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Effects of NaCl on seed germination, leaf gas exchange and seedling growth were investigated. The germination of P. tatarinowii seeds was delayed in the presence of NaCl, and was significantly inhibited when NaCl concentration exceeded 17 mM (1.0 g·L−1). NaCl treatments induced reductions of transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate and their reductions were significant with the increasing of NaCl concentration. However, intercellular CO2 concentration in seedling leaves under salt stress was significantly higher than that of controls. There was a significant reduction in survival, basal diameter increment and height increment with increasing NaCl concentration 50 days after NaCl treatment, and a significant reduction in the dry weight increment of roots, stems, and leaves was also observed in the NaCl treatments. The deleterious effect on the biomass increment was more evident in the case of stems and leaves. Results from this study suggest that P. tatarinowii is sensitive to salinity stress and the salinity threshold for seedling growth might be less 34 mM (2.0 g·L−1). Biography: FANG Sheng-zuo (1963–), male, Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, P. R. China.  相似文献   

The origin of a seed strongly impacts its traits, and both origin and seed traits influence seed germination and seedling development. However, in many instances, this effect on the seedling does not persist into adulthood, and little is known about how seed traits and original environment affect seedling/tree growth over time. In this study, seed size, seed mass, seedling/tree growth and origins were collected and determined for 23 provenances of Quercus acutissima from across China. Origin variables correlated well with seed size and seed mass. In stepwise multiple regressions, a longitudinal aridity index explained 49.2–68.7% of the total variation in seed size and mass, while only seed width was correlated with seedling/tree height (H) and diameter at the ground (D) from seed traits and origins. The total variance in H and D explained by the models decreased over time, for example, the R 2 value of the models for H declined from 0.477 in the first year to 0.224 in the fourth year; no models was significant in the fifth year. These results indicate that seed size, regulated by the longitudinal aridity index strongly impacted seedling and tree growth, but the strength of the influence decreased over time, and disappeared after 4 years.  相似文献   

Plant communities with Dwarf pine (Pinus mugo var. pumilio) form characteristic vegetation in the subalpine belt of the Giant Mountains (Krkono?e, Karkonosze and Riesengebirge, Czech Republic). This “island” of arcto-alpine tundra represents the northernmost edge of Dwarf pine natural range. We asked how concentration of sulphur in needles, growth, healthy status and fructification changed over three decades (1981–2011) with different air pollution in differently aged (45–120 years) autochtonous and allochtonous (introduced from the Alps) Dwarf pine stands. Different Dwarf pine stands above the alpine timberline were able to withstand 1980s, the period of heavy air pollution, without any decrease in growth rate or remarkable decrease in healthy status. Dwarf pine is thus highly tolerant to deposition of sulphur compounds. High concentration of SO2 in the air positively affected sulphur concentration in needles and eliminated thus sulphur deficiency. Higher germination rate of seeds in 2000s in comparison with 1980s indicate that the air pollution could decrease germination ability of seeds. High insect outbreaks (by Thecodiplosis brachyntera and Neodiprion sertifer) in 1990s and 2000s caused decrease in needle year classes. As there was a gradual increase in mean annual temperature over years 1981–2011, Dwarf pine stands can be more and more endangered by insect outbreaks in the future. There was no remarkable difference between autochtonous and allochtonous stands in all measured growth, healthy status and fructification characteristics. To determine real effects of air pollution and insect outbreaks on Dwarf pine stands from year to year fluctuations, decade-long monitoring is necessary.  相似文献   

