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牲血素与富铁力对哺乳仔猪的作用李鼎禄,蒋会德(云南省江川县畜医站652600)在仔猪培育中,给仔猪补充铁、对降低哺乳仔猪的发病率和死亡率,提高日增重有较明显的效果。但是,目前用铁铜合剂兑水滴在母乳上让仔猪吮乳时一同吃下的方法,由于费工时,用量大,浪费...  相似文献   

在375头15-25日龄腹泻仔猪中,研究维生素E和富铁力处理对仔猪腹泻疗效的影响。试验仔猪分为传统治疗、富铁力加传统治疗以及富铁力和维生素E加传统治疗三组。结果表明,富铁力和维生素E加传统治疗组的治愈率达到94.17%,极显著地高于传统治疗组(58.76%)和富铁力加传统治疗组(72.50%)(P<0.01)。同时,用富铁力、富铁力加维生素E两种方法对143头1-2周龄临床健康仔猪进行预防腹泻试验  相似文献   

仔猪注射富铁力效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭宏海 《养猪》1995,(3):18-18
仔猪生后3日龄注射富铁力1毫升(含铁150毫克、亚硒酸钠1毫克),可使60日龄增重增加2.53千克,比对照提高21.10%;血红蛋白含量始终在临界水平以上,能有效防止贫血症。  相似文献   

给 3日龄仔猪注射富铁力 1ml,到 5 4日龄时 ,试验猪仔猪的体重比对照组增加 2 .49kg ,提高 19.5 % ,血红蛋白含量始终在临界水平以上 ,仔猪成活率提高 12 .0 %。  相似文献   

本病在我县部分地区常有发生,死亡率高。报告如下: 一、临床症状与病变本病发生在3—6月份,春季雨量多的月份发病率较高。有明显的地区性。  相似文献   

通过对仔猪注射“富铁力”提高体重的观察,说明“富铁力”能增强仔猪的抗病能力,加速仔猪的生长发育,具有较显著的经济效益,应该大力推广。 富铁力;;提高;;体重;;观察  相似文献   

庆元县某牧场饲养100余头二元杂种母猪,于1998年5月1日陆续开产。1周后1头8日龄哺乳仔猪突然发病,体温40.5℃,呼吸加快,肌肉发抖,抽搐,精神不好。用2.5%恩诺沙星注射液2ml治疗,连用3次,未见效果,2天后死亡。继而病猪不断增加,2周后已...  相似文献   

在英山县占河乡母猪饲养户刘振兴所养哺乳仔猪中严格挑选体重大小一致的20头,随机分成2组,每组10头。试验组仔猪于3.7.35日龄每头分别肌注肌苷100毫克(2毫升)和VB_(12)500  相似文献   

杏富盖生素饲喂哺乳仔猪的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杏富益生素是山西杏花村汾酒(集团)公司杏富饲料厂生产的一种新型微生态制剂。为验证杏富益生素在幼畜上的使用效果,杏富饲料厂在北京市平谷县黑豆峪猪厂进行了本次试验。1材料与方法1.1材料(1)试验用杏富益生素[晋饲添字(2000)041-1005]由杏富饲料厂提供。(2)试验选择10~12日龄哺乳仔猪10窝共99头。1.2方法(1)分组和饲养管理逐窝称重后分为5组,每组2窝,尽量使2窝之间猪只的平均体重基本接近,体重差异不显著(P>0.05)。饲养管理均按该猪场管理办法进行。统一防疫、驱虫、补硒铁、…  相似文献   

Selenium deficient barley grown in Northern Ireland was treated with sodium hydroxide to deplete it of vitamin E. Housed cattle fed a complete diet based on this treated barley developed nutritional degenerative myopathy, showing that spontaneous myopathy in yearling cattle can be the result of vitamin E and selenium deficiency alone. The diet used is as effective and cheaper than others presently in use for inducing degenerative myopathy.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of vitamin E and selenium (Se) injections on concentrations of vitamin E, vitamin A, and Se in blood and milk to predict when injections may improve ewes’ performance. Awassi ewes received 0 (control, 13 ewes) or 15 plus 0.05?mg/kg BW of vitamin E and Se (injected, 15 ewes) at 1 and 4 weeks postpartum. Blood and milk samples were collected weekly for 6 weeks. Injections increased vitamin E, decreased Se, and had no effects on vitamin A levels in blood. Blood vitamin E was correlated positively with vitamin A. Injections increased vitamin E, but had no effects on vitamin A or Se levels in milk. Milk vitamin A was positively correlated with vitamin E and Se levels in the control group. Milk vitamins E and A were positively correlated with their corresponding levels in blood. Milk somatic cell count was negatively correlated with blood vitamin A levels.  相似文献   

