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Fifty five suckling kids from three genotypes and two sexes protected by the PGI “Cabrito de Barroso” European quality label were used in this experiment. Carcass quality was assessed using indices from carcass measurements, dressing percentages, refrigerated losses, higher priced joints proportion and tissue composition of the carcass. Meat pH, colour, total pigment, fat, dry matter, collagen determinations (total and soluble), cooking losses and shear force estimated in longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) and gluteobiceps (GB) muscles were used to characterize meat quality. Principal component (PC) analysis was performed in order to examine carcass quality traits (n = 16) and meat quality (n = 16) traits. The five first principal components (PCs) explained about 86% of the total variability for carcass quality and 75% of the total variability for meat quality. Compactness indices of carcass and leg, carcass weight and subcutaneous fat were the most effective variables for the PC1, whereas the higher priced joints proportion, muscle proportions of the higher priced joints and of the carcass and the muscle and bone ratio were useful to define the PC2. The first PC of the meat quality parameters was characterized by colour traits (L, b, a, C, H and total pigment) whereas collagen determinations (total collagen and collagen solubility) defined the second PC. When the carcass quality data were projected on the plane defined by the first two PCs, two separate groups of points appeared, corresponding to the animals with slaughter live weight higher or lower than 10 kg. The distribution of the meat quality data on the plane defined by the first two PCs allowed the identification of two separate groups, corresponding to the muscles GB and LTL. The differences between genotypes tend to be small and related to slaughter live weight, which implies certain constancy in carcass and meat quality of the PGI “Cabrito de Barroso”.  相似文献   

猪RYR_1基因的PCR-RFLP分析和氟烷基因利用的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用PCR-RFLP分析技术,以血液或猪毛提取DNA为模板,建立了快速和简便的从分子水平上鉴别RYR1基因型的方法,其准确率为100%。不同品种(系)初步配套杂交结果显示:皮特兰×抗应激猪的胴体品质优于杜洛克×抗应激猪(P<0.05或P<0.01),而肉质优于皮特兰×应激群猪(P<0.01),并提出了氟烷基因的利用策略  相似文献   

五龙鹅产肉性能与肉质特性的研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
本研究用 1 80日龄五龙鹅 2 4只 ,测定其产肉性能、胸腿肉样的理化特性和组织结构等指标。公母鹅的胸肌率分别为 1 6 6%和 1 3 3% ,腿肌率为 1 5 2 %和 1 2 2 % ;主要肉质指标 (公母平均值 ) :系水力胸肌为 73 4 % ,腿肌为 80 2 % ,嫩度 (剪切力值 )胸肌为 4 9kg,腿肌为 3 7kg ,蛋白质胸肌为 2 3% ,腿肌为2 2 6% ,肌间脂肪含量胸肌为 4 % ,腿肌为 3 4 % ,肌纤维直径胸肌为 31 9μm ,腿肌为 33μm。综合分析该鹅屠宰率中等 ,除嫩度较差外 ,肌肉蛋白质和脂肪含量较高 ,肌纤维细 ,是一个具有肉用开发利用价值的地方鹅种  相似文献   

波尔山羊杂交后代肉质特性的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随机选择相同放牧条件下的 6只波尔山羊与南江黄羊的杂交一代 (BN) ( 3♂、3♀ )以及同龄的南江黄羊 (NN) ( 3♂、3♀ )于 8月龄进行屠宰 ,提取肉样对肌肉品质进行分析。结果表明 ,BN保持了NN肉质细嫩多汁的优点 ,两者肌肉的失水率、系水力、贮存损失、熟肉率、肌肉剪切值和肌纤维直径等物理性状和肌肉的常规化学成分差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5)。通过风味品尝 ,不能辨别两者区别。BN肌肉蛋白质中的氨基酸种类齐全 ,含量丰富 ,赖氨酸、苯丙氨酸和蛋氨酸等人体必需氨基酸的含量还有所提高  相似文献   

家兔的胴体性状和肉品质测定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对家兔胴体和肉品质测量方法进行详细介绍,旨在更准确的定义家兔胴体和肉质特性,并提供家兔胴体和肉质常用专业术语,为育种等研究工作及家兔生产者提供方便和依据。  相似文献   

