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A model is required for accurate estimation of the merchantable volume of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) trees in Galicia, northwestern Spain. Accordingly, the purpose of the present study was to obtain equations for predicting merchantable volumes and stem profiles of individual trees. For this reason, two compatible and four non-compatible volume systems were initially evaluated and fitted to data from 251 destructively sampled trees which were collected in stands located throughout the area of distribution of the species in Galicia. The outliers were removed to provide a data set of measurements from 3 090 sections, which was then available for fitting. A second-order continuous autoregressive error structure was used to account for autocorrelation. Comparison of the models was carried out using overall goodness-of-fit statistics and box plots of residuals against relative height or diameter class. The compatible volume system of Fang et al. [22] provided the best compromise in describing the stem profile and estimating merchantable height, merchantable volume and total volume and is therefore recommended for pedunculate oak stands in Galicia.  相似文献   

The study developed management instructions for even-aged Pinus sylvestris stands in Galicia (north-western Spain). Although these stands are highly productive, no silvicultural management schedules have been proposed so far for them on the basis of systematic analyses. This study used data from 2160 optimisation runs to develop the management instructions. Land expectation value was used as the objective function. Different prices of timber assortments were considered and the discounting rate was varied from 0.5 to 5%. The method employed to find the optimal management schedules of stands was the combination of a stand simulator and an optimisation algorithm. The simulator uses an earlier growth and yield model for Pinus sylvestris in Galicia to predict the future development of the stand with a given management schedule while the optimisation algorithm seeks the best management schedule among all the possible alternatives. The results show that optimal rotation lengths vary widely between 42 and 170 years, high discounting rates and good site quality resulting in the shortest rotations. Four thinnings were found to be suitable for all sites and discounting rates. With discounting rates higher than 1% the commercial thinnings should gradually decrease the stand basal area towards the end of the rotation.  相似文献   

Density management is the usual method used by silviculturiststo achieve a desired future stand condition, and one of themost effective methods of design, display and evaluation ofalternative density management regimes in even-aged stands isthe use of stand density management diagrams. In the presentstudy, we describe a method for developing thinning schedulesfor even-aged pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) stands in Galicia(north-western Spain), using a density management diagram. Thediagram integrates the relationships among stand density, dominantheight, quadratic mean diameter and stand volume in a singlegraph. The data used in its construction were obtained from172 sample plots located throughout Galicia. The diagram isbasically composed of two equations: the first relates the quadraticmean diameter to the stand density and dominant height; thesecond relates the stand volume to the quadratic mean diameter,stand density and dominant height. These equations were fittedsimultaneously using full information maximum likelihood. Therelative spacing index is used to characterize the growing stockand the diagram provides isolines for dominant height, numberof trees per hectare, quadratic mean diameter and stand volume.Dominant height isolines together with the site index curvesallow specification of the timing of thinnings while intermediateand final harvest volumes are calculated using the stand volumesisolines.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of forest productivity are required for sustainable forest management. Height of dominant and codominant trees at a reference age is often used as a measure of site productivity. Eight algebraic difference equations based on the models proposed by Sloboda, Bertalanffy-Richards, Korf, Hossfeld, and McDill-Amateis were tested on the transformed, longitudinal data structure that considers all possible growth intervals. Autocorrelation was modelled by expanding the error term as an autoregressive process according to this data structure. Generalized nonlinear least squares methods were used for model fitting. Several numerical and graphic analyses were used to compare the different candidate models. The relative error in dominant height prediction was used to select 60 years as the best reference age. An algebraic difference equation based on the model proposed by Korf provided the best compromise between biological and statistical aspects and produced the most adequate site index curves. This model is therefore recommended for height growth prediction and site classification of pedunculate oak stands in Galicia. The model is polymorphic and base-age invariant, having only one asymptote. Predictions of height for age intervals between t1 and t2 of more than 15 years should be considered with caution because of the associated critical error.  相似文献   

