market liberalization will cause substantial substitution of root crops and durum wheat by vegetables and oilseed crops. Much of the set-aside area will be put into production intensifying the existing farming systems. Abolishment of the milk quota system will cause an increase of the average herd size. The average total gross margin of farm types in Flevoland decreases while the average total gross margin of farms in Midi-Pyrenees increases. The results show that the model can simulate arable and livestock farm types of two regions different from a bio-physical and socio-economic point of view and it can deal with a variety of policy instruments. The examples show that the model can be (re-)used as a basis for future research and as a comprehensive tool for future policy analysis.  相似文献   

城市中的池塘是城市水体的重要组成部分,为揭示城市化背景下池塘水体水质的时间变化特性,选取扬州大学江阳路南校区池塘为研究区,对该池塘2018年7月至2019年6月的水质参数蓝绿藻浓度(Phyco)、水温(WT)、溶解氧(DO)、pH与电导率(EC)进行观测,采用变异系数法、单因子水质标识指数法以及多元线性回归法对各参数的变化特性进行评价。结果显示:池塘WT呈季节性变化;观测期间pH变化范围为7.74~9.98,水体呈碱性;DO变化的随机性较强,未表现出明显变化规律;各水质参数变异性及权重从大到小依次为WT>DO>EC>pH;以DO为指标的单因子水质标识指数结果表明:池塘DO达到Ⅲ类水要求的时段占总观测时段的84%;多元线性回归分析结果表明:DO与WT、pH呈正相关,与Phyco呈负相关,Phyco及pH的变化对DO浓度的影响相对于WT大。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to present a new application of optical and radar remote sensing with high spatial (∼10 m) and temporal (a few days) resolutions for the detection of tillage and irrigation operations. The analysis was performed for irrigated wheat crops in the semi-arid Tensift/Marrakech plain (Central Morocco) using three FORMOSAT-2 images and two ASAR images acquired within one week at the beginning of the 2005/2006 agricultural season.The approach we developed uses simple mapping algorithms (band thresholding and decision tree) for the characterisation of soil surface states. The first images acquired by FORMOSAT and ASAR were processed to classify fields into three main categories: ploughed (in depth), prepared to be sown (harrowed), and not ploughed-not harrowed. This information was combined with a change detection analysis based on multitemporal images to identify harrowing and irrigation operations which occurred between two satellite observations.The performance of the algorithm was evaluated using data related to land use and agricultural practices collected on 124 fields. The analysis shows that drastic changes of surface states caused by ploughing or irrigation are detected without ambiguity (consistency index of 96%). This study provided evidence that optical and radar data contain complementary information for the detection of agricultural operations at the beginning of agricultural season. This information could be useful in regional decision support systems to refine crop calendars and to improve prediction of crop water needs over large areas.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out in the riceirrigation scheme Office du Niger,Mali, to observe malaria mosquito larvaldevelopment as related to differences infield irrigation practices, such as waterlevel, irrigation application andirrigation frequency. The main aim was tofind out to what extent field watermanagement can be considered as a tool forvector control for this irrigation system.The results show that minor differences inwater management do result in smalldifferences in mosquito development, withrespect to larval densities and speciescomposition. The main malaria vector forthe area, An. gambiae s.l., developedpredominantly in the first six weeks aftertransplanting. Due to improper drainageafter harvest An. gambiae s.l. breeding quickly re-established on fieldswhere small water pools remained. Althoughfurther research is needed, suggestions formosquito control in the Office duNiger would be a strict performance of theagricultural calendar in combination with arotation of transplanting in largeblocks.  相似文献   

赵一安  李莉 《中国沼气》2019,(1):114-116
文章对新疆沙湾县农户能源利用情况进行实地调研,研究新疆农村能源使用的总体现状以及主要能源使用的影响因素。通过对当前农户能源利用现状的描述性分析,采用Logit回归分析主要的3种能源煤炭、薪柴、液化气的影响因素。从能源普及率来看,农村能源主要是电力、煤炭和液化气;从消费量比重来看,电(100%)、煤炭(60.4%)、薪柴(17.9%)为主,天然气和沼气等清洁能源比重较低,煤炭几乎全部用于家庭取暖。通过模型分析可知,家庭常住人口对各种能源消费量影响都很大,家庭收入主要影响电(正向)和薪柴消费量(反向),煤炭消费量影响不明显。从能源消费升级的角度看,经济发达、交通便利地区农户能源的消费结构主要从薪柴、煤炭向液化气、电力等商品性便捷能源转换。因此,为了加快农村能源消费的升级,应加强教育,转变农户消费观念,提高农户的环保意识,改善交通条件,加强农村能源供应体系建设。  相似文献   

