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Grain yield in cereal crops was an eternal theme. The number of panicles per plant (PN), filled spikelets per panicle (FSP), and 1000-gram weight (TGW) were the three important yield components. Some QTLs for rice yield had been mapped, but conditional QTLs for grain yield had not been analyzed. Phenotypic values of yield traits, which had no influence on the given components, were used for QTLs conditional analysis. This study was to uncover conditional QTLs for rice yield in a RIL population, and to search for evidences on the genetic basis of yield QTLs.  相似文献   

Clustering genotype × environment(GE) interactions and understanding the causes of GE interactions are among the most important tasks in crop breeding programs. Pattern analysis(cluster and ordination techniques) was applied to analyze GE interactions for grain yield of 24 durum wheat(Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) genotypes(breeding lines and old and new cultivars) along with a popular bread wheat(Triticum aestivum) cultivar grown in 21 different rainfed environments during the 2010–2013 cropping seasons. To investigate the causes of GE interaction, several genotypic and environmental covariables were used. In a combined ANOVA, environment was the predominant source of variation,accounting for 81.2% of the total sum of squares(TSS), and the remaining TSS due to the GE interaction effect was almost seven times that of the genetic effect. Cluster analysis separated the environments into four groups with similar discriminating ability among genotypes, and genotypes into five groups with similar patterns in yield performance.Pattern analysis confirmed two major environmental clusters(cold and warm), and allowed the discrimination and characterization of genotype adaptation. Within the cold-environment cluster, several subclusters were identified. The breeding lines were most adapted to moderate and warm environments, whereas the old varieties were adapted to cold environments. The results indicated that winter rainfall and plant height were among the environmental and genotypic covariables, respectively, that contributed most to GE interaction for grain yield in rainfed durum wheat.  相似文献   

Rice yield, its components and their relations are one of the most important research objects for genetics, cultivation, and breeding. This study was to investigate the genetic relationships between yield and yield components by using the methods of correlation analysis and path analysis with a set of 241 RIL population of Shanyou 63.  相似文献   

A two-year field experiment(2012–2013) was conducted to investigate the effects of two tillage methods and five maize straw mulching patterns on the yield, water consumption,and water use efficiency(WUE) of spring maize(Zea mays L.) in the northern Huang–Huai–Hai valley of China. Compared to rotary tillage, subsoil tillage resulted in decreases in water consumption by 6.3–7.8% and increases in maize yield by 644.5–673.9 kg ha-1, soil water content by 2.9–3.0%, and WUE by 12.7–15.2%. Chopped straw mulching led to higher yield,soil water content, and WUE as well as lower water consumption than prostrate whole straw mulching. Mulching with 50% chopped straw had the largest positive effects on maize yield, soil water content, and WUE among the five mulching treatments. Tillage had greater influence on maize yield than straw mulching, whereas straw mulching had greater influence on soil water content, water consumption, and WUE than tillage. These results suggest that 50% chopped straw mulching with subsoil tillage is beneficial in spring maize production aiming at high yield and high WUE in the Huang–Huai–Hai valley.  相似文献   

Kernel texture (hard vs soft grain) and more subtle within-class variations are known to have a large influence on end-use properties, mostly through the proportion of damaged starch and subsequent water requirement. In this study, quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting kernel texture and dough rheology in a progeny from a cross between two ‘medium-hard’ wheat cultivars were identified and compared to the QTL locations for both traits. One hundred and sixty-five F7 recombinant inbred lines were studied in three environments in 1999. Kernel texture was estimated by both near infrared reflectance (NIR: HardNIR) and the single-kernel characterisation system (SKCS: HardSKCS). Dough rheology, taken as a predictor of end-use quality, was estimated by the empirical parameters measured by Chopin alveograph. The genetic map for this population consisted of 254 loci quite evenly distributed over the wheat genome. Considering only the QTL which were stable (detected in the three locations) and robust (through bootstrap resampling), five genomic regions were found to influence HardNIR, but only two of them are significant for HardSKCS, which was probably due to a less representative measure of the phenomenon. Eight QTLs were found for rheological traits. Some QTLs for dough rheology co-located with those for hardness or grain protein content, particularly on chromosomes 3A and 5B and close to the unlinked marker Xgwm130. According to trait, individual QTLs explained from 5.4 to 26.6% of the phenotypic variation and when taken together up to 46.0% of the variation.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of regional-scale crop yield under drought conditions allows farmers and agricultural agencies to make well-informed decisions and guide agronomic management. However, few studies have focused on using the crop model data assimilation(CMDA) method for regional-scale winter wheat yield estimation under drought stress and partial-irrigation conditions. In this study, we developed a CMDA framework to integrate remotely sensed water stress factor(MOD16 ET PET-1) with t...  相似文献   

