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Behavioural and cortisol responses of calves were used as indicators of pain to assess short- and long-term effects of bloodless castration methods with and without local anaesthesia. Seventy calves, aged 21-28 days, were control handled (20) or castrated using the Burdizzo (25) or rubber ring technique (25). Either 10 mL lidocaine or NaCl were distributed in both spermatic cords and the scrotal neck. The plasma cortisol response was recorded for 72 h, and behavioural and clinical traits monitored over a three month period. Local anaesthesia reduced the level of indicators of acute pain after both the Burdizzo and rubber ring techniques. It did not, however, result in a totally painless castration. As there was evidence of chronic pain lasting for several weeks after rubber ring castration, the Burdizzo method is judged to be preferable to the rubber ring technique.  相似文献   

Behavioural and cortisol responses of lambs were used as indicators of pain and distress to assess short- and long-term effects of bloodless castration methods with and without local anaesthesia. Eighty lambs, aged 2-7 days, were control handled or castrated by crushing- Burdizzo- or rubber ring method with and without local anaesthesia. Either 4 mg/kg diluted lidocaine, or corresponding volumes of physiologic sodium chloride solution were distributed in both spermatic cords and the scrotal neck. The serum cortisol response was monitored for 48 h, behavioural- and clinical traits over a 3-month period. The crushing castration method was excluded from the study after 10 lambs had been castrated, since this method showed severe local reactions. Local anaesthesia significantly reduced behavioural and cortisol responses after rubber ring castration and tendentially after Burdizzo castration. Prolonged or chronic pain after rubber ring castration with anaesthesia was not evident. If combined with local anaesthesia, both the rubber ring and the Burdizzo method are acceptable methods for castration of lambs up to one week of age.  相似文献   

To assess short- and long-term effects of bloodless castration methods with and without local anaesthesia, behavioural and cortisol responses of lambs were used as indicators of pain and distress. Seventy lambs, aged 2-7 days, were control-handled or castrated by Burdizzo or rubber ring methods with and without local anaesthesia. Either 5 mL of diluted lidocaine (4 mg/kg) or physiological sodium chloride solution was distributed in both spermatic cords and the scrotal neck. The serum cortisol response was monitored for 48 h, and behavioural and clinical traits were followed for three months. Local anaesthesia tended to reduce behavioural and cortisol responses after Burdizzo castration and provided a significant reduction after rubber ring castration. Prolonged pain after rubber ring castration with anaesthesia was not evident. If combined with local anaesthesia, both the rubber ring and the Burdizzo methods are acceptable methods for castration of lambs up to one week of age.  相似文献   

Behavioural and cortisol responses of calves were used as indicators of pain to assess short- and long-term effects of three bloodless castration methods with and without local anaesthesia. Eighty calves, aged 21 to 28 days, were control handled (20) or castrated by Burdizzo (25), rubber ring (25), or crushing technique (10). Either a total volume of 10 ml of Lidocaine or NaCl was distributed in both spermatic cords and the scrotal neck. The plasma cortisol response was monitored for 72 hours, and behavioural and clinical traits over a three-month period. Castration success was assessed by degree of atrophy and histological tissue examination. The crushing technique cannot be recommended due to incomplete castration success, and the evaluation was stopped after 10 animals. Local anaesthesia reduced the level of indicators of acute pain after Burdizzo and rubber ring technique. It did, however, not result in a totally painless castration. When castration is performed at the age of 3 to 4 weeks, the rubber ring but not the Burdizzo method showed evidence of chronic pain lasting for several weeks.  相似文献   

The last two years piglet castration in Norway has been performed by veterinarians and with the use of anaesthesia. In order to evaluate this new policy, veterinarians and pig producers were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their experiences with the new castration practices. The answers showed that the piglets were most often castrated using a combination of subcutaneous and intratesticular administration of lidocaine with adrenaline at an average age of 10 days. The effect of the anaesthesia was regarded as good by 54% of the veterinarians and 19% of the producers. Post-operative complications were rare. The overall evaluation showed that two-thirds of the veterinarians, but only one-third of the pig producers were satisfied or very satisfied with the implemented policy. However, while two-thirds of the pig producer had a negative attitude to the policy before it was implemented, only one-third were dissatisfied after two years experience.  相似文献   

