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Isik  Fikret  Toplu  Ferit 《New Forests》2004,27(2):175-187
Natural black poplar (Populus nigra L.) clones sampled from river courses were tested in the arid southeast region of Turkey, using a randomized complete block field design with four replications. Clones were laid out in row plots of eight ramets each. Height and apical dominance were assessed at age one year; diameter, survival, bole straightness and branchiness were measured at age two years. Clones differed significantly in survival, growth and quality traits. The results showed that promising clones exist in natural populations. Two commercial clones out of four did not grow as fast as the top new selection clones. For bole straightness, three commercial clones had significantly lower grading scores than the top best 14 clones. Principal components analysis indicated that growth, apical dominance and branching are the most important traits distinguishing black poplar clones. Diameter had a moderate correlation (0.34) with bole straightness. Relationships between geographic variables (elevation, latitude and longitude) with growth and stem quality traits were weak. Considerable genetic variation was observed among clones for all the traits. Genetic differences among the clones accounted for 27% (survival, bole straightness) to 39% (height) of the total variance. Broad-sense individual heritability ranged from 0.27 (survival) to 0.37 (apical dominance). Clonal mean heritabilities were higher than individual heritabilities and ranged from 0.60 (survival) to 0.82 (diameter), implying considerable gain could be realized via selective improvement methods.  相似文献   

Genetically transformed lombardy poplar (Populus nigra L. var.italica Koehne) plants were regenerated by co-cultivation of stem segments withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 that harbored a binary vector (pBI121) which included genes for β-glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase. Successful transformation was confirmed by the ability of stem segments to produce calli in the presence of kanamycin, histochemical and fluorometric assays of GUS activity in plant tissues, and Southern blot analysis.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone fromPopulus nigra L. var.italica Koehne, denoted PCY2-6, coding for an anionic peroxidase has been isolated, cloned, and characterized. PCY2-6 is 1160 bp long; and its deduced product, PnC26, contains 343 amino acid residues. The mature protein has a calculated isoelectric point of 4.09. The protein contains two motifs typical of peroxidase and 10 potentialN-glycosylation sites. PnC26 is therefore classified as an anionic peroxidase. The mRNA of the PCY2-6 gene family was detected in immature and mature leaves and in two parts of current-year stems: the shoot tip and the older stem. The mRNA of PCY2-6 gene family was found to localize in the phloem and cortex of the current-year stems. We therefore conclude that expression of the PCY2-6 gene family is related to bark development.  相似文献   

A method of fractionation, quantitation and identification of abscisic acid (ABA) in poplar flowers is presented in the context of intra- and interspecific pollination studies in Populus nigra x P. nigra and P. nigra x P. deltoides, respectively. Poplar flowers were dissected into stigma, ovary and pedicel. Abscisic acid concentrations were measured at receptivity and 5 days after pollination in each part of the flower. Abscisic acid was fractionated by reverse-phase HPLC followed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with anti-ABA polyclonal antibody and GC-MS identification of the immunoreactive ABA fractions. Samples were fractionated and ABA was identified by the presence of a cross-reactive metabolite of ABA in the extracts. The interspecific cross (P. nigra x P. deltoides) had a high concentration of ABA in the pedicel, where abscission occurred, whereas in the intraspecific cross, ABA concentration in the pedicel was low. The results are discussed with reference to the control ABA exerts on the abscission of poplar flowers after interspecific incompatible pollinations.  相似文献   

The effects of the interaction between high growth temperatures and water stress on gas-exchange properties of Populus nigra saplings were investigated. Water stress was expressed as a function of soil water content (SWC) or fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW). Isoprene emission and photosynthesis (A) did not acclimate in response to elevated temperature, whereas dark (R(n)) and light (R(d)) respiration underwent thermal acclimation. R(d) was ~30% lower than R(n) irrespective of growth temperature and water stress level. Water stress induced a sharp decline, but not a complete inhibition, of both R(n) and R(d). There was no significant effect of high growth temperature on the responses of A, stomatal conductance (g(s)), isoprene emission, R(n) or R(d) to FTSW. High growth temperature resulted in a significant increase in the SWC endpoint. Photosynthesis was limited mainly by CO(2) acquisition in water-stressed plants. Impaired carbon metabolism became apparent only at the FTSW endpoint. Photosynthesis was restored in about a week following rewatering, indicating transient biochemical limitations. The kinetics of isoprene emission in response to FTSW confirmed that water stress uncouples the emission of isoprene from A, isoprene emission being unaffected by decreasing g(s). The different kinetics of A, respiration and isoprene emission in response to the interaction between high temperature and water stress led to rising R(d)/A ratio and amount of carbon lost as isoprene. Since respiration and isoprene sensitivity are much lower than A sensitivity to water stress, temperature interactions with water stress may dominate poplar acclimatory capability and maintenance of carbon homeostasis under climate change scenarios. Furthermore, predicted temperature increases in arid environments may reduce the amount of soil water that can be extracted before plant gas exchange decreases, exacerbating the effects of water stress even if soil water availability is not directly affected.  相似文献   

