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 ‘瑞林’是从法国引进的苹果加工品种中选育出来的优良制汁品种, 经过品种比较试验和区域性试验证明, 该品种制汁品质优良, 还可兼用鲜食, 有很好的早实性、丰产性和稳产性, 生态适应性强,是山岭瘠薄地适宜的优良加工品种。  相似文献   

夏红是日本青森县村上恒雄氏从维斯塔·贝拉实生树中选出的极早熟苹果新品种,1994年获日本农林水产省登记注册.2000年引至辽宁省果树科学研究所,高接在资源复选圃中,经过4年的观察,该品种表现早果、丰产、早熟、优质、抗寒等优点,发展前景看好.  相似文献   

 ‘红锦富’是‘长富2号’富士苹果的早熟芽变新品系,与‘长富2号’相比果实成熟期提前约45 d,早果,丰产,稳产,适应性强,果形端正,萼洼处果锈少,耐贮性好。  相似文献   

高附加值的新型果品-SOD苹果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. SOD苹果简介 SOD苹果是一种富集SOD活性生物酶的绿色保健功能苹果,采用了中国农业大学的专利技术,在世界上第一次通过微生态生物工程技术将SOD酶置于对人体无害的芽孢杆菌中,制成“益微SOD制剂”, 对生长期苹果进行叶面喷施,在保持苹果原有天然风味和营养成分不破坏的前提下,使苹果果实内SOD酶活力达到每g20个以上国际单位,日食200g鲜果(一个SOD苹果)即可满足全天对SOD酶活力4000国际单位的需要。SOD即超氧化物歧化酶,是生物体内清除超氧化物阴离子自由基(O2-)的重要金属酶类,它和过氧化氢酶、过氧化物酶一起构成了生物体…  相似文献   

 ‘红香脆’系从‘嘎拉’ ב华丽’驯化株系中选出的中晚熟优良品种, 经多点区试、示范,表现为适应性好, 丰产性强, 耐藏, 风味浓甜, 有香味。  相似文献   

中晚熟苹果新品种‘秦艳’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 ‘秦艳’是以‘天王红’为母本,‘秦冠’为父本杂交育成的中晚熟苹果新品种。果实圆锥形,平均单果质量242 g, 最大305 g , 9 月中下旬成熟, 果实底色黄绿, 全面着浓红色, 肉脆, 汁多, 酸甜适度, 香味浓, 耐贮藏。树势中庸健壮, 早果, 丰产, 5 年生树产量41. 1 t/ hm2。  相似文献   

短枝华冠是从华冠苹果品种中选出的短枝型芽变。果实9月下旬成熟,短圆锥形到近圆形,果皮底色绿黄,果面着鲜红色,平均单果重237g,果实均匀整齐;果肉淡黄色,肉质细、脆而多汁,风味酸甜适口,可溶性固形物含量为14.7%,可滴定酸含量0.21%,肉维生素C含量为4.53mg/100g,品质优良,耐贮藏。树体紧凑,短枝性状好;早果性好、坐果率高,丰产。  相似文献   

建平县位于辽宁省西北部,年平均气温7.9℃,1月份平均气温-11.7℃,年降雨量400~500mm,无霜期130~150 d,≥10℃积温2 800~3 300℃,属于冷凉半干旱大陆性气候,为大苹果经济栽植安全线的北界.20世纪60-70年代栽植过国光苹果;90年代初期自山东、辽南引进一些苹果品种,终因立地条件差,适龄不结果或产量很低;近年虽引进寒富苹果,但因全国晚熟苹果供大于求,而使辽西北苹果生产举步维艰.引进抗寒、早熟、品质好的苹果品种,既可弥补市场早熟品种的不足,亦可使果农找到新的经济增长点.1993年我们从黑龙江省农科院牡丹江园艺科学研究所引进龙冠苹果试栽,表现为早果、丰产、个大、色艳、味佳,成熟期正值苹果市场淡季,树体抗寒、抗旱能力强,适合在辽西北地区适度开发.  相似文献   

