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An observational study of Corynebacterium bovis was conducted in 74 Ontario dairy herds. The levels of infection with C. bovis were 19.9, 36.2 and 85.6% at the quarter, cow and herd level, respectively. Teat disinfection was found to be the variable best able to distinguish between herds with a high or low C. bovis quarter infection rate. Mean total milk somatic cell counts for 1103 quarters and 107 cows infected with only C. bovis ranged between 150,000 and 200,000/mL and were significantly higher than for uninfected quarters or cows. The rate of infection with mastitis pathogens was not significantly different in quarters previously colonized with only C. bovis compared to previously uninfected quarters.  相似文献   

A case-control study of diarrheal disease in veal calves was conducted over a three month period on a single large veal farm in southern Ontario. One hundred diarrheic calves (cases) were identified by visual examination of their feces. Each case was matched to two nondiarrhetic controls from the same room on the same day, and a fecal sample was obtained from each animal. Fecal consistency of cases and controls was observed daily for one week following sample collection. Control calves which developed diarrhea during that period were excluded from the study. Breed, sex and the date and nature of antimicrobial drugs administered to each calf were recorded. Moisture content of fecal samples was measured by weighing samples before and after oven drying. Samples were screened for verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) using a Vero cell assay, for enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) using an immunoblot procedure with anti-K99 monoclonal antibodies, and for Salmonella species using modified semi-solid Rappaport-Vassiliadis medium. A latex agglutination test was used to detect rotaviruses, and samples were examined for cryptosporidia using sucrose wet mounts. No VTEC were identified in cases or controls. One calf was positive for Salmonella and three were positive for ETEC. Rotaviruses were detected in four cases and four controls. A significant positive association was found between diarrhea and infection with Cryptosporidium. This study thus provided no evidence of an association between diarrhea and infection with either VTEC, ETEC, Salmonella spp. or rotaviruses in the population examined. On the other hand our results do suggest that Cryptosporidium infection may promote transient diarrheal disease in veal calves in Ontario.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to document mortality reasons and risk factors for mortality in dairy calves in the northeast of Iran. This was a prospective cohort study of calves born on ten commercial dairy herds from 21 March 2009 to 20 March 2010. A total of 4097 live calves were followed for 90 days after birth. For each calf details of sex, parity of the dam, type of parturition and season of birth were recorded. The interval (in days) from the date of birth to the date of death and the reason for death was recorded for those calves that died before 90 days of age. A Cox proportional hazards model, including a frailty term to account for unmeasured herd-level effects was developed to quantify the effect of factors associated with time to death. Two hundred and sixty-six (6.5%, 95% CI: 5.8-7.3%) of the 4097 live-born calves died or were euthanised before 90 days of age. The most important reasons for death were digestive tract disorders (58% of all deaths, 95% CI: 52-64%) followed by respiratory diseases (13% of all deaths, 95% CI: 9-17%). Calves exposed to dystocia at birth had 2.09 (95% CI: 1.49-2.92) times the daily hazard of death compared with calves born from a normal calving. The daily hazard of death for calves born in the summer was 1.93 (95% CI: 1.41-2.64) times greater than the hazard for those calves born in the autumn. Inclusion of the herd-level frailty term had a significant effect on hazard estimates indicating that the study herds were heterogeneous in the distribution of unmeasured herd-level factors influencing calf survival. Our results show that diarrhoea is the most important cause of calf mortality in dairy herds in this area of Iran and that environmental and management factors affect calf mortality rate.  相似文献   

A group of 4863 white veal calves reared on six commercial white veal farms in Ontario were followed through production to describe calf characteristics and production levels. Patterns of morbidity, mortality, and culling were investigated at the farm, room and individual level. The majority of the calves were male Holsteins, with approximately half originating from Ontario. The mean average daily gain for shipped calves over the entire production period was 1.1 kg/day (SE = 0.002). The overall percentage of calves receiving at least one individual treatment was 59%, with an average number of treatment days per calf of 3.3. The majority of calves receiving one or more treatment days were first treated between the fourth and seventh week of production. The mortality rate was 3.7%, and 5.1% of the calves were culled. Pneumonia was the largest single cause of death. Peak death and cull losses occurred during the seventh and eighth week of production.  相似文献   

