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Atrazine and metolachlor degradation in subsoils   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Degradation of atrazine [2-chloro-4-etylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine] and metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)-acetamide] in sterile and non-sterile soil samples collected at two different soil depths (0-20 and 80-110 cm) and incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions was studied. Under aerobic conditions, the half-life of atrazine in non-sterile surface soil was 49 days. In non-sterile subsoil, the half-life of atrazine (119 days) was increased by 2.5 times compared in surface soils and was not statistically different from half-lives in sterile soils (115 and 110 days in surface soil and subsoil, respectively). Metolachlor degradation occurred only in non-sterile surface soil, with a half-life of 37 days. Under anaerobic conditions, atrazine degradation was markedly slower than under aerobic conditions, with a half-life of 124 and 407 days in non-sterile surface soil and non-sterile subsoil, respectively. No significant difference was found in atrazine degradation in both sterile surface soil (693 days) and subsoil (770 days). Under anaerobic conditions, degradation of metolachlor was observed only in non-sterile surface soil. Results suggest that atrazine degraded both chemically and biologically, while metolachlor degraded only biologically. In addition, observed Eh values of soil samples incubated under anaerobic conditions suggest a significant involvement of soil microorganisms in the overall degradation process of atrazine under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

山区复杂的下垫面条件导致了山区小流域水文响应过程的复杂性,山区坡面作为山区小流域水文响应的基本单元,研究其不同下垫面条件下径流产沙水动力特征具有重要意义。为明晰山区坡面不同下垫面条件下径流水沙水动力特征,该研究选用官山河小流域作为研究对象,基于室内模拟递增式连续降雨试验方法,研究了坡度、土层厚度分布和土层底部透水性等山区坡面下垫面特性共同作用下的坡面径流产沙水动力学特征。结果表明:1)连续降雨条件下,雷诺数、水流剪切力和径流功率随着产流时间和雨强增加呈现增加趋势,Darcy-Weisbach阻力系数呈降低趋势。2)雨强增加使雷诺数均值和径流功率均值显著增加(P<0.05),设计雨强60、90、120 mm/h时的雷诺数均值、径流功率均值分别比30 mm/h的雷诺数均值、径流功率均值增加了130%、276%、366%和171%、328%、435%;坡度增加使水流剪切力均值和径流功率均值显著增加(P<0.05),坡度15°、25°的水流剪切力均值分别比坡度5°的增加了135%和187%,坡度15°、25°的径流功率均值分别比坡度5°的均值增加了224%和357%;土层厚度分布对阻力系数 均值和土层底部透水的雷诺数均值、径流功率均值有显著影响(P<0.05),土层底部透水性仅对土层厚度分布为上薄下厚的雷诺数均值和水流剪切力均值有显著影响(P<0.05)。3)雨强是影响坡面产流产沙水动力特征的主导因素,对雷诺数的方差贡献率高达83.11%,水流剪切力主要受到雨强和坡度的影响,累计贡献率达67.64%,径流功率主要受到雨强和坡度的影响,累计贡献率达80.58%。在单一雨强条件下,坡度和土层厚度分布是影响水动力参数的主要因素,土层厚度分布和坡度的交互作用、土层底部透水性和土层厚度分布的交互作用对水动力参数也有一定影响。因此,在研究坡面产流产沙规律时,除考虑雨强和坡度外,还应兼顾考虑土层厚度分布和土层底部透水性及其交互作用的影响。该研究结果可为山区坡面复杂下垫面条件下的坡面产流产沙机理提供一定的理论支撑,并为改进山区小流域水文过程分布式模拟提供参数率定依据。  相似文献   

Urbanization of watersheds previously managed for agricultural uses results in hydrologic changes associated with increased flooding and erosion. Few studies have been conducted to quantify these effects under controlled conditions and standard rainfall simulation methodologies have not been previously established. In this study, a laboratory rainfall simulation procedure was developed and utilized to evaluate hydrologic and sheet erosional responses to various configurations of impervious surface cover at the small scale. Runoff and sediment losses from a sloped (5%) cascade of soil boxes having 50% impervious cover located at the top of the slope or at the bottom of the slope, or having 0% impervious cover were measured. Results indicate that the 50% upslope impervious treatment generated sediment at 3–5 times the rate of the 50% downslope impervious treatment. Upslope impervious cover resulted in initially lower water runoff rates than channel development, but this effect narrowed or reversed with continued rainfall. These results suggest that upslope impervious surfaces may represent a larger total on-site erosion risk than equivalent impervious surfaces located at lower positions along the slope, especially under high antecedent soil moisture and/or high intensity rainfall.  相似文献   

