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不同土壤的还原状况对铁镉形态转化和水稻吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用土壤-蛭石联合培养,以填充蛭石的网袋模拟根际,置于红壤、水稻土、盐土中后淹水栽培水稻13 d.试验结果表明,水稻栽培期问,红壤、水稻土、盐土pH变化范围分别为6.05 ~6.78、6.47 ~7.33、6.42 ~7.44;有机质处理下,除红壤根际pH明显升高外,其余土壤根际和非根际pH均有所下降.各土壤对照根际Eh保持在233 ~ 385 mV;有机质处理使根际Eh下降,同时也导致除盐土外的非根际Eh上升.土壤还原溶解Fe与蛭石吸附Fe的90%以上均米自铁锰氧化物结合态铁(Oxide-Fe)组分,与溶液Eh、pe+ pH均有显著相关性,表明两表面同为Fe的氧化还原反应,但方向相反.水稻根表Fe膜的形成与根际氧化还原状况有关,在对照根际(高Eh)环境下,根表Fe含量随pH升高而降低,在有机质处理根际(低Eh)环境下则随pH升高而升高;在红壤中,根表Fe膜阻碍Fe的吸收,在水稻土和盐土中,根表Fe膜促进Fe吸收.根表Cd含量与根内Cd、地上部Cd有显著正相关;在红壤中,根表Fe膜阻碍了水稻Cd的吸附和吸收;水稻土和盐土中,根表Fe膜促进了水稻Cd的吸附和吸收.  相似文献   

淹水条件下不同氮肥对水稻土中磷肥转化的动态影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用室内土培试验研究了淹水条件下不同氮肥对水稻土(黄泥土)中磷肥转化的动态影响。结果表明,培养1d时,不同氮肥对土壤有效磷含量无显著影响,但显著降低土壤的水溶性磷含量;之后,硝酸铵和硝酸钙处理显著增加土壤有效磷和水溶性磷含量;氯化铵和硫酸铵处理表现降低土壤水溶性磷含量的作用,而对土壤有效磷含量仍无显著影响;尿素处理15d和35d时有增加土壤有效磷和水溶性磷含量的作用,而70d和105d时土壤有效磷和水溶性磷含量与对照处理差异不大。  相似文献   

以东北旱作黑土为对象,在25℃和浅层淹水条件下开展了为期35 d的室内培养试验,研究不同施肥处理对黑土矿化作用和硝化作用的影响。结果表明,浅层淹水条件下土壤矿化作用和硝化作用仍能进行。与不施肥对照处理相比,施用氮肥抑制了培养初期的有机氮矿化,但对后期氮矿化没有影响。氮肥施用初期对硝化作用没有影响,但2周后显著促进了硝化作用的进行。培养期间单施氮肥处理的平均净矿化速率为N 1.07 mg/(kg·d),与对照处理没有显著差异;平均净硝化速率为N 4.50 mg/(kg·d),是对照处理的2.43倍。浅层淹水条件下氮肥配施有机物料显著促进了土壤无机氮的生物固定,培养初期氮肥配施秸秆处理的无机氮固定量大于氮肥配施猪粪处理,后期则相对稍低,氮肥配施猪粪和配施秸秆处理的平均净氮矿化速率分别为N-5.61和-3.15 mg/(kg·d),两者间差异显著。与单施氮肥处理相比,浅层淹水条件下氮肥配施有机物料显著抑制了土壤硝化作用,培养期间氮肥配施猪粪和氮肥配施秸秆处理的平均净硝化速率分别为N 0.29和0.18 mg/(kg·d),分别比单施氮肥处理下降了93.5%和96.0%。  相似文献   

