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Oxygen (O2) supply and the related redox potential (EH) are important parameters for interactions between roots and microorganisms in the rhizosphere. Rhizosphere extension in terms of the spatial distribution of O2 concentration and EH is poorly documented under aerobic soil conditions. We investigated how far O2 consumption of roots and microorganisms in the rhizosphere is replenished by O2 diffusion as a function of water/air‐filled porosity. Oxygen concentration and EH in the rhizosphere were monitored at a mm‐scale by means of electroreductive Clark‐type sensors and miniaturized EH electrodes under various matric potential ranges. Respiratory activity of roots and microorganisms was calculated from O2 profiles and diffusion coefficients. pH profiles were determined in thin soil layers sliced near the root surface. Gradients of O2 concentration and the extent of anoxic zones depended on the respiratory activity near the root surface. Matric potential, reflecting air‐filled porosity, was found to be the most important factor affecting O2 transport in the rhizosphere. Under water‐saturated conditions and near field capacity up to –200 hPa, O2 transport was limited, causing a decline in oxygen partial pressures (pO2) to values between 0 and 3 kPa at the root surface. Aerobic respiration increased by a factor of 100 when comparing the saturated with the driest status. At an air‐filled porosity of 9% to 12%, diffusion of O2 increased considerably. This was confirmed by EH around 300 mV under aerated conditions, while EH decreased to 100 mV on the root surface under near water‐saturated conditions. Gradients of pO2 and pH from the root surface indicated an extent of the rhizosphere effect of 10–20 mm. In contrast, EH gradients were observed from 0 to 2 mm from the root surface. We conclude that the rhizosphere extent differs for various parameters (pH, Eh, pO2) and is strongly dependent on soil moisture.  相似文献   

WANG Yu  ZHANG Yi-Ping 《土壤圈》2001,11(4):377-382
With six packed columns composed of <1 μm and 5 μm~0.25 mm fractions from an Eum-Orthic Anthrosol (Columns 1~6) and one column of the Eum-Orthic Anthrosol (Column 7), K+ transport experiments under the condition of saturated steady water flow were conducted to qualify the effects of soil texture composition on the retardation factor (R) of K+ transport. The results showed that the retardation factor of K+ transport in the tested soil columns greatly increased with increasing clay contents. In an attempt to use pedo-transfer function (PTF) approach in the solute transport study, a preliminary PTF was established through the six packed columns (Columns 1~6) with soil basic data including soil bulk density, volumetric water content and clay content to predict the retardation factor, and proved valid by the satisfactory prediction of R in Column 7.  相似文献   

Take home message Mucilage secreted by roots and EPS produced by microorganisms alter the physical properties of the soil solution and impact the water dynamics in the rhizosphere. The high viscosity of mucilage and EPS is responsible for the formation of thin filaments and interconnected thin lamellae that span throughout the soil matrix maintaining the continuity of the liquid phase across the pore space even during severe drying. The impact of these mechanisms on plant and microorganisms needs to be explored.  相似文献   

Plant fine roots are subject to continual turnover, i.e., old roots die during the plant life cycle and are quickly replaced by new roots. New roots grow partly into undepleted soil areas and can take up nutrients at a higher rate than old roots. This is one possible advantage of root turnover. It has been shown that root turnover of several plant species increases when P and/or K supply is limited, indicating an efficiency mechanism. The objective of this study was to assess the maximum benefit for nutrient uptake by root turnover and to determine which soil or plant properties influence this process. Based on a data set of field‐grown faba beans, a sensitivity analysis with a transport and uptake model was performed, i.e., several input parameters were systematically varied to assess their importance for nutrient uptake of a root system with and without fine‐root turnover. The calculations were based on the assumptions that all new roots grow into undepleted soil areas and that no inter‐root competition occurs. Model calculations indicated that a root system with a high but realistic turnover rate can take up twice the amount of P or K compared to a stable root system without any turnover. This benefit on uptake is higher at low concentrations of these nutrients in soil solution, low soil water content, or high maximum inflow. However, measured uptake under poor conditions of nutrient supply is often higher than calculated uptake, even when root turnover is taken into account. This indicates that root turnover might be an efficiency mechanism, but not the only one.  相似文献   

