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Aerobic rice culture is a new technology designed to reduce water use, but the vulnerability of rice to aerobic condition has limited its development. The objective of this study was to characterize the root growth and stomatal behaviour of four rice cultivars grown in flooded and aerobic culture for 2 years. In aerobic culture, where the soil water potential at 20-cm depth averaged between −15 and −30 kPa, total root biomass was significantly lower than in flooded culture for the whole growth period, owing to a reduction in root biomass in the surface layer. Dry-matter partitioning to roots decreased, but the ratio of deep root biomass to total root biomass tended to be higher in aerobic culture than in flooded culture. The low root-to-shoot ratio and poor root growth in the surface layer in aerobic culture are attributable to the considerable reduction in adventitious root number. As a result, the varietal difference in total root biomass was due largely to individual root growth in aerobic culture. Stomatal closure was distinct at the vegetative stage in aerobic culture, even when the soil water potential was near field capacity, partly because of the poor rooting vigour. When the soil water potential at 20-cm depth was below −50 kPa, the stomatal behaviour reflected the root growth in the subsurface layer. These results suggest the role of vigorous root growth in soil water uptake and hence, in maintaining transpiration in aerobic rice culture.  相似文献   

Intensive rice farming in aerobic soil, referred to herein as aerobic rice, can greatly reduce the water input compared to that of flooded rice cultivation. The objective of this study was to compare the potential productivity of aerobic rice and flooded rice using high-yielding varieties at two locations in Japan in two successive years. In aerobic fields, the total amount of water supplied (irrigation plus rainfall) was 800–1300 mm. The soil water potential at 20-cm depth averaged between −15 and −30 kPa each growing season, but frequently reached −60 kPa. The average yield under aerobic conditions was similar to or even higher than that achieved with flooded conditions (7.9 t ha−1 in 2007 and 9.4 t ha−1 in 2008 for aerobic versus 8.2 t ha−1 for flooded). The average water productivity under aerobic conditions was 0.8–1.0 kg grain m−3 water, slightly higher than common values in the literature. The super-high-yielding cultivar Takanari achieved yields greater than 10 t ha−1 with no yield penalty under aerobic conditions in 3 out of 4 experiments. The favorable agronomic characteristic of Takanari was its ample sink capacity (grain number × grain weight). In conclusion, high-productivity rice cultivation in aerobic soil is a promising technology for water conservation. With continued breeding, future aerobic rice varieties will possess large numbers of spikelets and sufficient adaptation to aerobic conditions such that they will consistently achieve yields comparable to the potential yield of flooded rice.  相似文献   

Early vigor and rapid canopy development are important characteristics in aerobic rice culture, where they are highly susceptible to soil water deficits. To elucidate the response of rice's vegetative growth to water management regimes, we evaluated the leaf growth and the concomitant nitrogen (N) utilization of nine cultivars grown in flooded and aerobic culture in 2 years. In aerobic culture, the soil water potential at a depth of 20 cm frequently reached −60 kPa in 2007, but remained above −30 kPa in 2008. The average leaf area index (LAI) in the middle of the vegetative growth stage, N uptake and leaf N content per unit leaf area (specific leaf N; SLN) in aerobic culture were comparable to those in flooded culture. However, there was a significant cultivar × water regime interaction in LAI: cultivars with higher LAI during the vegetative growth stage achieved higher yield in aerobic rice culture. IR72 and Takanari (high-yielding cultivars of flood-irrigated rice) showed poor leaf growth as well as lower N uptake and higher SLN in aerobic culture compared with flooded culture. Our results show that early vigor is closely associated with yield stability to the soil moisture fluctuations in aerobic rice culture, even if weeds are properly controlled. Greater N uptake from aerobic soil and better balancing between the N demand for leaf growth and the N supply to the leaves under fluctuating soil moisture would be, at least in part, relevant to a rice cultivar's adaptation to aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

