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肉鸡血浆VLDL浓度与肥度性状和体重的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以一世代和二世代高、低脂系肉鸡为素材,测定了42,45和49日龄肉鸡血浆极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)浓度和体重,并于二世代时暑宰7只49日龄肉鸡(公、母各半)、测定其肥度性状。结果:血浆VLDL浓度和肥度性状变异大,变异系数分别为34%~60%和21%~27%;血浆VLDL浓度为中等遗传力,因此对血浆VLDL浓度选择宜采用家系和个体选择结合的方法;血浆VLDL浓度和腹脂重(率)呈显著正表型相关,其遗  相似文献   

以一世代和二世代高、低脂系肉鸡为素材,测定了42,45和49日龄肉鸡血浆极低密度脂蛋白(VLD)浓度和体重,并于二世代时屠宰72只49日龄肉鸡(公、母各半),测定其肥度性状。结果:血浆VLDL浓度和肥度性状变异大,变异系数分别为34%~60%和21%~27%;血浆VLDL浓度为中等遗传力,因此对血浆VLDL浓度选择宜采用家系和个体选择结合的方法;血浆VLDL浓度和腹脂重(率)呈显著正表型相关,其遗传相关为中等至较高水平;血浆VLDL浓度与体重表型相关很弱,而遗传相关为中等,公、母鸡腹脂重与体重呈显著正表型相关。腹脂率与体重表型相关均不显著。表明对血浆VLDL浓度低向选择,在降低腹脂的同时,体重也将下降。为防止体重的下降,应对血浆VLDL浓度和体重同时进行选择。  相似文献   

以褐壳蛋鸡祖代母本种鸡为研究材料,用比浊法测定血浆极低密度脂蛋白浓度。试验结果表明,母鸡81周龄腹脂重,腹脂率,鲜肝脂肪含量的变异系数分别高达47%,39%,47%。表明这些性状在鸡群中未做过选择。血浆VLDL浓度与腹脂重,腹脂度,肝重,肝脂含量均呈正表型相关趋势。  相似文献   

以温氏育种公司黄鸡矮小型品系N30 1为材料 ,分析血浆VLDL浓度与腹脂性状间的关系 ,结果表明 :10周龄公母鸡血浆VLDL浓度的变异系数很大 ,分别为 4 9.86 %和 4 9.5 1% ;血浆VLDL浓度与脂肪性状间有较高程度的正表型相关 ,在公鸡中血浆VLDL浓度与皮脂重、皮脂率、腹脂重、腹脂率的表型相关系数分别为 0 .186 ,0 .117,0 .381和 0 .375 ,而在母鸡分别为 0 .2 2 8,0 .2 35 ,0 .2 5 8和 0 .2 5 2。血浆VLDL浓度可以作为矮小型鸡只体脂沉积性状的选种指标。  相似文献   

孟和  李志辉  于赫  王宇祥  李辉 《中国家禽》2001,23(14):11-13
本试验以血浆VLDL浓度双向选择的三世代高、低脂系肉鸡作为父系,以商用艾维茵父母代肉鸡为母系,分别组建高脂系×艾维茵(FAV)、低脂系×艾维茵(LAV)两个杂交组合试验群体,于49日龄抽样测定了试验群体的体重、屠体肥度性状和VLDL值,并与艾维茵×艾维茵(AVAV)、高、低脂纯繁系(FF和LL)进行了比较,结果各试验群体肥度性状由高到底的排列顺序为FF>FAV>AVAV>LAV>LL,反映了经过双向选择后建立的高低脂系的肥度性状在遗传基础上已经分离并能将之稳定遗传,一定程度上证明了双向选择的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

以父母代肉种鸡为材料,以血浆极低密度脂蛋白(very low density lipoprotein,VLDL)质量浓度为选择指标建立肉鸡高脂系和低脂系,个体测定一世代高、低脂系母鸡产蛋性能、种蛋受精率、孵化率、二世代6周龄体质量,观察血浆VLDL质量浓度选择效应。结果显示,一世代低脂系比高脂系早开产6.7d,低脂系40周龄和54周龄产蛋量显著高于高脂系零世代,一世代低脂系种蛋受精率、受精蛋孵化率、入孵蛋孵化率均优于高脂系;二世代高、低脂系6周龄体质量差异不显著。结果表明,对血浆VLDL质量浓度的低向选择使种鸡产蛋性能、种蛋受精率、孵化率产生了有益的间接反应,但对早期体质量没有影响。  相似文献   

肉用仔鸡日粮中分别添加150ppm、200ppm、250ppm、300ppm 的硝酸稀土,经54天的饲喂试验,其测定结果表明,血浆中亚铁氧化酶活性都较不添加的对照组有不同程度的提高,其中以250ppm 组酶活性升高最明显(P<0.01)。本试验结果为稀土对畜禽增产的作用机理提供了依据。  相似文献   