综述了植物根孔的研究方法,并从植物根孔对水分和溶质运移的影响、对土壤吸附和解吸过程的影响和对土壤微生物的影响等方面详细阐述了植物根孔功能研究的进展情况,指出了植物根孔研究方面存在的问题和今后应加强的研究领域。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between soil physical characteristics and earthworms in a regional-scale field study in Denmark. The earthworm populations along within-field gradients in soil texture were quantified at five field sites, representing dominant soil types of Denmark. Eleven earthworm species were found, but populations were mainly dominated by Aporrectodea tuberculata and A. longa. Despite considerable variation in soil parameters across the five study sites the results suggest that the biomass of anecic worms (or A. longa as a species) was not causally associated with the soil parameters studied. This indicates that there must be other causal factors associated with the abundance (and composition) of anecic worms that are not among the soil texture and structure parameters studied. On the other hand, soil texture (Coarse sand) was associated with the abundance of the dominant endogeic species, A. tuberculata, but not endogeic worms in general. It was hypothesized that anecic and endogeic earthworms might respond to local soil water characteristics rather than soil texture, but this hypothesis could not be confirmed with the present data.  相似文献   

Agricultural soil landscapes of hummocky ground moraines are characterized by 3D spatial patterns of soil types that result from profile modifications due to the combined effect of water and tillage erosion. We hypothesize that crops reflect such soil landscape patterns by increased or reduced plant and root growth. Root development may depend on the thickness and vertical sequence of soil horizons as well as on the structural development state of these horizons at different landscape positions. The hypotheses were tested using field data of the root density (RD) and the root lengths (RL) of winter wheat using the minirhizotron technique. We compared data from plots at the CarboZALF‐D site (NE Germany) that are representing a non‐eroded reference soil profile (Albic Luvisol) at a plateau position, a strongly eroded profile at steep slope (Calcaric Regosol), and a depositional profile at the footslope (Anocolluvic Regosol). At each of these plots, three Plexiglas access tubes were installed down to approx. 1.5 m soil depth. Root measurements were carried out during the growing season of winter wheat (September 2014–August 2015) on six dates. The root length density (RLD) and the root biomass density were derived from RD values assuming a mean specific root length of 100 m g?1. Values of RD and RLD were highest for the Anocolluvic Regosol and lowest for the Calcaric Regosol. The maximum root penetration depth was lower in the Anocolluvic Regosol because of a relatively high and fluctuating water table at this landscape position. Results revealed positive relations between below‐ground (root) and above‐ground crop parameters (i.e., leaf area index, plant height, biomass, and yield) for the three soil types. Observed root densities and root lengths in soils at the three landscape positions corroborated the hypothesis that the root system was reflecting erosion‐induced soil profile modifications. Soil landscape position dependent root growth should be considered when attempting to quantify landscape scale water and element balances as well as agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

Preferential flow in soil can enhance the leaching of agricultural chemicals. In a number of studies it has been shown that the mobile‐immobile solute transport model (MIM) is a useful tool to characterize preferential flow. In the present study, a new laboratory method for determining the MIM parameters θm and θim (mobile and immobile water content), as well as α (mass transfer coefficient), is developed. The computations are uncomplicated and the method requires only simple equipment. It is applied to short, undisturbed soil columns. Measured values ranged from 0.11 to 0.27 for θim θ—1 and from 0.015 h—1 to 0.034 h—1 for α for an Iowan soil (Nicollet silt loam). For two sandy Eutric Gleysols from Germany, low values for θim θ—1 from 0.04 to 0.07 and from 0.001 h—1 to 0.008 h—1 for α were determined. Although the new method is a flow‐interruption technique, values for the Nicollet silt loam compare well with those from conventional leaching experiments. Values for the Eutric Gleysols agree with the observation that these soils were poorly structured. Because the new method does not assume negligible dispersion, it is applicable to a wider range of soils and boundary conditions than comparable approaches. We conclude that the new method provides parameter values that are suited to describe non‐equilibrium solute transport.  相似文献   

Mucilage is a hydrogel exuded at root tips, which can hold large amounts of water but turns hydrophobic once dried. It is very challenging to understand the interplay of these opposite mechanisms and to incorporated them into hydraulic soil models. My summary of experimental and modelling approaches and observations at various scales is meant to help improving soil–plant water dynamic models and may also be helpful when water dynamics need to be considered in biogeochemical rhizosphere models.  相似文献   

