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An 8-year-old, intact, male Labrador Retriever was presented to the Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at Oklahoma State University with a 2-month history of severe sneezing episodes that resulted in epistaxis and bilateral sanguineous discharge. Rhinoscopy revealed a small polypoid mass, and specimens were obtained for histopathology. Microscopic examination of formalin-fixed tissue specimens revealed organisms consistent with Rhinosporidium seeberi. The mass was surgically excised and impression smears were made for cytology examination. Smears revealed high numbers of endospores, typical of those previously described for R seeberi. In addition, numerous smaller structures, presumed to be immature endospores, were noted. The immature endospores were morphologically distinct from mature endospores and have not been described previously. Recognition of immature forms of Rhinosporidium may help prevent misidentification of the organism or misdiagnosis of a dual infection.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Warmblood gelding was evaluated for intermittent respiratory distress and an inspiratory noise. These signs were mainly observed at exercise but sometimes occurred at rest as well. At the age of 2 months, a severe episode of respiratory distress had necessitated a temporary tracheotomy, which had then healed uneventfully. Examination of the patient and resting endoscopy revealed no structural laryngeal alterations. Exercise endoscopy revealed episodes of active bilateral laryngeal adduction during inspiration. Spirometrically, a corresponding impairment of inspiratory airflow was identified. These abnormalities were most pronounced at the trot but they occurred at magnitudes of inspiratory airflow lower than those inducing dynamic arytenoid collapse in horses with recurrent laryngeal neuropathy. Therefore, the diagnosis of a laryngeal dyskinesia characterised by an active bilateral arytenoid adduction during inspiration was made. No specific treatment was implemented. Three years later, the owner reported that the condition was markedly improved and the horse was used for pleasure riding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare racing performance before and after prosthetic laryngoplasty for treatment of laryngeal hemiplegia in inexperienced (horses without at least one start before surgery) and experienced (horses with at least one start before surgery) Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse racehorses. Medical records of 54 Thoroughbred and 18 Quarter Horse racehorses or horses intended for racing treated with prosthetic laryngoplasty and unilateral ventriculectomy for laryngeal hemiplegia were reviewed. Signalment, age at the time of surgery, resting endoscopic grade of laryngeal function, surgical procedure, and type of suture were recorded. Median performance index (PI), earnings, distance, and Beyer speed figure (BSF) per start for three races before and after surgery were compared, and factors associated with improved postsurgical performance were evaluated. Seventy-three percent of horses that had not raced before surgery and 84% of horses that competed in at least one race before surgery were able to return to racing after surgery. Fifty-nine percent and 27% of Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses, respectively, were able to improve their PI after surgery. Sixty-two percent and 20% of Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses, respectively, significantly increased their distance after surgery. Additionally, 61% and 66% of racehorses were able to increase their earnings and BSF after surgery, respectively. Horses treated with laryngoplasty and unilateral ventriculectomy have a good prognosis for return to racing. Inexperienced racehorses have a better prognosis for improvement after surgery than do experienced racehorses. Thoroughbred racehorses have a better success rate than Quarter Horse racehorses.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for the height at withers, 27 linear type and six linear gait traits were estimated for the Belgian warmblood horse. Observations on 987 mares, mostly 3 years old, were analysed using a multi-trait animal model. The statistical model included appraiser, age and location (date × place of appraisal) as fixed effects. Genetic parameters were estimated using a canonical transformation and an expectation-maximization restricted maximum likelihood algorithm with an additional deceleration step. Estimates of heritability for the 33 linear traits were between 0.15 and 0.55. Heritability of the height at withers was 0.34 ± 0.06. Estimated genetic correlations ranged from −0.60 to 0.98 with an average SE of 0.10. The highest positive correlations were found among traits of walk and among traits of trot. Volume and the quality of legs were the most negatively correlated. Estimated genetic parameters indicated that the linear scoring system is a valuable tool to assess conformation. The full (co)variance matrix is now available for breeding value estimation to support selection for conformation and gaits.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old Quarter Horse mare was presented to the Ontario Veterinary College Teaching Hospital with chronic progressive respiratory noise and exercise intolerance. Severe respiratory stridor associated with a laryngeal mass was seen on upper airway endoscopy. Ultrasonography revealed an intra‐cartilagenous mass and allowed for a guided biopsy. Histological analysis of the mass characterised a neuroendocrine tumour and the mare was subjected to euthanasia due to the poor prognosis. Ultrasound examination was paramount in making the diagnosis and facilitating the biopsy. To our knowledge, neuroendocrine tumours have not previously been reported in the equine larynx.  相似文献   