Production, morbidity, mortality and culling were investigated on seven commercial red veal farms in Ontario. The total number of calves included in the study group was 2251. The mean exit weight of marketed calves was 291 kg, with an average daily gain of 1.52 kg/day over the entire production period. The percentage of calves receiving one or more treatment days was 55%, with an average number of individual treatment days per treated calf of 3.9. An increasing number of treatment days, particularly up to eight days of treatment, was associated with decreasing average daily gain, and an increased probability of being lost from production due to death or culling. The percentage of calves which died during production was 5.4, with 0.8% of calves culled.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was designed to investigate calf health and welfare on dairy farms in the south west of England with regard to the degree of compliance with the Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2000. The level of veterinary involvement in calf rearing and management on dairy farms in the south west of England was also assessed. The questionnaire was sent to 32 large animal practices in the catchment area of the Veterinary Laboratories Agency--Langford. Compliance with the regulations was found to be variable. The requirements for the isolation of sick calves, provision of bovine colostrum within six hours of birth, the provision of fresh, clean water and restrictions concerning tethering were not well complied with. However, the requirements for twice-daily feeding and inspection, visual and tactile contact between calves, access to forage and the provision of clean, dry bedding were well complied with. The results also suggested that there was some lack of veterinary input into the health and welfare of calves on dairy farms visited by the practices routinely and non-routinely.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the overall labour requirement for calf care and how it is influenced by enterprise scale and facilities, together with an evaluation of specific calf-feeding systems with respect to labour requirement and calf performance. One hundred and twenty nine spring-calving dairy herds participated in the investigation of overall labour input. Herds were categorized into three groups depending on herd size (small = < 50 cows, medium = 50 to 80 cows, large = > 80 cows). The total average time consumed by calf care per farm increased (P < 0.01) with herd size and the average time consumed per calf was highest in the small herd group (2.1 min/day). The proportion of farms bucket feeding was lower (P < 0.05) and the proportion feeding calves ad libitum and using cold milk was higher (P < 0.05) with the large group compared to the small herd group. Fifty-seven of the 129 herds participated in the measurement of labour input associated with specific calf-feeding systems. The labour input time per calf required for the task of milk feeding tended (P = 0.08) to be longer when calves were fed twice daily, using buckets or teats compared to automatic feeders, once daily feeding with teats and twice daily feeding with a trough. The labour input per calf for the cleaning of milk feeding equipment and for bedding and cleaning calf pens was greater (P < 0.05) with automatic feeding systems compared to the other feeding systems. A further sub-set of ten herds (from the 57 herds) underwent calf performance measurements. The mean calf weight at day 77 for automatic feeding, once daily feeding, twice daily feeding with teats and twice daily feeding with troughs was 95, 95, 93, 91 kg, respectively. In conclusion, labour input associated with calf care was influenced by herd size (and indirectly calf number), and calf-feeding system. Milk feeding of calves on a once daily basis tended to reduce the total labour input per calf and did not adversely affect calf performance. Thus, it is possible to improve efficiency of calf care by selecting time efficient methods of calf-feeding without affecting calf performance.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study was undertaken to elucidate factors associated with pet ownership. The study utilized questionnaires that were mailed to a systematic random sample of 700 households in the city of Guelph and Eramosa township. Reasons for ownership were analyzed by factor analysis while differences between owning and nonowning households were investigated using logistic regression. Sixty-five percent of dogs and 71% of cats were neutered. Only 2% of urban and 3% of rural dogs had never been vaccinated, compared to 12% and 17% for urban and rural cats. Families that included preschoolers were less likely to own pets, as were those from an urban area. The highest scoring reason for ownership was "companionship," followed by "love and affection" and for the "benefit of the children". The highest ranked reason for nonownership was "pets are a problem when I go away," followed by "I don't have enough time to devote to a pet" and "poor housing".  相似文献   

Heifer calf management practices and clinical outcomes were studied on 104 randomly selected Holstein dairy farms in southwestern Ontario between October 1980 and July 1983. Data were collected at both the farm level (all farms) and the individual calf level (1968 calves, 35 farms).Farm-level management data were collected by means of questionnaires and farm visits. Calf-level management data were recorded by farmers on forms provided. Treatments for disease and mortality data were recorded by the farmers on the calves up to the age of weaning, the age at which calves were no longer fed milk or milk substitutes on a regular basis.Farm size ranged from 23 to 154 calvings per year. Farm-level mortality rates per six-month season (winter/summer) were skewed, with a mean of about 6%, a median of zero, and a range of 67%. Morbidity rates were similarly skewed. Four percent of liveborn heifer calves died, 20% were treated for scours, and 15% were treated for pneumonia before the age of weaning.Stated farm policies on calf rearing were implemented to varying degrees on different farms, as estimated from individual calf data. This posed particular problems for interpreting farm-level data, since the danger of committing an ecologic fallacy was high. The data set described in this paper formed the basis for an observational study of the interlationships of heifer calf management and clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