肉鸡肠道氨浓度与腹水症死亡的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

影响蛋鸡血浆极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)含量的环境因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生长阶段的蛋鸡血浆极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)含量很少。开产后血中VLDL浓度与日粮蛋白质水平呈强正相关,并与产蛋率的高低相适应。日粮粗蛋白质为18%时,血中VLDL含量平均在4000~7100mg/100ml,可视为产蛋鸡正常高产水平。环境温度对血中VLDL浓度有影响,但不显著。蛋鸡在17~25℃下血中VLDL含量提高,温度升高(达29~33℃),VLDL含量与蛋白质食入量的相关程度降低。  相似文献   

以雅发褐壳蛋鸡为素材,应用血浆极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)浓度在零世代和一世代双向选择的基础上,测定二世代蛋鸡高、低脂系40,50及60周龄的血浆VLDL浓度,估计了其遗传参数。结果表明,二世代蛋鸡中后期血浆VLDL浓度随着鸡周龄的增加而增加。同时,各时期血浆VLDL浓度间呈极显著的表型相关(P<0.01)和较高的正遗传相关。各时期高、低脂系血浆VLDL浓度有向两个方向分化的趋势,但同一时期差异不显著(P>0.05),血浆VLDL浓度的遗传力较低。为了扩大选择进展,应采用家系选择为主的方法进行。  相似文献   

以父线代肉种鸡为材料,用比浊法测定血浆VLDL浓度,分别以16周龄,6周龄血浆VLDL浓度为选择指标建立零世代,一世代肉鸡高脂系和低脂系地肉鸡体重和血浆VLDL浓度的选择反应。结果:1.零世代,一世代肉鸡血浆VLDL浓度变异很大,变异系数分别为43.6%-74.6%和38.7%-79.9%,二个世代选择后,血浆VLDL浓度变异系数在高,低脂质中分别为37%-52%和31%-46%,表明对血浆VLD  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in broiler chickens raised in high stocking density (HSD) on performance and physiological responses. A total of 900 male broiler chicks (Ross 308) at 1 d old were assigned in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement to 4 treatments (10 replicates per treatment) with stocking density, 7.5 birds/m2 (low stocking density; LSD) or 15 birds/m2 (HSD), and dietary GABA, 0 or 100 mg/kg. Chickens raised in HSD exhibited a decrease in body weight gain in all phases (P < 0.05) and feed intake in starter and whole phases (P < 0.01), and an increase in feed conversion ratio in the finisher phase (P < 0.01) compared with LSD-raised chickens. However, dietary GABA did not affect growth performance nor interacted with stocking density on production variables. The HSD vs. LSD increased relative liver weight on d 35 whereas dietary GABA increased relative liver weight and decreased relative bursa weight on d 21. Both stocking density and dietary GABA affected yield and quality of breast and leg muscles. Dietary GABA increased (P < 0.05) width of tibia on d 35 and interacted (P = 0.054) with stocking density on breaking stocking density on d 35. The HSD vs. LSD group lowered (P < 0.05) feather coverage scores. Significant interaction between stocking density and GABA on surface temperature of shank on d 21 was noted (P = 0.024). Dietary GABA exhibited an opposite effect on the concentrations of cecal short-chain fatty acids depending on stocking density leading to a moderate to significant interaction. Stocking density decreased alpha-1-acid glycoprotein whereas dietary GABA decreased heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and corticosterone in blood or serum samples. Serum biochemical parameters were altered by stocking density or dietary GABA. It is concluded that dietary GABA alleviated stress indices including corticosterone and heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, but failed to reverse stocking density-induced growth depression.  相似文献   

The plasma very low‐density lipoprotein (VLDL) concentration is an effective blood biochemical indicator that could be used to select lean chicken lines. In the current study, we used Genome‐wide association study (GWAS) method to detect SNPs with significant effects on plasma VLDL concentration. As a result, 38 SNPs significantly associated with plasma VLDL concentration were identified using at least one of the three mixed linear model (MLM) packages, including GRAMMAR, EMMAX and GEMMA. Nearly, all these SNPs with significant effects on plasma VLDL concentration (except Gga_rs16160897) have significantly different allele frequencies between lean and fat lines. The 1‐Mb regions surrounding these 38 SNPs were extracted, and twelve important regions were obtained after combining the overlaps. A total of 122 genes in these twelve important regions were detected. Among these genes, LRRK2, ABCD2, TLR4, E2F1, SUGP1, NCAN, KLF2 and RAB8A were identified as important genes for plasma VLDL concentration based on their basic functions. The results of this study may supply useful information to select lean chicken lines.  相似文献   