南方红壤区坡面次降雨产流产沙特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究坡面次降雨土壤入渗及产流产沙特征,对于坡地水土流失防治及水土资源管理利用具有重要意义.基于广东省五华县水土保持试验推广站野外径流场2014年的观测数据,研究不同下垫面条件下坡面入渗及产流产沙特征.次降雨入渗量与地表植被盖度间存在显著相关关系(P <0.05,R=0.95).入渗量随降雨强度增加,呈先增后减的变化趋势,存在入渗量达最大值的临界降雨强度;人工林及灌草地临界降雨强度为19.9 ~ 27.8 mm/h,均高于自然撂荒地.次降雨径流深和土壤流失量与地表植被盖度间,存在显著负相关关系(P<0.05),相关系数超过0.9.土壤侵蚀率随径流系数呈幂函数增加趋势,径流中泥沙浓度随径流系数、降雨侵蚀力呈对数函数增加趋势,土壤流失量随降雨侵蚀力及次降雨径流深均呈线性递增趋势.次降雨径流深20 mm为土壤流失量变化拐点,径流深超过20 mm后,土壤流失量随径流深递增速率较快.  相似文献   

Application of crop residues to soil and reduced or no tillage are current management practices in order to achieve better water management, increase soil fertility, crop production and soil erosion control. This study was carried out to quantify the effect of wheat straw mulching in a no tilled Fluvisol under semi-arid conditions in SW Spain and to determine the optimum rate in terms of cost and soil protection. After a 3-years experiment, mulching application significantly improved physical and chemical properties of the studied soil with respect to control, and the intensity of changes was related to mulching rate. The organic matter content was generally increased, although no benefit was found beyond 10 Mg ha1 year1. Bulk density, porosity and aggregate stability were also improved with increasing mulching rates, which confirmed the interactions of these properties. Low mulching rates did not have a significant effect on water properties with respect to control, although the available water capacity increased greatly under high mulching rates. After simulated rainfall experiments (65 mm h1 intensity), it was found that the mulch layer contributed to increase the roughness and the interception of raindrops, delaying runoff generation and enhancing the infiltration of rain water during storms. Mulching contributed to a reduction in runoff generation and soil losses compared to bare soil, and negligible runoff flow or sediment yield were determined under just 5 Mg ha1 year1 mulching rate. It was observed that during simulations, the erosive response quickly decreases with time after prolonged storms (30 min) due to the exhaustion of available erodible particles. These results suggest that the erosive consequences of intermediate intensity 5-years-recurrent storms in the studied area could be strongly diminished by using just 5 Mg ha1 year1 mulching rates.  相似文献   

降雨-径流条件下土壤溶质迁移过程模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过雨滴的打击加速土壤表面溶质迁移至地表径流过程。通过设计3种水文条件即控制排水状态(-5 cm)、土壤水分饱和状态和土壤渗流状态(5 cm),采用人工模拟3种降雨强度(30、60和90 mm/h),及同时外加模拟相对于降雨量的0、2、4和10倍径流量,研究土壤溶质迁移到地表径流过程中扩散过程的规律。试验结果表明降雨强度、或地表径流总量、或地表水位线的增加,均加速土壤溶质的扩散过程。渗流作用下,对流-扩散作用存在着一种交互作用,能加速分子扩散过程。土壤溶质迁移过程同降雨强度、地表径流量和地下水位高低有着重要关系。  相似文献   