Data recorded in a herd health management system were obtained from 32 registered Holstein dairy herds from British Columbia. Frequencies of disease were described, and the effect of herd, age, year, season, and the interrelationships between diseases within a lactation on the occurrence of disease were evaluated. Lactational incidence rates were computed for diseases with a short period of risk (ie, udder edema, milk fever, retained placenta, metritis, displaced abomasum, and ketosis), whereas for diseases with a longer period of risk (ie, cystic ovaries, mastitis and stable footrot), incidence densities were calculated. Overall, the disease incidence was low and showed an increase in frequency by year, which we attributed to more observing and complete recording by the owner, rather than an actual increase in disease incidence. Most diseases occurred early in lactation and their frequency increased with lactation number; the exception was udder edema, which occurred mainly during the first 2 lactations. An informal path model of disease interrelationships was made conditional on herd. Based on the results we inferred 2 independent pathways: one started by udder edema, and the other by milk fever. Udder edema was directly associated with mastitis occurrence from 0 to 30 d in lactation, metritis, and cystic ovaries. Mastitis from 0-30 d in lactation increased the risk of both mastitis from 31-150 d in lactation and cystic ovaries. Both of these increased the risk of late lactation mastitis. Milk fever was directly related with displaced abomasum, which increased the risk of footrot. In general, diseases that occurred in early lactation tended to increase the risk of other diseases later in lactation.  相似文献   

Heifer calf management practices and clinical outcomes were studied on 104 randomly selected Holstein dairy farms in southwestern Ontario between October 1980 and July 1983. Data were collected at both the farm level (all farms) and the individual calf level (1968 calves, 35 farms).Age at death, and at first treatment for disease, during the first 20 weeks of life were described by life table methods and depicted graphically. Variations over calendar time in morbidity and mortality were described graphically.The percentage of calves at risk first treated for scours peaked during the second week of life, at 8.1% per week, then declined sharply, approaching zero by about six weeks. Pneumonia treatment rates peaked at about the sixth week of life, at 2.3% per week, but were more persistent than the rates for scours. Calves were at greater risk of dying during the first week of life than at any time thereafter; however, calf mortality in this population never exceeded 4% of the total.Treatment rates for scours and pneumonia were generally lower in spring and summer than during the autumn and winter. The mortality rates remained at < 5% per month and appeared to fluctuate in a random fashion.  相似文献   

The objective of this epidemiological study was to identify risk factors for Neospora caninum-related abortions in Ontario Holstein dairy herds. A total of 88 herds, consisting of 5080 cattle, and utilizing Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) services, were divided into three groups. Case (n = 30) and first control (n = 31) herds were selected from 1998 and 1999 fetal abortion submissions to the Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph, that were histopathologically positive or negative, respectively, for N. caninum. A second control group (n = 27) was selected from multiple sources of herds sampled within the previous 4 years that had a low seroprevalence (<7%) to N. caninum. Between May and December 1999, all available cows on all farms, in parity one or greater, were blood sampled. The sera were then analyzed for antibody to N. caninum using a kinetic ELISA. A survey administered at the time of sampling recorded information on housing, animal species present, manure management, reproduction, biosecurity practices, wildlife observations, peri-parturient cow management, herd disease history and nutrition. Production and other herd parameters were obtained from DHI records. Logistic regression indicated that the following parameters were positively associated with a N. caninum abortion in a herd: the N. caninum herd seroprevalence (OR = 1.1), the total number of dogs on a farm (OR = 2.8), the frequency that dogs were observed defecating in mangers (OR = 2.8), the number of horses on a farm (OR = 3.1), the observed annual rate of retained fetal membranes (OR = 1.2) and the observed annual rate of cows returning to estrus after pregnancy confirmation (OR = 1.2). Factors negatively associated were the frequency of stray cats and wild canids observed on a farm (OR = 0.4 and OR = 0.7, respectively) and the housing of heifers on loafing packs (a housing pen divided into feed manger, scrape alley and bedded pack areas, OR = 0.1).  相似文献   

A stillborn premature Holstein calf was necropsied. The calf had severely reduced body weight and shortening of the vertebral column. The limbs appeared long and thin. Radiography and computer tomography scanning were performed, demonstrating malformation of the vertebral column. In addition, malformation of the kidneys, testicles, and heart was found at necropsy. Histologically, absence or incomplete development of intervertebral discs and complete or partial fusion of the epiphyses of adjacent vertebrae were found. In some areas, diaphyses of adjacent vertebrae were fused due to absence of epiphyses and intervertebral discs. Disturbed ossification of epiphyses in the appendicular skeleton was also present. The etiology of this syndrome was not identified. An inherited cause is possible due to a close relationship between the parents.  相似文献   

