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Understory vegetation may affect nitrate (NO3 ) leaching, even in coniferous forests. Our objective was to estimate the contribution of understory vegetation to nutrient cycling, especially nitrogen, in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) stand. We therefore cut down and removed understory vegetation in one plot of the stand (the cutting plot) to compare nutrient budgets in the cutting plot with those in a control plot in which understory vegetation was allowed to grow. We also examined neutralization of the acid produced due to an increase in NO3 leaching. A monitoring study on precipitation and soil-percolated water was carried out in both plots. When the understory vegetation was cut down, NO3 flux at a soil depth of 10 cm increased remarkably in summer, with values significantly higher than those in the control plot. This resulted in an increase in proton load associated with N transformation ([H+]load). The increase in [H+]load enhanced mobilization of Ca2+, Mg2+, and SiO2 ([SiO2]mob). In addition, the correlations between [SiO2]mob and mobilization of each base cation were distinct in the cutting plot. These results indicated that the acids produced because of N transformation were buffered not only by ion exchange but also by chemical weathering. The contribution of understory vegetation to minimizing NO3 leaching suggested that understory vegetation might reduce the risk of N saturation because of chronic atmospheric N inputs.  相似文献   

木兰围场林管局华北落叶松人工林林下植物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对河北省木兰围场林管局北沟林场的华北落叶松人工林林下植被物种组成和群落特征进行了调查和研究,结果表明,不同年龄华北落叶松人工林中,35年生华北落叶松人工林林下植物丰富度较高,有利于林下植被发育和群落结构改善;灌木层的多花胡枝子和土庄绣线菊,草本层的繁缕、糙苏、升麻和歪头菜在不同的群落演替阶段占据重要地位;灌木层Simpson指数和不均匀度指数在林龄梯度上的变化趋势基本一致,均为23年生林分稍大。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of fencing on deer browsing on seedlings 13 years after the building the experimental fence on Mt. Ohdaigahara, central Japan, where the sika deer (Cervus nippon) population is high. There was no difference in the species number of seedlings between 1991 and 2004. The density of seedlings in the fenced plot in 2004 was three times higher than in 1991. Although the unfenced plots had no seedlings higher than 20 cm, there were seedlings up to 120 cm in the fenced plot. These results suggest that 13-year fencing promoted regeneration of seedlings in this area.  相似文献   

At moderate to high densities ungulates can impact negatively on forest crops and these may be managed by lethal control. In production forestry an understanding of the relationship between ungulate density, habitat-related factors and the incidence of tree damage may promote more efficient ungulate damage management than by lethal control alone. In plantation forests in the north east of England, the incidence of conifer leader browsing by roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) was positively associated with an index of deer density (at the site scale) and planted crop tree density (at the feeding patch scale) and was negatively associated with the relative abundance of palatable understorey vegetation (at the site scale). An interaction between the deer density index and palatable understorey browse abundance was positively associated with leader browsing. Coefficients from the optimal model were used to construct a browse probability surface across a matrix of values of deer dung density and palatable understorey vegetation abundance. This illustrated a very different relationship between dung density and conifer leader browsing probability across the various levels of palatable understorey vegetation abundance. From this we hypothesise that in areas of limited palatable understorey vegetation abundance, higher levels of culling may be required to achieve reductions in the incidence of conifer leader browsing than would be necessary in areas with moderate to high palatable understorey vegetation abundance. Improvements to understorey vegetation in concert with roe deer population control may enhance the efficiency of deer damage management in upland areas with nutrient-poor soils.  相似文献   

采取种群空间分布格局进行研究与分析,运用扩散系数,丛生指数,扩散指数,聚块性指数,Cassie R.M.指数等聚集度指标对塞罕坝大唤起林场华北落叶松林下植被的水平空间结构进行分析研究,发现多数草本在华北落叶松林下呈聚集分布,极少种类如景天三七、柳兰、柳叶沙参和狭叶荨麻等呈随机分布。结果表明,该地区华北落叶松林生物群落稳定,林下草本生物多样性高。  相似文献   