In water-efficient rice production, grain yield is often constrained by panicle size. The objective of this study was to genetically dissect the response of panicle morphology to irrigation regimes in aerobic rice culture. We grew ‘Akihikari’ (a lowland japonica cultivar) × ‘IRAT109’ (an upland japonica cultivar) backcross inbred lines in aerobic soils with full or limited irrigation for 2 years, and examined 4 panicle traits—number of florets per panicle (FPP), number of primary branches per panicle (BPP), number of florets per primary branch (FPB), and frequency of pre-flowering floret abortion (%FA)—and grain yield. QTLs for BPP were detected in both the irrigation regimes but QTLs for FPB and %FA were detected mostly only in either of the irrigation regimes. The QTL for FPP on chromosome 2 (RM3421–RM213) coincided with that for yield under full irrigation, showing that this QTL is related to sink capacity and yield potential in aerobic rice culture. On the other hand, the QTL for FPB on chromosome 1 (RM3148–RM243) coincided with that for yield under limited irrigation, when water deficit was moderate. The QTL for root axis length at vegetative stage, previously identified in the same mapping population, was located near this region. This study unravelled the complicated genetic control on panicle morphology in aerobic rice culture, and suggested the positive roles of the dehydration avoidance mechanism by vigorous root growth on panicle size and yield under dry soil conditions.  相似文献   

A total of 334 introgression lines (INLs: BC3-derived lines) derived from crosses between a recurrent parent of Indica rice cultivar IR64 and 10 donor parents, including new plant type (NPT) lines IR65600-87-2-2-3, IR65598-112-2, IR65564-2-2-3, IR69093-41-2-3-2, IR69125-25-3-1-1, Hoshiaoba, IR66215-44-2-3, IR68522-10-2-2, IR71195-AC1, and IR66750-6-2-1, have been developed. These INLs with IR64 genetic background were characterized for eight agronomic traits: days to heading, culm length, leaf width, leaf length, panicle length, panicle number, 100-grain weight, and total spikelet number per panicle at the International Rice Research Institute from 2005 to 2007. To identify introgressed segments from the donor parents, genotypes of the 334 INLs were detected using more than 200 polymorphic simple sequence repeat markers. These segments detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 were commonly introgressed across the INLs from more than four donor varieties. Based on the data of phenotype and genotype for the 334 INLs, associations between agronomic traits and introgressed chromosomal segments in the 334 INLs were investigated. A total of 54 regions for the eight traits were detected: seven regions for days to heading, eight regions for culm length, eight regions for leaf width, four regions for leaf length, six regions for panicle length, three regions for panicle number per plant, seven regions for 100-grain weight, and 11 regions for total spikelet number per panicle. Among them, the region on the long arm of chromosome 4 was associated with characteristics of the NPT such as long leaf, broad leaf, and high spikelet number. The developed 334 INLs with the IR64 genetic background will be useful materials for genetic analysis of agronomic traits.  相似文献   

The concept of aerobic culture is to save water resource while maintaining high productivity in irrigated rice ecosystem. This study compared nitrogen (N) accumulation and radiation use efficiency (RUE) in the biomass production of rice crops in aerobic and flooded cultures. The total water input was 800–1300 mm and 1500–3500 mm in aerobic culture and flooded culture, respectively, and four high-yielding rice cultivars were grown with a high rate of N application (180 kg N ha−1) at two sites (Tokyo and Osaka) in Japan in 2007 and 2008. The aboveground biomass and N accumulation at maturity were significantly higher in aerobic culture (17.2–18.5 t ha−1 and 194–233  kg N ha−1, respectively) than in flooded culture (14.7–15.8 t ha−1 and 142–173 kg N ha−1) except in Tokyo in 2007, where the surface soil moisture content frequently declined. The crop maintained higher N uptake in aerobic culture than in flooded culture, because in aerobic culture there was a higher N accumulation rate in the reproductive stage. RUE in aerobic culture was comparable to, or higher than, that in flooded culture (1.27–1.50 g MJ−1 vs. 1.20–1.37 g MJ−1), except in Tokyo in 2007 (1.30 g MJ−1 vs. 1.37 g MJ−1). These results suggest that higher biomass production in aerobic culture was attributable to greater N accumulation, leading to higher N concentration (N%) than in flooded culture. Cultivar differences in response to water regimes were thought to reflect differences in mainly (1) early vigor and RUE under temporary declines in soil moisture in aerobic culture and (2) the ability to maintain high N% in flooded culture.  相似文献   