用含20mg/kg Ractopamine的饲粮饲喂纯种肥育期大约克猪(始重60 kg,终重90 kg),进行屠宰试验。胴体测定表明:添加Ractopamine明显改变了胴体组成,胴体瘦肉率提高3.53%(P<0.05)。其中半腱肌、背最长肌、半膜肌、股二头肌和腹侧锯肌重量分别增加10.7%(P<0.01)、9.1%(P<0.01)、7.4%(P<0.05)、7%(P<0.05)和4.5%(P<0.05);背最长肌面积增大6.5%(P<0.05);胴体脂肪率降低了3.21%(P<0.05),背膘厚度呈降低趋势,其中髻甲部降低9%(P<0.05)。肉质测定显示,眼肌肉色、大理石纹及失水率等内质指标对照组与试验组均无明显差异,但背最长肌粗蛋白含量提高2.8%(P<0.05),粗脂肪降低3.67%(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Sixteen bull calves were born in the Spanish Central Pyrenees in spring. They were either early (EW, 90 days of age) or normal weaned (NW, 180 days of age). At day 90, EW calves were placed on an intensive diet while NW calves were turned out with their dams to high mountain pastures. After summer, at day 180, NW calves were weaned and placed with EW calves on a common finishing diet until slaughter at the fixed age of 1 year. From birth to early weaning date, no performance differences appeared. However, EW calves gained faster (1.549 kg/day) than their unweaned counterparts (0.783 kg/day) from early to normal weaning date (P < 0.001). During the finishing period, NW calves showed compensatory growth, with a 44% higher ADG than EW calves (P < 0.001), with a similar feed intake and a better feed conversion ratio. Early weaned calves had a longer fattening phase than NW calves (264 vs. 158 days, respectively; P < 0.001) and thus total feed intake and feed costs were greater. When slaughtered at 1 year of age, EW and NW calves attained similar weight (489 vs. 510 kg, respectively; P > 0.05), but dressing percentage was higher for EW calves (56.9%) than for NW calves (55.2%) (P < 0.01), which led EW calves to have heavier carcasses, without differences in fat score or conformation. The different growth paths, the result of weaning management, did not affect meat tenderness, chemical composition and fatty acid profile, but affected meat lightness, with higher values for compensating calves (NW) than calves in continuous growth (EW). In conclusion, advancing weaning age modified calf performance without affecting substantially carcass characteristics, except for an improvement in dressing percentage, or meat quality.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同年龄陕北白绒山羊的胴体特性和肉品质特点,为陕北绒山羊羊肉生产加工和分割优质切块提供营养参数支持和理论依据。分别随机选取舍饲条件下体重相近、健康无疾病的12只绒山羊饲养至4、6、12月龄和成年(各3只)对其屠宰,检测胴体指标和羊肉品质。结果表明:陕北白绒山羊的宰前活重、胴体重、肾脏重、眼肌面积均随年龄增加而显著增加(P<0.05);不同年龄陕北白绒山羊的羊肉品质存在差异,随着年龄增加,肉质嫩度变差,肉色加深,保水能力降低,而干物质中蛋白质和氨基酸含量增加,氨基酸结构相对稳定;宰前活重与胴体重、肾脏重、胴体脂肪含量、眼肌面积均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与pH呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与剪切力、失水率、熟肉率呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。结果显示:不同年龄阶段陕北白绒山羊的羊肉品质存在差异,随着年龄增加,肉质嫩度变差,肉色加深,保水能力降低,蛋白质和氨基酸含量增加,氨基酸结构相对稳定。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同油脂对肉鸡生长性能、屠宰性能及肉品质的影响。选取1日龄罗斯308肉鸡3 600只,随机分为4个处理,每个处理3个重复,每个重复300只,公、母各半。1~7 d,各处理组肉鸡饲喂相同日粮(豆油水平相同);7 d后日粮分别添加相同水平(中期3%和后期5%)的豆油、鸭油、棕榈油、米糠油。试验期37 d。结果表明:各处理组肉鸡各阶段及全期生长性能无显著差异(P>0.05);与豆油组相比,其他油脂有升高全期肉鸡耗料增重比和胸肌率的趋势(P<0.1);各处理组肉鸡胴体出成率无显著差异(P>0.05),但棕榈油组肉鸡胴体出成率最高,腹脂率最低;豆油组鸡胸肌离心损失最大,米糠油组胸肌滴水损失最大,肉品质较差;棕榈油组硫代巴比妥酸值和剪切力最小,且胸肌亮度和黄度较低,肉品质较好。综上所述,日粮中使用豆油有利于改善肉鸡生长性能,使用棕榈油能够提高胴体出成率和胸肌率,降低腹脂沉积,对肉品质有一定的改善作用。  相似文献   

