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Specific breeding for organic systems may help reduce their yield gap relative to conventional systems by exploiting genotype × system (GS) interaction. Likewise, specific breeding for distinct subregions within a region could capitalize on genotype × location (GL) interaction. Grain yield and test weight of common wheat varieties were evaluated under organic and conventional systems in ten locations spanning from northern to southern Italy, with the objectives of: (i) comparing production systems; (ii) investigating the extent of GS and GL interactions and their relationship with genotypic and environmental characteristics; and (iii) preliminarily comparing, in terms of predicted selection gains, different strategies to cope with GS and GL effects. These effects were investigated in the 2-year Data set 1 including seven genotypes. GS effects were also assessed in the annual Data sets 2 and 3 including 13 and 11 genotypes, respectively. The yield reduction of organic systems relative to conventional ones averaged 28% in Data set 1, 29% in Data set 2 and 14% in Data set 3. Organic systems also tended to a modest test weight reduction. Genetic correlations between systems ranged from high to very high (0.88 ≤ rg ≤ 0.98) for yield and test weight, owing to nil or limited GS interaction. Broad-sense heritability tended to be higher in conventional systems than organic ones for yield in two data sets (mainly due to lower experimental error) while being similar in the two systems in the other cases. Predicted selection gains suggested nil (yield) or very modest (test weight) advantage of direct selection in organic systems relative to indirect selection in conventional systems, when targeting organic systems. The scope for selection only in conventional systems was reinforced when comparing predicted gains for selection scenarios which target both systems in relation to their foreseeable marketing importance. GL effects for yield and test weight were significant and were modeled by additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis. Site classification based on GL effects for yield revealed a larger subregion A including northern and central Italy and a smaller subregion B comprising southern Italy, accordingly with previous, independent studies. Yield selection only in subregion A (with indirect selection gain for subregion B) implied slightly higher predicted gain for A (+4%) and much lower gain for B (−24%) relative to independent, direct selection in each subregion. Selection for specific geoclimatic subregions may have greater importance than selection for specific production systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to find new sources of resistance to chocolate spot disease, and to validate their stability across different environments. In order to do so, a collection of 307 accessions of Vicia faba was screened for resistance to Botrytis fabae under field conditions; stability of resistance of the 40 most-resistant accessions was tested in a multi-location experiment in Austria, Chile, Egypt, France and Spain over two field seasons. Although complete resistance was not found, nine accessions showed interesting levels of incomplete resistance (ranging from 10 to 20% of average severity across environments, maximum average severity being 47.9%). Genotype × environment interaction accounted for 22% of the sum of squares of the multi-environment evaluation, revealing instability of the phenotypic expression across environments. This usually hampers the efficiency of selection and reduces the adaptability of the plant material. Three accessions stand out for their consistent resistance, both in terms of reduced disease severity and high stability, which make them good candidates for breeding programs. As for environments, those with the highest total severity mean were the most discriminant between accessions. In contrast, those with lower severity means were the most representative of the whole range of environments. It can be concluded that validation of resistance to chocolate spot in different environments is an essential step when screening for material of interest and should be taken into account for further works.  相似文献   

Plant breeders are interested in rationally reducing the number of testing environments for breeding new genotypes adapted to diverse conditions. One way to characterize the adaptation of a genotype is to use the joint regression model. Our objectives were to estimate the stability for grain yield (GY), grain protein yield (GPY) and grain protein content (GPC) of a set of wheat genotypes grown under varying nitrogen conditions and then to determine optimal numbers of environments for assessing the slopes of joint regression.  相似文献   