Over the last century, most of the genetic gain in the grain yield of Italian durum has been achieved by an increase in the harvest index and promotion of flowering time. We report the indirect effects of this long-term selection on a number of leaf and canopy traits associated with photosynthesis. In a 2-year experiment, using different sowing dates and nitrogen regimes, these characters were assessed for a set of 20 cultivars released between 1900 and 2000. Leaf area, specific leaf area, specific leaf nitrogen content and stomatal resistance were all negatively correlated with year of release, whereas canopy temperature showed a positive correlation. The substantial reduction in plant height, by which the rise in harvest index was achieved, was partly responsible for the rise in canopy temperature, acting via its effect on aerodynamic resistance. Senescence, when expressed in thermal time after anthesis, was delayed for the modern cultivars, and this delay could be associated with a greater quantity of nitrogen allocated to the grain. The association of senescence onset with earliness suggests a likely role of increased earliness in delayed senescence. The yield increase over time was correlated with a decrease in stomatal resistance and in specific leaf nitrogen content.  相似文献   

We present a simple generic framework to quantify source–sink relationships during grain filling, by using a determinate growth function which has a unique property, namely being able of explicitly describing the time for the end of a growth process. This model framework was applied to analyze these relationships in plants of six wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes grown in pots in climate-controlled greenhouses under two temperature regimes (day/night: 20/15 and 25/20 °C). The function accurately described the sigmoid pattern of grain growth (sink activity), as its modified form did for the reversed sigmoid shape of flag-leaf area (source capacity), during grain filling. The six genotypes differed significantly in grain number as well as in grain yield, ranging from 54 to 81 grains and from 2.67 to 4.52 g DM per culm, respectively, when grown at 20/15 °C. Biomass and grain yield were significantly reduced by a rise of 5 °C. Grain nitrogen contents raised from 2.1 to 2.6% as a consequence of less carbon accumulation resulting in lower grain weights at the high temperature. On average, a rise of 5 °C in temperature reduced the duration of grain growth by 12 days (>30%), and increased the growth rate from 1.32 to 1.67 mg grain−1 d−1 (20%). Genotypic differences in grain-filling duration were also larger than in rate of grain growth. The genetic variation in the flag-leaf area duration (a proxy for the capacity for intercepting radiation and photosynthesis) was positively associated with sink size. Model analysis showed that whether or not the timing for the cessation of grain filling and for the end of post-anthesis source activity was synchronized depended on temperature. The quantitative approach yielded parameters that characterize genotypic differences of post-anthesis source and sink capacity in responding to environmental variables.  相似文献   