条块分割、田埂密集是海河平原农田的典型特征,科学认知田埂作用下的农田产流规律对解析平原区水循环演变过程至关重要。目前,流域尺度的农田产流规律的研究较少,关于降雨特征-田埂高度-农田产流三者之间的影响关系还不明晰,田埂作用下的农田产流规律是平原区水循环演变解析的薄弱环节。该研究基于CMOPRH遥感降水数据产品分析了海河平原场次降雨特征,并以Smith & Parlange入渗模型为核心构建农田积水产流模型,模拟海河平原降雨-产流过程。结果表明:1)海河平原场次降雨总量以小于25 mm为主,占降雨总场次的95%,10 h以内的场次降雨占比为96%,降雨总量和降雨强度由东北部向西北部递减;2)在2008-2019年降雨条件下,模拟无田埂、10 cm田埂、12 cm田埂、15 cm田埂四种情景的农田年均产流量,结果分别为62.4亿m3/a、19.7亿m3/a、13.1亿m3/a、5亿m3/a;3)田埂高度已知的条件下,降雨历时和降雨强度是影响农田产流的关键因素,以降雨历时为横坐标、降雨强度为纵坐标,可以通过拟合反比例函数曲线划分一场降雨是否产流;4)根据海河平原历史农田面积变化估算,2000年海河平原农田产流量相对1979年减少10.2亿m3,2016年农田产流量相对2000年减少5.1亿m3。该研究定量解析了降雨特征、田埂高度对农田产流的影响,为解析海河平原区地表水资源衰减原因提供了重要的规律认知。  相似文献   

Data on surface runoff and soil loss on gentle slopes with vineyards are analysed. Using a rainfall simulator, 22 rainstorms with varied intensities from 30 to 117.5 mm h−1 and return periods from 2 to 127 years were reproduced. The experimental plots were installed on vineyards planted in straight rows and oriented with the slope direction having a mean gradient of 3.8°. The texture of soils was loamy, with a very heterogeneous surface gravel cover. Values of measured surface runoff varied from 7.2 mm h−1 for low rainfall intensities (30 mm h−1) and short return periods (2 years) to 41.9 mm h−1 with simulation experiments of higher rainfall intensity (104 mm h−1) and long return periods (68 years). Runoff increased linearly with rainfall intensity resulting in soil losses that also increased with rainfall intensity (18.2 g m−2 h−1 with storms of 30 mm h−1, and 93.2 g m−2 h−1 with storms of 104 mm h−1); however, r2 explains only 36% of the variance. It was necessary to add other factors to improve the coefficient of determination (0.74; p = 0.001) and the predictive function of the equation. These variables were rainfall intensity, kinetic energy of the storm, runoff, soil resistance to drop detachment, surface gravel cover, and gradient. The equation obtained was validated with the USLE-M. In comparison with similar experiments in other regions, the results obtained for soil loss were very moderate, especially those caused by rainstorms of intermediate and low intensity.  相似文献   

There are few studies that relate the timing and amounts of pesticide washoff from plant foliage during rainfall to runoff losses at the edge of the field. We hypothesized that foliar deposits, if washed onto the soil slowly during rainfall, may then undergo less leaching during the period of infiltration that occurs prior to soil saturation and runoff, thus exhibiting larger runoff losses than pesticides on/in the soil at the beginning of rain. We measured the runoff of ethalfluralin, metolachlor, chlorothalonil, and rhodamine WT dye using simulated rainfall on 450 m2 mesoplots planted in peanut. Ethalfluralin was applied preplant incorporated, and metolachlor was applied preemergence on bare soil. Chlorothalonil and rhodamine WT were applied to the peanut canopy at maturity. Rainfall was simulated 24 h after each chemical application (in May and July, 1998, and May and August, 1999) using raindrop sprinklers, applying 5.5 +/- 0.5 cm over a 2 h period to create reasonable worst-case conditions; between 3 and 9 mm of runoff was generated. Volume-weighted average concentrations of chemicals in runoff were 7, 104, 163, and 179 ug L(-1) for ethalfluralin, metolachlor, chlorothalonil, and rhodamine WT, respectively. The total amounts of chemicals lost in the runoff events were 0.04 +/- 0.01, 0.2 +/- 0.1, 0.6 +/- 0.5, and 0.2 +/- 0.1, as percents of amounts applied, respectively. Rhodamine WT formed a vivid red solution on wetting and provided visual clues to the dynamics of chemical washoff/runoff. The washoff from rain-exposed peanut foliage appeared to be complete within a few minutes of the beginning of rainfall, and disappearance of dye from rain-exposed soil surface occurred within the first 10 min of rainfall. However, dye was present in runoff water at near-constant concentrations throughout the 2 h runoff event, indicating that near-constant amounts of chemical remained in the soil extraction zone. These results confirm earlier studies showing that soil incorporation at application significantly reduces runoff losses and that a majority of foliar residues can be washable if rainfall occurs within a few days after application. Runoff losses of foliar-applied pesticides were small relative to washoff amounts but were sensitive to runoff timing relative to washoff.  相似文献   