Zinc and iron are important micronutrients for human health for which widespread deficiency occurs in many regions of the world including South Asia. Breeding efforts for enriching wheat grains with more zinc and iron are in progress in India, Pakistan and CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre). Further knowledge on genotype × environment interaction of these nutrients in the grain is expected to contribute to better understand the magnitude of this interaction and the potential identification of more stable genotypes for this trait. Elite lines from CIMMYT were evaluated in a multilocation trial in the eastern Gangetic plains (EGP) of India to determine genotype × environment (GE) interactions for agronomic and nutrient traits. Agronomic (yield and days to heading) data were available for 14 environments, while zinc and iron concentration of grains for 10 environments. Soil and meteorological data of each of the locations were also used. GE was significant for all the four traits. Locations showed contrasting response to grain iron and zinc. Compared to iron, zinc showed greater variation across locations. Maximum temperature was the major determinant for the four traits. Zinc content in 30–60 cm soil depth was also a significant determinant for grain zinc as well as iron concentration. The results suggest that the GE was substantial for grain iron and zinc and established varieties of eastern Gangetic plains India are not inferior to the CIMMYT germplasm tested. Hence, greater efforts taking care of GE interactions are needed to breed iron and zinc rich wheat lines.  相似文献   

White lupin requires grain yield improvement to realize its potential as a high-protein grain crop. Some 121 entries representing 13 germplasm pools (11 landrace pools from European countries and from regions of North and East Africa, West Asia and Atlantic islands, and one winter-type and one spring-type variety pools) were evaluated in three major agroclimatic conditions, i.e., Mediterranean and subcontinental climate in Italy under autumn sowing and suboceanic climate in France under spring sowing, with the aim to assess: (i) the variation among and within germplasm pools for grain yield and 13 major morphophysiological traits; (ii) the impact of evaluation environments on entry characteristics; and (iii) the relation of wide- and specific-adaptation responses with morphophysiological traits. Indications on top-yielding genetic resources, entry morphophysiological traits and association of these traits with grain yield were largely environment-specific. Germplasm pools summarized a fairly high portion of genotypic and genotype × environment (GE) interaction variation, indicating their usefulness as a criterion for locating genetic resources with specific characteristics. Adaptive responses of germplasm pools and individual entries, modeled through Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction analysis, highlighted the outstanding agronomic value for specific agroclimatic conditions of a few landrace germplasm pools in comparison with variety pools. Overall within-pool diversity for morphophysiological traits and adaptive response was largest in the landrace pools from Italy, Turkey, East Africa and West Asia. Only flowering time and individual seed weight exhibited high genetic correlations between environments for entry response, suggesting caution in inferring accession characteristics from evaluation data obtained in environments very different from those targeted by possible germplasm users. Optimal flowering time was early in the spring-sown environment, intermediate in the Mediterranean environment, and late (associated with winter survival) in the subcontinental-climate environment. Owing to the association of phenology with several other traits, germplasm ordination for adaptation pattern and for overall morphophysiological variation were very similar. Pod fertility emerged among the seed yield components because of its correlation with grain yield in each environment combined with fairly low GE interaction. Beside contributing to the ecogeographic classification of landrace germplasm, our results can support breeding programs of Europe and Mediterranean-climate regions in defining useful genetic resources, adaptation strategies and adaptive traits. Genetic resources from Madeira & Canaries (high-yielding across environments), Italy (featuring high adaptive and morphophysiological diversity) and a few other regions are of special interest for breeding in targeted definite agroclimatic conditions.  相似文献   

An understanding of the causes of genotype × environment (G × E) interactions is essential for the implementation of efficient selection and evaluation networks. Currently, studies involving the interpretation of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) G × E interactions are limited. The objective of this study was to investigate the relative influence of environmental factors on the G × E interactions of sugarcane under rainfed conditions in South Africa through a comprehensive analysis of a multi-environment trial (MET) dataset. Fifteen commercial cultivars were evaluated over 147 environments (trial × ratoon combinations) across the coastal (C), hinterland (H) and midlands (M) regions of the sugar industry. Environments were characterized according to five site covariates (soil depth, clay percentage, organic matter percentage, nitrogen mineralization category, and total available moisture) and nine seasonal covariates (time of harvest, age at harvest, average daily heat units, solar radiation, rainfall, evaporation, and three derived water stress indices).Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) biplots for cane yield (TCANE), estimated recoverable crystal percent (ERC) and tons ERC (TERC) revealed overlapping of C and H environments, while M environments formed unique clusters characterized by specific cultivar adaptabilities. Principal components analysis (PCA) allowed visualization of the covariates determining the regional separation patterns. AMMI interaction principal components axes (IPCA) 1 and 2 scores were correlated to the covariates and showed that harvest age, temperature, and water stress were mainly responsible for separation of M environments from C and H environments on the TCANE and TERC biplots. Time of harvest was identified as an important covariate influencing ERC G × E patterns in the C and H regions. The third water stress index (based on a ratio of observed yields to simulated irrigated yields) was a dominant factor influencing G × E patterns within the C and H regions and was identified as a superior indicator of water deficient environments for future studies. The M trials were characterized by shallower soils with lower total available moisture and greater variability in this regard compared with the C and H trials. Nitrogen mineralization category, organic matter percent, and clay percent were not significantly correlated to IPCA scores, while soil depth was identified as a major site selection criterion in the M region. The M region should be treated as a single mega-environment, while the C and H regions could be combined for future interpretive studies, where covariates should be summarized within growth phases. The results of this study will assist in restructuring the MET network through exploitation and targeting of the relevant environmental factors within the different regions.  相似文献   