The sustainability of cropping systems can be increased by introducing a cover crop, provided that the cover crop does not reduce the cash crop yield through competition. The cover crop may be sown at the same time as a cash crop in the crop rotation. We carried out an experiment in 1999–2000 and 2000–2001 in the Paris Basin, to analyze the effects of simultaneously sowing winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and red fescue (Festuca rubra L.), a turf grass. Competition between wheat and fescue was analyzed with one variety of red fescue, Sunset, and two varieties of wheat, Isengrain and Scipion, each sown at a density of 150 plants m?2. In this study, we evaluated the effect of undersown fescue on wheat yield and analyzed the competition between the two species in detail. The undersown red fescue decreased wheat yield by about 12% for Isengrain (8.7 t ha?1 for undersown Isengrain versus 9.8 t ha?1 for Isengrain alone) and 7% for Scipion (7.4 t ha?1 for undersown Scipion versus 8.0 t ha?1 for Scipion alone). During the early stages of wheat growth (up to the ‘1 cm ear’ stage, corresponding to stage 30 on Zadoks’ scale), undersown fescue and fescue sown alone grew similarly. However, fescue biomass levels were much lower (5.6 and 4.7 g m?2 for fescue grown alone and undersown fescue) than wheat biomass levels on the undersown plots (120 g m?2 for Isengrain and 111 g m?2 for Scipion). From the e1 stage onwards, the wheat canopy rapidly extended, whereas that of red fescue remained sparse. The time lag between the beginning of the rapid increase in LAI and PAR interception by wheat grown alone and that for fescue grown alone was 590 dd in the second year. This resulted in much slower growth rates for undersown fescue than for undersown wheat. Biomass production rate was therefore low for undersown fescue (12% those of fescue grown alone, on average, at the time of wheat harvest), as were levels of water and nitrogen use. Neither the water deficit that occurred during the second experiment nor the nitrogen nutrition status of the wheat on plots with undersown fescue significantly affected wheat biomass production after anthesis.The global interception efficiency index IG?i indicated that the fraction of the PARo intercepted by the wheat during its growth (255 days) was 0.35.  相似文献   

The rice–wheat rotation covering 13.5 million ha in the Indo-Gangetic Plains is vital for food security. Its sustainability is at risk as the current production practices are inadequate resulting in high cost of cultivation and inefficient use of inputs (i.e. water, labor and energy). In a field study, we evaluated resource conserving and cost-saving alternative tillage and crop establishment options with an aim to improve system productivity and efficiency. Treatments included transplanting and direct-seeding of rice after reduced and no-tillage, followed by wheat after no-tillage. Conventional-tilled (puddled) transplanted rice followed by conventional-tilled wheat was included as a current practice. Rice yields of transplanted rice were similar irrespective of tillage/puddling. However, both dry and wet direct-seeded rice yielded 0.45–0.61 Mg ha−1 lower than puddled transplanted rice. Wheat yield after no-tillage was either higher or equivalent to conventional practice. Wheat provided more economic return (US $35 ha−1) than rice. No-till wheat was 6% more profitable than the conventional practice (T1). Rice transplanting with or without puddling had similar water application but dry direct-seeded rice had 10–12% lower and wet direct-seeded rice 20–24% higher. Machine labor without tillage was lower by maximum of 51 and 43% in rice and wheat, respectively. Similarly, human labor was also 9–16% lower in no-till rice compared to other practices. Two years results consistently showed $35 more net income when rice was transplanted without puddling than that of conventional practice. Direct-seeded/un-tilled rice had variable response in 2 years; US $16 more in year 1 and similar in year 2 to the puddled transplanted rice. Direct-seeded or transplanted rice after no-tillage can be more efficient and profitable alternatives to current practice (puddled transplanted rice), however, require further refinement in areas of cultivar development for no-till direct-seeding condition, nutrient, water and weed management to harness maximal potential.  相似文献   