Fissuring associated with kernel elongation was evident in a moisture-adsorbing environment at 15 °C of relative humidity 88.72±0.28% with moisture content from 6% (d.b.) to 16.3% (d.b.). The average length and width of 800 kernels was measured during the sorption test using a Cervitec Grain Inspector equipped with two digital cameras. Samples were exposed to both a moisture-adsorbing and desorbing environments at 15 °C with relative humidities of 23.4±0.53%, 55.9±0.27%, 70.98±0.28% and 88.72±0.28%. On image analysis, the kernels changed in size from 5.13 to 4.84 mm in length and 2.9 to 2.73 mm in width. Both length and width changed as expected during moisture-adsorbing and moisture-desorbing tests. Fissured kernel percent was related to changes in the average length of the kernels during the moisture-adsorbing tests. The average length and fissured kernel percent of rice kernels measured by image analysis may be considered as a reliable indicator of changes in their dimensions during quasi-static moisture sorption processes.  相似文献   

The optimum conditions for producing rice starch enriched in slowly digestible and resistant fractions by citric acid treatment determined by a response surface methodology (RSM) model equation, were: reaction temperature, 128.4 °C; reaction time, 13.8 h; and citric acid, 2.62 mmol/20 g starch. The slowly digestible and resistant starch fractions of the optimally acid-treated rice starch totalled 54.1%, which was 28.1% higher than the control. The slowly digestible and resistant fractions of the acid-treated rice starch did not differ significantly after heat treatment, whereas those of raw rice starch decreased by 49.6–63.8%, depending on the type of heat treatment (cooking at 100 °C or autoclaving). The slowly digestible fraction of the acid-treated starch increased by 8.9–14.2%. After autoclaving, the glucose response of the acid-treated starch was lower than untreated starch, but similar to that of Novelose 330. After heat treatment, the rate of blood glucose decrease was slower for the acid-treated starch than for Novelose 330. Compared to raw rice starch, the acid-treated starch exhibited increases in apparent amylose content, blue value, dextrose equivalent, cold-water solubility and transmittance, and decreases in wavelength of maximum absorbance, viscosity, and gel-forming ability.  相似文献   

In rainfed lowland rice ecosystem, rice plants are often exposed to alternating recurrences of waterlogging and drought due to erratic rainfall. Such soil moisture fluctuation (SMF) which is completely different from simple or progressive drought could be stressful for plant growth, thereby causing reduction in yield. Root plasticity is one of the key traits that play important roles for plant adaptation under such conditions. This study aimed to evaluate root plasticity expression and its functional roles in dry matter production and yield under SMF using Nipponbare, KDML 105 and three backcross inbred lines (BILs) and to identify QTL(s) associated with root traits in response to SMF at two growth stages using Nipponbare/KDML105 F2 plants. A BIL, G3-3 showed higher shoot dry matter production and yield than Nipponbare due to its greater ability to maintain stomatal conductance concomitant with greater root system development caused by promoted production of nodal and lateral roots under SMF. QTLs were identified for total nodal root length, total lateral root length, total root length, number of nodal roots, and branching index under SMF at vegetative and reproductive stages. The QTLs detected at vegetative and reproductive stages were different. We discuss here that relationship between root system of G3-3 and the detected QTLs. Therefore, G3-3 and the identified QTLs could be useful genetic materials in breeding program for improving the adaptation of rice plants in target rainfed lowland areas.  相似文献   

Kahokugata Lake, a closed lake, has been subject to eutrophication. This research was conducted to clarify the actual phenomena and evaluation of the discharges of N and P from paddy test fields in the lowlands into Kahokugata Lake. A comprehensive mass balance of N and P was obtained from 4 years of study. About N, the mean value of harvested unhulled rice (79.9 kg/ha) was greater than mean controlled release fertilizer inputs (56.7 kg/ha). Other inputs and outputs include N in atmospheric acid deposition (21.4 kg/ha) and N fixation–denitrification (9.2 kg/ha). The rice straw recycled after harvest was balanced by straw produced in the succeeding year. The runoff and percolation losses discharged into the lake was 11.3 kg/ha, (8.6% of total inputs). Since the rice harvested was consumed domestically, which taking out from the farmland and, therefore, nitrogen pollutant into the lake was becoming small, paddy rice at this site is considered an “anti-polluting, purifying or cleansing” crop. The P content in harvested rice (39.4 kg/ha) was balanced by fertilizer inputs (36.4 kg/ha). Previous studies examining inflow–outflow relationships without considering a comprehensive mass balance may lead to erroneous conclusions. Our findings indicate paddy rice in lowlands could be an environmentally friendly crop and can play an important role in reducing pollution of lakes, and therefore should be considered in land use planning.  相似文献   



Throughout Asia, including Japan, rice plants are cultivated in a wide range of areas from lowlands to highlands and are frequently exposed to fog, including acid fog. Some physiological studies have shown that acid fog can be a stress factor for plants. We analyzed the gene expression profiles of rice plants treated with artificially prepared simulated acid fog (SiAF) or simulated neutral fog (SiNF) for 1 or 7 days.