Changes in plasma cortisol concentrations during the first 4 hours after castration of 6-week-old lambs by one of four methods were measured. The methods were application of a rubber ring above the testes, application of a ring to shorten the scrotum below the testes, use of a castration clamp plus a ring, and use of a castration clamp alone. The efficacy of local anaesthetic in reducing or abolishing the cortisol responses to castration by all these methods except short scrotum was assessed. Local anaesthetic was injected into the neck of the scrotum, both spermatic cords, the scrotal neck plus spermatic cords, or into both testes. The combined clamp plus ring method was used to test whether or not clamp damage to afferent nerves from the testes would reduce the cortisol response to ring castration. The short scrotum method elicited a significantly lower cortisol response than that caused by ring castration. Injection of local anaesthetic into both spermatic cords marginally reduced the cortisol response to ring castration, but the response was virtually abolished by prior scrotal neck, or scrotal neck plus spermatic cords, or intra-testicular local anaesthetic injections. The clamp plus ring method, where each spermatic cord and the associated scrotal tissue were crushed separately for 1, 5 or 10 seconds with no overlap between the two crush lines, did not elicit lower cortisol responses than the ring-only method. Local anaesthetic injected into the scrotal neck virtually abolished, and spermatic cord injections markedly reduced, the cortisol responses to combined clamp plus ring castration. The IO-second clamp application caused a more protracted cortisol response than did ring-only castration, whereas the cortisol responses to 1-second clamp application and to ring-only castration were similar. Local anaesthetic injected into the scrotal neck or spermatic cords did not affect significantly the cortisol response to the IO-second clamp application. The following conclusions were drawn from this work: the testes as well as the scrotum were sources of noxious sensory input after ring application; the clamp plus ring method used here was ineffective in reducing the pain-induced distress (as indicated by cortisol concentrations) caused by ring-only castration; injection of local anaesthetic into the scrotal neck or into the testes prior to ring application blocked most noxious sensory input from both the scrotum and the testes; and on the basis of the present cortisol responses the 10-second clamp applications method could not be recommended in reference to the ring-only method, but the l-second clamp application method might be equally acceptable for castrating 6-week-old-lambs. Of the methods examined, injections of local anaesthetic into the scrotal neck or both testes were the most effective in reducing the pain-induced distress caused by ring-only castration.  相似文献   

The cortisol response of calves to different methods of castration (ring, band, surgical, clamp) with or without local anaesthetic, or local anaesthetic plus a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug were recorded. All methods of castration caused a significant cortisol response and by inference pain and distress. Band castration caused a greater cortisol response than ring castration but the responses were eliminated by local anaesthetic. The cortisol response to surgical castration, by traction on the spermatic cords or by cutting across them with an emasculator, was not diminished by local anaesthetic but when ketoprofen was given with local anaesthetic the cortisol response was eliminated. Local anaesthetic did reduce the behavioural response to cutting the scrotum and handling the testes. Clamp castration caused the smallest cortisol response which was reduced or eliminated by local anaesthetic or local anesthetic plus ketoprofen respectively, but this method of castration was not always successful.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of a topical anaesthetic formulation on pain alleviation, wound healing and systemic levels of local anaesthetic actives in lambs undergoing castration and tail docking. Design Three placebo-controlled and/or randomised experiments were conducted using three groups of Merino lambs (n = 62, 68 and 19) undergoing routine castration and tail docking. Procedure Surgical castration, with either surgical or hot-iron tail docking, was performed with and without the application of topical anaesthetic (Tri-Solfen®) or placebo. The effects of this procedure were compared with those of rubber ring castration and tail docking, and of the handled but unmarked controls. Wound pain was assessed using calibrated Von-Frey monofilaments over a 4-h period, pain-related behaviour was assessed over 5 h, wound healing was assessed at 14 and 28 days, and the plasma levels of lignocaine and bupivacaine were determined. Results Rapid and up to 4 h primary hyperalgesia developed following surgical castration and tail docking in the untreated and placebo-treated lambs. It was absent in the castration wounds, and significantly reduced in the tail-docking wounds, of the treated lambs. Hot-iron docking was associated with mild and transient secondary hyperalgesia, which was abolished by the topical anaesthesia. There was a significant reduction in pain-related behaviours in treated lambs, which were not significantly different in their behaviour to the sham-operation handled controls. Plasma lignocaine and bupivacaine levels were below the toxic thresholds in all tested lambs. Conclusion Topical anaesthesia alleviates wound pain and significantly reduces pain-related behaviours in lambs undergoing surgical castration plus surgical or hot-iron tail docking, without a negative effect on wound healing or a risk of systemic toxicity.  相似文献   