Trichostrongylid burdens in 1 to 2-year-old dairy heifers were estimated after they grazed with a dairy herd for up to 12 months. Ostertagia ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei and Cooperia oncophora represented 79.5, 12.7 and 7.8% respectively of all trichostrongylids recovered. The largest burden was 97,000 trichostrongyles with less than 20,000 being the typical burden. Clinical disease was not observed. The strain of O. ostertagi present was capable of inhibition and was not necessarily controlled by anthelmintics. Availability of infective larvae increased with the onset of spring when "modified tracer" calves accumulated up to 30,000 trichostrongyles over intervals of one month. From July to September each year, up to 80% of the Ostertagia burden in these animals were inhibited larvae. Faecal strongyloid egg counts fell from less than an average of 60 eggs per gram to 10 eggs per gram when the heifers were one and 2 years old, respectively. Mature cows continually passed few eggs in their faeces.  相似文献   

In the European Union, groundwater should contain less than 50 mg of nitrate/L. Individual countries have developed alternative strategies for phosphorus (P). In The Netherlands, regulations based on P limited the amount of manure applied per hectare. A more balanced P supply to the land has been achieved by transport of manure from surplus to deficit regions. Costs of processing of manure to pellets appeared to be (too) high. In animal production experiments, lowering the P content of concentrates and mineral supplements reduced P losses without an adverse effect on production. In addition to the European guideline for nitrate, ammonia volatilization should be reduced by 50 to 70%. Management practices for reducing nitrogen (N) losses were studied with a farm model, developed at PR. A combination of a more efficient use of fertilizer N, restricted grazing, and a more balanced diet, and, to a lesser extent, higher milk production per cow resulted in considerable reductions in nitrate leaching. The application of slurry by injection diminishes the ammonia volatilization at farm level by almost 50%. This technique has become obligatory, and is only allowed during the growing season. Other techniques, like low emission housing and covering of slurry storage have relatively high costs. Starting in 1998, farmers have to keep a record of nutrients on a balance sheet. A tax will be imposed on surpluses of N and P. This new instrument replaces the regulations based on P. To further improve efficiency of use of N and P, farmers have the nutrient balance sheet available as an integrated management tool. Urea content in bulk milk has been introduced as a new indicator for the utilization of N in the diet. Also, fertilizer applications are improved. Furthermore, an experimental farm was set up to integrate all available expertise and analyze the resulting nutrient flows and farm performance.  相似文献   

Associations between heifer calf management and mortality were studied on 104 randomly selected Holstein dairy farms in southwestern Ontario between October 1980 and July 1983. At the farm level, data were stratified by season, with two six-month seasons (winter and summer) per year. The odds of farms with particular management strategies having above-median morbidity were calculated. At the individual calf level, the odds of a calf being treated, controlling for farm of origin and month of birth, were calculated for different management practices.Larger farms had significantly greater odds of experiencing mortality than smaller farms in both winter and summer. Farms which had policies of attending calvings and ensuring that calves received their first colostrum had significantly lower odds of experiencing winter mortality than farms which did not have these policies. Farms which housed calves in hutches had significantly lower odds, and those which housed calves in group pens had significantly higher odds, of experiencing summer mortality, than farms which used individual indoor calf-pens. A policy of teat removal between four weeks of age and weaning was associated with increased odds of summer mortality.At the individual calf level, calving ease, sire, navel treatment, assistance at first colostrum feeding, administration of vitamins A, D and E and anti-scour vaccines to the pregnant dam, and place of calving, were all associated with significantly altered odds of dying. However, several interactions entered the statistical models, and the effects of those management practices were not all straightforward.  相似文献   

Associations between heifer calf management and morbidity, particularly scours and pneumonia, were studied on 104 randomly selected Holstein dairy farms in southwestern Ontario between October 1980 and July 1983. At the farm level, data were stratified by season, with two six-month seasons (winter and summer) per year. The odds of farms with particular management strategies having above median morbidity were calculated. At the individual calf level, the odds of a calf being treated, controlling for farm of origin and month of birth, were calculated for different management practices.Farm size, and policies related to anti-scour vaccination, offering free-choice water and minerals to calves, methods of feeding, and the use of medicated feeds significantly altered the odds of a farm experiencing above-median pneumonia rates. Farm policies with regard to anti-scour vaccination, offering free-choice salt to calves, age at teat removal, type of calf housing, and use of preventive antimicrobials significantly altered the odds of a farm experiencing above-median scours rates.Scours and pneumonia were significantly associated with each other at both the farm and the calf level. No significant associations were found between individual calf management practices and the odds of being treated for scours. Sire used, method of first colostrum feeding, navel treatment, use of anti-scour vaccine in the dam, and the administration of preventive antimicrobials significantly altered the odds of a calf being treated for pneumonia.  相似文献   

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