Quantification of hydrological components was conducted in order to clarify the water budget, especially deep percolation (D) into underlying rock, of a small headwater catchment covered by an old Japanese cypress plantation. Precipitation (P), canopy interception (E i), soil evaporation (E s) transpiration (E t), and runoff (R) were observed for 1 year in a 0.41-ha catchment in southern Kyushu, Japan. E i was calculated from P, throughfall and stemflow measurements, and E s and E t were measured using evaporimeters and heat pulse sensors, respectively. From these observations, deep percolation (D) under steady state condition into underlying sedimentary rock was estimated. As for the annual water budget, almost half of P was R and one-third was evapotranspiration (E), which was the sum of the E i, E s and E t. E i was almost the same magnitude as predicted for an old conifer plantation modeled by Komatsu et al. (J Hydrol 336:361–375, 2007b), but E t was lower compared to the model. E was not comparable to water loss in the catchment (P minus R). Therefore, D was estimated as a quarter of P and was slightly higher compared to previously reported values for sedimentary rock catchments.  相似文献   

The raindrop size distribution of throughfall and open rainfall was monitored continuously during a rainfall event using laser raindrop-sizing instruments (LD gauges), in order to calculate the raindrop impact energy in a plantation of mature Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa), where surface erosion at the forest floor had been a problem. Data from two rainfall events were analyzed. The LD gauges recorded qualitative raindrop size distribution, and the capture rate during each rainfall event was used to manipulate raindrop data quantitatively. Throughfall and open rainfall comparisons revealed several important differences. First, throughfall raindrops were fewer in number and larger in size than open rainfall drops. In one rainfall event, for example, throughfall raindrops were less than one-fifth as frequent as open rainfall raindrops; in addition, the maximum throughfall raindrop diameter was 6.35mm compared to 3.31mm for open rainfall raindrops. Second, throughfall raindrops that were larger than the largest open rainfall raindrops comprised 63.8% of the throughfall precipitation by volume. Third, total raindrop impact energy from throughfall was over twice that of open rainfall. Moreover, comparison of throughfall events implied that throughfall raindrops did not always have a uniform distribution between different events or among different periods of time in one rainfall event, in contrast to findings in previous studies which showed that throughfall raindrops had a uniform size distribution independent of rainfall intensity. It is possible that an abrupt transition of throughfall intensity from low to high changes the distribution of throughfall raindrops.  相似文献   

A 3-year field experiment with paired exclosure (fenced areas, excluding deer) and control plots (unfenced areas, free access to deer), with two treatments with and without woody debris, was carried out at two sites in a temperate forest in eastern France. The aim of the experiment was to assess the effect of browsing by roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) on the diversity and richness of plant species and to test the effectiveness of using woody debris to protect seedlings and saplings from deer browsing. In presence of deer, both plant species richness and diversity were reduced the first year of the study, but this negative impact of deer then disappeared after 3 years. Deer browsing mostly affected species composition of plant communities. We observed a decrease in the abundance of preferred species such as Carpinus betulus, Rubus fructicosus, Rubus idaeus, Anemone nemorosa and Epilobium angustifolium, and palatable species such as Acer spp., Carex spp., Festuca spp. and Mycelis muralis, whereas unpalatable species such as Lamium spp., or species particularly resilient to browsing such as grasses (Brachypodium spp. and Luzula spp.) increased in abundance. The use of woody debris as protection against browsing by deer did not limit damage to seedlings and saplings of the main commercially valuable species, Abies alba and Quercus spp. Instead of limiting deer impact, use of woody debris seemed to increase the negative effect of deer browsing on regeneration in control plots relatively to those without protection.  相似文献   