降雨条件下地表糙度对片蚀的影响及其变化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了进一步明确地表糙度在片蚀过程中的效应,该文通过室内人工模拟降雨的方法,就场降雨和连续降雨条件下,地表糙度对片蚀的影响及其变化进行了研究。结果表明,场降雨条件下,实施人为管理措施坡面的径流与产沙量均低于对照坡面;在雨强0.67 mm/min条件下,随地表糙度的增加,径流量与侵蚀量呈先减小、后趋于稳定的变化趋势;而在雨强1.63 mm/min条件下,随地表糙度的增加,径流量与产沙量却呈一直减小的变化趋势。在雨强0.67 mm/min条件下,耙耱地、人工掏挖和等高耕作坡面的地表糙度均呈减小的变化趋势,而人工锄耕坡面的地表糙度呈增加的变化趋势;在雨强1.63 mm/min条件下,人工掏挖和等高耕作坡面的地表糙度呈减小的变化趋势,人工锄耕、耙耱地坡面的地表糙度却呈增加的变化趋势;对照坡面地表糙度的变化,与耙耱地相反。连续降雨条件下,在前二次降雨作用下,坡面的径流量与产沙量随地表糙度的增加而逐渐减小,且均低于对照坡面;在第三次降雨条件下,径流与侵蚀产沙量变化较为复杂,且实施人为管理措施坡面均高于对照坡面。不同降雨条件下,实施人为管理措施坡面地表糙度对片蚀具有一定的抑制效应,且坡面片蚀的发展与地表糙度间的变化表现出相应的互动作用。该文研究结果为揭示地表糙度的侵蚀特征提供了一定的理论依据,同时也为黄土高原坡耕地的水土流失治理奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

室内小流域降雨产流过程试验   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
该研究采用新型的小水流流量自动观测系统,在室内小流域模型上进行了不变雨强和变雨强模拟降雨试验,实时观测了模型流域各沟道的产流过程。试验进行了不同降雨强度(25、50、75、120mm/h)和不同降雨历时(5、10、15min)组合的12次降雨试验,同时进行了30-70mm/h和70-30-70mm/h的变雨强降雨试验。在不变雨强的条件下,仪器与人工测量所得稳定流量的最大平均相对误差仅为2.02%。测量得到的流量过程线呈现出起流、稳定和退水3个明显的阶段。其中,起流和退水过程涨落的剧烈程度、稳定阶段的流量大小随雨强增大而增大,稳定阶段的持续时间与降雨历时成正比。空间上,主沟出口的产流过程明显滞后于支沟出口的产流过程,且其两者之间具有一致的流量过程。在变雨强的情况下,流量过程线没有稳定的阶段,流量随雨强变化而变化。该研究对于深入理解流域产流过程具有重要意义,可为相关的模型研究提供可靠的试验支持。  相似文献   

A study was carried out in a loamy soil to evaluate the degradation of atrazine and metolachlor under laboratory-controlled and field-variable conditions as a function of temperature and soil moisture content. In laboratory trials, metolachlor showed fast degradation, with half-lives from 100 to 5.7 days in a temperature range from 5 to 35 degrees C at 100% of field capacity, whereas in the same conditions the degradation rate of atrazine was relatively slow, with half-lives from 407 to 23 days. Modeling of laboratory degradation data to predict field persistence was carried out. Field persistence of atrazine and metolachlor was measured in the same soil during the corn growing seasons in 1993, 1994, and 1996. In the three years the mean half-dissipation times for atrazine and metolachlor were 36 and 21 days, respectively. Calculations from model equations gave acceptable prediction of field dissipation of both herbicides. Limitations and perspectives of employed modelization procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

降雨条件下耕作方式对地表糙度的溅蚀效应   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
地表糙度是影响坡耕地土壤侵蚀的主要因素之一,为了进一步明确耕作方式对地表糙度的侵蚀效应,该文通过室内人工模拟降雨的方法,就单雨强与组合雨强条件下耕作方式对溅蚀的作用以及地表糙度的变化进行了研究。结果表明,从对照坡面,经耙耱地、人工锄耕、人工掏挖到等高耕作方式的坡面,在雨强0.62 mm/min条件下,不同耕作方式坡面向上坡溅蚀量呈先增加再减小的变化,向下坡和总溅蚀量均呈先增加再减小最后增加的变化;除耙耱地外,其他耕作方式坡面的地表糙度呈减小的变化。在雨强1.53 mm/min条件下,不同耕作方式坡面向上坡、向下坡和总溅蚀量均呈先增加再减小最后增加的变化;地表糙度与对照坡面相反,均呈增加的变化。组合雨强条件下,随降雨强度的增加,耙耱地总溅蚀量与地表糙度呈一直增加的变化趋势;其他耕作方式下,随降雨强度的增加,坡面总溅蚀量呈先增加后减小的变化趋势,地表糙度却呈先减小后增大的变化。这为揭示地表糙度的侵蚀特征提供了一定的理论依据,同时也可服务于黄土高原坡耕地的水土流失治理。  相似文献   