The field performance of conifer and hardwood species inoculated with different inoculation treatments was evaluated 5 or 3 years after outplanting in the field trials established in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. In conifer trials, the growth of white spruce, black spruce, lodgepole pine, and larch seedlings observed on different sites varied greatly to different inoculation treatments depending on plant and fungal species involved. Five years after outplanting, most of the introduced fungi were replaced by several indigenous ectomycorrhizal fungal species except for Laccaria bicolor strain. Survival rates of most of the inoculated seedlings were not significantly different from control seedlings naturally colonized by other resident fungi. In hardwood trial, the effects of nursery inoculation of different poplar clones, aspen and balsam poplar were very limited. Growth and survival data were combined into seedling volume and plot volume index (PVI) for measurement of total growth response of seedlings. Our results demonstrated that certain inoculated plant-fungus combinations have played a positive role during the initial establishment of these seedlings in the field, which was reflected on significantly greater stem volume and PVI compared to non-inoculated control seedlings. The results from this study provided useful information on field evaluation for potential benefits of mycorrhizal inoculation in nursery.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of forest stand structure often results from repeated small disturbances, but structural variation also arises in a stand that has regenerated after a single large stand-replacing disturbance. We explored the structural variation within a subalpine Abies forest in Japan that regenerated after a large typhoon in 1959. In 2004, four 50 × 50 m plots were established at two sites in the regenerated forest. To characterize local stand structure within each plot, we determined the stem density, stand basal area, mean diameter at breast height (DBH), and coefficient of variation (CV) of DBH in 10 × 10 m subplots. We analyzed the spatial distribution pattern of the trees in each subplot using the L(t) function and categorized the distributions as clumped or non-clumped. The analysis revealed marked variation among subplots in the stand’s structural characteristics. Although the spatial distribution patterns of the trees in all plots were clumped, 11 of 50 subplots at one site and 39 of 50 subplots at the other site were non-clumped. Subplots with a clumped distribution pattern generally had a smaller basal area, smaller mean DBH, and greater CV of DBH than subplots with the same density but a non-clumped pattern. These results illustrated the spatial heterogeneity of forest structure that can arise in Abies forest that has experienced a large disturbance, probably because of the different densities and distribution of saplings surviving the disturbance and the different forest growth dynamics that result.  相似文献   


Key message

For an optimal deployment of poplar resistance to the gall-inducing aphid Phloeomyzus passerinii , a laboratory susceptibility assay has been developed. The nature of aphid–tree interactions during compatible and incompatible situations has been studied in detail. This should help at identifying specific resistance markers and at testing effects of site conditions on tree–pest interactions.


P. passerinii is a major pest of poplar plantations in Europe, and the plantation of resistant poplar genotypes is regarded as the best long-term management strategy for this pest. This requires a sound knowledge of the interactions among the pest, its host and their environment.


Here, we review the recent advances aiming at developing an optimal deployment of host resistance versus P. passerinii.


Investigations on aphid-host interactions demonstrated that P. passerinii induces pseudogalls within the bark of susceptible hosts. This results in a reduction of starch bark content during aphid outbreaks, which could be involved in tree death. The constitutive level of starch in the bark could be related to the tolerance level of trees. A susceptibility test has been designed for poplar genotypes, discriminating three categories of susceptibility depending on tree’s ability to totally or partially inhibit pseudogall induction. The test still has several limitations however. It neither takes into account the large level of individual genetic diversity of the aphid in France, nor the environmental modulation of tree resistance and tolerance, while water deficit and fertilization could potentially affect these parameters.


The hypotheses drawn regarding the processes leading to tree death or resistance should help at identifying resistance markers, and at testing effects of site conditions on tree–pest interactions.

This article compares the use, policy, and debate concerning introduced tree species in the five Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland). These countries have a long common history and are culturally similar. They are often framed under the benchmark of the “Nordic Model” or even the “Nordic Forestry Model”. Therefore, we hypothesize that the Nordic countries’ treatment of introduced tree species share common aspects, and that global environmental agreements and international currents in science and policy have reinforced these similarities. The comparison shows that globalization is strong and it seems, at least at a first glimpse, that the Nordic countries follow a kind of “Nordic Model” in their approach to introduced tree species. However, the history and importance of forestry, ecological conditions, afforestation campaigns, traditions of using introduced trees, understandings, and stakeholder positions have shaped different national and even regional path dependencies and circumstances. This, in turn, has transmuted international policy-making, regulations, and discussions into different specific ways to interpret, control, and implement the use of introduced trees in practice. This article concludes that global environmental agreements and international currents in science and policy adapt to diverse national contexts.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyse the conditions for forest production on open, low‐production peatlands in Sweden with respect to climate, and water and nutrient regimes. The study focused on survival and growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings, planted 18 yrs ago in five experimental areas evenly distributed between south and north Sweden. Different ditch spacing and NPK fertilizer treatments were combined systematically in all experiments. Survival was positively correlated with temperature sum, fertilization and drainage intensity. Tree growth was not influenced by variations in temperature sum after merely draining, but in combination with fertilization, growth was strongly correlated with climate. In the southern experiments, fertilization increased stand growth eight to nine times, whereas stands on the northern sites did not respond to fertilization. The most important fertilizer element was P. The application of N had no effect on growth. More intensive drainage increased stand growth by 60%. In the southern areas, height development in the most intensive drainage and fertilizer treatments indicates a mean annual increment of 6–7 m3 ha?1, and no sign of decline in growth was seen. Turf‐planting had positive effects on both survival and growth, especially in less intensively drained plots. A large proportion of damaged trees was observed in the experiment. The frequency of damaged trees was positively correlated with treatment intensity but negatively correlated with temperature sum. The results show clearly that merely draining is not sufficient for successful afforestation of low‐production peatland sites. Fertilization by P and K is a necessary prerequisite, but the effect of fertilization varies with climatic conditions, probably owing to the amount of plant‐available N.  相似文献   