The effects of thinning on plant species diversity and composition of understory herbs in a larch plantation were investigated. The relationships between plant species diversity and composition of understory herbs and light conditions were established. Twenty-five 1 m × 1 m plots and fifteen 13 m × 1 m transects were set up in unthinned and thinned stands, respectively. All the transects in the thinned stands were set across the thinned rows and unthinned rows, and each of them was divided into nine 1 m × 1 m sub-plots. The herb diversity and light conditions were observed in each plot and sub-plot. The results show that there was a significant difference in herb diversity between the thinned and unthinned stands. All biodiversity indices except for evenness index in the thinned stand were higher than those of the unthinned stand, i.e., the herb diversity increased after thinning. According to the changes in herb densities and whether one species could be found in a stand or not before and after thinning, all herb species were classed into three types: positive, neutral and negative species, which referred to a species newly appeared and having an obviously increased density after thinning, with no obvious changes in its appearance and density after thinning, and disappeared and having an obviously decreased density after thinning, respectively. Many new species were found in the thinned stand like Corydalis pallida, Prenanthes tatarinowii, Vicia unijuga and Sonchus brachyotus etc. However, most species found in both the thinned and unthinned stands were negative species. In all nine subplots, only 11 and 10 species were found in spring and in autumn respectively, accounting for 17.74% and 15.15% of all the species in the thinned stand, respectively. All biodiversity indices were the highest in the center sub-plots and most of them tended to reduce from middle to side sub-plots. There was a close correlation between most of the three types of species and light conditions which was similar to each other in the thinned and unthinned stands. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2006, 25(10): 1201–1207 [译自: 生态学杂志]  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of soil amendment applications on soil and the foliage nutrient status of a Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) plantation established following clear-cutting in a pine-wilt-disease (PWD)-disturbed forest. We established four soil amendment treatments [(compound fertilizer (CF), compound fertilizer + biochar (CFB), compound fertilizer + sawdust (CFS) and a non-treated control treatment] in an 8-year-old Japanese cypress plantation. Soil organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between the soil amendment treatments and the control treatments, whereas extractable phosphorus (P), NH4+, K+, and Mg2+ concentrations were significantly affected by the addition of biochar in CF. The mean soil CO2 efflux rates during the study period were the highest in CFB (0.79 g CO2 m?2 h?1), followed by CFS (0.71 g CO2 m?2 h?1), CF (0.62 g CO2 m?2 h?1), and the control (0.46 g CO2 m?2 h?1) treatments. Foliar N and P concentrations were significantly higher in the CFB than in the control treatments. The results suggest that the addition of biochar in CF can enhance extractable soil nutrients and foliar N and P conditions of Japanese cypress established in a PWD-disturbed forest.  相似文献   

For 345 stands of deciduous hardwood forest in Hyogo Prefecture, Western Japan, we assessed the decline of shrub-layer vegetation due to sika deer in each stand by using the shrub-layer decline rank (SDR), determined by combining the shrub-layer vegetation cover and the presence of signs of grazing by sika deer in a stand. Since there was a geographical correlation between SDR and sighting per unit effort (SPUE), which is an index of the relative density of sika deer, it appeared that decline of shrub-layer vegetation in a stand can be accurately evaluated by SDR. There were correlations between SDR and several variables that indicate the status of components in forests (presence of saplings of tall trees, occurrence of bark stripping of tall trees, proportion of bark-stripped stems of Clethra barvinervis, decline of subtree-layer vegetation by bark stripping, cover of litter on the ground, and area of soil surface erosion). These results indicate that the status of these components changes with decline of shrub-layer vegetation by sika deer grazing. It is thought that such synchronizations are caused by sika deer grazing or a direct or indirect effect by decline of shrub-layer vegetation due to sika deer. Therefore, it is reasonable to assess decline in physical structure due to sika deer for stands of deciduous hardwood forests according to SDR.  相似文献   