A juvenile radiata pine clonal seed orchard (Pinus radiata D. Don) in Sergude (northwestern Spain), comprising 57 clones, was evaluated for fertility, offspring diversity and genetic drift during 4 years. Flower and fruit production was used to asses clone fertility in the orchard. Fertility variation measured as “sibling coefficient” was found to be an average of 1.5, having high genetic diversity (0.99) and low coancestry (0.013). The clones varied in fertility from year to year. Effective population size in the orchard was between 35 and 40, indicating that between 60.30 and 69 %, the clones contributed effectively to seed yield. One way to improve seed yield in the orchard is by increasing the effective population size. Thinning and pruning highly reproductive clones of gibberellin application might be useful in increasing effective population size. The orchard’s parental balance showed consistent improvement over time. Cone and seed characteristics were also investigated. The results showed that significant genetic variation exists among clones for cone width and length; total, sound and empty seed number; as well as 100 seed weight. The seed orchard is still in a juvenile phase; moreover, the broad-sense heritability and variation data obtained in this study could be very valuable in the management practices of the existing radiata pine clonal seed orchard and can be also used for better planning of advanced generation of clonal seed orchards in Spain.  相似文献   

This study compared visitor preferences of forestry professionals across six European countries (Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Austria, Romania and Portugal) using a questionnaire survey. The 598 interviewees were asked to rank photographs depicting recently thinned experimental plots in a 13-year old stand of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) according to the criterion: “Which forest environment do you prefer as a visitor?” The plots represented five different residual stem densities: 7000 (no thinning, very high stem density), 5300 (heavy thinning, high stem density), 1000 (very heavy thinning, medium stem density), 300 (extremely heavy thinning, low stem density/open stand) and 100 (solitary trees, very low stem density/very open stand) stems ha?1. The results indicated geographical variation in the preferences for different thinning practices in young stands of oak. Portuguese, Austrian and Romanian respondents generally favoured thinned, but dense stands, whereas Danish and British respondents preferred very heavily thinned stands. Swedish respondents preferred open stands resulting from extremely heavy thinning. Photographs taken along rows were favoured to photographs across rows, indicating a preference for scenes offering perspective and accessibility. The results indicate a variation of visitor preferences among forestry professionals for different silvicultural regimes. We interpret this in the context of national traditions and forestry paradigms that influence the shaping of preferences.  相似文献   

In this paper, a two stage ingrowth model is presented for predicting periodic, 10 years ingrowth for pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) grown in medium to fully stocked coppice stands in north-western Spain. Data from the Spanish National Forest Inventory was used to develop the model, extracting the information from two inventories taken in 222 permanent plots. The first stage of the model predicts the probability of ingrowth occurrence, and in the second stage, the number of recruits is predicted using a conditional model. Both models were biologically realistic and presented logical behaviour. The ingrowth occurrence probability model was dependent on quadratic mean diameter and average height. The recruitment quantification model included stand density and average diameter as explanatory variables. Although the occurrence probability of ingrowth was predicted correctly in 71.7% of cases, the predictions of the number of recruitment are poorer, yielding a coefficient of determination of 0.358. The evaluation criteria included qualitative and quantitative examinations and a testing with independent data from another region. The proposed ingrowth model is the first to be developed for mediterranean oak species in Spain and is an essential feature in any stand growth system.  相似文献   

