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奶牛卵泡囊肿病因及诊疗研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在奶牛养殖中,卵巢囊肿对奶牛生产造成了巨大的危害。激素分泌异常和疾病等是引起卵泡囊肿的主要原因。对于卵泡囊肿的诊断,临床上多采用直肠检查、超声诊断诊断等方法。在治疗上,除了传统的激素疗法,采用中药方剂治疗,也可以产生较好效果。文章介绍了奶牛卵泡囊肿的原因、临床表现、诊断方法及几种治疗方法的比较,为更好地治疗卵泡囊肿提供依据。  相似文献   

不同剂量HCG对奶牛情期受胎率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在80头临床健康的黑白花奶牛中探讨了不同剂量HCG对奶牛情期受胎率的影响。试验1、2、3组母牛(各20头)在人工授精前分别肌注500IU、1000IU和1500IUHCG,对照组母牛(20头)不作处理。试验结果:试验1、2、3组母牛一次输精的受胎率分别为45%、65%、70%,对照组为35%。试验3组与对照组间有显著差异(P<0.05),提示HCG的最佳剂量为1500IU。  相似文献   

为了对比不同泌乳阶段奶牛的采食、反刍、逍遥行为和日粮营养物质表观消化率,选择体重、胎次相近的8头健康荷斯坦泌乳奶牛,其中,4头处于泌乳盛期(泌乳盛期组),4头处于泌乳后期(泌乳后期组),进行了采食行为观察和消化试验,两组奶牛预饲期20 d,正试期15 d。结果表明,泌乳盛期组奶牛每天的干物质采食量为21.2 kg,极显著高于泌乳后期组的14.1 kg(P<0.01),但两组奶牛的采食时间和采食次数无显著差异(P>0.05),泌乳盛期组奶牛每千克DM采食的时间也极显著低于泌乳后期组奶牛(P<0.01);一昼夜总反刍时间泌乳盛期组奶牛极显著低于泌乳后期组(P<0.01),每千克DMI需反刍时间泌乳盛期组奶牛极显著低于泌乳后期组(P<0.01)。泌乳盛期组奶牛躺卧、走动和站立时间与泌乳后期组奶牛相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。泌乳盛期组奶牛日粮中NDF和ADF的表观消化率极显著低于泌乳后期组(P<0.01),两组奶牛NDF的表观消化率分别为55.8%、67.8%,ADF的表观消化率分别为44.2%、60.7%。  相似文献   

宁夏地区不同生长阶段奶牛产污系数的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择不同生长阶段的中国荷斯坦奶牛作为试验对象,采用全收粪尿法来研究不同生长阶段奶牛各种污染物特性及产污系数。结果表明:不同生长阶段奶牛体重与其采食量、粪尿产生量大致成二倍正相关关系;P、Cu、Zn元素都主要通过粪便排泄,其中Cu、Zn元素在尿液中含量甚微;单位体重粪或尿污染物产生量无论是从N、P还是Cu、Zn,成年泌乳奶牛对环境的贡献率都要高于育成期奶牛。  相似文献   

在春夏秋冬四个不同的季节采集张家口地区奶牛的奶样,通过CMT法检测奶牛隐性乳腺炎的发病率。结果个体阳性平均率为52.3%,阳性乳区平均率为19.2%,奶牛隐性乳腺炎的发病率与季节没有明显的相关性、与胎次呈正相关,后乳区的阳性率明显高于前乳区。  相似文献   

选取泌乳天数<40 d的健康奶牛 12头,按胎次、泌乳天数和产奶量相同或相似的原则,分为试验组和对照组。两组日粮组成相同,试验组牛每天添加益康XP的剂量为试验第1天至第7天500 g/(头·d),从第 8 天后减少到120 g/(头·d),分两次饲喂。试验期为60 d。于试验前 1 天,试验第 20 天,40天和第 60 天分别采血,用鲎试剂法测定血浆内毒素含量;定期测定日均产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率和体细胞数;记录情期受胎率及疾病发生情况。结果表明,试验组奶牛在试验后第20天,第 40 天和第 60 天血浆内毒素均极显著低于对照组(P<0.01);产奶量在第20天,第60天显著高于对照组(P<0.05);两组奶牛乳脂率、乳蛋白率、体细胞数差异均不显著(P>0.05);试验组情期受胎率极显著高于对照组(P<0.01);在疾病发生率方面,试验组极显著低于对照组(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同泌乳阶段奶牛饲喂相同日粮对采食行为和日粮营养物质表观消化率的影响。选择体重、胎次相近的8头健康泌乳牛,其中4头处于泌乳盛期(泌乳盛期组),4头处于泌乳后期(泌乳后期组),2组奶牛饲喂相同日粮,预试期15 d,正试期15 d。结果表明:泌乳盛期组奶牛每天干物质采食量(24.0 kg)高于泌乳后期组(P<0.01),泌乳盛期组奶牛每千克干物质的采食时间、一昼夜总反刍时间、躺卧时间均低于泌乳后期组(P<0.01),;泌乳盛期组奶牛日粮中中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维的表观消化率低于泌乳后期组(P<0.01)。由此可见,泌乳盛期奶牛采食时间极显著高于泌乳后期奶牛,泌乳盛期奶牛躺卧时间极显著少于泌乳后期。  相似文献   