The effect of seed moisture content (m.c.) and seed storage conditions of bay laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) was investigated in relation to seed viability. In the first experiment, the effect of drying rate on seed moisture and seed germination was investigated. Fresh seeds, with their original moisture content displayed a germination percentage of 55.1%. When the seed moisture content was reduced by 2.0% in an oven, the germination percentage rose to 81.0%. When the seed moisture content was reduced even more by using the same method, the germination percentages decreased dramatically. Reducing the seed moisture content to 28.7 and 23.5% by drying the seeds in alternating room conditions resulted in an increase of seed germinability to 84.3 and 90.9%, respectively. The drying of the seeds for 45, 60 and 75 days reduced their seed germination to 66.8, 49.4 and 48.0%, respectively. Reducing seed moisture content below 15.0% resulted in practically nullifying seed germinability. The fact that bay laurel seeds cannot retain their germinability at lower moisture contents demonstrates that it is a species with recalcitrant seeds. In the second experiment, moist and dry storage conditions were tested under different temperatures and moisture contents. The storage experiment showed that the most effective way of conserving the bay laurel seeds is moist storage at 0 ± 1°C for 4 months without previous drying of the seeds.  相似文献   

Black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia L.),a species native to the eastern North America,was introduced to Europe probably in 1601 and currently extends over2.3×10~6 ha.It has become naturalized in all sub-Mediterranean and temperate regions rivaling Populus spp.as the second most planted broadleaved tree species worldwide after Eucalyptus spp.This wide-spreading planting is because black locust is an important multipurpose species,producing wood,fodder,and a source of honey as well as bio-oil and biomass.It is also important for carbon sequestration,soil stabilization and re-vegetation of landfills,mining areas and wastelands,in biotherapy and landscaping.In Europe,black locust is drought tolerant so grows in areas with annual precipitation as low as 500-550 mm.It tolerates dry,nutrient poor soils but grows best on deep,nutrient-rich,well-drained soils.It is a fast-growing tree and the height,diameter and volume growth peak before the age of 20.It mostly regenerates vegetatively by root suckers under a simple coppice system,which is considered the most cost-effective management system.It also regenerates,but less frequently,by stool sprouts.Its early silviculture in production forests includes release cutting to promote root suckers rather than stool shoots,and cleaning-respacing to remove low-quality stems,reduce the number of shoots per stool,and adjust spacing between root suckers.In addition,early,moderate and frequent thinning as well as limited pruning are carried out focusing on crop trees.The species is regarded as invasive in several European countries and its range here is expected to expand under predicted climate changes.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of near-lethal heat stress on bud break, heat-shock proteins (HSPs) and ubiquitin in hybrid poplar (Populus nigra (L.) Charkowiensis x P. nigra (L.) incrassata). Shoots, with 10-15 buds each, were collected from September to March and exposed to temperatures between 20 and 60 degrees C for 2 h. Shoots were then placed in a greenhouse at 18-22 degrees C with supplemental light and cumulative bud break was recorded over a 4-week period. Samples of bud tissues were collected during and up to 96 h after heat treatment for protein analysis. De novo synthesis of proteins was monitored by exposing excised buds to [(35)S]-methionine for 3 h before, during, or after heat treatment. Heat treatments of 40-45 degrees C resulted in both a release from endodormancy and a decrease in thermal units needed for bud break during ecodormancy. The response to near-lethal heat stress was complex and was affected by intrinsic thermal sensitivity. Heat treatments were least effective during August and became progressively more effective as endodormancy progressed. In the later stages of ecodormancy, a heat treatment of 45 degrees C either inhibited bud break or killed the buds. Although temperatures of 42.5 to 45 degrees C inhibited incorporation of [(35)S]-methionine into proteins for at least 48 h, several HSPs were synthesized in response to temperatures of 40-45 degrees C. Immunoblots indicated that one of the heat-induced proteins was immunologically related to HSP70. Increases in free and conjugated forms of ubiquitin were also observed in response to heat treatment. Production of HSPs and ubiquitin, however, was not consistently associated with the heat treatments that induced the highest percentage of bud break. The roles of heat-induced protein degradation, HSPs, and ubiquitin in overcoming dormancy by near-lethal heat stress are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of the white poplar(Populus alba L.)biomass as fuel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We determined the calorific value of white poplar(Populus alba L.) woody biomass to use it as firewood. The value of 19.133 MJ kg-1obtained experimentally shows that the white poplar can be quite successfully used as firewood. Being of a lower quality in comparison with usual beech firewood, the white poplar has similar calorific value. The white poplar has a calorific density of 30.7 % lower than that of current firewood. That is why the price of this firewood from white poplar is lower accordingly. Also, the prognosis of calorific value on the basis of the main chemical elements, being very close to the experimental value(+2.6 %), indicates an appropriate value can be achieved to be used for investigation with the chemical element analysis.  相似文献   

