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This raises a fundamental question about the management, in its largest sense, of the U.S. space program and the other activities undertaken in response to the Sputnik experience. Has the whole operation represented but another highly successful one-shot exercise in crisis management, or has it represented incorporation into American society of a new way to organize, systematically and purposefully, the development and use of scientific and technological resources to the furtherance of national goals? It is too early to discern the answer to this question. But how it is answered will heavily weight any final appraisal of the comparative results of the U.S. and Soviet space programs.  相似文献   

非法、不报告、不受管制(IUU)的捕捞已成为全球渔业治理主要难题。近年来,欧美采取多种措施治理IUU捕捞,构建起较为系统的管理框架。本文从管理体系、法律框架、国际参与3个维度探析欧美在界定IUU捕捞行为、选取渔业管理模式、设立责任部门、出台相关法案、执行监管措施、提供金融服务和参与国际规制等方面的举措,以此警惕欧美以打击IUU捕捞为理由的单边主义行为,维护我国的国际权益,同时建议在我国渔业管理法规中增加打击IUU违规行为的具体条款,加强多部门协作监管"三无渔船"和参与IUU捕捞的远洋渔船,为渔民提供法律和渔业伦理培训,多管齐下构建负责任渔业大国形象。  相似文献   

分析了中外合作办学项目开展思想政治教育面临的机遇和挑战,以福建农林大学海外学院中加合作项目为例,从理念、途径、课程、优势、特色等方面研究大学生思想政治教育的模式,并阐述了中外合作办学项目开展大学生思想政治教育必须处理好的三个关系。  相似文献   

In the past 25 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has engaged in a range of cooperative activities in space with other countries and international organizations, most of the scientific interactions being with Europe. The character of U.S.-European cooperation in space science is changing as a result of the increased maturity and level of space capability which Europe is bringing to the partnership; the consequent addition of a competitive dimension to the relationship; the increasing cost of space science missions; and the relative scarcity of funds available for space science. A number of issues flow from the current situation, but in general the outlook is for continued productive cooperation between the United States and Europe in space science..  相似文献   

田径运动课程是世界各国大学体育教育中的重要内容,我国大学更是将田径作为体育教育的基础课程予以开设,但由于教育理念和教学方法等诸方面的原因,田径运动课程并没有受到学生的普遍欢迎。因此,吸取国外大学田径课程改革的成功经验,走国际化的田径课程改革方向就显得十分必要和迫切了。学习和借鉴田径课程改革中国际上的通行做法和积极进行国际间的课程交流是田径课程国际化改革的方向。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数字人文研究在国内的发展已经近十年,明确国内外数字人文研究的差异有助于国内数字人文研究的进一步开展。[方法/过程]首先通过对学科与机构合作的定量统计对比了国内外数字人文研究中各学科参与度、机构合作模式的差异。针对存在的差异,利用CiteSpace中的共被引聚类、突现检测、双图叠加等功能,以图谱为线索介绍了国外数字人文研究的研究进展。[结果/结论]国内外数字人文研究的主要差异在于国内外计算机、人文学科的参与程度。结合CiteSpace的共被引聚类功能,确定了国际数字人文研究中计算机学科的7个类群和两个研究主题,人文学科中的五个类群和两个研究主题。通过对两学科共被引网络的双图叠加,发现国际数字人文研究中计算机学科和人文学科的合作相对较少,前者较为先进的技术未能较快融入后者的研究中。综上,笔者提倡国内计算机和人文学科深入参与数字人文研究中,并应注重加强数字人文基础学科与应用学科之间的合作。  相似文献   

发展国际科技交流工作有助于引进国外先进的技术、管理方法以及智力资源,加快科研单位业务水平的发展。根据当前农业科研单位的特点和发展现状,结合河北省农林科学院开展对外交流工作的实践,提出了进一步推进农业科研单位发展国际科技交流的几点思考。  相似文献   

外事管理工作对于农业科研单位而言,既是加强国际交流与合作的桥梁,又是吸收国外先进农业技术、管理经验的重要渠道之一。文章阐述了丹东农业科学院外事管理工作取得的成效,分析了农业科研单位外事管理工作存在的问题,并针对问题提出了解决对策,在此基础上,进一步提出了建立并完善外事管理规章制度、积极开展多领域的对外交往活动、促进面向国际市场的科研成果转化等促进农业科研单位外事管理水平提升的建议。  相似文献   