Forest management is often carried out in different ways, without any appropriate environmental restrictions. Stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Galicia (NW Spain) have been harvested by alternating high forest and, mainly, coppice forest. However, some totally inappropriate silvicultural treatments have been used, such as thinning of the best trees and inadequate pruning. The objective of the present study was to analyse how environmental characteristics affect the management of oak forests in Galicia. For this, a botanical inventory was carried out in 39 selected stands of Q. robur and a total of 42 parameters were measured, 4 of which were physiographical, 12 climatic, 19 edaphic and 7 silvicultural. In order to analyse the possible relationships among these variables, the silvicultural data were compared with the other data, by canonical correlation analysis. All parameters were correlated with the silvicultural regime, although the correlation was weak for the floristic data. It is therefore evident that the environmental conditions affect how forest stands should be managed, although this does not imply that more profitable use of the stands cannot be achieved than at present, and alternative silvicultural methods must be found to enable appropriate management and conservation of oak stands.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent forestry professionals, other “green” professionals (mainly landscape architects) and natural resource students in Denmark agree with the general population regarding their recreational preferences for contrasting stem densities in young, even-aged stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). The study was based on five pairs of colour photographs from each of the five recently thinned experimental plots in a 13-year-old stand. The plots represented five different residual stem densities: 7000 (unthinned), 5300 (traditional thinning), 1000, 300 and 100 stems ha?1. All cut trees were left on the ground. The analysis was carried out as a survey of forest and landscape experts (n=158) and the general public (n=243) based on questionnaires. Interviewees ranked the photographs according to the criterion: “Which forest environment do you prefer as a visitor?” Principal component factor analysis showed that the general public tended to perceptually group photos according to similar overall pattern of openness, presence of row structure and stand accessibility (including presence/absence of slash). As long as a stand appeared accessible, stand density had little influence on their preferences for a wide range of stand densities (5300?300 stems ha?1). In contrast, foresters, other “green” professionals and students seemed to perceptually group photos according to treatment type, and the presence of slash had little influence on their preferences. This suggests an influence of professional background, making experts visually analyse and evaluate stands according to contemporary management standards and paradigms within their own profession.  相似文献   

We analyze the type of communal forest owners' management practices through a survey in Northern Spain. In particular, we test whether the Principles of Collective Action (PCA) postulated by Ostrom (1990) are being followed in a sample of communal forests. Second, we study whether such principles derive in better forest management practices and conservation outcomes. Our results show that PCA are not perfectly fulfilled in our sample, showing a clear room for improvement. However, we have also found that in areas where their application is more predominant, forest owners have better management practices. Specifically, we have found a negative relationship between the fulfillment of PCA and the number of forest fires in our sample, while considering other socio-economic and control variables.  相似文献   

The significant role of tropical forest ecosystems in the global carbon budget has increased the need for accurate estimates of tropical forest biomass. The lack of large-scale biomass allometric equations hampers the understanding of the spatial distribution of tree biomass and carbon stocks and their influencing factors in West Africa. This study aimed to develop allometric equations to estimate aboveground biomass of African oak(Afzelia africana Sm.) in Burkina Faso and to analyze factors affecting the variability of tree biomass and carbon storage.Sixty individual trees were destructively sampled in four protected areas along two climatic zones. In each climatic zone, log–log models were tested and fitted to each aboveground biomass component and to the totalaboveground biomass. Carbon content in tree aboveground components was evaluated using the ash method. All validated equations showed good fit and performance with high explained variance. Allometric equations differed between the Sudano-sahelian zone and the Sudanian zone,except for leaf biomass equations. Both biomass allocation and carbon content varied significantly between tree components but not between climatic zones. Carbon content in tree components followed the patterns of biomass allocation with branches accounting for the highest proportion. In the two climatic zones, carbon contents were50.18–52.62% for leaves, 54.78–54.94% for stems and54.96–55.99% for branches. Dry biomass ranged from509.05 to 765.56 kg tree~(-1) at site level and from 620.21 to624.48 kg tree~(-1) along climatic zones. Carbon content varied from 53.90% in the Sudano-sahelian zone to 54.39%in the Sudanian zone. This study indicated that climate does not influence aboveground biomass production and carbon sequestration of Afzelia africana along the Sudanosahelian and the Sudanian climatic zones of Burkina Faso.Future studies on climate–growth relationships should contribute to better understanding climate effects on biomass production and carbon storage.  相似文献   

Agroforestry Systems - In Europe, sewage sludge has to be stabilised before its use as fertiliser in agricultural land. Stabilisation processes can cause differences in the concentration of heavy...  相似文献   



Information about variations in basic density (BD) and carbon content (%C) along tree stems is key to assessing forest carbon sinks.