A field study was undertaken to investigate runoff and leaching loss of the herbicide pendimethalin in turfgrass land of loamy sand soil. A series of plots constructed in a golf course fairway were surface-applied with pendimethalin SC formulation at the rate of 2. 25 or 4.50 kg a.i./ha and subjected to simulated rainfall at 2.0 cm/day for 10 consecutive days. Runoff losses of pendimethalin were the highest at the first rainfall and then gradually decreased with time. The first runoff event contained pendimethalin in its highest concentration, and in subsequent runoff samples the concentration decreased exponentially. The ranges of pendimethalin concentration were 80.9-18.2 and 177.4-48.6 microgram/L in the standard and double doses, respectively. Total losses by 20 cm of rainfall for 10 days reached 0.81 and 1.22% of the initial deposits at 2.25 and 4.50 kg a. i./ha, respectively. Pendimethalin concentration in the leachate collected at 30-cm soil depth was quite lower than that in the runoff, and the concentration rapidly decreased from 4.3-4.7 to 0. 2-0.4 microgram/L during the 10 days of rainfall treatment. Soil residue analysis at 45 and 90 days after pendimethalin treatment showed that more than 90% of the residue remained at the top 10 cm of soil depth. Low runoff and leaching confirmed that lateral and downward movement of the herbicide should be limited in turf soil. The half-life of pendimethalin under field conditions was 23-30 days and was not affected by application dose and rainfall treatment, but longer persistence was observed under laboratory conditions. Considering low runoff and leaching, as well as relatively short persistence in soil, it is concluded that little environmental carryover of pendimethalin would be expected in turfgrass land.  相似文献   

The effect of alternate rainfall scenarios on acidification of a forested watershed subjected to chronic acidic deposition was assessed using the model of acidification of groundwater in catchments (MAGIC). The model was calibrated at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, near Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. using measured soil properties, wet and dry deposition, and modeled hydrologic routing. Model forecast simulations were evaluated to compare alternate temporal averaging of rainfall inputs and variations in rainfall amount and seasonal distribution. Soil water alkalinity was predicted to decrease to substantially lower concentrations under lower rainfall compared with current or higher rainfall conditions. Soil water alkalinity was also predicted to decrease to lower levels when the majority of rainfall occurred during the growing season compared with other rainfall distributions. Changes in rainfall distribution that result in decreases in net soil water flux will temporarily delay acidification. Ultimately, however, decreased soil water flux will result in larger increases in soil-adsorbed sulfur and soil-water sulfate concentrations and decreases in alkalinity when compared to higher water flux conditions. Potential climate change resulting in significant changes in rainfall amounts, seasonal distribution of rainfall, or evapotranspiration will change net soil water flux and, consequently, will affect the dynamics of the acidification response to continued sulfate loading.  相似文献   

降雨径流是流域地表过程的主要驱动力,是众多地表模型的基础。该文在充分考虑流域气象及下垫面等要素空间异质性的基础上,提出了一个面向地表过程模拟的、基于DEM的分布式次降雨径流模型。模型将流域离散为栅格计算单元,并按水流特性将栅格划分为坡面单元和河网单元;模型考虑了降雨、植被截流和入渗等产流过程,利用运动波分级汇流的方式进行汇流演算。模型在江西躁口水流域进行了检验和应用。结果表明:该模型模拟的流量过程精度较高;模拟的径流深度及径流搬运力的空间分布符合水文规律。模型结构简洁、参数较少,具有较好的实用价值;为土壤侵蚀及非点源污染等以流路为基础的复杂地表过程研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Measurements of infiltration rate were carried out with double-ring infiltrometers and a rainfall simulator in a field experiment with different mulch covers and tillage systems on an Oxisol in Paraná, Brazil.Both methods of infiltration measurement showed the infiltration rate under black oats (Avena strigosa Schieb.) to be the highest of the mulches tested, and to correlate significantly with mulch rate. Infiltration rates measured with double-ring infiltrometers were highest under conventional tillage and lowest under no-tillage, whereas the rainfall simulator produced inverse results. Final infiltration rates (after 2 h) obtained with the infiltrometers were 5.4, 3.2 and 2.2 times higher than those obtained with the rainfall simulator, for conventional, chisel plough and no-tillage systems, respectively.  相似文献   