The case of a horse with acute symptoms of excitement, exaggerated fright reactions and trembling is presented. In addition to these cerebral symptoms, mild cerebellar ataxia and a renal tubular lesion were diagnosed. Suspected swainsonine poisoning was confirmed by the presence of the toxin (154 ng/ml) in the serum sample taken immediately after admission. A good recovery was seen after fluid therapy with supplementation of potassium, a dopamine drip and administration of diazepam. The effects of the toxin, by inhibiting the lysosomal enzyme α‐mannosidase and mimicking the genetic mannosidosis, are discussed.  相似文献   

A 3‐year‐old, female spayed Australian Shepherd dog was presented to Veterinary Healthcare Associates in Winter Haven, FL with a history of respiratory stridor, difficulty swallowing, and a change in bark for approximately 3 months. Radiographs revealed a soft tissue mass caudal to the epiglottis. Oral and computerized tomographic (CT) examinations were performed under general anesthesia and revealed a small firm mass in the caudal larynx on the right side. Cytologic evaluation of a fine‐needle aspirate of the mass revealed cells consistent with a rhabdomyoma, oncocytoma, or granular cell tumor. Histopathologic interpretation was rhabdomyoma or oncocytoma. Histochemical staining with periodic acid‐Schiff was mostly negative with a low number of weakly positive cells and with phosphotungstic acid‐hematoxylin was strongly positive with visible cross striations. Tumor cells did not express pancytokeratin AE1/AE3, were strongly immunoreactive for myoglobin and muscle‐specific actin, and did not express vimentin except for a low number of weakly immunoreactive cells. These findings confirmed a diagnosis of rhabdomyoma. Primary neoplasia of the larynx is rare, and widely varying types of neoplasms have been documented in this location. Due to the cytologic and histologic similarities between rhabdomyoma, oncocytoma, and granular cell tumor, these neoplasms should be differentiated using histochemical staining and immunohistochemical analysis.  相似文献   

Left laryngeal hemiplegia is a frustrating condition for the equine athlete and equine veterinarian. Treatment for the past 30 years has centered on the prosthetic laryngoplasty ("tie-back") with or without ventriculectomy. Laryngeal reinnervation has been used successfully in people and has been shown experimentally to benefit affected horses. This article reviews equine laryngeal reinnervation using the nerve muscle pedicle graft and describes the surgical technique, its complications, and the follow-up in 146 cases treated over the past 10 years. Also discussed is ongoing research into stimulation studies to improve the success of equine laryngeal reinnervation.  相似文献   

Localized nasal, conjunctival and corneal amyloidosis was diagnosed in a 15-year-old pony with nasal and conjunctival masses and severe dyspnoea. Multiple swellings had been evident in the nostrils for at least two years and had gradually increased in size before presentation due to dyspnoea and exercise intolerance. Surgical debulking of the masses was performed and histological examination revealed large amounts of extracellular, hyaline, eosinophilic, Congo red positive material in the lamina propria of the nasal mucosa. A tentative diagnosis of localized nasal amyloidosis was made. The treatment relieved the clinical signs, however, the nasal masses recurred and bilateral conjunctival, papillary masses developed. The horse was euthanized. Nodular nasal and papillary conjunctival masses consisting of rubbery, grey to yellow tissue were found at necropsy. At the limbus this tissue infiltrated and expanded the cornea. The masses consisted of amyloid and moderate infiltrates of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes were present in the tissue. No predominance of either cell type was observed and no distinct neoplastic mass could be identified. Ultrastructural examination of the nasal mucosa and cornea confirmed the presence of abundant extracellular deposits of non-branching fibrils ranging from 9–11 nm in diameter consistent with amyloid. Immunohistochemistry of amyloid revealed no labelling for AA amyloid, and no peptides representing serum amyloid A (SAA) were detected by microscopic laser dissection and subsequent mass spectrometry. Peptides from immunoglobulin kappa-like light chains were detected and are suggestive of AL amyloidosis, however the results were inconclusive and a final identification of the amyloid protein could not be made.Nasal amyloidosis is a clinical entity of localized amyloid deposits in the horse. Localized amyloidosis involving the conjunctiva of the horse is previously described in only seven cases and the present case is the first case of combined, localized nasal and corneal amyloidosis in the horse. In several reported cases surgical excision has provided clinical improvement and return to normal levels of exercise, while medical treatment has had no effect. The present case however, shows that rapid recurrence and progression of nasal amyloidosis to involve ocular tissues can occur and lead to recurrent respiratory obstruction.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13028-014-0050-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A 2-week-old Miniature Horse foal was referred for evaluation and treatment of a luxated right tarsometatarsal joint. Treatment consisted of closed reduction and internal fixation using two partially threaded Steinmann pins placed in normograde fashion through the tuber calcis into the proximal third metatarsus. Traumatic luxation has been reported to occur in the tarsocrural, proximal intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints within the equine tarsus. Treatment for luxation of the distal intertarsal joint has not been documented. The treatment method most commonly suggested for tarsal luxation is closed reduction and cast immobilisation. Internal fixation using lag screws and plating has also been described. A combination of internal fixation and external coaptation is thought to achieve maximal stability and allow faster convalescence in cases of tarsal luxation. This case report describes for the first time a technique using two Steinmann pins to achieve successful internal fixation of a traumatic tarsometatarsal joint luxation in a 2-week-old Miniature Horse foal.  相似文献   