We investigated the validity and efficiency of a survey using sight per unit effort (SPUE) of sika deer and shrub-layer decline rank (SDR), which is an index of decline in the physical structure of a whole stand caused by sika deer, based on data collected on a broad scale. This survey was to be used to manage a deer population in order to conserve a forest ecosystem. First, we evaluated the spatial and temporal scales of deer density that are most appropriate for predicting decline in the status of understory vegetation. The model with SPUE calculated in a buffer with a radius of 4.5 km using data for the past 4 years was found to be the best. We showed that our knowledge of the relationship between deer density and status of shrub-layer vegetation is improved by identifying the most suitable spatial and temporal scales of SPUE for predicting SDR. Next, we quantified the effects of SPUE and environmental components on SDR in stands. We found that SPUE had the greatest effect on SDR among all explanatory variables. Moreover, the area under the curve (AUC) was large in a model that only used SPUE (AUC = 0.718). This result suggests that the variation in SDR among stands was explained well by SPUE regardless of differences in the forest environment. Furthermore, we identified the effective values of SPUE for preventing shrub-layer vegetation from declining through deer density control. We conclude that a management system based on SPUE and SDR is a simple and valid method for managing deer populations in order to conserve forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The possibility of restoring natural broadleaf forests may be decreased by the effects of plantation management, particularly in sites that undergo repeated rotation. We investigated the following two working hypotheses about the effects of repeated plantation of conifers on the natural regeneration of woody saplings in cool-temperate Japanese cedar plantations: (1) that repeated plantation of conifers decreases sapling species richness, and (2) that repeated plantation of conifers changes sapling species compositions. Our result supported the first hypothesis, because species richness was significantly lower in second-rotation plantations than in first-rotation plantations. The second hypothesis was not supported, because no significant or substantial differences in species composition were observed between plantations with different numbers of rotations. However, the abundance of tree (nonshrub) and gravity-dispersed species decreased after the second rotation of large saplings, albeit not those of small saplings, suggesting that response to repeated rotation depended on sapling size. Our results suggest that it is important to consider factors affecting the maintenance of a species in the plantations, such as distance from natural forests and seed sources, to minimize the effects of repeated plantation.  相似文献   

Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) is one of the most common plantation species in Japan. In most Japanese cypress plantations, closure of the forest canopy hinders understory growth because of insufficient management practices. Thus leaf litter barely covers the soil surface. Such plantations are vulnerable to surface erosion triggered by rainfalls, and could yield large amounts of suspended sediment (SS). However, few studies have investigated the annual SS yield. This study aimed to develop a modified model of SS yields, and to accurately estimate and characterize the annual SS yield from a Japanese cypress plantation. For this, hydrological surveys were conducted for 5 years, and stream water was sampled weekly as well as sequentially at 15–60 min intervals in each of 14 rain events in a small forested watershed of Japanese cypress. The root mean square error (RMSE) and the annual SS yield estimates were obtained using three different equations: the rating curve derived from instantaneous SS concentration versus stream discharge relationship (SSC − Q equation); the rating curve derived from cumulative SS yield versus cumulative specific discharge relationship (∑SS − ∑Q equation); and the multiple regression of cumulative SS yield expressed as functions of cumulative specific discharge and antecedent rainfalls (∑SS − ∑Q × AR equation). The ∑SS − ∑Q × AR equation is a modified model considering the effects of antecedent rain history on the SS yield. The parameters in each equation were determined by a nonlinear least square method. Of the three equations, the RMSE was the highest using the SSC − Q equation. Although the ∑SS − ∑Q equation and the ∑SS − ∑Q × AR equation gave similar RMSE values, the SS yields extrapolated by the ∑SS − ∑Q equation would be overestimated. Thus, the 5-year average of annual SS yield estimated by the ∑SS − ∑Q equation was three times larger than that estimated by the ∑SS − ∑Q × AR equation. These results indicate that the ∑SS − ∑Q × AR equation more accurately estimates the annual SS yield, compared with the other two equations. The results also suggest that antecedent rain history, as well as stream discharge, should be considered for appropriately estimating the annual SS yield. The annual SS yield estimated by the ∑SS − ∑Q × AR equation was the largest among 25 undisturbed forested watersheds, except for two watersheds dominated by sandstone. Our results suggest that the annual SS yield is greater from a Japanese cypress plantation under current management practices than from other undisturbed forests.  相似文献   