Plant performance under drought stress is not solely defined by an inadequate water supply but by an interaction among many factors, including climatic, edaphic, and biological factors. An important interacting factor affecting root growth, and therefore the ability of a plant to access and take up water, is the soil physical environment. Soil penetration resistance can restrict, or even halt, root system growth. For rice, a soil penetration resistance of 1.4 MPa is sufficient to inhibit root system expansion. This review describes the effects of the soil physical environment on root growth and its interaction with drought stress. A large variation in soil penetration resistance exists among rainfed rice-growing areas of South and Southeast Asia and within experimental stations used for managed-drought field phenotyping. This variability may influence genotypic performance across experimental sites/countries and the response of crop genotypes to drought stress. A case study is presented in which differences in the soil physical environment may partially elucidate differences in experimental results between two field studies conducted at different locations. These results highlight the need for increased knowledge of environmental interactions to allow the outputs of genomics to increase drought tolerance at the field level.  相似文献   

Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) can enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of crop-livestock systems in the western Mediterranean basin, but requires improved adaptation to stressful environments because of a predicted shortage of irrigation water and climate change. This study reports on three-year dry matter yields of five landraces from Morocco, Italy and Tunisia and seven varieties from France, Italy, Australia and USA assessed across 10 agricultural environments of Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Italy of which four were rainfed, one was continuously irrigated (oasis management), and five were irrigated but adopted a nine-week suspension of irrigation during summer. Our objectives were targeting cultivars to specific environments, and assisting regional breeding programmes in defining adaptation strategies, genetic resources and opportunities for international co-operation. The crop persisted well in all environments, but environment mean yield was strictly associated (P < 0.01) with annual and spring-summer (April–September) water available. Rainfed cropping implied 42% lower yield with 61% less spring-summer water available relative to irrigation with withheld summer water across three sites hosting both managements. All of these sites showed genotype × management interaction (at least P < 0.10). Cross-over genotype × environment (GE) interaction between top-yielding cultivars occurred across the 10 environments. Total number of harvests (range: 9–23), soil salinity as measured by electrical conductivity (range: 0.20–6.0 dS m−1), and average spring-summer water available (range: 102–932 mm) were selected as significant (P < 0.05) environmental covariates in a factorial regression model explaining 53% of GE interaction variation. This model was exploited for targeting cultivars as a function of site-specific levels of these factors. Its indications agreed largely with those of an additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model with two GE interaction principal components. An Italian landrace exhibited specific adaptation to severely drought-prone environments, whereas landraces from north Africa were not adapted to such environments. One Moroccan landrace was specifically adapted to high number of harvests (partly reflecting frequent mowing). One variety selected for salt tolerance, and one Moroccan landrace, were specifically adapted to salt-stress environments. Environment classification as a function of GE interaction effects indicated three groups which may be object of specific breeding: (i) rainfed or irrigated environments featuring limited spring-summer water available (<350 mm), nil or low soil salinity, and moderate to low number of harvests; (ii) salt-stress environments; and (iii) environments characterized by high number of harvests.  相似文献   