国际合作是热带农业科研单位科技活动中不可或缺的组成部分,在新时期起着越来越重要的作用。从分析热带农业科研单位国际合作管理、服务工作的特点出发,结合自身工作实际,提出加强国际合作效能建设和提升国际合作服务水平的有效措施。  相似文献   

国际化水平已成为当前衡量科研院所整体发展水平的重要指标之一,国际合作是江苏省农业科学院建设高水平国际化现代科研院所的重点工作,是提升科研院所国际学术地位和国际影响力的重要抓手,"一带一路"倡议的实施赋予了国际合作新的内涵,提供了更多更广的合作机遇和空间.但各学科因其定位或特性的原因,在国际合作工作开展方面存在较大差异,...  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,181(4105):1148-1149
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) president Philip Handler has made public a cable to his opposite number in the Soviet Union expressing the "deep concern" of the NAS Council for the welfare of dissenting Soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov and warning that, if further measures were taken against Sakharov, "it would be extremely difficult to imagine successful fulfillment of American pledges of binational scientific cooperation . . . ." Handler's message is the strongest public expression to date of NAS concern over treatment of Soviet scientists and other intellectuals (Science, 6 April). The cable, addressed to M. V. Keldysh, president of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, is given in full below.  相似文献   

泰戈尔在年逾六旬之后开始绘画,在13年左右的时间内创作了两三千幅作品,他的画具有很高的艺术价值,但其画作神秘晦涩的风格、幽暗混沌的色调,以及其中体现出来的痛苦、嘲笑、怀疑、挣扎,引发了对作品含义的争议,以及对泰戈尔诗歌与绘画孰优孰劣的论争。根据泰戈尔对艺术的理解和论述,诗歌与绘画均是其对世界认知的一种表现手段,二者都是泰戈尔充沛的创作生命力的体现。诗歌的优美,与画作中的痛苦并不矛盾。从整体来看,二者都是符合泰戈尔“和谐”与“美”之标准的、具有韵律的作品。  相似文献   

The accompanying article of Horo witz et al. concluded with the view that the COSPAR recommendations re garding Mars should be adjusted to re flect new environmental information. Specifically, it was concluded that viable terrestrial microorganisms which are transported to Mars inside solid components in sealed spaces have a low probability of being released to the sur face or atmosphere, and that, if any are released, they are not likely to in fect the planet. We suggest, in addition, that both the COSPAR recommenda tions and U.S. planetary quarantine policy should be altered to take into account past and continuing Soviet prac tice regarding the. exploration of Mars and Venus. No amount of analysis by COSPAR, or of costly, self-imposed restrictions by the U.S. on its own planetary exploration program, can reduce the probability of contamination of either Venus or Mars below what the Soviets have already made it, or will make it as they continue their large planetary effort. All that U.S. policy can accomplish is to insure that U.S. efforts do not significantly increase the probability above that level. Any rec ommended policy which would require the U.S. to apply significantly more stringent restrictions is illogical in that, in effect, the U.S. would be asked to increase greatly the cost and complexity of its planetary program without achieving any significant reduction in the probability of actual contamination. There exists some parallelism be tween the problem of planetary quaran tine and that of radioactive fallout from atmospheric nuclear testing, al though the desirable solution to the quarantine problem is not merely to stop all activity. Both are multilateral problems, and individual national policy necessarily must reflect the policy of other nations. Thus, the real questions that must be faced by COSPAR, and by the U.S., are, (i) What is the prob able number of viable terrestrial micro organisms alreadyr transported to Venus and to Mars? and (ii) What is the to tal number to be expected in the next decade or so from foreseeable Soviet efforts alone? Then COSPAR can rec ommend, and the U.S. can decide, that the total U.S. contribution should be equal to some specified fraction of the total present and future Soviet contribu tion. This approach in turn suggests that every effort should be made to induce the Soviets to supply additional de tails on the Zond 2 and Venus 3 mis sion and trajectory and, particularly, on the procedure used for sterilizing the components and assembly of both space craft. With such information, the proba ble number of viable terrestrial microor ganisms deposited on Venus and Mars could be estimated well enough to per mit a. realistic quantitative analysis of what U.S. policy and practice should be. However, if more complete informa tion on Soviet practice cannot be ob tained, then, it seems to us, the U.S. has no logical alternative but to per mit greater engineering freedom in lander delivery technique and to ac cept gaseous and other nonthermal sterilization procedures, where neces sary, in its own program. By relying on the demonstrated U.S. spacecraft reliability to insure that the U.S. con tribution to planetary contamination will remain significantly less than the Soviet contribution, we could reduce significantly the cost and time required to carry out serious scientific investiga tions of the surfaces of Venus and Mars.  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金立项统计与分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
文章通过对2006~2008年国家自然科学基金立项统计分析,可以看出,高等院校是获得项目的主体,不但承担着培养科技人才的重任,同时也肩负着科技创新,完成国家基础科学研究的任务;通过对农业高等院校与农业科研部门的立项排序,初步看出不同单位间基础研究实力的差异,显示出中国农业科学院在农业基础研究领域处于遥遥领先的地位。结合统计分析结果,提出重视基础研究,注重人才培养,加强国际交流与合作等争取国家自然科学基金项目的建议。  相似文献   