Plant growth experiments were conducted to reveal the mechanism by which organic matter (OM) and soil flooding enhance phosphorus (P) bioavailability for rice. It was postulated that reductive dissolution of iron‐(III) [Fe(III)] oxyhydroxides in soil releases occluded phosphate ions (PO4), i.e., PO4 that is not isotopically exchangeable in the original soil prior to flooding. Rice was grown in P‐deficient soil treated with factorial combinations of addition of mineral P (0, 50 mg P kg?1), OM (0, ≈ 20.5 g OM kg?1 as cattle manure +/– rice straw) and water treatments (flooded vs. non‐flooded). The OM was either freshly added just before flooding or incubated moist in soil for 6 months prior to flooding; nitrogen and potassium were added in all treatments. The soil exchangeable P was labeled with 33PO4 prior to flooding. The plant accessible P in soil, the so‐called L‐value, was determined from the 33P/31P ratio in the plants. The L‐values were inconsistently affected by flooding in contrast with the starting hypothesis. The OM and P addition to soil clearly increased the L‐value and, surprisingly, the increase due to OM application was larger than the total P addition to soil. An additional isotope exchange study in a soil extract (E‐value) at the end of the experiment showed that the E‐value increased less than the total P addition with OM. This suggests that plants preferentially take up unlabeled P from the OM in the rhizosphere compared to labeled labile inorganic P. The effects of soil flooding on P bioavailability is unlikely related to an increase of the quantity of bio‐accessible P in soil (L‐value) but is likely explained by differences in P mobility in soil.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) fertilizers have long been applied in agriculture. However, the influence of long-term P addition on the evolution of soil P fertility and legacy P characteristics have not been well-documented. Herein, literature data were collected from the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure Database (CNKI) to explore the evolution of soil P fertility after 33 years of application of P fertilizer; different soil samples were collected from cropland and adjacent uncultivated land to analyse the distribution of P fractions at different soil depths (0–0.8 m) using Guppy's sequential P extraction method. We found that soil Olsen-P significantly increased by 3.6-fold (from 7.2 mg kg−1 in 1981 to 25.9 mg kg−1 in 2013) after 33 years of P application, while total P increased slightly. The ratios of inorganic P fractions in cropland to those uncultivated land followed NaHCO3-P (1.47) > NaOH-P (1.38) > resin-P (1.37) > residue-P (1.17) > HCl-P (1.11), suggesting that long-term P addition contributed more to labile and moderately labile P rather than non-labile P. Moreover, a principal component analysis could distinguish between cropland and uncultivated land, indicating that long-term application of P fertilizer changed soil P characteristics. Compared to uncultivated land, soil NaHCO3-P in cropland was closely associated with soil organic C, total nitrogen and carbonate. Collectively, our findings highlight that soil legacy P was notably increased after long-term of P application, and a large portion of the applied P remained in labile and moderately labile forms. Therefore, soil legacy P can be recommended as a useful P management tool.  相似文献   

Low phosphorus availability in cultivated soils limits sustainable crop production in sub‐Saharan Africa. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of long‐term application of different types of organic amendments on soil P forms, P use efficiency and sorghum yields. A long term experiment established in 1980 at Saria in Burkina Faso, comparing the effects of manure, compost and sorghum straw was used. Manure and compost significantly increased organic P and resin‐P by about 35% and 64%, respectively after 10 and 32 years of sorghum cultivation, and HCl‐P after 32 years of cultivation compared to the control. Manure significantly increased NaHCO3-Pi and NaOH-Pi by 63% and 26%, respectively compared to the control. Sorghum straw had little effect on measured soil P forms. Manure and compost were the best in increasing sorghum grain yield, which effect were strongly correlated to soil pH, carbon and nitrogen. The partial factors productivities of P resulting from the application of studied organic amendments were similar and low, but significantly higher than that of the control treatment. Organic amendments with high P content, maintaining soil carbon and pH could be used to improve soil P availability, sorghum yield and reduce the demand for mineral phosphorus fertilizers.  相似文献   

施磷对滨海盐土无机磷组分的动态影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用蒋柏藩、顾益初提出的土壤无机磷组分测定方法,在50d的培养过程中对滨海盐土的各无机磷组分进行了跟踪测定。结果表明:施入盐土中的无机磷在短期内主要增加土壤中的Ca2-P和Ca8-P的含量,而对A1-P、Fe-P和O-P的影响较小;施入盐土的无机磷首先转化成Ca2-P,然后再向Ca8-P、Ca10-P、Al-P、Fe-P和O-P转化;培养过程中,水分和温度的有利条件促进了土壤微生物的活动,加强了微生物对无机磷的固定。  相似文献   