Nutrient losses during slash-and-burn clearing in tropical forests, coupled with demand by food crops, can deplete nutrients and result in crop abandonment after 1–2 years. Slash-and-mulch technology prevents nutrient losses from burning, while mulch decomposition may serve as a nutrient source. This research investigates the release of nutrients from the mulch and potential uptake of released N by plant biomass after a multi-species agroforestry system was planted in June 2005, following the clearing of a 1 ha of 7-year-old forest with a mulching tractor in Igarapé Açu, Brazil. The study evaluated soil conditions, mulch decomposition, and nutrient concentrations of Manihot esculenta and native vegetation under treatments of P+K fertilization in combination with four native tree species and N-fixing Inga edulis, or with three native tree species without I. edulis. Mulch layer N, Ca and Mg content decreased in response to fertilization, while mulch layer P and K content increased. Nutrient content increased in M. esculenta stems and tubers with fertilization and in the presence of I. edulis, and in competing vegetation with fertilization. Estimated tree N content increased 311 % with fertilization, but by 154 % in the presence of I. edulis. Fertilization with P+K, as well as the presence of I. edulis, increased N stocks in total biomass.  相似文献   

The effect of seed source (half-sib family) and nursery bed density on the nursery stock quality and subsequent growth of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) was investigated. Nine black walnut female genitors were selected to represent a range of phenotypes. Seeds were collected, cleaned, cold-treated, and pre-sprouted to ensure that germination was uniform and complete. The pre-sprouted seeds were planted in a randomized complete block design into standard nursery beds in Indiana, USA at three sowing densities, (11.2 plants m−2; 24.2 plants m−2; 29.4 plants m−2). After lifting, the trees were measured for height, ground-line diameter and root volume and then planted into a plantation in a randomized complete block design and re-measured after 1 and 5 years of growth. One year after planting, the effects of family (half-sib seed source) and density were significant or very highly significant for seedling height, and ground-line diameter, although family effects were greater than those for density, especially at moderate and high nursery bed density. After 5 years of growth, the same effects contributed significantly to ground-line diameter and dbh, but only family significantly influenced height. Family was more important than nursery bed density in determining the size of the trees after 5 years. Although there were no significant family × density interactions after 5 years, family variance for all the traits was considerably higher among seedlings grown at moderate and high density in the nursery. Phenotypic correlations among traits within and among years were generally very high (0.65 < r < 0.90) and insensitive to planting density in the nursery.  相似文献   