Connection plays an important role in structural components and end jointing is one of the most common connections in structural applications.This study was designed to investigate some mechanical properties (MOE and MOR) of solid wood samples manufactured from poplar (Populus nigra),joined together through end jointing.As well,we studied combinations of lumber manufactured from 10-mm veneer,using a polyvinyl acetate adhesive.The results show that non-jointed lumber (control samples) have better bending properties (MOE and MOR) than jointed specimens and lumber made from laminated layers.On the whole,side-byside joints have a negative effect on the MOR and MOE of laminated products,which is more pronounced in the MOR.By increasing the number of joints,the properties of combination of three-ply,i.e.,bending strength and modulus of elasticity,decreased.  相似文献   

On the occurrence and significance of bacteria in living trees of Populus nigra L. Eleven strains of bacteria were isolated from sapwood and heartwood of living poplar trees (Populus nigra L.) and identified mostly as Erwinia, Xanthomonas, Agrobacterium and Acinetobacter. Most of them were able to attack milled wood and the wood components pectin, hemicelluloses and holocellulose; α-cellulose and lignin were not consumed. The capillary liquid in the xylem of poplar served as a nutrient for the isolated bacteria. The significance of these bacteria for wetwood formation is discussed.  相似文献   

以青杨为母本,分别以辽宁杨、33号杨和美洲黑杨为父本,采用4种不同的处理方法,得到青杨最佳的杂交组合处理方法:青杨×辽宁杨(父本与青杨高温失活花粉的混合花粉)、青杨×33号杨关(键母词本:青花杨粉;提杂取交液制蒙种导)、青杨×美洲黑杨(父本与小青杨3:1混合花粉)。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic and stomatal responses to a soil drying cycle were examined in half-sib seedlings of four walnut (Juglans nigra L.) families. Well-watered seedlings of an Iowa seed source had significantly higher rates of net photosynthesis than seedlings from New York or Michigan sources. This superior photosynthetic potential was associated with both greater stomatal conductance and mesophyll capacity for CO(2) fixation. In a drying soil, net photosynthesis and leaf conductance to water vapor of all families declined substantially, even under mild water stress. These responses were more strongly related to soil water status, as estimated by predawn leaf water potential, than to leaf water potential at the time of gas exchange measurement. There were no differences among families in the pattern of gas exchange response to developing water stress; however, families differed in capacity for recovery of gas exchange from water stress following rehydration. Sensitivity of photosynthesis of black walnut seedlings to water stress may be associated with poor growth and survival of this species in xeric habitats.  相似文献   

In rural areas of northern Laos, a commercially valuable pioneer tree species, paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera L. Vent.) has been recommended for intercropping under plantations of commercial trees. However, less is understood about the growth of this pioneer tree species in the understorey and the mechanism underlying the shade intolerance. We measured growth characteristics for seedlings of paper mulberry under four light intensities. We compared the relative growth rates in aboveground biomass and standing leaf area (RGRmass and RGRleaf), light-capture efficiency, and seeding-level mass-based daily photosynthetic rates (A mass) with those of field-grown seedlings of eight shade-tolerant species to identify factors potentially responsible for shade-intolerance. Most growth traits of the paper mulberry seedlings did not differ consistently from those of the shade tolerant species. The ecophysiological–architectural model software showed higher A mass and RGRmass capacity in paper mulberry than in shade-tolerant species. Despite their higher RGRmass, paper mulberry seedlings had negative RGRleaf under shaded conditions due to short leaf lifespan. The linear RGRmass–RGRleaf relationship for paper mulberry had a high RGRmass intercept, indicating that a high RGRmass was required to provide positive RGRleaf. Progressive decreases in standing leaf area with time, and possibly photosynthesis, appear to be responsible for the shade-intolerance of paper mulberry. Although intercropping of paper mulberry has been suggested in the species’ native region, understorey cultivation of paper mulberry would only be possible with relatively open canopies.  相似文献   

本研究利用13对SSR引物对120份(105份国外引进、15份我国新疆)欧洲黑杨基因资源进行了遗传多态性分析,共检测出171个等位基因,每个多态性位点检测到7~19个等位基因,平均为13.2,多态信息指数为0.396~0.909,平均为0.808;遗传距离为0~0.456 4.欧洲黑杨基因种源具有丰富的遗传多样性.通过UPGMA等类分析,将120份材料划分为8类,地理分布较近的材料基本聚在一起,表明遗传距离与地理距离相关性强.  相似文献   