雨强和坡度对红壤坡耕地地表径流及壤中流的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
地表径流和壤中流是坡面重要水文过程,雨强和坡度是影响坡面地表径流和壤中流产流主要因素。为研究降雨强度和地表坡度对坡耕地地表径流和壤中流的影响,该文采用人工模拟降雨试验法,在长3.0 m、宽1.5 m、深0.5 m土槽,设计4个不同坡度(5°、10°、15°、20°)和3个不同雨强(30、60、90 mm/h)对红壤坡耕地地表径流及壤中流产流过程进行模拟试验。结果表明:1)壤中流开始产流时间滞后于地表径流,降雨强度从30到90 mm/h,地表径流、壤中流产流开始时间均随雨强增大而减小,壤中流比地表产流开始滞后时间随着雨强增大先增大后趋于稳定;2)地表径流强度随雨强增大而增大,壤中流初始径流强度随雨强增大而增大,不同雨强下壤中流径流峰值相近;3)地表径流和壤中流产流过程曲线有明显差异,地表径流产流过程线先增大后趋于稳定,壤中流产流过程线呈抛物线型即先增大后减小;4)从5°到20°,地表产流开始时间随坡度增大而减小,壤中流产流开始时间随坡度增大先减小后增大;5)从5°到20°,地表径流强度先增大后减小,10°为转折坡度,壤中流产流峰值随坡度增大而减小,并且随着坡度增大达到壤中流峰值时间不断减小。  相似文献   

自然降雨条件下红壤坡面径流垂向分层输出特征   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
地表径流、壤中流和地下径流都是坡地径流的组成部分,对流域径流产生、养分流失等都有重要的影响。为了深入了解红壤坡地各层产流特征,利用大型土壤渗漏装置,通过2010-2012年的连续3 a观测试验,对覆盖、敷盖和裸露3种处理下红壤坡面径流垂向分层输出特征进行分析。结果表明:在自然降雨条件下,总径流量敷盖处理最大,裸露处理次之,覆盖处理最小;覆盖和敷盖处理的地表径流远小于裸露处理,分别为裸露处理的7.9%和9.8%;壤中流量最小的为裸露处理,分别为覆盖处理和敷盖处理的56.4%和35.6%;覆盖和敷盖处理3 a的地下径流量占总径流量90%以上,裸露处理占68.4%;在小尺度上,不论是年度还是月份的径流量,3种措施下红壤坡地径流输出主要途径是地下径流,而壤中流和地表径流则与地面有无覆盖直接相关;采取覆盖和敷盖措施可以使地表产流量减小,增加入渗,将地表水转化为地下水。该研究可为减少水土流失,充分利用红壤坡地水土资源提供参考。  相似文献   

模拟降雨下坡面微地形量化及其与产流产沙的关系   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
为揭示坡面微地形对土壤侵蚀过程的响应,该文通过人工模拟降雨试验,结合三维激光扫描仪技术,研究了不同雨强连续降雨条件下黄土坡面微地形变化特征及其与产流产沙的响应关系。结果表明所选取的5个常规地形因子(微坡度、地形起伏度、地表切割度、洼地蓄积量、地表粗糙度)对坡面侵蚀的响应表现出相似的趋势,即随着侵蚀的加剧,地形因子数值逐渐增大;场降雨后,地表粗糙度的增幅最小,分别是3%、8%、17%,对侵蚀的响应最弱,洼地蓄积量的增幅最大,分别增大11.82、18.86、83.33倍,对侵蚀的响应最强;同一雨强下随着连续降雨的进行,产流率稳定,1 mm/min雨强下输沙率基本稳定,1.5与2 mm/min下输沙率不断减小;2 mm/min雨强下输沙率和累积输沙量,远大于其他2个雨强处理;地形因子之间有很强的相关性,但能从不同侧面反映地形的信息,而且都与产流率和累积产沙量之间有较好的线性关系。研究可为进一步揭示黄土区坡面土壤侵蚀机理提供参考。  相似文献   

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