夏季小流域洪涝常常导致南方稻田受淹并成灾。为探究小流域洪涝淹没时长对水稻生长发育及产量的影响,于2015—2016年在广西象州县选用丝香1号和百香139进行双季稻淹水试验,分别设分蘖期、孕穗期和开花期淹没0(对照CK)、2、4、6、8、10 d处理,测定淹没前后的茎蘖数变化、抽穗期及收获后的每穗粒数、结实率、千粒质量和每盆稻谷产量,并对产量构成因素进行相关分析和通径分析。结果表明:与对照组相比,同一生育期内淹没时间越长茎蘖死亡率越高、植株恢复生长越慢,但不同的淹没时期影响程度和主要影响对象存在差异。分蘖期淹没超过6d则死苗率大于80%,且不能完全恢复生长,收获时水稻茎蘖数显著低于对照组;孕穗期淹没超过6d则死苗率大于50%,而淹没小于4 d的处理水稻能恢复生长,收获时水稻茎蘖高于对照组;开花期淹没10 d死苗率不足50%,收获时茎蘖数与对照组差异不显著。分蘖期淹没小于4 d水稻始穗期及抽穗持续时间均无显著变化,大于8 d则水稻始穗期显著推迟,抽穗持续时间增加;孕穗期受淹没则会使水稻始穗期推迟,抽穗持续时间显著增加,甚至收割时也未能达到齐穗期标准。分蘖期淹没小于4 d,单株产量无显著下降,淹没6 d及以上则减产率大于80%;孕穗期及开花期淹没超过2 d则减产率大于50%。不同生育期淹没处理下产量的主要因素不同,分蘖期主要受有效穗数和结实率影响,孕穗期受结实率及每穗粒数影响,开花期受结实率和有效穗数影响。研究可为建立西南地区双季稻洪涝灾害指标体系和提出减灾管理措施提供依据。  相似文献   


For characterizing the rate of increase of the available soil phosphorus content applying superphosphate fertilization the slope of the linear regression curve in the range of 0–12–120 ppm P is used. The available phosphorus is determined by NH4‐lactate and NaHCO3 extractions. The rate of increase of available phosphorus is primarily influenced by the presence of CaCO3 and is in close correlation with the pH, as well as the silt + clay content. The rate of decrease of available phosphorus in time after P fertilization in non‐calcareous soil is similar, in calcareous soil is different measured by the two extractions.  相似文献   

长期定位施肥对棕壤无机磷形态及剖面分布的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对棕壤26年长期定位试验的无机磷分级表明:长期施入有机肥或化学磷肥,除了Ca10-P含量在耕层减少外,其它各形态无机磷含量都有所增加;仅施N肥或不施肥,Al-P,Fe-P,O-P,Ca10-P含量均减少,Fe-P,Al-P,Cas-P,Ca2-P占无机磷总量的比例增加,而O-P,Ca10-P则下降了.各形态无机磷的剖面分布相似,均为先下降而后略微上升.相关分析和逐步回归分析表明,Ca2-P,Ca8-P,Al-P,Fe-P,O-P与速效磷之间达到1%的极显著水平,Ca10-P与速效磷之间达到5%的显著水平.Ca2-P,Cas-P对速效磷的贡献最大.  相似文献   

本研究以磷高效转基因水稻OsPT4为材料,以非转基因亲本日本晴(Nipp)和磷高效突变体水稻PHO2为对照,设施磷和不施磷2个处理,利用根盒试验研究磷高效转基因水稻OsPT4的种植对根际及非根际土壤无机磷组成的影响。结果表明:(1)Os PT4和PHO2的植株干重和磷含量均显著高于Nipp,而土壤全磷和无机磷总量均低于Nipp;(2)Os PT4和PHO2水稻根际和非根际土壤无机磷组分含量均表现为O-PFe-PAl-PCa-P;(3)施磷处理时,Os PT4和PHO2的根际土壤O-P、Ca-P含量显著低于Nipp,其非根际土壤Al-P、Fe-P和O-P含量也显著低于Nipp。不施磷处理时,Os PT4和PHO2的根际土壤Fe-P含量和非根际土壤Fe-P、O-P含量均显著低于Nipp,其根际土壤Ca-P含量显著高于Nipp。说明在供磷条件下,磷高效转基因水稻对A1-P、O-P和Ca-P的吸收活化能力较强,而缺磷条件下,磷高效转基因水稻可促进其根系对Fe-P的吸收利用。  相似文献   

