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以18个设施栽培的西瓜品种为试材,对影响蜜蜂授粉效果的雌花花蜜分泌量、泌蜜规律、雌花花冠直径、雄花花粉量、离体花粉萌发率和花粉管长度进行了研究。结果表明:不同西瓜品种在花蜜含量、花冠直径、花粉数量、15℃条件下的花粉萌发率、花粉管长度上差异显著,而在25℃下花粉萌发率上无显著差异;在雌花开花当天7:00~17:00内,花蜜量随时间推移,其分泌速率受温度影响,表现出双S曲线变化趋势;比较不同品种在泌蜜量、花粉量、花粉萌发率、花粉管长度等性状方面的表现,"早佳(8424)"、"京欣一号"、"京欣三号"、"小玉五号"、"小玉八号"西瓜综合表现较好,可以考虑作为西瓜蜜蜂授粉的重要品种。  相似文献   

温室丝瓜泌蜜规律的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对温室丝瓜泌蜜规律的调查研究,结果表明,在7:00~15:00之间丝瓜花泌蜜高峰期是上午7:00~9:00,9:00达到高峰值,之后基本上不再泌蜜.泌蜜量与温度、湿度相关性很小,差异不显著.雄花花蜜浓度变化和湿度变化存在一定负相关,相关系数r=-0.749,差异达到显著水平(P<0.05);雌花花蜜浓度和湿度亦呈现负相关,相关系数r=-0.884,差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01).花蜜浓度的变化和温度存在一定正相关,但差异未达显著水平.花的直径大小对泌蜜量的影响迭极显著水平(P<0.01).  相似文献   

腥臭卫矛是山西特色观赏灌木,开花期花器官散发出很浓的腥臭味,但其花蜜腺的形态和结构尚无相关资料。为明确腥臭卫矛花蜜腺的微形态特点,用扫描电子显微技术对腥臭卫矛花蕾期和盛花期的花蜜腺进行了观察。结果表明,腥臭卫矛花蜜腺属于外分泌腺,总体呈盘状结构,位于雄蕊与雌花子房相间的花托上,属于花托蜜腺。从腥臭卫矛花朵花蕾期、始花期和盛花期来看,其分泌表皮层细胞在泌蜜时由厚变得轻薄透明,泌蜜组织的细胞排列由松散到紧密且规则整齐,表皮细胞气孔和分泌气孔逐渐发育成熟。  相似文献   

龙眼花蜜腺的形态结构和发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过电镜扫描、石蜡切片、半薄切片显微观察和超薄切片电镜观察等方法, 研究了龙眼花蜜腺的形态、结构和发育过程。龙眼花蜜腺位于雌、雄蕊与花瓣、花萼之间的花托上, 呈边缘凹陷的扁平盘状。成熟蜜腺由分泌表皮、泌蜜组织和只具韧皮部的维管组织构成, 为典型的结构蜜腺。蜜腺表面密被单细胞的表皮毛, 具多个气孔。表皮细胞外具角质层, 多数细胞内含颗粒状酚类物质。泌蜜组织由大小两类细胞组成, 小细胞中细胞质浓, 大细胞中含酚类物质。维管组织较为发达。雌、雄花蜜腺是在花的各部分分化后, 开始从花托表面分化。在蜜腺发育过程中, 液泡呈现有规律的变化, 预示着液泡可能参与了蜜汁的合成与分泌过程。泌蜜组织中的大型特化细胞所含的酚类物质在泌蜜过程中存在着分解现象, 因而其除形成蜜腺自身的保护机制外, 也可能作为蜜汁的前体物质。  相似文献   

华文 《花卉》2013,(4):29-30
地球上大约有30000种兰花.大多数兰花都是依靠昆虫传粉.一般来说,昆虫为花朵传粉.花朵则会为昆虫提供一定的报酬,如花粉和花蜜等,但是经过长时间的进化,很多兰花练就了一身伪装的本领,这使得兰花可以通过欺骗昆虫为其传粉,  相似文献   

花蜜3号是以四倍体W40-2-3为母本,G03-8为父本配制而成的中熟、高产、抗病、大果型无籽西瓜新品种。植株生长旺盛,坐果整齐。全生育期110d左右,果实发育期30~34d。果实圆球形,果形指数1.0,单果重5kg左右,果皮浅绿色覆深绿色齿纹,外观美丽,畸形果少;皮厚1.2~1.4cm;红瓤,质脆沙爽口,中心可溶性固形物含量11.5%,品质优良。667m2产量4000kg左右。适应性广,适宜在河南、江西、湖南等地栽培。2007年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

花蜜3号是河南省郑州市农林科学研究所育成的中熟、高产、抗病、大果型无籽西瓜新品种。植株生长旺盛,坐果整齐,适应性广。2007年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