Extreme eosinophilia with disseminated eosinophilic granulomatous disease is described in a 4-year-old Arabian mare. Clinical signs included weight loss, coughing, jugular distention, and ventral edema. Cutaneous lesions were not observed. Eosinophilic inflammation was observed in cytologic specimens from the respiratory tract, body cavities, and lymph nodes. At necropsy, a 20-cm diameter intrathoracic mass was observed. Smaller nodules were present in the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, and skeletal muscle. Histologically, these masses and nodules were characterized by infiltrates of eosinophils, macrophages, and multinucleated giant cells, reactive fibroplasia; and multifocal eosinophilic coagula. Microscopically, mild eosinophilic infiltrates were observed in sections of stomach, small intestine, colon, and pleura; however, gross lesions were not observed in these tissues at necropsy. The etiology of the extreme eosinophilia and disseminated eosinophilic granulomatous disease in this horse was not determined.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare horses’ gaits in hand and when ridden; to assess static and dynamic saddle fit for each horse and rider; to apply the Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram (RHpE) and relate the findings to gait abnormalities consistent with musculoskeletal pain, rider position and balance and saddle fit; and to document noseband use and its relationship with mouth opening during ridden exercise. Data were acquired prospectively from a convenience sample of horses believed by their owners to be working comfortably. All assessments were subjective. Gait in hand and when ridden were evaluated independently, by two assessors, and compared using McNemar’s test. Static tack fit and noseband type were recorded. Movement of the saddle during ridden exercise, rider position, balance and size relative to the saddle was documented. RHpE scores were based on assessment of video recordings. Multivariable Poisson regression analysis was used to determine factors which influenced the RHpE scores. Of 148 horses, 28.4% were lame in hand, whereas 62.2% were lame ridden (P<0.001). Sixty per cent of horses showed gait abnormalities in canter. The median RHpE score was 8/24 (interquartile range 5, 9; range 0, 15). There was a positive association between lameness and the RHpE score (P<0.001). Riding School horses had higher RHpE scores compared with General Purpose horses (P = 0.001). Saddles with tight tree points (P = 0.001) and riders seated at the back of the saddle rather than the middle (P = 0.001) were associated with higher RHpE scores. Horses wearing crank cavesson compared with cavesson nosebands had higher RHpE scores (P = 0.006). There was no difference in mouth opening, as defined by the RHpE, in horses with a noseband with the potential to restrict mouth opening, compared with a correctly fitted cavesson noseband, or no noseband. It was concluded that lameness or gait abnormalities in canter may be missed unless horses are assessed ridden.  相似文献   

A yearling Belgian Draught horse filly was presented with a history of bilateral, progressive, painful swelling of the mandible, fever and anorexia. Radiographs and computed tomographic images showed an expansile lesion with a coalescing, well‐defined cystic pattern at the level of the horizontal ramii of the mandible. The histopathological findings confirmed the diagnoses of bilateral, multiple ossifying fibroma. This report indicates that ossifying fibroma should be included in a differential diagnosis if multiple expansile lesions of the jaw are present.  相似文献   