Medium wool ewes were injected with vitamin E and(or) Se over a 2-yr period to evaluate the influence of these treatments on reproduction. Ewes were divided randomly into four groups, consisting of a control, plus groups receiving monthly sc injections of either 272 iu vitamin E, 4 mg Se or 272 IU vitamin E plus 4 mg Se during pregnancy. Selenium administration increased (P less than .05) ewe blood Se concentrations, but had no effect (P greater than .10) on fertility (number of ewes lambing of ewes bred), prolificacy (number of lambs born/ewe lambing) or lamb sex ratio. Preweaning survival of lambs was increased (P less than .05) by ewe treatments with either Se or vitamin E and thus, treated ewes weaned approximately 20% more lambs/ewe mated than did control ewes.  相似文献   

Responses to prepartum injection of sows with Se and vitamin E (E) were evaluated by determining immunoglobulin (IgA, IgM, IgG) levels in the colostrum and serum of the sows and the serum of their offspring. Fifty-four sows (40 multiparous, 14 primiparous) receiving diets adequate in E and Se according to current NRC (1988) standards were randomly allotted to four treatment groups in which a single i.m. injection of saline (controls), 5 mg of Se, 1,000 IU of E, or both Se and E were given on d 100 of gestation. Sows were bled prior to and 7 d after injection, at farrowing and on d 14 and 28 of lactation. Colostral samples were collected at the initiation of farrowing. Pigs were bled 20 h postpartum and at 14 and 28 d of age. Major immunoglobulin changes in the serum of the sows due to treatment were not seen prior to parturition. Injections of Se and(or) E resulted in higher colostral IgM levels (8.4, 10.7, 9.8 and 9.6 mg/ml, respectively), but only the response from Se was significant (P less than .05). Concentrations of colostral IgA or IgG were not affected by treatment (P greater than .30). Compared with controls, all three treatments increased (P less than .10) IgM concentrations in serum from pigs at birth (28.3, 33.3, 36.0 and 33.5 mg/ml, respectively), whereas IgA and IgG concentrations were not affected (P greater than .30).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We developed an experimental model of nutritional degenerative myopathy in ruminant cattle. Fourteen experimental calves were fed a diet low in vitamin E and selenium for 127 to 137 days. Six of these calves were then euthanatized. After 127 days, a dietary additive of linseed oil that had been treated to protect it against ruminal hydrogenation was added to the low vitamin E and selenium diet of the eight remaining calves as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Six of these animals were euthanatized after 6 to 11 days of polyunsaturated fatty acid feeding; the other two died after 6 and 8 days. Macroscopic myocardial alterations were seen in five polyunsaturated fatty acid-fed calves but not in any other experimental calf. Microscopic lesions, comprising multifocal or diffuse cardiocyte degeneration and necrosis, were seen in atrial and ventricular myocardium of all experimental calves. These changes were more severe in polyunsaturated fatty acid-fed calves than in animals that did not receive polyunsaturates. Ultrastructurally, sublethally damaged cardiocytes had lysed contractile material; vacuolated sarcoplasm; altered mitochondria, sarcoplasmic myelin figures, and lipofuscin granules; and multiple nuclei. Necrotic cardiocytes had contracted myofibrils, pyknotic nuclei, mineralized mitochondria, and plasmalemmal disruption; the external lamina remained largely intact. Necrosis was followed by macrophage invasion and phagocytosis of necrotic debris. Repair of the lesions was by deposition of collagen and elastin fibers. No alterations were seen in the hearts of control calves fed vitamin E and selenium-supplemented diet. The induced myocardial lesions are similar to those of spontaneous nutritional degenerative myopathy in ruminant cattle.  相似文献   

母猪补硒和维生素E预防仔猪水肿病试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪水肿病(edema disease of pigs)是由致病性大肠杆菌引起的断奶后仔猪的一种肠毒血症。患病仔猪临床上常表现为突然发病,精神沉郁,减食或拒食,体温多数不升高,步态不稳,兴奋不安,常盲目行走或作转圈行动,共济失调,肌肉震颤,抽搐,四肢作游泳状划动。水肿  相似文献   

特异性卵黄抗体在防治仔猪大肠杆菌性腹泻中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仔猪大肠杆菌性腹泻是由猪致病性大肠杆菌引起的一种常见传染病 ,具有发病急、传播快、死亡率高等特点 ,严重危害养猪业。产肠毒素大肠杆菌 (EnterotoxigenicEscherichiacoli,ETEC)是引起新生和断奶仔猪腹泻的主要致病菌之一 (Yokoya ma等 ,1 992 )。长期以来 ,该病的防治主要依赖于抗菌药物、大肠杆菌多价苗和基因工程疫苗。然而 ,抗生素在动物体内会导致药物残留和产生抗药性 ;用疫苗免疫母猪 ,虽可提高母乳中抗体含量 ,但母源抗体持续时间短 ,不足以保护仔猪整个生长阶段不致病 ;口服高免动物血清虽能有效防治该病 ,但成本较高很难在…  相似文献   

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