Performances of Pinus taxa were studied to 10 years of age in two trials in each of Misiones and Entre Ríos provinces across the Mesopotamia region of Argentina. Taxa comprised 22 populations from sources in Argentina, Australia, Brazil and Zimbabwe including Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (Pee), Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Pch), their four, inter-specific hybrids (F1, F2 and backcrosses from F1 to Pch and to Pee—all as broadly based bulks); other Pee and Pinus taeda (Pt) comprised narrower or unspecified bulks. Variable numbers of taxa were missing at each site. Mean survival across sites at age 10 years ranged 53.2–91.3% averaging 74.2%. Analysis of variance of plot means indicated population effect was statistically significant (p < 0.05) for all or most growth and quality traits at all sites. However, significant differences from the nominated check seedlot at the Entre Ríos sites (Pee, Australia) were extremely rare, while quite common at the northern, Misiones sites (check seedlot a Pt population). In the Misiones trials, F1, F2 and both backcross hybrids showed better stem straightness than Pee and Pt from Argentina, generally with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Pt showed lowest forking scores (desirable). Taxon × environment interaction was statistically significant (p < 0.01) for growth traits only (p > 0.05). However, this interaction contributed an average of only 34.1% of the taxon variance suggesting a lack of practical importance. Taxa most suitable for deployment in the Mesopotamia region, Argentina are suggested.  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand the interaction between temperature and genotype in terms of the effect on early seedling development of European aspen (Populus tremula) and various F2-aspen hybrids. We evaluated the response of 16 different European aspen and F2-hybrid families on seed germination, survival rate and seedling height in one- and two-family trials under three different temperature regimes. In one-family trials, higher germination and higher survival rates were observed in higher temperature (C1700), leading to taller seedlings. European aspen × hybrid aspen individuals (Asp × Hyb) had a higher survival rate and taller seedlings than Asp, Hyb × Asp or Hyb × Hyb individuals. The difference between Asp × Hyb and Hyb × Asp was pronounced. Both growth conditions and genotype (i.e., hybrid cross) had strong effects on germination, survival rate and height of European aspen and F2-hybrid seedlings. However, the interaction of genotype and growth conditions also had a significant influence on survival rate and seedling height, but not on germination. Two-family trials involving European aspen and F2-hybrids led to significant negative effects on germination and survival rate and also facilitation effects on seedling height. Similarly, genotype had strong effects on germination and survival rate. Different genotypes and traits affected survival rate and seedling height differently in different growth conditions. These differences were more pronounced in the warmest environment, i.e., 1,700 degree days. We conclude that introgression between F2-hybrids and local European aspen is likely in the current climate, and any warming will likely favor certain F2-hybrids, especially the most probable types (P. tremula × (P. tremula × P. tremuloides)).  相似文献   

Long-term (40 years) effects of two soil amelioration techniques [NPKMgCa fertilization + liming; combination of PKMgCa fertilization, liming, tillage, and introduction of lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus L.)] on chemical topsoil properties, stand nutrition, and stand growth at two sites in Germany (Pfaffenwinkel, Pustert) with mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest were investigated. Both sites are characterized by base-poor parent material, historic N and P depletion by intense litter-raking, and recent high atmospheric N input. Such sites contribute significantly to the forested area in Central Europe. Amelioration resulted in a long-term increase of pH, base saturation, and exchangeable Ca and Mg stocks in the topsoil. Moreover, significant losses of the forest floor in organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen stocks, and a decrease of the C/N ratio in the topsoil were noticed. The concentrations and stocks of OC and N in the mineral topsoil increased; however, the increases compensated only the N, but not the OC losses of the forest floor. During the recent 40 years, the N nutrition of the stands at the control plots improved considerably, whereas the foliar P, K, and Ca concentrations decreased. The 100-fascicle weights and foliar concentrations of N, P, Mg, and Ca were increased after both amelioration procedures throughout the entire 40-year period of investigation. For both stands, considerable growth acceleration during the recent 40 years was noticed on the control plots; the amelioration resulted in an additional significant long-term growth enhancement, with the NPKMgCa fertilization liming + being more effective than the combination of PKMgCa fertilization, liming, tillage, and introduction of lupine. The comprehensive evaluation of soil, foliage, and growth data revealed a key relevance of the N and P nutrition of the stands for their growth, and a change from initial N limitation to a limitation of other growth factors (P, Mg, Ca, and water).  相似文献   



In tropical areas, studies based on the retrospective analysis of tree development have focused principally on growth ring research. The interpretation of primary growth markers is overlooked although it opens perspectives to provide long time-series on tree-crown development.


This study focused on Parkia velutina, an emergent tree of neotropical rain forests. Our objectives were (1) to characterize the phenological cycle of this species, and (2) to identify temporally interpretable morphological and anatomical markers.


We collected dominant branches in 14 adult trees and identified growth markers that limit longitudinal and radial increments. We coupled this approach with a 2-year phenological survey of 20 trees.