Recurrent laryngeal neuropathy usually results in left‐sided laryngeal hemiparesis or hemiplegia and is one of the most common problems of the upper respiratory tract in equids. There are multiple methods of management, and the laryngoplasty procedure is still the most common surgical treatment. Different nonabsorbable suture materials and techniques are used for laryngoplasty. Post surgical complications are not uncommon. Of these complications, coughing is the most common. The following case report describes diagnosis and treatment of 2 horses with chronic coughing after laryngoplasty due to infection at the surgical site and laryngeal fistula formation. In both horses an elastic material (probably Lycra) had been used as part of the prosthesis implant. This material had deteriorated into multiple small pieces making removal difficult, and therefore use of this material for a laryngoplasty procedure should be avoided.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess laryngeal function in normal dogs administered isoflurane following partial clearance of alfaxalone or propofol.Study designRandomized experimental crossover study.AnimalsA group of 12 purpose-bred, male Beagle dogs.MethodsDogs were randomly assigned to one of two treatments: alfaxalone–isoflurane (ALF-ISO) or propofol–isoflurane (PRO-ISO) and anesthetized for three video laryngoscopy examinations. The alternate treatment occurred after ≥ 14 days interval. Examinations were performed after induction of anesthesia (LS-A), after 20 minutes of breathing isoflurane via a facemask (LS-B) and after a further 20 minutes of isoflurane (LS-C). Parameters of objective laryngeal function included inspiratory rima glottidis surface area (RGSA-I), expiratory rima glottidis surface area (RGSA-E) and % RGSA increase, calculated from three consecutive respiratory cycles in the final 15 seconds of each video laryngoscopy examination. The % RGSA increase was calculated using [(RGSA-I – RGSA-E)/RGSA-E] × 100. Subjective laryngeal function was evaluated independently by two experienced surgeons blinded to treatment.ResultsThe % RGSA increase within each treatment was greater for LS-B and LS-C than for LS-A (ALF-ISO: p = 0.03, PRO-ISO: p = < 0.001). There was no difference within each treatment from LS-B compared with LS-C. RGSA-I increased within each treatment from LS-A to both LS-B and LS-C (ALF-ISO: p = 0.002) and to LS-C (PRO-ISO: p = 0.006). Subjective laryngeal function scores improved from LS-A to LS-C.Conclusions and clinical relevanceLaryngeal function improved from postinduction examination following either 20 or 40 minutes of anesthesia with isoflurane via facemask. This study demonstrates that isoflurane may have a lesser effect on arytenoid abduction activity compared with more commonly used intravenous induction anesthetics (alfaxalone and propofol).  相似文献   

A lesion in the cervical region of a 14-month-old Belgian gelding with severe ataxia was suspected. Necropsy revealed symmetric focal cartilage defects compatible with osteochondrosis of the occipital condyles and atlanto-occipital dysplasia. To our knowledge this is the first equine report of symmetrical osteochondrosis of the occipital condyles causing neurologic signs.  相似文献   

Five Rottweiler puppies from 3 unrelated litters developed inspiratory stridor at 11–13 weeks of age. Physical examination disclosed tetraparesis in all dogs, and bilateral lenticular cataracts in 4 dogs. Laryngeal examination under light anesthesia showed laryngeal paralysis in all dogs. Electrodiagnostic testing revealed denervation potentials in the distal appendicular muscles of 4 dogs tested and in the intrinsic laryngeal muscles of 2 dogs tested. Motor nerve conduction velocity was slightly low in 1 dog. Neurogenic muscular atrophy was found in distal appendicular muscles (n = 3) and intrinsic laryngeal muscles (n = 2), and degenerative changes were found in peripheral nerves (n = 3) and recurrent laryngeal nerves (n = 2). No abnormalities were detected in the spinal cord, spinal nerve roots, or ganglia of 3 dogs autopsied. The clinical, electrophysiologic, and histopathologic findings support a diagnosis of polyneuropathy and resemble the finding reported in young Dalmatians. Young dogs with laryngeal paralysis should be evaluated neurologically to rule out a more generalized polyneuropathy. The condition is suspected to be hereditary in nature and the prognosis is poor.  相似文献   

Right recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN) is an uncommon, acquired disease for which the aetiology can frequently be diagnosed. Numerous aetiologies have been proposed for right‐sided RLN which comprises 2% of all cases of RLN. In this report we discuss the clinical course, treatment and outcome following right‐sided laryngeal paralysis as a complication of left‐sided prosthetic laryngoplasty in a horse. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of such a surgical complication.  相似文献   

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