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The Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, is heated to millions of degrees, considerably hotter than its surface or photosphere. Explanations for this enigma typically invoke the deposition in the corona of nonthermal energy generated by magnetoconvection. However, the coronal heating mechanism remains unknown. We used observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Hinode solar physics mission to reveal a ubiquitous coronal mass supply in which chromospheric plasma in fountainlike jets or spicules is accelerated upward into the corona, with much of the plasma heated to temperatures between ~0.02 and 0.1 million kelvin (MK) and a small but sufficient fraction to temperatures above 1 MK. These observations provide constraints on the coronal heating mechanism(s) and highlight the importance of the interface region between photosphere and corona.  相似文献   

Solar prominences are cool 10(4) kelvin plasma clouds supported in the surrounding 10(6) kelvin coronal plasma by as-yet-undetermined mechanisms. Observations from Hinode show fine-scale threadlike structures oscillating in the plane of the sky with periods of several minutes. We suggest that these represent Alfvén waves propagating on coronal magnetic field lines and that these may play a role in heating the corona.  相似文献   

Alfvén waves have been invoked as a possible mechanism for the heating of the Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, to millions of degrees and for the acceleration of the solar wind to hundreds of kilometers per second. However, Alfvén waves of sufficient strength have not been unambiguously observed in the solar atmosphere. We used images of high temporal and spatial resolution obtained with the Solar Optical Telescope onboard the Japanese Hinode satellite to reveal that the chromosphere, the region sandwiched between the solar surface and the corona, is permeated by Alfvén waves with strong amplitudes on the order of 10 to 25 kilometers per second and periods of 100 to 500 seconds. Estimates of the energy flux carried by these waves and comparisons with advanced radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations indicate that such Alfvén waves are energetic enough to accelerate the solar wind and possibly to heat the quiet corona.  相似文献   

Observations of comets in Sun-grazing orbits that survive solar insolation long enough to penetrate into the Sun's inner corona provide information on the solar atmosphere and magnetic field as well as on the makeup of the comet. On 6 July 2011, the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observed the demise of comet C/2011 N3 (SOHO) within the low solar corona in five wavelength bands in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV). The comet penetrated to within 0.146 solar radius (~100,000 kilometers) of the solar surface before its EUV signal disappeared. Before that, material released into the coma--at first seen in absorption--formed a variable EUV-bright tail. During the final 10 minutes of observation by SDO's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, ~6 × 10(8) to 6 × 10(10) grams of total mass was lost (corresponding to an effective nucleus diameter of ~10 to 50 meters), as estimated from the tail's deceleration due to interaction with the surrounding coronal material; the EUV absorption by the comet and the brightness of the tail suggest that the mass was at the high end of this range. These observations provide evidence that the nucleus had broken up into a family of fragments, resulting in accelerated sublimation in the Sun's intense radiation field.  相似文献   

Solar gravity modes have been actively sought because they directly probe the solar core (below 0.2 solar radius), but they have not been conclusively detected in the Sun because of their small surface amplitudes. Using data from the Global Oscillation at Low Frequency instrument, we detected a periodic structure in agreement with the period separation predicted by the theory for gravity dipole modes. When studied in relation to simulations including the best physics of the Sun determined through the acoustic modes, such a structure favors a faster rotation rate in the core than in the rest of the radiative zone.  相似文献   

The available compositional data on planets and satellites can be used to place stringent limits on the thermal environment in the solar nebula. The densities of the terrestrial planets, Ceres and Vesta, the Galilean satellites, and Titan; the atmospheric compositions of several of these bodies; and geochemical and geophysical data on the earth combine to define a strong dependence of formation temperature on heliocentric distance. The pressure and temperature dependences of the condensation process are separable in the sense that the variation of the deduced formation temperatures with heliocentric distance is insensitive to even very diverse assumptions regarding the pressure profile in the nebula. It is impossible to reconcile the available compositional data with any model in which the formation temperatures of these bodies are determined by radiative equilibrium with the sun, regardless of the sun's luminosity. Rather, the data support Cameron's hypothesis of a dense, convective solar nebula, opaque to solar radiation, with an adiabatic temperature-pressure profile.  相似文献   

Observations of the sun reveal highly complex flows and magnetic structures that must result from turbulent convection in the solar envelope. A remarkable degree of large-scale coherence emerges from the small-scale turbulent dynamics, as seen in the cycles of magnetic activity and in the differential rotation profile of this star. High-performance computing now permits numerical simulations of compressible turbulence and magnetohydrodynamics with sufficient resolution to show that compact structures of vorticity and magnetic fields can coexist with larger scales. Such structured turbulence is yielding transport properties for heat and angular momentum at considerable variance with earlier models. These simulations are elucidating the coupling of turbulent fluid motions with rotation and magnetic fields, which must control the interlinked differential rotation and magnetic dynamo action.  相似文献   

A realistic model involving mutual gravitation and tidal dissipation for the first time provides a detailed explanation for satellite orbit-orbit resonance capture. Although applying directly only to Saturn's satellites Titan and Hyperion, the model reveals general principles of resonance capture, evolution, and stability which seem applicable to other orbit-orbit resonances in the solar system.  相似文献   

High temperatures in the early solar nebula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Boss AP 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1988,241(4865):565-567
One fundamental controversy about terrestrial planet and asteroid formation is the discrepancy between meteoritical evidence for high temperatures (1500 K to 2000 K) in the inner solar nebula, and much lower theoretical temperature predictions on the basis of models of viscous accretion disks that neglect compressional heating of infalling gas. It is shown here that rigorous numerical calculations of the collapse of a rotating, three-dimensional presolar nebula are capable of producing temperatures on the order of 1500 K in the asteroid region (2.5 astronomical units), in either nearly axisymmetric or strongly nonaxisymmetric nebula models. The latter models may permit significant thermal cycling of solid components in the early inner solar nebula.  相似文献   

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