Graded quantities of 1.38,2.76 and 4.14 g/kg L-methionine were included in a control diet formulated to contain 3.07 g/kg digestible methionine.Each of the 4 dietary treatments was offered to 6 replicate cages(initially 8 birds per cage)from 1 to 21 d postehatch.The parameters assessed included growth performance,nutrient utilisation(apparent metabolisable energy[AME],AME:GE ratios,N retention,Ncorrected apparent metabolisable energy[AMEn]),apparent digestibility coefficients and disappearance rates of amino acids in the distal ileum.They also included free amino concentrations in systemic plasma(brachial vein)at 20 d postehatch and in hepatic tissue at 14 and 21 d postehatch.Graded L-methionine inclusions quadratically influenced weight gain(r=0.688;P=0.001)and FCR(r=0.780;P<0.001).It may be deduced from the quadratic regressions that 3.43 g/kg L-methionine supported maximum weight gain of 1,036 g/kg and 3.50 g/kg L-methionine minimum FCR of 1.193,from 1 to 21 d postehatch.The control diet contained specified levels of 3.07 g/kg digestible methionine and 13.0 g/kg digestible lysine.Thus,an inclusion of 3.465 g/kg L-methionine corresponded to a total of 6.535 g/kg methionine or a methionine-to-lysine ratio of 50.3,which is higher than standard recommendations.The implications of this and other outcomes of the present study are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of T3-induced pulmonary hypertension on endothelin (ET) production and genes expression of ET-1, ETA and ETB receptors (ETAR and ETBR) during rearing, semiquantitative RT-PCR and enzyme immunometric assay were performed in the heart ventricles and serum, respectively. The ET-1 and its receptor genes were expressed in the right and left ventricles of control and T3-treated broilers at 12, 28 and 49 days of age. There were significant (P < 0.05) reductions of the relative amounts of ET-1 (in both ventricles) and ETAR (in the right ventricle) mRNAs at 28 and 49 days of age, in T3-treated broilers compared to controls. The relative amounts of ETBR mRNA in the right and left ventricles did not significantly differ between control and T3-treated broilers at any age. The serum level of ET was significantly (P < 0.05) increased in T3-treated chickens at 28 and 49 days of age when compared with that of the control. It is concluded that ET-1, ETAR and ETBR genes are normally expressed in the heart ventricles of broilers. It is likely that increased serum level of ET and decreased ET-1/ETAR genes expression in the ventricles are involved in the heart dysfunction of broiler chickens with developmental pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus (LBA) and mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS) supplementation on the production performance, serum biochemistry, antioxidant profile, health indices, meat quality, and lipid oxidative stability of broiler chicken. A total of 252 commercial broiler chickens at 1 d old of uniform body weight were randomly allocated to 6 maize-soybean-based dietary treatments: T1 (control diet), T2 ( antibiotic bacitracin methylene di-salicylate [BMD] at 20 mg/kg diet), T3 (MOS at 0.1% + LBA at 106 CFU/g feed), T4 (MOS at 0.1% + LBA at 107 CFU/g feed), T5 (MOS at 0.2% + LBA at 106 CFU/g feed), and T6 (MOS at 0.2% + LBA at 107 CFU/g feed). Each treatment was assigned to 6 replicates of 7 birds. The samples for meat quality and serum biochemistry analysis were taken from 12 birds per treatment (2 birds/replicate). The results revealed better (P < 0.01) growth performance and production efficiency of birds fed either T5 or T6 diet compared to control or BMD supplemented diet and BMD-supplemented birds superseded the control birds. Higher (P < 0.01) serum and liver antioxidant enzyme activities, meat antioxidant capacity (2, 2-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid [ABTS] and 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl [DPPH] assays], serum total protein, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol (P < 0.05), and globulin levels (P < 0.01) were observed in birds fed either T5 or T6 diet compared to control or BMD supplemented birds, whereas, lower lipid oxidation (P < 0.01), cardiac risk ratio, atherogenic coefficient, atherogenic index of plasma, serum glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol levels (P < 0.01), and serum albumin-to-globulin ratio (P < 0.05) were observed in the chickens. The pH of meat from birds fed T4, T5 or T6 diet was lower (P < 0.01) compared to control and other treatments. The extract release volume (ERV), water holding capacity (WHC), and protein content of meat were higher (P < 0.05) in birds fed either T5 or T6 diet compared to control or BMD supplemented birds. Thus, it was concluded that the supplementation of 0.2% MOS along with LBA at 106 CFU/g is optimum for better growth performance, serum biochemistry, antioxidant profile, health indices, meat quality, and lipid oxidative stability of broiler chickens.  相似文献   

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