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Canine parvovirus enteritis 2: Pathogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two groups of puppies, eight and 10 weeks of age, were inoculated orally with canine parvovirus of faecal origin. The patterns of faecal excretion of virus, antibody production and systemic viral localisation following inoculation were studied. Faecal excretion of virus was first apparent at day 3 after inoculation, was present most frequently and in greatest quantity at days 4 to 7 after inoculation and fell sharply thereafter. Serum antibody was first detected at day 5 after inoculation with high titres in all samples from day 7 onwards. Virus isolation from serum samples revealed a non-cell associated viraemia at days 3 and 4 after inoculation. Immunocytochemical examination, using both immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques, first revealed antigen in the thymic cortex at day 1 after inoculation and in the germinal centres of the lymph nodes and the splenic white pulp from days 2 and 3. Viral antigen was first detected in the intestines at day 4 in individual cells in the proliferative zone of the crypt epithelium. From day 5 onwards, the amount of antigen present in the lymphoid tissue decreased so that by days 7 and 8, only a trace was present. There was widespread specific staining in the small intestinal mucosa at day 6, but little antigen was present by day 7. Virus was present in the bone marrow of some dogs killed at days 5 and 6.  相似文献   

After oral inoculation, the sequential distribution of canine parvovirus was studied in 14 nine-week-old seronegative beagle dogs. Two or three dogs were necropsied on days 1 through 6 after inoculation. Tissues were collected for virus isolation, immunofluorescence testing, and light microscopy. Virus was isolated from, and fluorescent cells were seen in the tonsil, retropharyngeal and mesenteric lymph nodes one and two days after inoculation. Virus infection of systemic and intestinal lymphoid tissues occurred as early as three days after inoculation and was associated with viremia. Intestinal epithelial infection was first seen four days after oral inoculation. All dogs were viremic before intestinal epithelial infection was found. Fecal virus excretion first occurred four days after oral virus inoculation. Intestinal virus infection and lesions became progressively more severe between four and six days after inoculation. The severity of intestinal lesions was variable and related to the severity of systemic lymphoid tissue lesions and the magnitude and duration of viremia. Four littermates of virus-infected dogs were passively immunized against canine parvovirus with convalescent canine serum 24 hours after oral virus inoculation. Neither clinical signs, lymphopenia, nor fecal virus excretion occurred in passively immunized dogs. Intestinal epithelial infection was not demonstrable by immunofluorescence testing when passively immunized dogs were necropsied four, five, and six days after virus inoculation.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus (CPV) enteritis has, since its emergence in 1978, remained a common and important cause of morbidity and mortality in young dogs. The continued incidence of parvoviral enteritis is partly due to the virus' capability to evolve into more virulent and resistant variants with significant local gastrointestinal and systemic inflammatory sequelae. This paper reviews current knowledge on historical-, signalment-, and clinical factors as well as several haematological-, biochemical- and endocrine parameters that can be used as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in CPV enteritis. These factors include season of presentation, purebred nature, bodyweight, vomiting, leukopaenia, lymphopaenia, thrombocytopaenia, hypercoagulability, hypercortisolaemia, hypothyroxinaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, elevated C-reactive protein and tumour necrosis factor, hypocholesterolaemia and hypocitrullinaemia. Factors contributing to the manifestations of CPV infection are multiple with elements of host, pathogen, secondary infections, underlying stressors and environment affecting severity and outcome. The availability of several prognosticators has made identification of patients at high risk of death and their subsequent targeted management more rewarding.  相似文献   

犬细小病毒性肠炎又称犬传染性肠炎,是由细小病毒引起犬的一种急性热性接触性传染病,各种品种、年龄的犬都有发生,多发生于4月龄~6月龄的幼犬.该病发病迅速、来势猛、病程短,死亡率高.以发热、呕吐、腹泻、烦渴为主要临床表现.在近几年工作中,我们共治疗22例,治愈18例.  相似文献   

The serum protein concentrations of dogs with confirmed canine parvovirus enteritis were determined by agarose gel electrophoresis before treatment. A significant decrease was detected in the mean concentration and percentage of albumin and gammaglobulin and the percentage of alpha-1-globulin. The mean concentration and percentage of alpha-2-globulin were significantly increased.  相似文献   

