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Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) was toxic to pregnant ewes and their fetuses when fed during gestation days 30 through 60. Maternal effects included trembling, muscular weakness in the neck initially, then progressing to the limbs, ataxia, frequent urination and defecation, and death. Convulsive seizures were not observed. Fetotoxic effects included excessive flexure of the carpal joints with lateral deviation in the front limbs and kinked tails. At term, 7 of 11 lambs had varying degrees of the limb abnormalities, but all lambs appeared clinically normal at 8 weeks after parturition.  相似文献   

A A Frank  W M Reed 《Avian diseases》1990,34(2):433-437
Coniine, an alkaloid of Conium maculatum (poison hemlock), was administered by gavage to immature chickens, quails, and turkeys at 0, 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg body weight. At 25 mg coniine/kg body weight, clinical signs were observed only in quails (2/10) and consisted of excitement, depression, hypermetria, seizures, opisthotonos, and flaccid paralysis. Chickens (9/10) and quails (8/10) dosed at 50 mg/kg body weight were affected, and several birds of each species died (2/10 and 5/10, respectively). Turkeys (7/10) were affected only when dosed at 100 mg/kg body weight, and quails (6/10), turkeys (4/10), and chickens (10/10) died at this dose. There were no gross or microscopic lesions. Coniine was detected in skeletal muscle and liver of birds dying after ingestion and was present in some survivors 7 days post-treatment.  相似文献   

Skeletal malformations were induced in newborn pigs from gilts fed Conium maculatum seed or plant during gestation days 43 through 53 and 51 through 61. The teratogenic effects in groups dosed during gestation days 43 through 53 were more severe than those in groups dosed during the later period, with many newborn pigs showing arthrogryposis and twisted and malaligned bones in the limbs and with 1 pig showing scoliosis and deformity of the thoracic cage. The pigs born to gilts given C maculatum during gestation days 51 through 61 had excessive flexure primarily in the carpal joints, without scoliosis or bone malalignment in the limbs. The teratogenicity of poison hemlock depends on the alkaloid concentration and content. Based on the data presented, we speculate that gamma-coniceine is the teratogenic alkaloid in the poison hemlock fed to the gilts.  相似文献   

Cleft palates were induced in newborn pigs of gilts fed Conium maculatum seed or plant during gestation days 30 through 45. Twelve of 23 newborn pigs born to 3 gilts given Utah-grown C maculatum seed and 9 of 12 newborn pigs born to a single gilt given the fresh Utah spring-growth C maculatum plant had cleft palates. The cleft palates ranged from a unilateral cleft, involving only 1 side of the palate, to a full bilateral cleft. Brachygnathia was also observed in some of these newborn pigs with cleft palate. Other malformations were not observed. Chemical analysis of seed and plant samples indicated that gamma-coniceine was the responsible teratogenic alkaloid. A daily dose of plant or seed that provided greater than or equal to 1.07 mg of gamma-coniceine/kg of body weight fed to gilts during the 30th through the 45th day of pregnancy resulted in teratogenic effects.  相似文献   

Cattle in two herds developed signs of bloating, increased salivation and lacrimation, depression, respiratory distress, ataxia, and death after ingestion of hay that contained large amounts of poison hemlock (Conium maculatum). Twenty of 30 Angus cows and calves were affected in the first herd (2 died). In the second herd, 5 of 30 Holstein heifers were affected (1 died). The Conium alkaloids, coniine and gamma-coniceine, were quantified in the hay, the plants from the responsible hayfield, and the urine of affected animals.  相似文献   

Aldicarb toxicosis was diagnosed in 200 sheep that died suddenly. Carbamate insecticide toxicosis was suspected based on observed clinical signs (hypersalivation, diarrhea, urination, paddling, seizures, miosis, and deaths occurring within 1 hour). Tissue samples were submitted from 4 Columbian ewes for pathologic and analytical evaluation. Severe diffuse pulmonary edema was observed on gross and histologic examination. Inhibition of cholinesterase activity in retina (21.2-68.1% of normal activity, n = 3), brain (40.6-45.6% of normal activity, n = 3), and whole blood (27% of normal activity, n = 1) supported a diagnosis of carbamate toxicosis. Reversal of brain and whole blood cholinesterase activities (reactivation factor greater than 1.4) following an in vitro 1 hour incubation at 37 C was also consistent with carbamate poisoning. Aldicarb toxicosis was confirmed following its detection in rumen contents at 1.5, 5.5, and 334 ppm using both high-pressure liquid chromatography with UV detection and gas chromatography with nitrogen/phosphorus detection.  相似文献   