Soil flooding increases phosphorus (P) availability due to reductive dissolution of P‐bearing Fe(III) minerals. It is, however, unclear whether such processes also act in P‐deficient soils of the tropics that have large Fe/P ratios (dithionite‐ and oxalate‐extractable P and Fe). The objective was to identify the extent of P release induced by flooding in such soils and the soil characteristics involved. Six topsoils (0.4–5% Fe) from rice fields in Madagascar were incubated aerobically and anaerobically for 66 days amended with factorial combinations of (0, 50 mg P/kg); half of the flooded soils were also amended with 1 g rice straw/kg prior to flooding to stimulate soil oxygen depletion. The release of P after flooding was measured at day 40 with 33P isotopic exchange, which detects both changes of labile P (exchangeable P) and changes in P solubility. Flooding increased labile P concentration in soil compared with aerobic soils by 1.4–60 mg P/kg, effects being significant in 6 of the 12 soil samples. Rice straw addition further increased the labile P in 5 of the 12 flooded soil samples by 2–27 mg P/kg. The release of labile P by flooding increased with soil oxalate‐extractable P concentration. Flooding combined with rice straw addition can increase the labile P in soil, even in soils with large amount of Fe; however, this release in unfertilized soils is likely insufficient for optimal nutrition of rice plants when evaluated against critical values for P solubility.  相似文献   

 A neutral and an acidic soil were treated with different doses (0–3,000 mg Cu kg–1 soil as CuSO4) of copper. The percentages of inhibition of nitrification in both soils varied from 5 to 97%, but for the N mineralization these percentages varied from 8 to 65%. The toxic effect of Cu for basal nitrification and N mineralization was assessed as critical. Nitrification was more sensitive than ammonification to copper toxicity. It appears that an ecological dose of inhibition for nitrification and N mineralization higher than 10% is suitable as an indicator for Cu contamination. Soil resiliency assessed by N mineralization in the lime treatments varied from 11 to 154% in the sandy soil and from 70 to 168% in the sandy loam soil. A combined application of lime and compost significantly increased soil resiliency. The percentage increase varied from 904 to 1,390% in the sandy soil and from 767 to 2,230% in the sandy loam soil. It appears that compost was a powerful agent for recovering the soil fertility of Cu-contaminated soils as assessed by N transformation. The acidic sandy soil showed a lower capacity for recovery after Cu toxicity stress. Received: 27 February 1999  相似文献   


An incubation experiment was performed to study the effects of wastewater from olive processing on nitrogen transformation in a calcareous soil. The application of this wastewater was shown to decrease NO3 formation in comparison with control assays during approximately the first half of the experimental period (6 weeks). Results were similar although more marked when vegetation water plus ammoniacal nitrogen was applied as opposed to ammoniacal nitrogen alone. The incorporation of vegetation water during the initial phases of study also reduced soil N‐NH4 + levels both when residue only treatments were compared with controls and when vegetation water plus ammoniacal nitrogen treatments were compared with ammoniacal nitrogen only.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is primarily transported in soil through preferential flow pathways (PFP), which can rapidly move water and matter bypassing large portions of the soil. This study investigated the composition of P forms in PFPs and soil matrix in two profiles at a forested hillslope in the Thuringian Forest (Central Germany), in order to evaluate (1) the effect of PFPs on the distribution of P fractions in forest soils, and (2) how hillslope position influences P fractions and other chemical parameters. To characterize water and mass fluxes in the profiles, flow pathways were visualized using dye tracer experiments. Stained and unstained soil material was sampled to assess differences of chemical parameters in the PFPs and soil matrix, and tested for correlations between chemical parameters to determine the factors influencing P fractions in soils. The results revealed significantly higher P contents (total P and most P fractions) in the upslope profile compared to the downslope profile. This accumulation effect in the upper profile was also observed for C, N, Fe, and Mn. The distribution of flow patterns also differed between the two profiles with stronger vertical infiltration into mineral soil and more preferential flow along stones and roots in the upslope profile compared to the downslope profile. However, the observed difference could not be addressed to hillslope effects as both test plots were located in mid‐slope position, but were strongly influenced by spatial heterogeneity (e.g ., micro‐relief). Furthermore, no statistically significant accumulation effect of P or other elements in PFPs compared to soil matrix was found. At the test site, the combination of high stone content with low potential for P sorption, and predominance of near‐surface lateral flow, appears to have hampered the development of gradients in chemical parameters between PFPs and soil matrix.  相似文献   