The objective was to study the relationships between the actual European beef carcass classification scale, which classifies carcasses with regard to conformation and degree of fat cover scores, and muscle fat quality, depending on breed and mh-genotype. For this purpose samples from 100 yearling bulls from “Asturiana de los Valles” (24 AV(mh/mh), 26 AV(mh/+), 25 AV (+/+)) and “Asturiana de la Montaña” (25 AM) were analysed. The results of the study showed that breed or genotype affect carcass measurement scores and muscle fatty acid profile through its important effect on animal overall fatness. Homozygous double-muscled animals produced carcasses with high conformation and low intramuscular (IM) fat content. While early-maturing and rustic AM animals produced low carcass yield and high IM fat content. The other genotypes (mh/+, +/+) showed, in general, intermediate characteristics. Referring to correlations, carcass conformation was negatively related to saturated (SFA) (r = − 0.69, P < 0.001) and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) (r = − 0.69, P < 0.001) groups, and positively to polyunsaturated (PUFA) (r = 0.72), n-6 (r = 0.72), n-3 (r = 0.71) and unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) (r = 0.69) groups, being all of them significant (P < 0.001). However, carcass degree of fat cover was positively related to SFA (r = 0.53, P < 0.001) and MUFA (r = 0.62, P < 0.001), and negatively to PUFA (r = − 0.61), n-6 (r = − 0.60), n-3 (r = − 0.62) and UFA (r = − 0.53) groups, being all of them significant. Moreover, simple and low-cost prediction equations were calculated for a rapid and sufficiently accurate fatty acid group (SFA, MUFA, PUFA, n-6, n-3, UFA) estimation (R2 > 0.46, P < 0.001). In general, meat obtained from double-muscled animals display a more appropriate IM fatty acid profile from the nutritional point of view according to actual recommendations, but it could happen the disability of these lean animals to deposit sufficient IM fat to ensure consumer overall liking or acceptability.  相似文献   

In this experiment the effect of digestible energy (DE) restriction on carcass traits and meat quality of rabbits selected divergently for body fat content was studied. Using a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, Pannon White rabbits selected for high (HFAT) or low (LFAT) total body fat content were fed isocaloric diets between 4 and 12 weeks of age. Energy restriction was achieved by reducing the daily feed intake by 10% (M) and 20% (L) compared to the ad libitum fed group (H). Proportional to the reduction of feed intake the nutrient density of diets M and L was increased. Thus, the DE intake was reduced while the nutrient intake remained stable among the 3 dietary groups. Effect of genetic group on carcass traits and on meat quality parameters was less marked than DE restriction. Selection for high body fat content improved the dressing out percentage (58.3 and 57.3% in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.01), and reduced the percentage of the full gastrointestinal tract to slaughter weight (13.7 and 14.3% in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.05). Reduction of DE intake decreased the body weight and the weight of the chilled and reference carcass (P < 0.001), while it had no effect on dressing out percentage. In group H the percentage of fore part to reference carcass was higher (29.7 vs 29.0%; P < 0.01) while that of the hind part was lower than in group L (37.0 vs 38.2%; P < 0.001). The Longissimus lumborum meat from HFAT rabbits exhibited a lower content of moisture (76.1 and 76.5% in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.01) as well as lower L (53.5 and 54.4 in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.05) and b (0.42 and 0.81 in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.05) colour values. When compared with ad libitum fed rabbits, those restricted at 20% (L) exhibited a higher content of moisture (76.9 vs 75.8%; P < 0.01), as well as higher pHu (5.87 vs 5.73; P < 0.01) associated with lower cooking loss (17.8 vs 19.1%; P < 0.05). L rabbits also produced lower values of redness (a, 2.21 vs 3.35; P < 0.01) and yellowness (b, 0.23 vs 0.91; P < 0.01). No effect of the divergent selection for body fat content on the total lipid percentage and on most of the fatty acids in the meat of the hind leg was found. DE restriction resulted in lower SFA (L: 32.1 vs H: 35.8%; P < 0.01) and MUFA (L: 21.0 vs H: 28.6; P < 0.01) but higher PUFA contents (L: 45.5 vs H: 34.9%; P < 0.01) in the hind leg meat.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the health and meat production of cloned sows and their progenies in order to demonstrate the application of somatic cell cloning to the pig industry. This study compared the growth, reproductive performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Landrace cloned sows, F1 progenies and F2 progenies. We measured their body weight, growth rate and feed conversion and performed a pathological analysis of their anatomy to detect abnormalities. Three of the five cloned pigs were used for a growth test. Cloned pigs grew normally and had characteristics similar to those of the control purebred Landrace pigs. Two cloned gilts were bred with a Landrace boar and used for a progeny test. F1 progenies had characteristics similar to those of the controls. Two of the F1 progeny gilts were bred with a Duroc or Large White boar and used for the progeny test. F2 progenies grew normally. There were no biological differences in growth, carcass characteristics and amino acid composition among cloned sows, F1 progenies, F2 progenies and conventional pigs. The cloned sows and F1 progenies showed normal reproductive performance. No specific abnormalities were observed by pathological analysis, with the exception of periarteritis in the F1 progenies. All pigs had a normal karyotype. These results demonstrate that cloned female pigs and their progenies have similar growth, reproductive performance and carcass quality characteristics and that somatic cell cloning could be a useful technique for conserving superior pig breeds in conventional meat production.  相似文献   