【目的】通过苎麻根际土壤水浸提液有机化合物的分离鉴定及生物学实验,探讨了苎麻败蔸与化感作用的关系。【方法】运用气相色谱-质谱联用技术 (GC-MS),对苎麻根际土壤的不同极性有机溶剂萃取液进行了物质成分分析;采用室内生物测定方法,研究了不同浓度苎麻根际土壤水浸提液对萝卜、油菜、拟南芥 3 种植物的化感效应;并应用实时定量 PCR 技术 (QPCR),测定了不同浓度根际土壤水浸液处理后拟南芥其抗逆基因 RD29A (AT5G52310) 和 RD29B (AT5G52300) 及生长素合成相关基因 YUC1 (AT4G32540) 的相对表达水平。【结果】四种不同极性有机溶剂萃取液经 GC-MS 检测共鉴定出 51 种有机化学物质,包括烃类及其衍生物、甾类化合物、苯甲酸及其衍生物、酚类、萜类、含氮类等已被报道具有化感活性的化合物。不同浓度苎麻根际土壤水浸液对 3 种不同植物的下胚轴长及根长的化感效应具有差异性,随着浸提液浓度增加,对油菜及拟南芥抑制作用越显著,但对萝卜的影响不显著。QPCR 检测结果表明,拟南芥的 RD29A、RD29B、YUC1 这 3 种基因的表达量随水浸提液浓度增加均降低。【结论】苎麻根际土壤中含有抑制自身生长的潜在化感物质豆甾-4-烯-3,6-二酮,2,5-二叔丁基苯酚,邻苯二甲酸二乙酯,6,6-二甲基-1,3-庚二烯-5-醇,羊毛甾-8,24-二烯-3,22-二醇。高浓度苎麻根际土壤水浸提液对供试三种植物下胚轴长及根长具有抑制效果,因此,连作导致的化感物质累积可能是连作导致苎麻败蔸的原因之一。  相似文献   

A prerequisite to investigate the importance of osmotic potential (Ψo) in relation to matric potential (Ψm) in the soil for water uptake is the existence of a method that measures the temporal and spatial dynamics of Ψo in the vicinity of roots. One method for measuring Ψoin situ is the collection of soil solution with micro suction cups, the spatial resolution of which is suitable for rhizosphere studies. A major drawback of soil solution sampling is the disturbance of soil solution equilibrium, which makes frequent measurements impossible, so another method is required to provide information on the temporal dynamics of Ψo. The time‐domain reflectometry (TDR) technique might be suitable as the signal attenuation (σ) shows a close linear correlation with the salt concentration for a known soil water content. The temporal resolution of the TDR technique is high and the measurement has no impact on soil solution equilibrium. However, the spatial resolution of the TDR technique is too coarse to be used on its own in rhizosphere studies. We used a combination of TDR (fine temporal resolution) and micro suction cups (fine spatial resolution) to measure Ψo in a model system with Zea mays grown in quartz substrates. Osmotic potential changed continuously with time, and a steep gradient between bulk soil and the root compartment developed during the 39‐day growing period. The steepest gradient measured over a distance of 6 mm across the nylon net, separating the bulk soil from the root compartment, was ?365 kPa. The combination of both methods made it possible to extend the time interval between micro suction cup samplings and thus minimize the impact of sampling on soil solution equilibrium. Problems of separate calibration were avoided by calibrating the TDR measurements against the results obtained with the micro suction cups within the same experiment.  相似文献   

Studies aiming at quantification of roots growing in soil are often constrained by the lack of suitable methods for continuous, non‐destructive measurements. A system is presented in which maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings were grown in acrylic containers — rhizotrons — in a soil layer 6‐mm thick. These thin‐layer soil rhizotrons facilitate homogeneous soil preparation and non‐destructive observation of root growth. Rhizotrons with plants were placed in a growth chamber on a rack slanted to a 45° angle to promote growth of roots along the transparent acrylic sheet. At 2‐ to 3‐day intervals, rhizotrons were placed on a flatbed scanner to collect digital images from which root length and root diameters were measured using RMS software. Images taken during the course of the experiment were also analyzed with QUACOS software that measures average pixel color values. Color readings obtained were converted to soil water content using images of reference soils of known soil water contents. To verify that roots observed at the surface of the rhizotrons were representative of the total root system in the rhizotrons, they were compared with destructive samples of roots that were carefully washed from soil and analyzed for total root length and root diameter. A significant positive relation was found between visible and washed out roots. However, the influence of soil water content and soil bulk density was reflected on seminal roots rather than first order laterals that are responsible for more than 80 % of the total root length. Changes in soil water content during plant growth could be quantitifed in the range of 0.04 to 0.26 cm3 cm—3 if image areas of 500 x 500 pixel were analyzed and averaged. With spatial resolution of 12 x 12 pixel, however, soil water contents could only be discriminated below 0.09 cm3 cm—3 due to the spatial variation of color readings. Results show that this thin‐layer soil rhizotron system allows researchers to observe and quantify simultaneously the time courses of seedling root development and soil water content without disturbance to the soil or roots.  相似文献   