Leaf shedding, growth unit elongation and growth ring formation define the phenological cycle. At tree scale, this cycle is synchronous and affects all axes. At population scale, trees can be desynchronized. This cycle is annual despite some slight variability. Successive growth units and growth rings are easily identifiable.


Dating a branch by counting the number of growth units or growth rings is possible in many years with a reasonable error. Nevertheless, estimating their precise month of formation in order to study climatic influences remains difficult.  相似文献   

Twenty-three sample plots dominated by Vatica mangachapoi at various elevations in the tropical lowland rainforest in the Jianfengling National Nature Reserve of Hainan Island were established. The interspecific association among the 32 dominant species was analyzed and the division of ecological species groups and functional groups are discussed. The results showed that these dominant populations had an overall positive interspecific association. The species pairs with significant, positive association accounted for only about 10% of the total 496 species pairs. Most of the other species pairs showed weak association or non-association, i.e., the dominant populations investigated had relatively independent distributions. The 32 dominant species were divided into four ecological species groups and ten functional groups according to their interspecific association coefficients, based on a cluster analysis of the species. Recognition characteristics of the ten functional groups are proposed. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2007, 43(4): 9–16 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

Understanding how multiple disturbances affect species population structure is crucial for designing a better conservation strategy of threatened species. In this paper, we assessed the disturbance patterns and evaluated their effects on the population structure of Afzelia africana, in two different bioclimatic zones of the Republic of Benin. The main disturbances in the studied area included branch pruning and debarking. Individuals of medium size (20–40 cm) were mostly pruned and debarked. The percentages of pruning and debarking were similar at population level across the two studied bioclimatic zones (t = ?0.04, p = 0.96; t = 0.73, p = 0.48). Examining this at individual level, pruning was similar but debarking was higher in the Sudanian zone (12.14 ± 0.93%) than in the Sudano-Guinean zone (7.44 ± 0.88) (W = 40859, p < 0.001). Population structure was bell-shaped in the Sudanian zone regardless of the disturbance level. In contrast, in the Sudano-Guinean zone, mildly disturbed populations showed an inverse J-shaped structure, whereas those highly disturbed were bell-shaped. This underlined the climatic (dryness) and disturbance effects on the establishment and recruitment of small trees into the next life stage in tropical savanna ecosystems. Good regeneration pattern and the largest individuals were found within the protected areas, demonstrating the prominent role of protected areas for the species conservation. Therefore, we suggested that conservation efforts should be extended to populations outside the protected areas. Forestry department should establish firebreaks networks to protect small individuals and facilitate their recruitment, as well as the regulation and enforcement should be improved on the sustainable use of the species.  相似文献   

On the Loess Plateau, China, several planted tree species such as Populus hopeinsis and Robinia pseudoacacia suffer occasional diebacks in the top shoots, reducing growth rates after maturation. However, this does not usually occur in other species, e.g., Ulmus pumila and Zizyphus jujuba. We compared stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) as indicators of leaf water-use efficiency (WUE), leaf mass per unit area (LMA), and leaf area- and mass-based nitrogen content (Narea and Nmass) by tree height (1, 5, and 10 m) in P. hopeinsis, R. pseudoacacia, U. pumila, and Z. jujuba. In P. hopeinsis and R. pseudoacacia, leaf δ13C and Narea were significantly lower in 10-m trees than in 1-m saplings, indicating that leaf WUE and photosynthetic rates of both species decreased with tree height. In contrast, δ13C in Z. jujuba varied little with tree height. The δ13C of 10-m-tall U. pumila trees was significantly higher than that of 1-m plants, demonstrating an increase in WUE with tree height. Decreasing WUE, leaf Narea, and Nmass with height increases in P. hopeinsis and R. pseudoacacia may be related to water and nutrient limitations for these species in semiarid regions. In contrast, stable or increasing δ13C with tree height in U. pumila and Z. jujuba may account (to some extent) for successful production of these species under identical environmental conditions. Diameter growth rate also decreased with maturity in P. hopeinsis and R. pseudoacacia, but increased or was stable for U. pumila and Z. jujuba. The differences in leaf WUE and LMA among species with tree maturity may be related to species’ growth patterns and susceptibility to drought stress, and are likely to be important new criteria for plantation species selection on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

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