采用前期筛选的6个优良的根瘤菌株接种到马占相思幼苗上,并应用于造林试验。4.5 a后,通过对其林下根际土壤微生物和林下植被生物量的测定,探讨根瘤菌对人工马占相思林根际土壤微生物和林下植被生物量的影响。结果表明:根际土壤微生物的数量总和差异极显著(FF0.01),大小依次为:HM08HM04HJ06HJ07ZG03ZG04CK;林下植被总生物量差异不显著(FF0.05),大小依次为:HM08HM04HJ06ZG04ZG03HJ07CK。2项测定表明:HM08、HM04、HJ06 3个菌株相对较优良,且根际微生物的数量与其林下植被的总生物量和草本生物量表现出显著的线性正相关(P0.05),与木本生物量表现出极显著的线性正相关(P0.01)。  相似文献   

The effects of root exclusion and planted tree species on soil nitrogen (N) dynamics were examined at two plantations, one planted with Japanese cedar and the other with Japanese cypress. We set up ten 1 × 1 × 0.2-m-deep trenched sites and ten untrenched control sites at each plantation. We measured the pool size and leaching of inorganic N at each site for 2 years and the net N mineralization 1 and 2 years after trenching. Despite similar soil conditions, the cedar plantation showed higher net N mineralization than the cypress plantation. Stopped tree uptake of N was expected to cause an increased pool size and leaching of inorganic N at the trenched sites. Nevertheless, we found no significant increase in those variables at both plantations. The trenched cypress sites showed no decrease in the net N mineralization during the 2 years after trenching. However, the net nitrification at the trenched cypress sites increased remarkably at the deeper horizons in comparison with that at the control sites. Enhanced nitrification might result from improved ammonium availability through root exclusion. Net N mineralization at the trenched cedar sites decreased more than 60% compared with that at the control sites 2 years after trenching. Higher nitrification potential at the cedar plantation and enhanced nitrification potential at the trenched cypress sites never resulted in increased leaching of N, due to added fine root litter which acted as an immobilization agent for excess N, thus preventing N loss.  相似文献   

We assessed the species richness and aboveground productivity of understory plants in nine types of forest stand (116 plots in total) that had different disturbance histories that were combinations of the frequency of plantation (clear-cutting, site preparation, planting), typhoon damage, and selective cutting. We established two 1 m × 1 m quadrats to measure species richness and productivity and one 1 m × 30 m belt to measure species richness in each plot. Canopy leaf area index (LAI), soil NH4+, soil C/N ratio, slope angle, and slope aspect were measured as current environmental factors affecting each plot. The variance in species richness was better explained by disturbance history (69% in quadrats; 86% in the belt) than by current environmental factors. Species richness and the Simpson index decreased as the frequency of plantation increased. In contrast, the variance in productivity was better explained by current environmental factors (82%), especially canopy LAI (45%), than by disturbance history. The relations of species presence and productivity to the explanatory variables differed among species, although there were some common responses within life forms. The effects of disturbance on species diversity remained for 20–80 years. Forest management should therefore take into account the long-term effects of disturbance history to maintain understory plant diversity.  相似文献   

An increase in size of sika deer populations has caused severe damage to forest vegetation in many regions of Japan. In a Natural World Heritage area on the western part of Yakushima Island, existing high densities of deer are thought to be increasing, but the impact of deer on forest vegetation has not been estimated. Roadside censuses of deer between 1988 and 2006 showed that encounter rates are continuing to increase. Long-term monitoring of individual tree saplings in a 0.13 ha area of the forest between 1992 and 2005 showed that many saplings still remain despite increases in sika deer density. However, differences in growth and mortality rates of preferred, neutral (neither preferred nor avoided) and avoided sika deer food species varied over time. As a group, preferred species continuously had a low growth rate, while their mortality rate increased through time. The growth rates of the neutral and avoided groups decreased especially in the second half of our study period at the same time that their mortality rates increased. These data suggest that in spite of food species preference, direct feeding pressures as well as indirect physical effects by increasing sika deer density are affecting growth and mortality of tree saplings. Clearly, it is difficult to predict how plant communities will respond to possible continued sika deer population growth, and it is therefore important to continue monitoring these forest communities in the interest of preserving the unique ecosystems on Yakushima Island.  相似文献   

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