Bean fly is a significant pest of common bean in semi-arid areas of East Africa. Apart from inadequate moisture in the dry land, bean fly simultaneously contributes negatively thereby adversely affecting bean productivity. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify sources of resistance to bean fly available in landraces, (2) confirm stability of host plant resistance in drought stress and (3) determine the effect of drought stress and seasonal variation on common bean genotypes in relation to bean fly attack for adaptability to the semi-arid areas of East Africa. Sixty four genotypes including landraces, bean fly resistant lines and local checks were evaluated for seed yield, 100-seed weight, days to maturity, plant mortality and pupae in stem in an alpha lattice design with two replications. This was under drought stressed (DS) and non-stressed (NS) environments and two treatments (insecticide sprayed and natural infestation) for three cropping seasons between 2008 and 2009. Genotypes differed in their reaction to natural bean fly attack under drought stressed (DS) and non-stressed (NS) environments over different cropping seasons. However, the effect of bean fly appeared to vary between the long rains (LR) and short rains (SR). It was observed that an increase in number of pupae per stem resulted in a higher plant mortality. The range of seed yield was from 345 to 1704 kg ha−1 under natural infestation and from 591 to 2659 kg ha−1 under insecticide protection. Seed yield loss ranged from 3 to 69%. The resistance of most of the bean fly resistant lines seemed to break down in presence of DS owing to their dismal performance. Screening of genetic resources in common bean to breed for host plant resistance to bean fly offers high potential of success if researchers take full advantage of the diversity available within the landraces.  相似文献   

A pea breeding strategy is required to cope with the large climatic variation featuring south-European environments. Thirty-seven recent cultivars bred by 21 European or Australian institutions were grown in two climatically contrasting Italian sites (Lodi, subcontinental; Foggia, Mediterranean), two cropping years per site and two sowing times per year, to define various elements of this strategy. The study assessed: (i) the impact of genotype × environment (GE) interaction due to spatial and temporal factors on the consistency of top-yielding cultivars; (ii) the similarity between environments for GE effects and its implications on adaptation strategies; (iii) the extent of genotypic and GE interaction effects, and the relationship with adaptive responses, for various morphophysiological traits; (iv) the adaptation pattern and the combination of adaptive traits featuring three germplasm types, i.e. European spring and winter types, and germplasm selected in Mediterranean environments; (v) the predicted efficiency of direct and indirect selection procedures for grain yield. The geoclimatic area had a major impact on crop yield (5.15 t/ha in Lodi vs. 2.52 t/ha in Foggia) but tended to affect GE interaction less than time or year of autumn sowing, suggesting to breed for wide adaptation. Top-yielding cultivars as modeled by additive main effects and multiplicative interaction were environment-specific. On average, spring and winter materials outyielded the Mediterranean germplasm but the spring type, characterized by wide entry variation, included most widely- and specifically-adapted top-yielding cultivars. Cold-tolerant spring-type germplasm is preferable to breed for wide adaptation as it may combine high yield potential with adaptation to winter cold and terminal drought and heat stress. Lodging susceptibility, harvest index, onset and duration of flowering, and canopy height at maturity assessed in individual environments showed moderate to fairly high broad-sense heritability on a plot basis (h2 > 0.20) and tended to correlation with yield over test environments (r ≥ 0.20). An indirect selection index including harvest index and canopy height exhibited about 20% greater predicted efficiency than direct selection for yield when using one selection environment and could be preferred for early selection stages. Direct yield selection in late selection stages should ideally be performed across 2 years in two environments that contrast for geoclimatic area and time of autumn sowing.  相似文献   