苹果新品种‘天汪1号’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张维民  任宏涛 《园艺学报》2006,33(2):453-453
 ‘天汪1号’是从‘红星’的芽变中选育出的苹果短枝型新品种, 在天水地区9月中旬成熟,果实生育期148 d。果实圆锥形, 五棱突起, 果形指数0.90~0.98, 平均单果质量210 g, 果实全面浓红,色相片红; 果肉细而致密, 汁多, 味香甜, 可溶性固形物含量11.9%~14.1%。树势强健, 丰产, 稳产。  相似文献   

以“富士”和“粉红女士”多年的果实性状平均表现和预期育种目标为基础,利用数学统计方法、层次分析法和熵值法对其杂交后代选择标准进行评价.结果表明:以果色、果型、风味作为选择的主要依据,确定了单果重、果形指数、果实硬度、糖酸比等12个适宜性评价指标,采用5级评分制对各指标进行量化分级,运用层次分析法和熵值法确定了各指标的综合权重,为苹果杂交F1代果实性状综合选择提出了一个完整的评价指标体系和数量化评价模型.  相似文献   

 ‘粉红女士’苹果1995年由澳大利亚引入陕西。果实近圆柱形, 平均单果质量200 g, 最大306 g。果形端正, 高桩, 色泽艳丽。含可溶性固形物16.65% , 可滴定酸0.65% , 品质佳。10月下旬~11月上旬果实成熟, 极耐贮藏。结果早, 丰产。  相似文献   

"晋富1号"苹果新品种选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“晋富1号”是通过芽变选育的富士系早熟品种。通过7 a(年)观察试验,该品种成熟早(9月中旬),着色早,色彩浓,果形端正,风味品质优良,栽培综合性状优于我国目前生产上应用的富士系早熟品种。经运城、晋中等地市的区试,结果性状稳定,可在我国黄土高原地区推广应用。  相似文献   

该品种于1998年自日本引入我站,在青岛地区8月初成熟,平均单果重250g,最大果320g。果实高桩、端正,果形指数0.84。梗洼深而广。梗洼有伸向果肩的放射状棱纹,果柄粗而短, 平均长度2.5cm。萼洼浅而窄,闭萼。果面光滑,果点稀,中大,表皮薄,腊质厚,有光泽,果实底色黄绿,果面鲜红色,艳丽美观。果肉黄色,可溶性固形物含量14.5%,果肉稍硬,致密,果汁多,甜酸适度,清香可口,果实贮藏力强,在常温下可贮藏15天左右。熟期比萌、藤牧l号略迟,而比嘎拉早出半月,承前启后信浓红,是当前最有发展前途的早熟优良品种,在调节苹果品种结构中,应是首选品种,发展前景…  相似文献   

苹果早熟新品种‘早翠绿’选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
早翠绿是以辽伏为母本,岱绿为父本杂交育成的早熟苹果新品种。果实圆形或圆锥形,平均单果重151.3g,最大204g,7月中下旬成熟,果皮绿色,肉质细脆汁多,酸甜适口,香味浓,较耐贮藏,早果,丰产。  相似文献   

PDJ对富士苹果、酥梨的疏花效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用PDJ(茉莉酮酸诱导体)对富士苹果和酥梨进行了疏花试验,结果表明,在盛花前1周和2周分别喷布浓度为0.50 mL/L0、.25 mL/L、0.15 mL/L的PDJ对富士苹果的疏花效果不显著,对果实品质无影响。在盛花前12 d(天)1、5 d(天)、18 d(天)分别喷布0.5 mL/L1、.0 mL/L2、.0 mL/L的PDJ显著减低了酥梨的坐果率,但是1.0 mL/L、2.0 mL/L处理疏除过量,由此认为以0.5 mL/L的浓度在盛花前15 d(天)前后喷布对酥梨的疏花效果较好。  相似文献   

“清明”系日本秋田县平鹿町伊藤善明利用金冠×富士杂交选育的苹果新品种,1995年由日本农林水产省登记并命名,1998年3月引入临沂市果茶高科技示范围。经建园试验观察,该品种早期丰产性强,果品综合性状好,具有较强的市场吸引力,发展前景广阔。2000年9月11日,山东农业大学、莱阳农学院果树专家来国考察鉴评,认定“清明”在鲁南山区表现优良,是一个很有希望的中熟苹果品种。 1试验园基本情况 试验园位于临沂茶山,属丘陵壤土,土层较厚,年平均气温12.5℃,年降水量790mm≥10℃积温4250℃。定植园土…  相似文献   