本试验通过测定凉山黑猪及其杂交后代的胴体性能及肉质品质,结果发现随着杂交程度的增加,猪只的毛色、体型和肉质皆发生变化,其中瘦肉率和眼肌面积等明显提高,肌肉脂肪含量逐渐下降;含黑猪血缘50%以上的杂交比例能较好地保持凉山黑猪的肌内脂肪含量在3%以上.  相似文献   

This study aims to compare the meat quality of Shaziling and Yorkshire pigs and to find the potential indicator in serum for superior meat quality. Six Shaziling and Yorkshire pigs at 30, 60, 90, 150, 210, and300 d of age were selected to examine carcass traits, meat quality, and serum metabolome. The results showed that the body weight, carcass length, and loin eye area of Shaziling pigs at 150, 210, and 300 d of age were significantly lower than those of Yorkshire pigs (P <0.05). Shaziling ...  相似文献   



Tail biting is a common welfare problem in pig production and in addition to being a sign of underlying welfare problems, tail biting reduces welfare in itself. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of tail biting on different pre and post mortem indicators of stress in slaughter pigs and on carcass and meat characteristics. A total of 12 tail bitten (TB) and 13 control (C) pigs from a farm with a long-term tail biting problem were selected for salivary cortisol analyses before and after transport to the slaughterhouse. After stunning, samples were taken for the analysis of serum cortisol, blood lactate, intestinal heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), and meat quality characteristics. In addition, body temperature immediately after and muscle temperature 35 min after stunning were measured, as well as lean meat percentage and carcass weight.


TB pigs showed a lower cortisol response to the transport-induced stress than C pigs and also had a lower serum cortisol concentration after stunning. HSP70 content in the small intestine was higher in the TB pigs than in C pigs. TB pigs had a considerably lower carcass weight therefore produced a lower total amount of lean meat per carcass than C pigs.


This study suggests that prolonged or repeated stress in the form of tail biting causes a blunted stress response, possibly a sign of hypocortisolism. In addition, it underlines the importance of reducing tail biting, both from an animal welfare and an economic point-of-view.  相似文献   