Cultivar × location interaction for lucerne forage yield across northern Italy is large, repeatable and associated with summer drought-stress level and soil type. The objectives of this study were: (i) to investigate the genotypic factors associated with cultivar adaptive responses to drought-stress and soil factors; (ii) to identify adaptive traits exploitable for selection of widely adapted or specifically adapted material. Aerial dry matter (DM) over 12 harvests and shoot traits of 13 landraces and four varieties were evaluated in four artificial environments created by the factorial combination of drought-stress level (almost nil or high) and soil type (sandy-loam or silty-clay) (Exp. 1). Aerial and root DM over four or five harvests were evaluated in metal containers 55 cm × 12 cm × 75 cm deep for the factorial combinations of three varieties by two drought-stress levels by two soil types (Exp. 2), or six landraces by two drought-stress levels (Exp. 3). Cultivar × environment interaction was detected for forage yield, plant mortality after the second summer, leaflet size and stem weight. The environments of Exp. 1 reproduced well the variety adaptive responses across agricultural environments. The relationship of cultivar forage yield with shoot traits was environment-specific, i.e.: (i) strictly negative with plant mortality, in no-stress environments (where mortality and plant competition were severe); (ii) positive with stem number per plant and autumn-winter growth, in stress environments; (iii) positive with stem dry weight, in ‘stress/sandy-loam soil’; and (iv) positive with leaflet size, in ‘no-stress/sandy-loam soil’. Cultivars specifically adapted to no-stress or sandy-loam conditions showed consistently greater root DM across three soil layers than material with opposite adaptive response. Entry yields tended to inverse genetic correlation between two environments which represented contrasting geographical subregions and were characterized by different combinations of traits associated with higher yield, i.e.: (i) higher root biomass, lower plant mortality and larger leaflets, for ‘no-stress/sandy-loam soil’; and (ii) more stems per plant and greater autumn-winter growth, for ‘stress/silty-clay soil’. The difficulty of yield-based selection for wide adaptation may hardly be overcome by selection based on adaptive traits. Adaptive trait-based selection for specific adaptation may be envisaged especially for ‘stress/silty-clay soil’ conditions, for which the relevant traits are inexpensive to record, not correlated, and not subject to cultivar × environment interaction.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to identify Vicia faba germplasm resistant both to rust and chocolate spot. A collection of 43 accessions of V. faba previously identified as chocolate-spot resistant was evaluated for rust and chocolate spot resistance in Egypt and in Spain. The genotype and genotype × environment (GGE) biplot analyses allowed the selection of 11 accessions resistant to both diseases in those locations. These 11 accessions were evaluated for rust in an additional field trial in Spain, all performing better than the susceptible check. The joint analysis of the 11 accessions in the four field trials where they had been evaluated revealed no significant effects either for genotype, environment or the genotype × environment interaction. They are hence promising sources of resistance, both for their low severities and their stable responses across the studied environments. This collection was also tested under controlled conditions against the Egyptian and the Spanish isolates of rust present in the field trials further underlining the stable performance of these genotypes. Finally, the effect of previous infection with chocolate spot on rust resistance was assessed under controlled conditions and no influence of it was found.  相似文献   

Eight genotypes from two different genetic pools (high yielding varieties and landraces) were assessed for grain yield (GY) and for five quality traits: protein content (P), thousand kernel weight (TKW), yellow berry (YB), gluten content (Gc) and gluten index (Gi) in sub-humid and semi-arid areas using four combinations of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers during two cropping seasons. Genotype × Environment × Fertilizers (G × E × F) was significant only for protein content (p < 0.05); and E × F was found significant (p < 0.05) for all parameters. Greater quality related traits expression was noted in the semi-arid areas for both genetic pools. Excessive rainfall in semi-arid areas resulted in gluten elasticity reduction. N-fertilizers seemed to enhance protein content and to reduce thousand kernel weight. K-fertilizer, might enhance the increase in both proteins and thousand kernel weight in favorable growing conditions of water availability. Semolina yielding ability was higher in landraces as compared to high yielding varieties particularly using recommended fertilizer management. This group of cultivars showed superiority over high yielding cultivars for quantitative quality parameters.  相似文献   

Analysis of multi-environment trials (METs) of genotypes (G) and genotype × environment (GE) interactions for yield performance across environments, and selection of the best genotypes is an important routine in maize breeding programs. Analysis and interpretation of METs data have been limited to analysis of variance and mean comparison among genotypes. This type of analysis has not been effective in exploiting GE interactions encountered in METs data sets. The objectives of this study were to exploit METs data sets from maize regional trails using G plus GE interaction (GGE) biplot based on the site regression (SREG) model. The GGE biplots displays graphically the relationship among test environments, genotypes and GE interactions. Grain yield data of 35 early to medium maturing open pollinated maize varieties (OPVs) from five seasons (1999–2003) across 59 locations in Southern African Development Community (SADC) were analyzed. The GGE biplots based on the SREG model indicated that yield performance of maize OPVs were under major environments and of GE interactions. The construction of GGE biplots based on SREG model analysis showed the ideal test environments that discriminate well performing maize OPVs from poor ones, the performance of each OPV in specific year, the discrimativiness versus representativeness view of the GGE biplot of the test locations across the years, the relation among OPVs relative to grain yield, the stability of OPVs across environments and which OPVs is best for what.  相似文献   