A rhizobox experiment with two phosphorus (P) treatments, zero-P (0 mg P kg^-1) and plus-P (100 mg P kg^-1) as Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O, was conducted to study the chemical and biochemical properties in the rhizosphere of two rice genotypes (cv. Zhongbu 51 and Pembe) different in P uptake ability and their relationship with the depletion of soil P fractions. Plant P uptake, pH, phosphatase activity, and soil P fractions in the rhizosphere were measured. Both total dry weight and total P uptake of Pembe were significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher than those of Zhongbu 51 in the zero-P and plus-P treatments. Significant depletions of resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po, and NaOH-Pi, where Pi stands for inorganic P and Po for organic P, were observed in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe under both P treatments. Pembe showed a greater ability than Zhongbu 51 in depleting resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po, NaOH-Pi, and NaOH- Po in the rhizosphere. HCl-Pi and residual-P were not depleted in the rhizosphere of both genotypes, regardless of P treatments despite significant acidification in the rhizosphere of Pembe under zero-P treatment. Higher acid phosphatase (AcPME) activity and alkaline phosphatase (AlPME) activity were observed in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe compared to the corresponding controls without plant. AcPME activity was negatively (P 〈 0.01) correlated to NaHCO3-Po concentration in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe, suggesting that AcPME was associated with the mineralization of soil organic P.  相似文献   

两种硝化抑制剂对土壤氮转化的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为比较硝化抑制剂双氰胺、硫代硫酸钾对土壤氮的硝化抑制效果,明确其对土壤氮转化作用效应,采用室内培养试验方法,研究了双氰胺、硫代硫酸钾及其配施对土壤矿质氮动态变化、硝化作用及氮回收率的影响。结果表明,单施氮肥土壤硝化作用活跃,77.7%的化肥氮以铵态氮形式从矿质氮库消失,其中56.6%的氮形成硝态氮。氮肥配施双氰胺、硫代硫酸钾分别显著降低矿质氮库铵态氮消失量74.1%(P0.01)和16.6%(P0.05),同时配施双氰胺和硫代硫酸钾处理铵态氮出现增加现象。氮肥配施双氰胺及同时配施2种抑制剂均不同程度地抑制氮的硝化作用,抑制率分别为35.5%~98.7%和82.2%~103.5%,硝化作用延滞时间均在20 d以上。氮肥配施硫代硫酸钾的硝化抑制率为1.6%~62.6%,硝化作用延滞时间为10 d。双氰胺硝化抑制效应优于硫代硫酸钾,且2种抑制剂同时配施作用效果优于其单独施用。施用硫代硫酸钾可促进土壤NO2--N积累,双氰胺可抑制NO2--N生成。氮肥配施双氰胺及同时配施两种抑制剂处理显著增加土壤矿质氮含量、降低其他去向氮含量同时显著提高土壤矿质氮回收率14.7%(P0.05)和12.0%(P0.05)。总体上,抑制剂双氰胺在铵态氮转化、硝化作用抑制及提高矿质氮回收率等方面作用效果均优于硫代硫酸钾,硫代硫酸钾与双氰胺配施在硝化抑制作用方面具有协同效应。该研究结果可为双氰胺、硫代硫酸钾在农田氮素面源污染控制中的应用提供科学依据,但对2种抑制剂硝化抑制特性的全面了解,尚需在田间试验条件下进行进一步的研究和验证。  相似文献   