The management of non-native tree species in European forests has a long history, but the information on the current number and geographic distribution of these species in European forests is incomplete and scattered across various datasets. This study aims to perform an inventory of the most frequent non-native tree species growing in European forests and analyse their current extent, geographic distribution and geographic origin. Our results show that at least 150 non-native tree species are currently growing in European forests and provenance trials. The genera represented by largest number of species are Eucalyptus, Pinus, Acacia and Abies. Species growing at the largest areas are Robinia pseudoacacia (2.44 million ha), Eucalyptus globulus (1.46 million ha), Picea sitchensis (1.16 million ha) and Pseudotsuga menziesii (0.83 million ha). In total, non-native tree species in Europe are found in an area of approximately 8.54 million ha, or 4.0% of the European forest area, and the five most abundant species account for up to 77% of this area. The largest number of these 150 species were introduced from North America (71), followed by Asia (45) and Australia (20). North American species occupy by far the largest area.  相似文献   

Plant mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are important amplifying modules that can rapidly transduce stress signals into various appropriate intracellular responses. Several extracellular regulated kinase (ERK)-type MAPKs involved in plant defense signaling have been identified in herbaceous species, but no MAPK cascade has yet been characterized in a tree species. We examined the signal transduction events that lead to activation of defense mechanisms in poplar, a major forest species of economic and ecological importance which is becoming the model tree system for studying stress and adaptation responses. We show that, in poplar cell suspensions and leaf tissue, chitosan, a non-host-specific elicitor, and ozone, a strong oxidant and atmospheric pollutant, induce rapid and transient activation of at least two myelin basic protein (MBP) kinases with apparent molecular masses of 44 and 47 kD. The chitosan- and ozone-activated kinases have characteristics of MAPKs-they preferentially phosphorylate MBP, require tyrosine and threonine phosphorylation to be activated and are specifically recognized by anti-ERK and anti-pERK antibodies. Moreover, activation of these poplar MAPKs by chitosan or ozone is dependent on the production of reactive oxygen species; the influx of calcium ions via membrane channels; the activation of an upstream, membrane-localized component; and a cognate MAPK kinase (MAPKK). These data suggest that biotic and abiotic challenges activate MAPKs in poplar, as in herbaceous species, which then function as a convergence point for pathogen defense and oxidant stress signaling cascades.  相似文献   



Black poplar (Populus nigra L.) is an alluvial forest tree species whose genetic pool is decreasing in Europe. Poplar trees produce short-lived seeds that do not store well.


The feasibility of seed storage in conventional and cryogenic conditions after their desiccation from water content (WC) of 0.15 to 0.07 g H2O g?1 dry mass (g g?1) was investigated.


Seed germinability was evaluated (seeds with a radicle and green cotyledons were counted) after storage of seeds for a period of 3 to 24 months at different temperatures: 20°, 10°, 3°, ?3°, ?10°, ?20° or ?196°C.


Seeds desiccated to a 0.07 g g?1 WC can be stored successfully at ?10 °C and ?20 °C for at least 2 years. A significant decrease in germination was observed only after 12 months of seed storage (WC 0.15 g g?1) at temperatures above 0 °C. We demonstrated that both fresh (0.15 g g?1 WC) and desiccated (0.07 g g?1 WC) seeds can be preserved at ?196 °C for at least 2 years.


Seed storage temperature and time of storage were statistically significant factors affecting seed storability. The presented data provide a foundation for the successful gene banking of P. nigra seeds.  相似文献   

The rapid increase in rubber monoculture in Xishuangbanna has resulted in extensive damage to its local ecosystem. To decrease the negative effects, the concept of the ecological-economic rubber plantation (EERP) system was proposed. The EERP entails intercropping rubber plants with other economically significant plants, which would not only decrease the ecological impact of the rubber plantation, but also maintain and potentially increase its profitability compared with rubber monocultures. In order to select the appropriate species and intercropping pattern in the EERP system, we compared the photosynthetic parameters of five economically important trees (Swietenia mahagoni, Coffea arabica, Mesua ferrea, Myristica yunnanensis and Paramichelia baillonii) under four irradiance levels. The optimal irradiance intensity of C. arabica and M. yunnanensis was approximately 40%, and these species can be planted in the understory of an 8- to 15-year-old rubber forest. Adult S. mahagoni, M. ferrea and P. baillonii grow taller than the rubber trees, and their seedlings also show superior performance in 100% irradiance than in other irradiances. Thus, in an EERP, these valuable trees could be planted adjacent to rubber plantations but on sites that are economically and environmentally marginal for rubber production.  相似文献   

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