Vitamin A toxicosis has recently been recognized as a concern for granivorous birds such as cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) and nectarivorous birds such as lorikeets. Such birds have little exposure to performed vitamin A in their wild diet, relying on carotene conversion to supply their vitamin A needs. Multiple clinical problems arose in a lorikeet flock when excessive vitamin A supplementation was used.  相似文献   

Selenium supplementation by injection is a common practice. Acute toxicosis from dosaging errors may occur. In this report, 23 of 56 ewes and all 24 lambs injected with selenium died. Tissue, whole blood, and serum concentrations aided in the diagnosis. Caution should be taken when supplementing selenium by injection.  相似文献   

犬鼠药中毒的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬鼠药中毒主要是因灭鼠时,犬误食灭鼠毒饵或被毒鼠药污染的饲料和饮水,以及因吞食被灭鼠药毒死的老鼠或家禽尸体而发生的中毒性疾病。灭鼠药种类繁多,大致分为抗凝血类(如敌鼠、华法令)、无机磷类  相似文献   

Cottonseed meal (CSM) that contained a high concentration of free gossypol was inadvertently used as a protein supplement, without appropriate iron supplementation, for a swine herd in Illinois. Fifty percent of 300 grower and finishing swine died, and an additional 20% became ill during a 4- to 6-week period. Clinical signs included respiratory distress and abdominal distention. At necropsy, the hearts were diffusely pale, flaccid, and rounded because of dilatation of all 4 chambers, the livers were large and congested, and hydropericardium, hydrothorax, and ascites were evident. Histologic changes consisted of diffuse myocardial fiber atropy with perinuclear vacuolation, and multifocal myocardial and skeletal muscle necrosis. Changes in the liver included marked centrilobular congestion, loss of hepatocytes, and fatty degeneration. Differential diagnoses included monensin, selenium, and gossypol toxicoses, and vitamin E/selenium deficiency. Analyzed feed samples did not contain monensin. Feed selenium concentrations ranged from 428 to 1,513 micrograms/kg, and iron concentrations from 160 to 180 mg/kg. Cottonseed meal (3 to 10%) was detected by feed microscopy. A sample of the 40% protein supplement contained 19% CSM and 1,300 mg of free gossypol/kg, whereas feed samples contained 200 to 400 mg of free gossypol/kg. The history, clinical signs, pathologic findings, and feed analyses were compatible with a diagnosis of gossypol toxicosis. Cottonseed meal, a high-protein supplement used widely in southern United States, may contain gossypol (a polyphenolic binaphthalene pigment), which in its free form is especially toxic to simple-stomached animals. If CSM is used, supplementation with ferrous sulfate is recommended at a 1:1 weight ratio with free gossypol, up to 400 mg of FeSO4/kg.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe successful treatment of third-degree atrioventricular (AV) block using temporary noninvasive transthoracic pacing and placement of a permanent transvenous pacemaker in a case of suspected lily-of-the-valley ( Convallaria majalis ) intoxication in a dog.
Case summary: A 2-year-old neutered male Beagle weighing 17.8 kg was presented to the emergency service for treatment of bradycardia, vomiting, and lethargy. An electrocardiogram revealed third-degree AV block that was nonresponsive to atropine. Ten hours after admission, the dog became obtunded. Treatment initially consisted of temporary noninvasive transthoracic pacing and eventually placement of a permanent transvenous pacemaker. The initial history did not suggest that the dog had access to any known cardiotoxins. However, C. majalis , which contains cardiac glycosides, was identified within the dog's environment and the dog's serum did contain digoxin or an immunologically cross-reactive compound.
New or unique information provided: This is the first reported successful management of C. majalis toxicosis in a dog. Temporary noninvasive transthoracic pacing was used in the management of this case as a safe and effective bridge to permanent pacemaker implantation.  相似文献   

Because of an episode of abortion caused by a tetracycline-resistant Campylobacter jejuni, lincomycin was mixed into a barley pellet and fed to 3,000 range ewes at a dosage of 225 mg/ewe/day. After the second feeding, a number of ewes were anorectic and diarrheic, and 6 were dead. Necropsies revealed congestion and hemorrhage of the entire gastrointestinal tract. The feeding of the medicated pellets was discontinued immediately. Sick ewes were treated with antihistamines and corticosteroids, but they did not recover, and many died during the next several weeks. Lambs born within the first 7 days after the incident were alert and vigorous. Dams did not produce milk and many died during or after parturition. Later, however, lambs were born dead or weak, and abortions of autolyzed lambs began. Affected ewes examined 3 weeks later had salmonellosis and/or toxic tubular nephrosis associated with an oxalate-like crystal. The flock had been grazed on range infested with Halogeton glomeratus just before treatment with lincomycin, and it also had a history of Salmonella-related abortions. The deaths finally ceased after a month. Approximately 2,000 ewes and 3,200 lambs were lost, resulting in an economic loss of $550,000.  相似文献   

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