Rice and wheat are the principal calorie sources for over a billion people in South Asia, although each crop is particularly sensitive to the climatic and agronomic management conditions under which they are grown. Season-long heat stress can reduce photosynthesis and accelerate senescence; if extreme heat stress is experienced during flowering, both rice and wheat may also experience decreased pollen viability and stigma deposition, leading to increased grain sterility. Where farmers are unable to implement within-season management adaptations, significant deviations from expected climatic conditions would affect crop growth, yield, and therefore have important implications for food security. The influence of climatic conditions on crop growth have been widely studied in growth chamber, greenhouse, and research station trials, although empirical evidence of the link between climatic variability and yield risk in farmers’ fields is comparatively scarce. Using data from 240 farm households, this paper responds to this gap and isolates the effects of agronomic management from climatic variability on rice and wheat yield risks in eight of Pakistan’s twelve agroecological zones. Using Just and Pope production functions, we tested for the effects of crop management practices and climatic conditions on yield and yield variability for each crop. Our results highlight important risks to farmers’ ability to obtain reliable yield levels for both crops. Despite variability in input use and crop management, we found evidence for the negative effect of both season-long and terminal heat stress, measured as the cumulative number of days during which crop growth occurred above critical thresholds, though wheat was considerably more sensitive than rice. Comparing variation in observed climatic parameters in the year of study to medium-term patterns, rice, and wheat yields were both negatively affected, indicative of production risk and of farmers’ limited capacity for within-season adaptation. Our findings suggest the importance of reviewing existing climate change adaptation policies that aim to increase cereal farmers’ resilience in Pakistan, and more broadly in South Asia. Potential agronomic and extension strategies are proposed for further investigation.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most destructive fungal diseases of small grain cereals resulting in a reduced grain yield and quality. FHB is the result of a complex interaction between weather conditions and agricultural practices including crop rotation, tillage, fungicide application and host resistance. This study deals with the results of field experiments conducted during the growing seasons 2009–2010 until 2011–2012 at Bottelare (Belgium). The experiments were set up to evaluate the influence of maize–wheat rotation on the visual symptoms of FHB and deoxynivalenol (DON) content in winter wheat. Using a randomised complete block design with four replications, we studied the impact of (a) maize variety as previous crop, (b) maize harvest method (grain or silage maize), (c) tillage method and (d) the influence of the wheat variety resistance on the FHB incidence and DON content. The experimental results showed that the susceptibility of the maize varieties for Fusarium and maize harvest method had only a minor effect on the FHB incidence and DON content of the wheat crop during the subsequent growing season. The tillage method and wheat variety resistance were more important; both factors had a significant influence on the FHB incidence and DON content. Furthermore, the quantitative effect of these factors depended on the disease pressure. The DON content reduction obtained by ploughing and by sowing moderately resistant wheat varieties was higher in case the weather conditions favoured FHB development. Furthermore, it was shown that repeated maize–wheat rotation in combination with favourable weather conditions for FHB could result in an accumulation of inoculum, which, for instance, led to DON contents up to 9.90 mg/kg in August 2012.  相似文献   

A long-term rotation experiment was established in 2001 to compare conservation tillage techniques with conventional tillage in a semi-arid environment in the western Loess Plateau of China. We examined resource use efficiencies and crop productivity in a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)–field pea (Pisum arvense L.) rotation. The experimental design included a factorial combination of tillage with different ground covers (complete stubble removal, stubble retained and plastic film mulch). Results showed that there was more soil water in 0–30 cm at sowing under the no-till with stubble retained treatment than the conventional tillage with stubble removed treatment for both field pea (60 mm vs. 55 mm) and spring wheat (60 mm vs. 53 mm). The fallow rainfall efficiency was up to 18% on the no-till with stubble retained treatment compared to only 8% for the conventional tillage with stubble removed treatment. The water use efficiency was the highest in the no-till with stubble retained treatment for both field pea (10.2 kg/ha mm) and spring wheat (8.0 kg/ha mm), but the lowest on the no-till with stubble removed treatment for both crops (8.4 kg/ha mm vs. 6.9 kg/ha mm). Spring wheat also had the highest nitrogen use efficiency on the no-till with stubble retained treatment (24.5%) and the lowest on the no-till with stubble removed treatment (15.5%). As a result, grain yields were the highest under no-till with stubble retained treatment, but the lowest under no-till with no ground cover treatment for both spring wheat (2.4 t/ha vs. 1.9 t/ha) and field pea (1.8 t/ha vs. 1.4 t/ha). The important finding from this study is that conservation tillage has to be adopted as a system, combining both no-tillage and retention of crop residues. Adoption of a no-till system with stubble removal will result in reductions in grain yields and a combination of soil degradation and erosion. Plastic film mulch increased crop yields in the short-term compared with the conventional tillage practice. However, use of non-biodegradable plastic film creates a disposal problem and contamination risk for soil and water resources. It was concluded that no-till with stubble retained treatment was the best option in terms of higher and more efficient use of water and nutrient resources and would result in increased crop productivity and sustainability for the semi-arid region in the Loess Plateau. The prospects for adoption of conservation tillage under local conditions were also discussed.  相似文献   