The problems of agriculture in many tropical countries are gradually becoming more intense due to increasing food demand led by population growth, stagnation in farm productivity, mounting yield losses due to multiple pests, increasing vulnerability to global environmental changes and the need to reduce emission of greenhouse gases. Tools and techniques are needed to assist in developing strategies that can lead to higher food production, prevent crop production losses, and ensure minimal greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining soil fertility. Several dynamic models have been developed in recent past but most of these are generally strong either in soils and crops, or in greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. Pest induced yield losses, a critical issue in the tropics, is not addressed in most models. InfoCrop, a generic dynamic crop model, has been developed to meet these specific requirements. It provides integrated assessment of the effect of weather, variety, pests, soil and management practices on crop growth and yield, as well as on soil nitrogen and organic carbon dynamics in aerobic as well as anaerobic conditions, and greenhouse gas emissions. The model considers the key processes related to crop growth, effects of water deficit, flooding, nitrogen management, temperature and frost stresses, crop–pest interactions, soil water and nitrogen balance and (soil) organic carbon dynamics. Its general structure relating to basic crop growth and yield is largely based on several earlier models, especially SUCROS series, and is written in Fortran Simulation Environment (FSE) programming language. The model has been validated for dry matter and grain yields of several annual crops, losses due to multiple diseases and pests, and emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in a variety of agro-environments. To increase the applications of model in research and development, an extremely simple menu driven version of InfoCrop has also been developed. The users of this version do not need any background in programming.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the efficiency with which water is used in small-scale irrigation schemes in North-West Province in South Africa and studies its determinants. In the study area, small-scale irrigation schemes play an important role in rural development, but the increasing pressure on water resources and the approaching introduction of water charges raise the concern for more efficient water use. With the data envelopment analysis (DEA) techniques used to compute farm-level technical efficiency measures and sub-vector efficiencies for water use, it was shown that under constant returns to scale (CRS) and variable returns to scale (VRS) specification, substantial technical inefficiencies, of 49% and 16%, respectively, exist among farmers. The sub-vector efficiencies for water proved to be even lower, indicating that if farmers became more efficient using the technology currently available, it would be possible to reallocate a fraction of the irrigation water to other water demands without threatening the role of small-scale irrigation. In a second step, Tobit regression techniques were used to examine the relationship between sub-vector efficiency for water and various farm or farmer characteristics. Farm size, landownership, fragmentation, the type of irrigation scheme, crop choice and the irrigation methods applied showed a significant impact on the sub-vector efficiency for water. Such information is valuable for extension services and policy makers since it can help to guide policies towards increased efficiency.  相似文献   

Rapid changes in the social and economic environment in which agriculture is developing, together with the deterioration of the natural resource base threatens sustainability of farm systems in many areas of the world. For vegetable farms in South Uruguay, survival in the long term depends upon the development of production systems able to reduce soil erosion, maintain or improve physical and biological soil fertility, and increase farmer’s income to socially acceptable levels. We propose a model-based explorative land use study to support the re-orientation of vegetable production systems in South Uruguay. In this paper we present a new method to quantitatively integrate agricultural, environmental and socio-economic aspects of agricultural land use based on explicit design objectives. We describe the method followed to design and evaluate a wide variety of land use activities for Canelón Grande (South Uruguay) and we illustrate the usefulness of this approach in an ex-ante evaluation of new farming systems using data from 25 farms in this region. Land use activities resulted from systematic combination of crops and inter-crop activities into crop rotations, different crop management techniques (i.e., mechanisation, irrigation and crop protection) and animal production. We identified and quantified all possible rotations and estimated inputs and outputs at crop rotation scale, explicitly considering interactions among crops. Relevant inputs and outputs (i.e., soil erosion, balance of soil organic matter and nutrients, environmental impact of pesticides, labour and machinery requirements, and economic performance) of each land use activity were quantified using different quantitative methods and following the target-oriented approach. By applying the methodology presented in this paper we were able to design and evaluate 336,128 land use activities suitable for the different soil types in Canelón Grande and for farms with different availability of resources, i.e., land, labour, soil quality, capital and water for irrigation. After theoretical evaluation, a large subset of these land use activities showed promise for reducing soil erosion, maintaining soil organic matter content of the soil and increasing farmer’s income, allowing improvement of current farming systems in the region and providing a widely diverse set of strategic options for farmers in the region to choose from. This method can be used as a stand-alone tool to explore options at the field and farm scale or to generate input for optimisation models to explore options at the farm or regional scale.  相似文献   

利用叶片形状特征区分杂草和作物是杂草识别的一个重要方法。为了提高杂草识别的精度和效率,通过形态学运算和基于距离变换的阈值分割方法分离交叠叶片,从单个叶片中提取包括几何特征和矩特征的17个形状特征,用蚁群优化(ACO)算法和支持向量机(SVM)分类器进行特征选择和分类识别,选取有利于分类的较优特征并实现特征的优化组合。棉田杂草试验结果表明,该方法能实现分类特征的有效缩减,经优化组合得到的最优特征子集用于杂草识别的准确率达95%以上,识别率高,稳定性好,对识别杂草时如何兼顾准确率和实时性具有参考意义。  相似文献   

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