杏花蜜腺的超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘林  赵小梅 《果树学报》2011,(5):792-796
为了解杏花蜜腺的超微结构特点,采用光学和电子显微技术对露冠期杏花蕾的蜜腺进行研究。结果表明,(1)蜜腺表面特化形成脊状突起,突起之间成为洞状和池状凹陷,蜜腺表面脊状突起图案与细胞壁突起图案一致。(2)蜜腺产蜜细胞的质体分化成有色体,有色体首先积累质体小球,质体小球再转化成结晶体。推测有色体内贮藏物质开始以脂类和类胡萝卜...  相似文献   

“甘蓝胞质雄性不育系的选育及利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从国外引进3份甘蓝胞质雄性不育材料,经田间观察,其花朵开放正常、蜜腺大、花蜜多、雌蕊正常,低温环境下幼苗均不表现黄化,与甘蓝类蔬菜可育的自交系杂交,其后代均表现为100%不育,所有的甘蓝类蔬菜均能保持其不育性。通过连续回交转育,育成一批综合农艺性状优良、配合力强、雄性不育株率和不育度均达100%的甘蓝胞质雄性不育系及相应的保持系,并利用该不育系配制一代杂种,经田间鉴定筛选出6个不同类型的甘蓝优良杂交组合。  相似文献   

郑红军 《落叶果树》2008,40(2):22-23
对3个普通桃品种、4个油桃品种、2个蟠桃品种生长枝不同节位的叶片上着生的花外蜜腺观察发现,不同品种着生蜜腺的叶片多少、蜜腺的着生部位、数量及形状存在差异;同一品种不同节位叶片上腺体的着生部位和数量不同,可作为鉴别桃品种的依据之一.  相似文献   


Cross-pollination is of primary importance for quince (Cydonia oblonga), whose flowers reward pollinators with pollen and nectar. Characteristics of the nectar from two self-fertile (SF) and two self-sterile (SS) cultivars of quince were compared in a 3-year study, in order to establish if the two fertility groups differed from each other in terms of nectar production and/or insect attraction. The volume of nectar secreted per flower per day was measured using calibrated capillaries. The concentrations of nectar sugars were determined using a hand-held refractometer. The composition of nectar sugars was analysed using thin layer chromatography and densitometry. The quantity and quality of the nectar varied between years, cultivars, and fertility types. The volumes of nectar ranged from 0.40 – 5.30 µl flower–1 d–1 over the 3 years. The concentrations of sugars in the nectar produced flower–1 d–1 averaged ≥ 20% (w/w) in all cultivars, and ranged from 21.80 – 35.60% (w/w) over the 3 years. Significantly lower volumes of nectar were measured in the SF cultivars than in the SS cultivars in both years of the study. However, the concentrations of sugars in the nectar were not significantly lower in the SF group. The total sugar content of nectar varied between 160.59 – 347.65 mg ml–1. The main sugar component in the nectar was sucrose, followed by glucose and fructose. Differences in the composition of nectar sugars could not be correlated with the two fertility groups. Our data showed that, although certain properties of their nectar make SS cultivars more attractive to honeybees than SF cultivars, members of the latter group can also attract sufficient numbers of bees to carry out cross-pollination, which is beneficial to both fertility types of C. oblonga.  相似文献   

Pollinator-friendly plants are often a necessary component of the management of urban ecosystem that aim to reduce the impact of the artificial urban matrix on natural pollinator populations. Nectarivorous bats are neglected components of the urban pollinator community and there is a paucity of assessments on pollinator-friendly plants that may provide urban bats with reliable, year-long resources. Crescentia cujete is a bat-pollinated Bignoniaceae with very distinctive chiropterophilous features that is often used as an ornamental species in tropical urban areas worldwide. Its flowers are large and produce copious amounts of nectar, which accumulates in the flower’s storage-shaped flowers. Thus, the species is a potential bat-friendly urban plant. We assessed the species’ year-round flower emission and nightly nectar production dynamics in a green area in northeastern Brazil, and described the behavior of its floral visitors. C. cujete showed a steady, year-round flowering pattern, with no significant seasonality. Its flowers secreted copious amounts of diluted nectar and were visited exclusively by the Pallas long-tongued bat Glossophaga soricina throughout the night at high visiting frequencies, delivering successive visits to individual flowers spaced by short intervals. Our results suggest overexploitation of floral resources from C. cujete by urban bats. Moreover, its continuous flowering and copious nectar production may become a reliable resource in an artificial environment generally lacking bat-pollinated plants, thus mitigating the effects of food shortage for urban nectar bats.  相似文献   



There are few detailed data for short-term (≤?monthly) fluctuations in flowering and nectar availability at relatively large spatial scales. Such information is critical for understanding the governors of variation in flowering and for the management of floral resources assisting the persistence of nectar consumers in landscapes.


To obtain monthly measurements of patterns of nectar availability in a 314,400 ha region, and to relate these patterns to potential environmental predictors.


Flowering was measured at 83 sites in natural vegetation and in eight domestic gardens in subtropical, eastern Australia. A nectar-availability index was developed was based on nectarivore visitation rates and plant-specific flowering patterns. Spatial–temporal patterns were related to environmental variables using boosted regression trees.