The amount of (1,3;1,4)-β-D glucan accumulated in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cell walls is an important consideration for grain end-use. One of the major genes responsible for (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan biosynthesis is HvCslF6, which was analyzed in this study to determine the allelic variation between low (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan (∼3.3%) cultivar CDC Bold and high β-glucan (∼5.2%) line TR251. The CDC Bold HvCslF6 allele showed 16 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and two indels when genomic region downstream of the ATG start codon was compared to TR251 allele. Both indels added 16 nucleotides to HvCslF6 first intron of CDC Bold and a single SNP in the third exon altered alanine 590 codon in the CDC Bold sequence to a threonine codon in TR251 allele. Genetic markers were developed for five polymorphic sites and confirmed useful to select low and high β-glucan lines in a previously characterized CDC Bold/TR251 mapping population and a novel F5 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a Merit/H93174006 (4.8 and 5.3% (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan) cross. An analysis of parental lines of six populations segregating for β-glucan concentration validated association between the TR251 HvCslF6 haplotype and high (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan concentration in populations showing a (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 7H.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is one of the most widespread and destructive diseases of wheat crop worldwide. Growing resistant cultivars is the preferred method of controlling diseases, but only a few effective genes are available. M8926-2, a translocation line developed from interspecific hybridization between Leymus mollis and a common wheat genotype 7182, is highly resistant to the prevalent Chinese Pst races. In order to identify gene(s) for stripe rust resistance, M8926-2 was crossed with susceptible genotype Mingxian 169, and seedlings of parents and F1, F2, and F2:3 progenies were tested with the most prevalent Pst race CYR32 under controlled greenhouse conditions. M8926-2 has a single dominant gene, designated as YrM8926, conferring all-stage resistance to CYR32. Genetic mapping was used to identify molecular markers linked to YrM8926. A linkage group of seven simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was constructed for YrM8926 using 191 F2-2 population plants and the gene was located on wheat chromosome 2DS. The wheat-L. mollis translocation line background of M8926-2 and disease assessments indicated that YrM8926 is originally derived from L. mollis. The stripe rust resistance gene and closely linked molecular markers should be useful for pyramiding with other genes to develop wheat cultivars with high-level and long-term resistance to stripe rust.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted at DRR farm located at ICRISAT, Patancheru, in sandy clay loam soils during four seasons, Kharif 2008, Rabi 2008–2009, Kharif 2009 and Rabi 2009–2010, to investigate growth parameters, water-saving potential, root characteristics, chemical, biological, and microbial properties of rhizosphere soil, and grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) by comparing the plants grown with system of rice intensification (SRI) methods, with organic or organic + inorganic fertilization, against current recommended best management practices (BMP). All the growth parameters including plant height, effective tillers (10–45 %), panicle length, dry matter, root dry weight (24–57 %), and root volume (10–66 %) were found to be significantly higher with in SRI-organic + inorganic over BMP. With SRI-organic fertilization, growth parameters showed inconsistent results; however, root dry weight (3–77 %) and root volume (31–162 %) were found significantly superior compared to BMP. Grain yield was found significantly higher in SRI-organic + inorganic (12–23 and 4–35 % in the Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively), while with SRI-organic management, yield was found higher (4–34 %) only in the Rabi seasons compared to BMP. An average of 31 and 37 % of irrigation water were saved during Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively, with both SRI methods of rice cultivation compared to BMP. Further, total nitrogen, organic carbon%, soil dehydrogenase, microbial biomass carbon, total bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes were found higher in the two SRI plots in comparison to BMP. It is concluded that SRI practices create favorable conditions for beneficial soil microbes to prosper, save irrigation water, and increase grain yield.  相似文献   

Many studies have suggested that the true variation of high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunits in wheat could be under-estimated due to the anomalous mobility of these proteins in one-dimensional electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). An alternative technique used is the specific PCR amplification of these genes, however the scarce variation in size among the different alleles could also under-estimate the true variability. In this study, the variability of HMW glutenin subunits found in one Spanish collection of rivet wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. turgidum) was evaluated by a combination of two techniques (PCR amplification and digestion with endonucleases). The data allowed detection of allelic variations that were not clearly detected by SDS-PAGE or PCR analysis alone. The approach used in the current study could allow identification of alleles contributing to achieve desirable quality in modern wheat.  相似文献   

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