Objective To measure plasma cortisol responses in calves dehorned using a scoop after administration of local anaesthesia and/or cautery of the wounds.
Design A physiological study with controls.
Procedure There were six treatments: control handling with and without local anaesthesia, dehorning, dehorning after local anaesthesia, dehorning followed by wound cautery, and dehorning after local anaesthesia followed by wound cautery. Blood samples were taken before and after dehorning.
Results Dehorning caused an increase in plasma cortisol concentrations, which decreased a little to plateau values and then declined to pretreatment values 3 to 4 h after dehorning. The peak was smaller after local anaesthesia was administered but when its effects wore off, cortisol concentrations increased and thereafter were similar to those in the dehorned animals. The combination of local anaesthesia and cautery resulted in a plasma cortisol response similar to those in control calves with or without local anaesthesia.
Conclusions If plasma cortisol concentrations reflect the distress being experienced by the calves, then local anaesthesia reduces the acute distress for about 3 h after dehorning but not during the subsequent 3 to 4 h. Combining local anaesthetic and cautery prevented the significant increase in plasma cortisol following dehorning and may eliminate the acute distress caused by scoop dehorning.  相似文献   

Pain and distress following castration were assessed in lambs using three indicators: behaviour, plasma cortisol and mechanical nociceptive thresholds. Three castration methods: rubber ring (RR), combined ring and Burdizzo clamp (CM) and surgery (SU) were compared. The effects of castration following local anaesthetic pre-treatment (LA) and castration performed under general anaesthetic (GA) were compared to castration performed with no anaesthetic. This gave a 4 x 3 x 3 block design i.e. 36 experimental treatments. Six lambs were allocated to each treatment i.e. 216 lambs were used in all. SU produced the greatest response, followed by RR then CM castration. LA abolished the responses to RR and CM castration but had no effect on the response to SU castration. GA did not reduce the responses to RR and SU but abolished the rise in mechanical nociceptive thresholds and markedly attenuated active pain behaviours in lambs CM castrated without anaesthesia. This suggests that the clamping procedure itself rather than post-castration pain and distress is responsible for the rise in nociceptive thresholds and active pain behaviours in CM castrated lambs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of surgical and latex banding methods of castration in 14- and 9-month-old bulls. DESIGN: Two randomised, controlled experiments. PROCEDURE: In Experiment 1, following administration of local anaesthetic, 14-month-old bulls were castrated by either surgical or banding methods, or left entire. Behavioural, plasma cortisol, plasma haptoglobin and bodyweight responses were recorded. A group of steers from the same mob was used as an additional comparison for bodyweight data. In Experiment 2, following administration of local anaesthetic, 9-month-old bulls were castrated by either surgical or banding methods and cortisol, haptoglobin and bodyweight responses were recorded. Entire bulls from the same group were used as an additional comparison for bodyweight data. RESULTS: In Experiment 1, surgical castrates exhibited more leg stamping and tail swishing than banded or entire animals in the hours after castration. Surgical castrates in both experiments also showed an increase in plasma haptoglobin, which resolved after 4 days. Plasma cortisol was generally not affected by castration. Surgical castrates grew more slowly than entire bulls, but faster than banded animals, in the 56 days after treatment. In Experiment 1, after 56 days, the bodyweights of surgical and banded castrates were not different from the bodyweights of the steers. Fourteen-month-old banded cattle developed persistent wounds above the latex band which remained for several weeks after scrotal dehiscence, but this did not occur in the 9-month-old animals. CONCLUSION: The banding procedure produced fewer acute effects, but a greater suppression of growth than surgical castration and induced prolonged wound formation in the older age group, suggesting that this procedure may not be as suitable for yearling cattle.  相似文献   