Bromus auleticus Trinius (ex Nees) is a perennial allogamous C3 grass native to the Campos grasslands. It has potential to play a key role in restoration of both abandoned agricultural and overgrazed lands. We aim to reveal the existence of local adaptation and to assess whether phenotypes could be differentiated in relation to their ecogeographic region of origin. Previous reports estimated significant levels of variability among and within populations, but as yet there is no evidence of local adaptation and phenotypic relations with ecogeographic regions for this species. Indeed, there is a lack of knowledge about the spatial distribution of diversity, which limits the possibilities of using B. auleticus in ecological restoration and plant breeding. A comprehensive collection of 82 accessions of B. auleticus from eight ecogeographic regions within Uruguay was used to characterize diversity by measuring phenologic, morphologic, productive and reproductive traits. We found high diversity among B. auleticus accessions, and the spatial distribution of this diversity follows a pattern accounted by ecogeographic regions to a large extent. Our results also indicate large genotype × environment interaction, confirming local adaptation. Phenotypic values permitted, with a 3.7% error rate, discrimination of accessions according to their ecogeographic region of origin, suggesting the existence of differentiated ecotypes. We consider that the diversity observed should be conserved and used for breeding cultivars of this species and for the restoration of degraded grasslands by considering ecogeographic regions when selecting seed sources.  相似文献   

A protectant fungicide (Captan, a.i. captan) and a systemic fungicide (Switch, a.i. fludioxonil + cyprodinil) were evaluated as pre- and post-inoculation applications for control of anthracnose fruit rot (AFR), caused by Colletotrichum acutatum, under a short (6 or 8 h) or long (18 or 24 h) wetting period. Evaluations were conducted for two seasons in Maryland and for two seasons in Florida. Both Captan and Switch were very effective for control of AFR when applied prior to inoculation, but control was more effective under the shorter wetting period. Switch was as effective when applied 4, 8, or 24 h post-inoculation as when applied before inoculation, but control was better under the short wetting period. Captan was effective when applied 4 or 8 h after inoculation under the short wetting period, but was ineffective at 24 h post-inoculation. Post-inoculation sprays of Captan were ineffective at any time under the long wetting period. The post-infection activity of Switch allows greater flexibility for managing AFR when fungicide applications are scheduled based on weather-based decision-support systems.  相似文献   

Bulnesia sarmientoi Lorentz ex Griseb volatile oil was characterized by GC × GC-TOF-MS analysis. Major components were guaiol and bulnesol, followed by hanamyol. The enhanced sensitivity and superior resolution of GC × GC resulted in the identification of thus-far unreported oil constituents as β-guaiene, guaioxide, elemol, germacrene-B, eudesm-5-en-11-ol, γ-eudesmol, α-eudesmol and (−)-hanamyol. The insecticidal effect of B. sarmientoi oil and its main constituents (guaiol, bulnesol and hanamyol) on Spodoptera littoralis, Rhopalosiphum padi and Myzus persicae was studied. Guaiol affected the aphids in a dose-response fashion, showing low efficiency, while bulnesol and hanamyol were inactive. Both the oil and its constituents were also assayed for antifungal action against Fusarium spp. and phytotoxicity to Lactuca sativa. Among the pure compounds tested, bulnesol had a low-moderate effect on Fusarium moniliforme while hanamyol had a strong effect on Fusarium solani. Neither the oil nor the tested compounds affected L. sativa germination or radicle length, indicating that B. sarmientoi is not phytotoxic.  相似文献   

The understanding of the interactive effect of water and N availability, associated with the ability of crops to efficiently use these resources, is a crucial issue for stabilizing cereal production in Mediterranean areas. A 3-year side by side experiment on durum wheat and barley, under different water regimes and nitrogen levels, was carried out in a typical Mediterranean environment of Southern Italy, to identify the outstanding features of these species that contribute to enhanced grain yield and improved water and nitrogen use efficiency.  相似文献   

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