During the 2008–2010 growing seasons, an alternative ‘zero residue apple production system’ was compared with integrated apple production with cvs ‘Idared’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Jonagold’ and ‘Gala’ in commercial orchards at several locations throughout Slovenia, using data envelopment analysis (DEA), and multi criteria assessment by an analytical hierarchical process (AHP). The principle of the ‘zero residue apple production’ is a combination of integrated (IP) and organic apple production. During the first 3 months of the growing season (1 April–30 June), pesticides used in IP with rapid degradation (8–10 applications) were used to control pests and diseases. During the second part of the season from 1 July to harvest, organic products (6–12 applications) were employed compared with 19–25 applications overall in IP. The goal of the alternative system was to reduce the amount of applied conventional pesticides by 40 % and to minimize pesticide residues in fruits to below the limit of 0.5 % of the legal maximum residue level (MRL) or below the residue concentrations of 0.005–0.01 mg/kg and to retain the high long-term level of yield, fruit quality, and net income per hectare. The number of pesticide residues was reduced from 4.2–5.5 in IP to 1.8–3.4 in zero residue cultivation, while 3 year average yields (class 1 fruit) were 4–9 % lower than in IP. The break even prices ranged from € 0.31 for Idared in IP, € 0.34 for ‘Elstar’ of both production systems to € 0.35/kg for zero residue cultivated ‘Golden Delicious’. Overall, a price increase of just € 0.02/kg for residue free apples would make this new ‘zero residue apple production’ profitable then representing a realistic alternative to the standard integrated apple production system.  相似文献   

外源多胺促进红富士苹果花芽形成的效应   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
两年试验结果表明,在红富士苹果花芽生理分化期喷施10~(-4)mol·l~(-1)Put、10~(-3)~10~(-5)mol·l~(-1)Spd、10~(-5)~10~(-6)mol·l~(-1)Spm能明显提高红富士苹果的成花枝率,外源多胺的效应与多胺种类、浓度、应用时期及年份等密切相关。  相似文献   


The potential of six products to act as pollenicides on apple pollen both in vivo and in vitro was evaluated. The six candidate pollenicides used were lime sulphur (LS) (1.15% solution), ammonium thiosulphate (ATS) (0.75% solution), Surround? WP (S) (59.2 g/L), biodiesel (BD) (5% emulsion), sodium chloride (NaCl) (8 g/L) and Horticultural-Vinegar (HV) (2% solution). It was found that ‘Golden Delicious’ blossoms that were treated with ATS, LS, S or NaCl had significantly fewer pollen grains that germinated in vivo than the treatment receiving no spray. The effect of the six candidate pollenicides was also investigated in vitro by spraying ‘McIntosh’ pollen with the candidate pollenicides and examining pollen germination, pollen tube growth length and the proportion of unviable pollen grains. All of the treatment sprays significantly reduced pollen germination compared with the control, with ATS and LS resulting in considerable reduction in pollen tube germination and HV completely hindering germination. Among those treatments that allowed some germination, only LS, ATS and BD effectively reduced the mean length that the pollen tubes grew in vitro. These laboratory results are compared with those generated in a parallel field trial to assess what stage of pollination the candidate pollenicides are targeting. Taken together these results indicate that ATS reduces pollen viability and germination on pollinated stigmas and on germination medium and is an effective blossom thinner in the field. Lime sulphur has a greater effect on pollen tube germination and growth on germination medium and is a good thinner in the field and that NaCl reduces pollen germination on pollinated stigmas and is an effective mild thinner in the field. Finally, this research suggests that while BD was an effective thinner in the field, it has less pollenicidal and greater phytotoxic effects than the Other products tested.  相似文献   

不同细胞分裂素对2001富士苹果离体叶片再生的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
以综合经济性状优良的2001富士苹果为试材,研究了不同浓度的细胞分裂素对其离体叶片再生效率的影响。结果表明:2001富士离体叶片分化不定芽适宜的BA、CPPU和TDZ的最佳再生浓度范围分别为8.0mg/L、6.0~8.0mg/L和1.0~2.0mg/L,再生频率分别达到67.9%、78.6%~89.3%和100.0%,ZT和KT不适宜诱导2001富士叶片分化不定芽。  相似文献   

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