研究天然牧草干草和草颗粒对乌珠穆沁羔羊生产性能、屠宰性能和肉品质的影响。选取20只6月龄体重为(28.60±0.31 kg)乌珠穆沁公羔羊,采用单因素随机区组设计,随机分为2组,每组10只。设计2种日粮饲喂乌珠穆沁羔羊,分别为以天然草地牧草为原料调制成的干草和草颗粒。结果表明:(1)草颗粒组的采食量、日增重、胴体重、宰前活重、净肉重、眼肌面积和GR值均显著高于干草组(P<0.05)。(2)草颗粒组羔羊肉中的蛋白质、磷、胆固醇含量、大理石纹、失水率均显著高于干草组(P<0.05),但其脂肪、钙含量和肉质红度、黄度显著低于干草组(P<0.05)。(3)草颗粒组羔羊肉中的重要脂肪酸组分棕榈酸、硬脂酸、亚油酸、α-亚麻酸、饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸、多不饱和脂肪酸、n-6、n-3及谷氨酸、半胱氨酸、异亮氨酸含量均显著高于干草组(P<0.05),但n-6/n-3、络氨酸和精氨酸含量均显著低于干草组(P<0.05)。因此,饲喂草颗粒能显著提高乌珠穆沁羔羊的生产性能和屠宰性能,并能有效优化羔羊肉的风味及品质。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of dietary protein supply on growth performance, carcass composition and size of organs in pigs slaughtered at the age of 165 ± 2 d. In addition, we analysed muscle fibre properties and glycolytic potential of light muscles longissimus lumborum (LD), semimembranosus (SM), and gluteus superficialis (GS), and dark muscles infraspinatus (IS) and masseter (M) of 20 gilts and 20 barrows. Of these pigs, 16 were Finnish Landrace, 16 were Finnish Yorkshire, and 8 were crosses of these breeds. The pigs were fed low-or high-protein diets formulated to contain 6.0 and 9.5 g of apparent ileal digestible lysine/feed unit (1 fu = 9.3 MJ NE), respectively. The pigs were fed according to a restricted weight-based feeding scale (13–30 MJ NE/d). Lean meat, fat, bones, and skin of the carcasses as well as organs were dissected and weighed. The pH value was measured 45 min post mortem from LD, and 24 h post mortem from LD, SM and GS. Drip loss, lightness (L) and redness (a) were measured from LD, SM and GS. Pigs with a low-protein supply showed a lower growth rate (P < 0.01), carcass weight (P < 0.01), and carcass lean meat content (P < 0.01), but higher carcass fat content (P < 0.01) and smaller kidneys (P < 0.01) than did pigs with a high-protein supply. In LD, the differences in cross-sectional areas in all muscle fibre types (P < 0.05) between the feeding groups were significant; in GS we found significant differences in cross-sectional areas of type IIA and type IIB (P < 0.05), while in SM we found no differences in muscle fibre cross-sectional areas between the feeding groups (P > 0.05). We found no such differences in the dark muscles studied. We also took into account the effect of both the breed and sex on the studied properties. The low-protein diet increased glycolytic potential in porcine LD and SM, and decreased the pH value measured 45 min post mortem from LD. The dietary protein supply affected no other meat quality traits studied. A more rapid drop in pH in LD resulted in a lighter and less red meat with higher drip loss.  相似文献   

岳西黑猪为安徽省岳西县独有的地方猪品种。文章通过繁殖、胴体、肉质性能的测定和比较分析,综合评价北京黑猪和巴克夏猪与岳西黑猪的杂交效果,筛选可推广的杂交组合模式,为岳西黑猪的杂交利用奠定基础,旨在更好地促进岳西黑猪产业化开发。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effect of slaughter weight and rearing system on the Chato Murciano pig carcass and meat quality traits, a total of 71 castrated male pigs were used. Forty-one pigs were reared in an outdoor system, divided in one heavy group (CHOHW) with an average live weight of 132.05 kg, and a second group with lower weights (CHOLW, 115.7 kg average). Simultaneously, 30 pigs were reared indoors and divided into one heavy group (CHIHW) with an average live weight of 144.3 kg, and a second group with lower weights (CHILW, 117.6 kg average).Heavier pigs showed higher values for several carcass parameters (hot carcass weight, carcass length, maximum perimeter of the ham, hand length, leg length, ham length, wrist perimeter) and meat cuts, higher Dorsal Fat Thickness (DFT) and Intramuscular Fat (IMF) levels, but no difference was found in the hot carcass yields (HCY). Differences in the colour parameters and several minerals (Ca, Mg, K and Na) were also due to the different slaughter weights. The rearing system had an influence on the HCY (it is higher in the outdoor system), on many carcass parameters, on meat the ultimate pH (it is higher for animals reared indoors) and on colour (this is variable). It also affected the levels of many minerals with the levels of Mg, P and K being higher for animals reared outdoors, whereas the Fe, Cu and Zn content were higher in the animals reared indoors. DFT and IMF levels were not influenced by the rearing system.  相似文献   

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