通过刺激前应用盐酸羟考酮观察福尔马林致痛模型大鼠的镇痛效果和血液中NO及P物质浓度的变化,探讨盐酸羟考酮超前镇痛的作用机制。选取健康成年Wistar大鼠32只,雌雄各半,体质量250~300 g,随机分为4组(每组8只),正常空白对照组(A组)腹腔注射0.9%氯化钠溶液2 m L;福尔马林模型组(B组)用微量注射器抽取5%福尔马林100μL注入大鼠右侧后爪掌心皮下致痛;盐酸羟考酮致痛前给药组(C组),福尔马林致痛前30 min腹腔注射盐酸羟考酮0.2 mg·kg-1;盐酸羟考酮致痛后给药组(D组),福尔马林致痛后30 min腹腔注射盐酸羟考酮0.2 mg·kg-1。致痛后1,10,20,30,45,60,90 min观察动物疼痛行为改变,以累积疼痛评分评定疼痛行为。致痛后90 min用水合氯醛麻醉大鼠,心脏采血3 m L测定其NO及P物质浓度的变化。根据大鼠行为学改变及疼痛评分的结果显示,本试验造模成功。疼痛评分值:致痛后10 min,C组比B组明显减小(P0.05);60~90 min,C、D组与B组比较明显减小(P0.05)。血液标本中NO浓度C、D组与B组比较明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P0.01),C组和D组比较,差异也有统计学意义(P0.05);血液中P物质浓度C、D组与B组比较明显降低,差异也有统计学意义(P0.001),C组和D组比较,差异也有统计学意义(P0.05)。结果表明,大鼠福尔马林致痛模型致痛前和致痛后30 min腹腔注射盐酸羟考酮均有明显的镇痛作用,镇痛效果与降低血液中NO及P物质的浓度相关,二者比较,致痛前30min给药即超前镇痛作用更显著。  相似文献   

Aims. To determine if individual behaviours may be used to compare the distress caused by the different methods of castration.

Methods. A controlled experiment in which the behaviour pattern of 174 lambs given one of twenty treatments (six ring, five clamp plus ring and four clamp castration with a variety of local anaesthetic placements plus five control treatments) were monitored for 4 hours from about 5 seconds after treatment.

Results. The contrast between the behaviour patterns of lambs castrated by different methods with or without local anaesthesia and control groups allowed the identification of individual behaviours stimulated by the different methods of castration. After ring castration there was an increase in restlessness, in contrast to clamp castration, which had no obvious individual behaviour associated with it during the 4 hours after treatment. Clamp plus ring castration resulted in a behaviour pattern similar to those caused by ring castration alone.