Microarray analysis results suggested that both the SiAF and the SiNF treatments induced the expression of genes involved in the defense and stress responses in rice plants. Induction of such genes was detected in plants treated with SiAF for 1 day, and the number of induced genes increased in plants treated with SiAF for 7 days. The genes for defense and stress responses were also induced by SiNF for 7 days, although they were not induced by SiNF for 1 day. The gene expression profiles of the SiAF-treated and the SiNF-treated plants were compared to those of plants treated with other stress factors. The comparison revealed that both SiAF and SiNF treatments have similar effects to biotic stresses and ozone stress. The genes encoding NADPH oxidase and germin, which function in apoplasts, were also induced by SiAF, SiNF and biotic stresses.


These findings suggest that both the SiAF and the SiNF treatments may result in oxidative stress through the apoplastic production of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Genotypic variation in patterns of root distribution, nitrate interception and response to moisture stress were assessed in both parents and 198 progeny of a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) full‐sibling mapping population. This was carried out in metre‐deep tubes of sand culture in a glasshouse experiment. The proportion of root dry matter (DM) weight in the top 10 cm of sand ranged from 0·33 to 0·75 and values of log10(1 ? K), where K is the constant for an exponential model relating root DM weight and root depth, also showed wide variation among genotypes. The proportion of a pulse of 15N recovered in whole plants ranged from 0·124 to 0·431. There was a positive linear correlation between the proportion of 15N recovered and plant total DM weight, but no relationship between nitrate interception and patterns of distribution of DM weight of roots. Some genotypes responded to moisture stress by increasing root growth, and in others root growth was inhibited. It is concluded that this below‐ground variability in root variables may be an evolutionary adaptation by plant populations to survive heterogeneity in soil biotic and edaphic factors.  相似文献   

Brown planthopper (BPH) is a serious threat to rice production. In this study, we have used the novel resistance gene Bph18 derived from Oryza australiensis and incorporated it into an elite japonica cultivar, Junambyeo, which is highly susceptible to BPH. The Bph18 gene was introduced by marker-assisted backcross (MAB) breeding into Junambyeo. The backcrossed progenies were evaluated for desirable agronomic and grain quality traits and the selection of improved breeding lines while simultaneously evaluating BPH resistance by bioassays in the greenhouse and foreground selection. Of the 26 advanced backcross breeding lines (ABL), four lines showed agronomic traits similar to those of the recurrent parent, with strong resistance to BPH. Molecular genotyping of the four ABL revealed the conversion of genotypes closely resembling the genotype of Junambyeo. The percentage of donor chromosome segments in ABL decreased from 12.3% in the BC2 to 9.4%, 8.4% and 5.3% in BC3, BC4 and BC5 generations, respectively. ABL retained small sizes of the donor chromosome segments on chromosomes 1, 2, 10, 11 and 12 but the genomes of ABL2, ABL3 and ABL4 were homosequential to the recurrent parent on chromosomes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 without donor chromosome segment introgression. The ABL1 and ABL2 retained only some small segments of the donor genome on chromosomes 9 and 8, respectively. Fine structure analysis of the Bph18 flanking region between RM511 and RM1584 markers on chromosome 12 showed a progressive elimination of donor-derived chromosome segments from BC2 to BC5 generations. The percentage of O. australiensis derived chromosome segment substitution in the recurrent parent background decreased from 28% of the donor parent to 6.7%, 3.9%, 3.4% and 3.4% in BC2, BC3, BC4 and BC5 generations, respectively. However, it was revealed that the O. australiensis-derived chromosome segment (1320 kb) in ABL containing the Bph18 gene was consistently maintained irrespective of advances in backcross generations. BPH resistant elite breeding lines with agronomic and grain quality traits similar to those of the recurrent parent were successfully developed by foreground and background analysis in japonica background without linkage drag.  相似文献   

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