The aim of the study was to determine any differences in %C and BD between different woody tissues (bark, sapwood and heartwood) in two widespread European oak species (Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus petraea).


Twenty trees were felled in northern Spain, and 317 discs cut from the trees were dried and analysed to determine %C and BD.


There were significant differences in %C between bark, heartwood and sapwood, and between species. There were also significant differences in BD between the tissues (heartwood?>?sapwood?>?bark), and the BD was higher in Q. petraea than in Q. pyrenaica. Both %C and BD varied along the stem.


More accurate estimates of carbon contents were obtained by using specific values for different heights and anatomical parts, than by using single values.  相似文献   

A Pinus radiata progeny trial was established in 2003 on three low fertility sites in Galicia to study the relevance of genotype×fertilization interaction. At each site, twenty seven open pollinated families derived from plus trees selected in mature plantations in Galicia (NW Spain) were planted under 9 fertilization treatments following a split-plot design. One year after planting, P and Mg fertilization significantly increased height growth whereas N did not affect or even significantly reduced height growth. Fertilization×site interaction was not significant indicating parallel responses to fertilization in the three sites. Fertilization × genotype interaction was significant in only one site, suggesting some genetic variation in the nutrient use efficiency among the studied genotypes. However, the lack of a significant interaction in the other two sites, and the lack of consistence among the genotypic stability in relation to fertilization across sites, hinder the possibility of breeding in relation to the nutrient efficiency of the genotypes. Indications for further research are given.  相似文献   

As in many other developing countries, the state government of Acre, Brazil, is developing a program for compensating forest holders (such as communities of rubber tappers and indigenous peoples as well as small, medium and large private land holders) reducing their emission of atmospheric heat-trapping gases by not deforesting. We describe and then apply to Acre a method for estimating carbon stocks by land cover type. We then compare the results of our simple method, which is based on vegetation mapping and ground-based samples, with other more technically demanding methods based on remote sensing. We estimated total biomass carbon stocks by multiplying the measured above-ground biomass of trees >10 cm DBH in each of 18 forest types and published estimates for non-forest areas, as determined by measurement of 44 plots throughout the state (ranging from 1 to 10 ha each), by land-cover area estimated using a geographical information system. State-wide, we estimated average above-ground biomass in forested areas to be 246 ± 90 Mg ha−1; dense forest showed highest (322 ± 20 Mg ha−1) and oligotrophic dwarf forest (campinarana) the lowest biomass (20 ± 30 Mg ha−1). The two most widespread forest types in Acre, open canopy forests dominated by either palms and bamboo (for which ground-based data are scant), support an estimated 246 ± 44 and 224 ± 50 Mg ha−1 of above-ground biomass, respectively. We calculate the total above-ground biomass of the 163,000 km2 State of Acre to be 3.6 ± 0.8 Pg (non-forest biomass included). This estimate is very similar to two others generated using much more technologically demanding methods, but all three methods, regardless of sophistication, suffer from lack of field data.  相似文献   

  • ? The effects of clearcutting and of different slash management procedures on N mineralization were assessed in a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. stand in Galicia (N W Spain). Treatments were no clearcutting (control), clearcutting combined with scattering, scattering + fertilization, windrowing, and two types of slash burning with two levels of severity: broadcast burning and windrow burning. Changes in mineral N were monitored in the soil during the 18 months following the treatments. Eleven years later, the treatment effects were again evaluated during a twelve month period to assess long-term effects.
  • ? During the first study period, slash burning led to a marked increase in the contents of N-NH 4 + , N-NO 3 ? and N-mineralization in topsoil layers (0–10 cm). In contrast, clearcutting followed by either scattering or windrowing of residues had no effect on mineral N in the top soil or in situ mineralization, relative to the control. Ammonium was the predominant form of mineral N. No residual effects of the treatments were detected eleven years later.
  • ? Fire severity, in relation to slash burn type, had significant negative effects on post-burn N mineralization and nitrification in the first period studied, but no long-term residual effects were observed. Some practical consequences for sustainable management of such stands are suggested.
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