Conclusions. Individual behaviours can only be used to compare the distress caused by different methods of castration if the methods stimulate similar behaviours. The distress which occurs after ring or clamp castration cannot be compared using behavioural observations because the two techniques stimulate different types of behaviour.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the pain elicited by amputation dehorning and evaluate the effect of local anaesthesia by using changes in calf behaviour. METHODS: The behaviour of 6-month-old Friesian calves (n = 60), subjected to control handling, dehorned or dehorned after local anaesthesia treatment, was monitored in this study. The proportion of calves displaying particular behaviours was recorded using instantaneous scan sampling during the first 10 h and between 26 and 29 h after treatment. RESULTS: The three behaviours of tail flicking, head shaking and ear flicking displayed similar features with time according to treatment and appeared to occur in an inverse relation to rumination. Dehorned calves were highly restless for the first 6 h after treatment. A significantly greater proportion of them displayed tail flicking, head shaking and ear flicking than the control calves, which, by contrast, stood still and ruminated (P < 0.05). The behaviour of calves given local anaesthetic prior to dehorning was similar to that of the control calves for the first 2 h. Thereafter the proportion of calves displaying tail flicking, head shaking and ear flicking increased, rumination decreased, and the behaviour was similar to that of the dehorned calves. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that dehorning is a painful experience that lasts about 6 h and that local anaesthetic alleviates that pain during its period of action. It is recommended that local anaesthetic be administered when conducting amputation dehorning.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Diagnostic infiltration of local anaesthetic solution is commonly used in cases of equine back pain. Evaluation is subjective and it is not known how local analgesia of the back affects horses without clinical signs of back pain. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of infiltration of local anaesthetics on the movement of the back in horses without clinical signs of back pain, and to evaluate the usefulness of kinematic studies as an objective and quantitative tool in evaluating local analgesia in clinical practice. METHODS: The kinematics of the back in 10 clinically sound horses were measured on 2 occasions at walk and trot before and after injections with mepivacaine and sodium chloride around the interspinous spaces between T16 and L2. The kinematics were compared between the 2 occasions before injections and before and after each injection. RESULTS: The range of motion (ROM) for dorsoventral flexion-extension (FE) of the back was increased significantly in all measured segments other than T10 at walk, as was lateral bending (LB) at T10, L3 and L5 after injection of mepivacaine. For lateral excursion (LE), total movement increased at all measured segments. At trot the only affected segment was L3, where the injection with mepivacaine decreased the ROM for FE. After injection of sodium chloride the ROM for FE increased at T13 and T17 at walk. Lateral bending and LE were not affected at walk. At trot, LB increased at L3 and L5. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Diagnostic infiltration of local anaesthetic solution affects the function of the back in clinically sound horses, which must be considered when interpreting the use of this clinical aid in assessing clinical cases of back dysfunction. Kinematics can qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the effect of local analgesia of the back.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine frequency and severity of postanesthetic hypoxemia and hypercarbia in healthy dogs undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy or castration and given butorphanol or hydromorphone for analgesia. DESIGN: Prospective trial. ANIMALS: 0 healthy dogs weighing > 10 kg (22 lb). PROCEDURE: Dogs were anesthestized with acepromazine, glycopyrrolate, thiopental, and isoflurane, and butorphanol (n = 10) or hydromorphone (10) was used for perioperative analgesia. Arterial blood gas analyses were performed 10 and 30 minutes and 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours after extubation. RESULTS: In dogs that received hydromorphone, mean PaCO2 was significantly higher, compared with the preoperative value, 10 and 30 minutes and 1, 2, and 3 hours after extubation. Mean PaCO2 was significantly higher in dogs given hydromorphone rather than butorphanol 10 and 30 minutes and 1 and 2 hours after extubation. Mean PaO2 was significantly lower, compared with preoperative values, 30 minutes and 1 and 2 hours after extubation in dogs given hydromorphone and 30 minutes after extubation in dogs given butorphanol. Mean PaO2 was significantly lower in dogs given hydromorphone rather than butorphanol 1 hour after extubation. Four dogs had PaO2 < 80 mm Hg 1 or more times after extubation. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that administration of hydromorphone to healthy dogs undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy or castration may result in transient increases in PaCO2 postoperatively and that administration of hydromorphone or butorphanol may result in transient decreases in PaO2. However, increases in PaCO2 and decreases in PaO2 were mild, and mean PaCO2 and PaO2 remained within reference limits.  相似文献   

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