Soil texture is an important factor governing a range of physical properties and processes in soil. The clay and fine fractions of soil are particularly important in controlling soil water retention, hydraulic properties, water flow and transport. Modern soil texture analysis techniques (x‐ray attenuation, laser diffraction and particle counting) are very laborious with expensive instrumentation. Chilled‐mirror dewpoint potentiameters allows for the rapid measurement of the permanent wilting point (PWP) of soil. As the PWP is strongly dictated by soil texture, we tested the applicability of PWP measured by a dewpoint potentiameter in predicting the clay, silt and sand content of humid tropical soils. The clay, silt, and sand content, organic matter and PWP were determined for 21 soils. Three regression models were developed to estimate the fine fractions and validated using independent soil data. While the first model showed reasonable accuracy (RMSE 16.4%; MAE 13.5%) in estimating the clay, incorporating the organic matter into the equation improved the predictions of the second model (RMSE 17.3%; MAE 10.9%). When used on all soil data, the accuracy of the third model in predicting the fine fraction was poor (RMSE 31.9%; MAE 24.5%). However, for soils with silt content greater than 30%, the model prediction was quite accurate (RMSE 7–12%; MAE 7–9%). The models were used to estimate the sand content and soil textures of soils, which proved relatively accurate. The dewpoint potentiometer can serve a dual purpose of rapidly estimating the PWP and the clay, fine fraction, and soil texture of soils in a cost efficient way.  相似文献   

The underlying question of these investigations asked, how and to which extent rape plants react with transpiration and soil water uptake to different degrees of nitrogen fertilization. Therefore repeated campaigns with concurrent measurements of plant surfaces (leaves, stems, pods), diurnal courses of leaf transpiration and root length density of rape plants growing on heavily (240 kg ha—1), moderately, (120 kg ha—1), and nil N‐fertilized plots of an experimental field in northern Germany were performed during two growing seasons. Additionally, matric potentials at different soil depths were measured. In the first year (1994) investigations were concentrated primarily on shoot area development and transpiration, whereas in the subsequent year (1995) root measurements were mainly undertaken. Also, the influence of soil management (ploughing, conservation tillage) was taken into consideration. The plots where the shoot measurements were carried out were ploughed in 1994 and rotovated in 1995. Matric potentials were measured in both years in ploughed soil and, for comparison, also in soils with conservation tillage. Shoot area index, as measure of the transpiratory capacity of the canopy, increased on ploughed soil and reached a maximum before flowering. Thereafter it decreased until harvest when the relative amount of green stems and pods was increasing. Then, the measured transpiration rate per pod surface area was equal to, or higher than, the transpiration rate per leaf surface area. Plant surface area was smaller in plots with conservation tillage and decreased generally with decreasing N‐fertilization. Increasing plant surface area was joined by an increasing density of plant canopy. Light interception was thus highest in the plots receiving 240 kg N ha—1. Although the shading effect may cause a reduction of transpiration per plant, the total plant mass per area generally resulted in a greater water loss from these plots. Roots reached at least 110 cm depth. Root length density was significantly higher in the upper 10—30 cm of soil than at greater depths. Root mass was smaller in soil with conservation tillage than in ploughed soil. Oscillations of soil matric potentials in the diurnal and long‐term periods were highest in the upper 10 cm of soil. Here, they corresponded well with the cumulative diurnal transpiratory water loss. It is concluded that the soil water dynamics depends largely on the distribution of plant roots. As a result, rape plants did not change their specific transpiration capacity as a response to increased nitrogen fertilization. However, the transpiring plant surface and root length density increased the turnover rate of water by a higher plant density per plot. This effect was more pronounced in ploughed than in rotovated plots.  相似文献   

秸秆粉碎氨化还田对土壤体积质量及持水特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
王增丽  王珍  冯浩 《农业工程学报》2011,27(11):211-215
为尝试解决秸秆还田中秸秆分解缓慢、易诱发病虫害及与作物争氮等问题,通过室内土柱培养试验对比研究了秸秆粉碎程度及秸秆不同C/N值对自身分解速率、土壤体积质量、土壤持水特性的影响。结果表明:短期内秸秆粉碎程度对秸秆分解速率影响不大,但粉碎秸秆在试验后期分解速率明显高于长秸秆,氨化措施可显著加快秸秆的分解速率;粉碎秸秆对土壤体积质量的减小作用明显较长秸秆为好,在整个试验期,粉碎氨化秸秆处理的土壤体积质量均显著低于同时期其他处理;各处理土壤持水能力差异不大,但粉碎氨化秸秆能明显增强土壤耐旱性。该结果为探索一种能最大效益发挥秸秆改良土壤作用的秸秆还田新方式提供了一定的参照。  相似文献   