Breed-related risk factors for canine parvovirus enteritis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Case records of 305 dogs with canine parvovirus (CPV) enteritis, seen at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania from July 1, 1981 to Aug 31, 1982, were selected on the basis of admitting diagnoses or signs of diarrhea and vomiting. The case records were subdivided into 3 diagnostic categories, based on final diagnoses and laboratory test results. There were 96 dogs with definite CPV enteritis, 139 with possible CPV enteritis, and 70 with unlikely CPV enteritis. These cases were then stratified by animal's age (less than or equal to 6 months or greater than 6 months) and specific hospital service (medicine or emergency). A control group was selected from all canine case records from the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania for conditions other than the criteria used in selecting the case group. Approximately 2 hospital patients were selected for each CPV enteritis case by frequency matching for hospital service and age. The proportion of dogs with definite CPV enteritis that had each of the clinical signs that were studied was greater than that of dogs in the other CPV enteritis diagnostic categories. The overall survival rate for dogs with definite CPV enteritis was 64.0%; survival was not associated with any given clinical sign of disease. Odds ratios (OR) for the risk of CPV enteritis were calculated for breeds with 3 or more dogs with definite CPV enteritis. The Doberman Pinschers (OR = 3.1), Rottweilers (OR = 6.0), and English Springer Spaniels (OR = 8.1) had a significantly increased risk of CPV enteritis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tissue samples of cats and dogs with panleukopenia and parvovirus enteritis, respectively, were examined for the presence of viral antigen-positive cells and apoptotic cells by immunohistochemistry and by TUNEL assay (Terminal Transferase-Mediated dUTP Nick End Labelling). Compared to control animals, infected cats and dogs generally had more TUNEL-positive cells. Cell types positive for parvovirus antigen, for example digestive tract epithelial and mesenchymal cells, and lymphocytes and macrophages in lymphoid tissues were also positive for TUNEL signals. Occasionally, TUNEL signal and viral antigen were present in the same tissue areas, suggesting a direct viral trigger of apoptosis. More frequently, however, there was no complete overlap of antigen and TUNEL-positive areas. The results of this study indicate that apoptotic cell death contributes significantly to the widespread tissue damage of parvovirus infection in cats and dogs.  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病可分为肠炎综合症和心肌炎综合症两种类型。肠炎综合症型以呕吐、下痢、脱水为主要症状。我区丹阳办事处某养狗场 2 0只狼狗从 8月 2 7日至 9月 5日相继全部发生该病 ,经治疗全部治愈。1 症状2 0只狼狗体重均在 1 5~ 2 0kg之间。病犬开始时精神沉郁 ,食欲废绝、呕吐。继而出现腹泻 ,粪便呈黄色或灰黄色 ,混有大量粘液和粘膜 ,恶臭。其中有 8只狗出现血痢和呕血。病犬迅速脱水 ,眼窝下凹 ,皮肤弹性差 ,体温稍高或正常 (均在 39~ 39 6℃之间 )。心跳、呼吸正常。根据临床症状及流行情况 ,初步诊断为肠炎综合症型细小病毒病。…  相似文献   

对38份疑似细小病毒性肠炎病犬粪便样品以HA-HI方法进行了检测,同时与免疫金标检测试纸和PCR检测方法进行比较。结果显示,HA-HI、免疫金标检测试纸和PCR 3种方法检测的阳性率分别为84.2%(32/38)、92.1%(35/38)和89.4%(34/38)。与PCR方法相比,HA-HI检测方法的敏感性和特异性分别为94.1%和100%,免疫金标检测试纸的敏感性和特异性分别为94.1%和25%。结果表明,HA-HI检测方法的特异性比免疫金标检测试纸好,敏感性略低于PCR,适用于基层单位对犬细小病毒性肠炎的快速诊断。  相似文献   

1 发病情况本病无明显季节性 ,一年四季都有发生。气候突变、阴雨寒冷、饲料品质不良 ,暴食暴饮 ,仔犬开食不当、市场买卖、改变饲养管理和环境条件等是发病的诱因 ;各种犬场、饲养户可感染发病 ,但进口犬 (含改良犬 )发病率高于本地犬 ,占发病犬的 70 %~ 80 %以上 ,且疗程长 ,难以完全治愈 ;幼犬 6月龄以内的犬发病率最高 ,死亡率达 95 %以上 ,3月龄以内的犬死亡率极高 ,死亡率达 1 0 0 % ,哺乳仔犬常发生全窝感染死亡现象 ,6月龄以上犬发病渐少 ,治愈率也高。2 临床症状早期病犬精神沉郁 ,食欲减少或废绝 ,稍饱就呕吐。排便次数增多 ,…  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus 2 (CPV-2) causes a highly contagious and often fatal disease in dogs. Since its sudden emergence in the early 1970s, CPV-2 has been evolving through the generation of novel genetic and antigenic variants (CPV-2a/b/c) that are unevenly distributed throughout the world. In the present study we have examined 36 clinical cases of dogs suspected of CPV collected during year 2006. A fragment of the VP2 gene of the virus was analyzed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), restriction endonuclease (RE) and DNA sequence analysis. Out of the 36 samples analyzed, 16 were found positive for CPV-2a/2b by conventional PCR. DNA sequencing was done for 6 PCR positive samples, out of which three were characterized as CPV-2c, indicating that this CPV type 2c is currently circulating in India.  相似文献   

犬细小病毒肠炎是犬的一种严重的传染病,主要临床特征是出血性肠炎和心肌炎,世界上所有养犬国家都有此病发生,发病率和死亡率高达40%~100%。一、病犬基本情况德国牧羊犬,2003年9月11日出生,体质中等。2006年2月15日,在散放时发现该犬精神萎靡,喜卧,剧烈呕吐白色粘稠状液体并拉  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2), the aetiological agent of haemorrhagic enteritis in dogs, includes three antigenic variants, types 2a, 2b and 2c. CPV-2c has been detected initially in Italy and subsequently in Vietnam. We report the first identification of this novel antigenic variant in Spain, where it caused an outbreak of fatal enteritis in basset hound pups in association with canine coronavirus type I and type II. We suggest that this new antigenic variant of CPV-2 could spread throughout Europe and that there is a subsequent need to update current CPV vaccines.  相似文献   

我国养狐业发展迅速,目前全国狐存栏数已达2 000多万只,形成了一新兴产业.据我们调查分析,目前危害养狐业主要的疫病有犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎和脑炎.  相似文献   

水貂肠炎细小病毒分离鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从送检的疑似水貂病毒性肠炎的水貂粪便中分离出一株病毒,经形态学、理化特性、血清学和动物试验鉴定表明,分离的病毒为水貂肠炎细小病毒。  相似文献   

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