A worldwide initiative in structural genomics aims to capitalize on the recent successes of the genome projects. Substantial new investments in structural genomics in the past 2 years indicate the high level of support for these international efforts. Already, enormous progress has been made on high-throughput methodologies and technologies that will speed up macromolecular structure determinations. Recent international meetings have resulted in the formation of an International Structural Genomics Organization to formulate policy and foster cooperation between the public and private efforts.  相似文献   

介绍加强椰子科技国际合作交流的背景及中国椰子科技国际合作概况,分析中国椰子产业缺乏具有国际竞争和科技含量高的椰子深加工产品,缺乏高层次椰子科技国际合作交流的人才,缺乏与国外科研机构合作开发较大的椰子产业的科研项目等我国椰子科技国际合作存在的问题,针对以上问题对中国椰子科技国际合作交流的进一步发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、实地访谈等研究方法,对广州地区来华留学生体育活动现状及发展过程中存在的问题进行了研究。结果表明,留学生主要以自娱自乐为锻炼目的,锻炼动机处于中等强度水平,锻炼时间基本达到健身要求,主要选择在校内参加一些较为普及的竞技体育项目,对中华民族传统体育项目有浓厚兴趣。各高校比较重视留学生体育工作,但在实际工作中存在管理与保障不到位。据此提出发展对策:重视留学生教育,完善留学生体育工作的管理体制与机制;不断加强留学生体育锻炼的组织保障工作,促进留学生跨文化适应;加强宣传,营造留学生体育活动互动平台,增强归属感。  相似文献   

加强国际合作交流,促进外事工作快速发展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
结合黑龙江省农业科学院近年来开展国际科技合作和交流工作的实践,阐明了农业科研单位加强国际合作交流的重大意义。针对本院外事工作中存在的问题,提出了解决对策,以期对完善黑龙江省农业科学院外事工作具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

空冷器是压气站的重要工艺设备之一,具有保护输气管道安全、提高输气效率的功能。常用的空冷器设置方案有集中后空冷方案和单机后空冷方案,但对于输气管道压气站场,选择何种方案设置空冷器,在以往的设计文件中鲜有提及。对比了国内外相关标准规范对两种空冷器设置方案的规定,分析了两种空冷器设置方案的影响因素。以中俄东线输气管道为例,对两种空冷器的设置方案进行定性和定量分析,通过经济比选可知,单机后空冷方案略优,且控制更为灵活,为此确定中俄管道采用单机后空冷的设置方案。最后对空冷器设置方案提出建议,以供相关设计人员、运行单位参考。  相似文献   

以国际合作为重要抓手 促进农业科技事业发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章结合四川省农业科学院多年以来在国际科技合作中的实践,分析了国际合作在引进国外智力、消化吸收先进的科学知识与技术、培养人才、开展合作研究与交流等方面对提升农业科研单位综合科技创新能力与成果转化能力的作用与影响,总结了通过开展国际科技合作提升国内农业科研单位科技实力的成功做法与经验,以期为农业科研单位开展国际科技合作提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

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