Large quantities of mussel shells(66 000-94 000 t year 1),an alkaline material that can be used as a soil amendment,are generated as waste in Galicia,NW Spain.A field trial was carried out by planting different pasture species in a Haplic Umbrisol using a randomized block design with four blocks and six treatments(not amended control or soil amended with lime,finely ground shell,coarsely ground shell,finely ground calcined shell or coarsely ground calcined shell) to compare the effects of lime and mussel shells additions on a soil with a low cation exchange capacity and high Al saturation.The trial was established in March 2007,and samples of plants and soil were collected when plots were harvested in summer 2008(separating the bulk and rhizosphere soil).The soils were analyzed for pH,total C,total N,available P,exchangeable cations,effective cation exchange capacity and available micronutrients.Dry matter yield was measured in all plots and plants were analyzed for nutrients.Application of mussel shells and the commercial lime resulted in an increase in pH and exchangeable Ca and a decrease in exchangeable Al and Al saturation.The stability of pH over time was high.These effects were most noticeable in the rhizosphere.The amendment also had a positive effect on dry matter yield and concentration of Ca in the plant.  相似文献   

地下水浅埋条件下包气带水和溶质运移数值模拟研究述评   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
地下水浅埋条件下包气带水和溶质运移规律是解决土壤盐渍化、地下水污染等环境与生态问题的基本理论基础,基于多孔介质水和溶质运移基本方程的数值模型是研究包气带物质运移的重要手段。通过深入分析土壤水和地下水之间的相互关系,强调在地下水埋深小于其极限埋深的情况下应把地下水作用耦合到包气带水和溶质运移模型中。该文概括总结了现有研究把地下水作用与土壤水模型相耦合的方法,并分析了各种方法的优缺点。在回顾现有土壤水分运动参数和溶质运移参数确定方法的基础上,归纳了包气带水和溶质运移模型从“点”尺度向“田块”尺度扩展的途径,随机方法仍将是今后的研究热点,并有望应用于实践。  相似文献   

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from arable soil while maintaining productivity is a major challenge for agriculture. Biochar is known to reduce N2O emissions from soil, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. This study examined the impact of green waste biochar (20 Mg ha?1) and lime (CaCO3; 2 Mg ha?1) application on soil gas transport properties and related changes in these to soil N2O and CO2 emissions measured using automated chambers in a field experiment cropped with maize. In situ soil water content monitoring was combined with laboratory measurements of relative soil gas diffusion coefficient (Dp/D0) at different matric potentials, to determine changes in Dp/D0 over time. Cumulative N2O emissions were similar in the control and lime treatment, but much lower in the biochar treatment. Cumulative CO2 emissions decreased in the order: lime treatment > biochar treatment > control soil. When N2O emissions were not driven by excess N supply shortly after fertilisation, they were associated with Dp/D0 changes, whereby decreases in Dp/D0 corresponded to N2O emissions peaks. No distinct pattern was observed between CO2 emissions and Dp/D0. Cumulative N2O emissions were positively related to number of days with Dp/D0 < 0.02, a critical limit for soil aeration. These results indicate that improved soil gas diffusivity, and hence improved soil aeration, may explain the effect of biochar in reducing N2O emissions. They also suggest that knowledge of Dp/D0 changes may be key to explaining N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Agricultural soils are important sources of the tropospheric ozone precursor NO and the greenhouse gas N2O. Emissions are controlled primarily by parameters that vary the soil mineral N supply, temperature and soil aeration. In this field experiment, the importance of soil physical properties on emissions of NO and N2O are identified. Fluxes were measured from 13 soils which belonged to 11 different soil series, ranging from poorly drained silty clay loams to freely drained sandy loams. All soils were under the same soil management regime and crop type (winter barley) and in the same maritime climate zone. Despite this, emissions of NO and N2O ranged over two orders of magnitude on all three measurement occasions, in spring before and after fertilizer application, and in autumn after harvest. NO emissions ranged from 0.3 to 215 μg NO-N m–2 h–1, with maximum emissions always from the most sandy, freely drained soil. Nitrous oxide emissions ranged from 0 to 193 μg N2O-N m–2 h–1. Seasonal shifts in soil aeration caused maximum N2O emissions to switch from freely drained sandy soils in spring to imperfectly drained soils with high clay contents in autumn. Although effects of soil type on emissions were not consistent, N2O emission was best related to a combination of bulk density and clay content and the NO/N2O ratio decreased logarithmically with increasing water filled pore space.  相似文献   

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