Sustainable food production includes mitigating environmental pollution and avoiding unnecessary use of non-renewable mineral phosphate resources. Efficient phosphorus (P) utilization from organic wastes is crucial for alternative P sources to be adopted as fertilizers. There must be predictable plant responses in terms of P uptake and plant growth. An 18-week pot experiment was conducted to assess corn (Zea mays L.) plant growth, P uptake, soil test P and P fractionation in response to application of organic P fertilizer versus inorganic P fertilizer in five soils. Fertilizers were applied at a single P rate using: mono-ammonium phosphate, anaerobically digested dairy manure, composted chicken manure, vegetable compost and a no-P control. Five soils used varied in soil texture and pH. Corn biomass and tissue P concentrations were different among P fertilizers in two soils (Warden and Quincy), with greater shoot biomass for composted chicken manure and higher tissue P concentration for MAP. Plant dry biomass ranged from highest to lowest with fertilizer treatment as follows: composted chicken manure?>?AD dairy?=?MAP?=?no-P control?=?vegetable compost. Soil test P was higher in soils with any P fertilizer treatment versus the no-P control. The loosely bound and soluble P (2.7?mg P kg?1) accounted for the smallest pool of inorganic P fractions, followed by iron bound P (13.7?mg P kg?1), aluminum bound P (43.4?mg P kg?1) and reductant soluble P (67.9?mg P kg?1) while calcium bound P (584.6?mg P kg?1) represented the largest pool of inorganic P.  相似文献   


The formation of phosphorus (P) compounds including iron-P, aluminum-P and calcium-P in highly weathered tropical soils can be altered upon biochar addition. We investigated the effect of corn cob biochar (CC) and rice husk biochar (RH) pyrolyzed at three temperatures (300°C, 450°C and 650°C) on phosphorus (P) fractions of three contrasting soils. A 90d incubation study was conducted by mixing biochar with soil at a rate of 1% w/w and at 70% field capacity. Sequential P fraction was performed on biochar, soil and soil-biochar mixtures. Increase in most labile P (resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi) and organic P fraction (NaHCO3-Po + NaOH-Po) in CC and RH biochars were inversely related to increasing temperature. HCl-Pi and residual P increased with increasing temperature. Interaction of CC and RH with soils resulted in an increase in most labile P as well as moderately labile P (NaOH-Pi) fractions in the soils. CC increased most labile P in the soils more than RH. The increase in most labile P fraction in soils was more significant at relatively lower temperatures (300°C and 450°C) than 650°C. However, the increase in HCl-Pi and residual P of the soils was more predominant at high temperature (650°C). The study suggested that biochar pyrolyzed at 300–450°C could be used to increase P bioavailability in tropical soils.  相似文献   

连续种植蔬菜对潮土磷素水平的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
Soil P status, inorganic P fractions, and P sorption properties were studied using sandy fluvo-aquic horticultural soils, which are high in organic matter content for vegetable production in comparison with a soil used for grain crop production in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China. P fractions, Olsen-P, and OM were determined at different depths in the soil profile and sorption isotherm experiments were performed. Most P in excess of plant requirements accumulated in the topsoil and decreased with soil depth. Total P, inorganic P, and OM concentrations increased with continued horticultural use. Olsen-P concentrations in the 0-20 cm depth of horticultural soils were 9 to 25 times higher than those of the grain crop soil. A linear transformation of the Langmuir equation showed that the P adsorption maximum (491.3 mg P kg-1) and the maximum phosphate buffering capacity (162.1 L kg-1) for 80-100 cm were greater in the grain crop soil than the horticultural soils. Thus, the most immediate concern with excess P were in areas where heavy P fertilizer was used for vegetable crops and where soil P sorption capacities were low due to sandy soils and high organic matter content.  相似文献   

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