The large between-year variation was due mostly to irregular flowering by several eucalypt species. There was a ‘lean season’ in the austral spring (August–September). Coastal vegetation was an important source of nectar for much of the year, including the lean season. Gardens produced prolific nectar throughout the year, peaking in August–October.


Nectar availability was most closely associated with primary productivity over the previous 12 months, average annual solar radiation, topographic wetness, and rainfall over the previous 6 months, although some relationships seemed counter-intuitive. There were large differences in nectar availabilities among broad vegetation types (especially rainforests vs. sclerophyllous forests), which partially accounted for the unintuitive results.

Urbanization has negative effects on plant-animal interactions by reducing plant richness and increasing resource limitations. However, it is possible to replant these areas, and plant species can be selected based on the resources they provide, as well as their relationships with animals. I observed several trees of Ceiba pubiflora (Malvaceae, Bombacoideae) to identify the bird species interacting with their flowers in an urban area. This plant may be especially important, as it blossoms during the dry season, when the overall flower availability in the study area is low. It may also be important during a short period of decline in the fleshy fruit supply. Even though C. pubiflora was growing in the city and had a low volume of nectar accumulating in its flowers (mean of 1.73 μl; SD = 1.39 μl), it attracted a variety of birds (25 species belonging to six families), some of which are usually regarded as forest dependent. Nectarivorous birds from the family Trochilidae (hummingbirds, n = 12 species) had the highest percentage of visits (64.08%), especially during periods of relatively high nectar sugar concentration and calorie availability (c. 18% and 1.5 cal., respectively). Hummingbirds primarily acted as nectar thieves but also sometimes as potential flower pollinators. In contrast, several nonnectarivorous birds (frugivore-granivores, frugivore-insectivores and omnivores) acted only as nectar robbers or flower predators. Ceiba pubiflora flowers appear to be an important source of energy for birds in the urban area. The data of this study show that C. pubiflora has utility as management tool to promote and conserve biodiversity in cities.  相似文献   

Urban green areas, due to their high plant diversity, can be supportive as floral resources (nectar and/or pollen) to wild and managed pollinating insects. This research aims towards understanding the contribution of ornamental ground cover perennials as a food source for urban pollinators. We compare floral phenology and abundance, nectar and pollen production, and insect visitation to flowers of Geranium macrorrhizum, G. platypetalum and G. sanguineum, planted in the botanical garden of Lublin, SE Poland. The investigation revealed that the studied hardy geraniums exhibit many features valuable for pollinators, including large floral display (G. macrorrhizum and G. platypetalum), extended flowering period (G. sanguineum) and ample nectar and pollen reward (G. macrorrhizum). They can supply urban pollinators with a high quality food during spring and early summer time, i.e. the period of high food demand by many bee species. Moreover, hardy geraniums might be valuable plants for urban beekeeping as they are eagerly visited by honeybees. The investigated ground cover plants could therefore be considered in future city plantings.  相似文献   

Urbanization leads to the restructuring of plant-animal interactions due to environmental changes and introduction of non-native species that become part of local ecological processes. The conservation of pollinators in urban areas has received increasing attention. However, detailed quantification of available floral resources and their use by pollinators are rarely conducted. Here, we characterized the interaction network between hummingbirds and native and non-native plants, the behavior of resource use by pollinators and the temporal availability of nectar resources in an extensive urban green area from Brazil. We found that more than half of the interactions between hummingbirds and plants were illegitimate, which do not constitute potential pollination. The interaction network was generalized, indicating low level of niche partitioning, which is usual for urban environments. Inclusion of non-pollination interactions increased specialization. Although native and non-native plants provide a similar amount of nectar when considering each plant species for a given month, the latter contributed most to the total nectar availability owed to their higher abundance and longer flowering phenologies. Importantly, non-native plants provided resources when native flowers were scarce. Our results show how non-native plants may sometimes have relevant contributions for maintenance of pollinators in cities throughout the year, supporting them during periods of resource shortage. At the same time, urban pollinator-plant communities may be characterized by high prevalence of illegitimate interactions, which highlights the opportunistic use of resources by animals. In conclusion, our study suggests that biodiversity-friendly urban planning should consider the relevant role played by non-native species and that pollinator support may require different types of interactions with flowers.  相似文献   

百里香属植物研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从基础研究和应用研究两方面就当前百里香属植物在分类学、化学成分、组织培养和食用、药用、观赏、环保及蜜源等领域研究取得的进展进行了综述。并对研究中存在的问题和研究方向进行了总结,以期为百里香属植物的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

杨相甫  范红军 《北方园艺》2010,(12):119-120
研究了河南女贞属野生植物及栽培植物9种2变种。根据其资源价值的不同,分为园林观赏物种、中草药、蜜粉源等,并在合理利用与保护女贞属植物资源方面提出一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

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