环境温度变化明显影响奶牛日粮营养物质的消化率,试验以8头泌乳奶牛分别在春季、夏季进行消化试验,以比较季节温度变化对奶牛日粮营养物质表观消化率的影响。结果表明:春季奶牛日粮粗蛋白质、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维的表观消化率分别为57.79%、45.77%和39.08%,相应夏季的表观消化率则为68.3%、67.81%和51.09%,夏季的营养物质表观消化率显著高于春季(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study cellular changes in the epithelium of the mare’s oviduct. Oviductal samples were taken from mares at different reproductive stages for optical microscopy and Hoechst 33258 staining. Glandular-like structures were observed in 100% of the oviducts. These structures were of the tubular type and were formed by ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells arranged in a way similar to the epithelial surface. The amount of structures decreased progressively from the ampulla to the isthmus, but did not change through the different reproductive stages. Histological changes in the epithelium of the oviduct were observed associated with the reproductive stages. In the ampulla, the amount of ciliated cells decreased in the anovulatory phase compared with other reproductive stages. Cords of connective tissue lined by epithelium (trabeculae) and dividing completely the lumen of the oviduct were found in 50% of the oviducts. Epithelial cells projected toward the lumen as large vesicles of cytoplasm, sometimes containing a nucleus. The amount of cells presenting nuclear protrusion varied throughout the oviduct, with highest incidence in the ampulla, decreasing progressively toward the isthmus (P < .05). In addition, nuclear protrusions were higher in number during the anovulatory and luteal phases than in the other reproductive stages (P < .05). These nuclear protruding cells appeared to be extruding from the epithelium and showed no signs of apoptosis based on the histological and fluorescent stains used. The existence of these gland-like structures in the oviductal mucosa should be considered when studying the oviductal physiology in mares.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to study the effect of compound enzyme and compound enzyme bacteria preparation on the degradation rate of diet in vitro and milk production performance of dairy cows at different lactation stages.In in vitro experiment,the basic diet (group Ⅰ) and the basic diet added with compound enzyme (group Ⅱ) and compound enzyme probiotics preparation (group Ⅲ) were used as fermentation substrate respectively.After 72 h of culture in vitro,the dry matter degradation rate (DMD) and crude protein degradation rate (CPD) of the diet were measured at different time (6,12,24,36,48 and 72 h).In feeding experiment,24 dairy cows with similar body weight,parity and condition were divided into three groups at early lactation (30 d±5 d),middle lactation (100 d±5 d) and late lactation (250 d±5 d),respectively.The cows in control group (group Ⅰ) were fed with TMR,in compound enzyme group (group Ⅱ) and the compound enzyme probiotics group (group Ⅲ) were fed with the TMR added with 1 kg/t compound enzyme and compound enzyme probiotics respectively.The trial period was 74 days,including 14 days of pre trial period and 60 days of normal trial period.`The results showed that:①In vitro DMD and CPD of the two groups increased with the prolongation of treatment time.At each time point,the values of DMD and CPD in group Ⅲ were higher than those in group Ⅱ,the difference of DMD was significant at 6 and 72 h (P<0.05),CPD was significant at 36 and 72 h (P<0.05),and there was no significant difference at other time points (P>0.05).②In the early stage of lactation,the average daily milk production of groups Ⅱ and Ⅲ increased by 3.68% and 4.10% respectively compared with group Ⅰ,the difference was significant (P<0.05),and the difference between groups Ⅱ and Ⅲ was not significant (P>0.05).In mid-lactation,the average daily milk production of groups Ⅱ and Ⅲ increased by 7.53% and 10.66% respectively compared with group Ⅰ (P<0.05),and the difference between groups Ⅱ and Ⅲ was not significant (P>0.05).In the later stage,the average daily milk production of groups Ⅱ and Ⅲ increased by 7.06% and 5.16% respectively compared with group Ⅰ (P<0.05),and the difference between group Ⅱ and Ⅲ was not significant (P>0.05).In conclusion,both compound enzymes and compound enzyme probiotics preparations could improve the in vitro DMD and CPD of the diet and the milk production of dairy cows in different periods to a certain extent.Among them,the compound enzyme preparation had a better effect on increasing milk production of dairy cows in the late lactation,while the compound enzyme probiotics preparation has a better effect on increasing milk production in mid-lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

马大川  武杰  李娟  单春乔 《中国畜牧兽医》2020,47(12):3917-3925
本试验旨在研究复合酶及复合酶菌制剂对奶牛日粮体外降解率及不同阶段奶牛产奶性能的影响。在体外试验中,分别以基础日粮(Ⅰ组)及基础日粮中分别添加复合酶制剂(Ⅱ组)、复合酶菌制剂(Ⅲ组)的日粮作为发酵底物,体外培养72 h,测定不同时间点(6、12、24、36、48、72 h)日粮干物质降解率(DMD)和粗蛋白质降解率(CPD)。在饲养试验中,分别选取体重、胎次、体况相近的泌乳前期(30 d±5 d)、泌乳中期(100 d±5 d)和泌乳后期(250 d±5 d)奶牛各24头,平均分成3组,其中对照组(Ⅰ组)奶牛饲喂全混合日粮(TMR),复合酶制剂组(Ⅱ组)和复合酶菌制剂组(Ⅲ组)奶牛在TMR中分别添加1 kg/t的复合酶制剂和复合酶菌制剂。每期试验持续74 d,其中预试期14 d,正试期60 d,每天记录产奶量。结果显示:①体外试验中,Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的DMD、CPD均随处理时间的延长而增加。在各个时间点,Ⅲ组的DMD、CPD均高于Ⅱ组,其中DMD在6、72 h时差异显著(P<0.05),CPD在36、72 h时差异显著(P<0.05),在其他时间点差异均不显著(P>0.05)。②在泌乳前期,Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的平均日产奶量与Ⅰ组相比分别提高了3.68%和4.10%,差异显著(P<0.05),Ⅱ、Ⅲ组之间差异不显著(P>0.05);泌乳中期,Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的平均日产奶量与Ⅰ组相比分别提高了7.53%和10.66%,差异显著(P<0.05),Ⅱ、Ⅲ组之间差异不显著(P>0.05);泌乳后期,Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的平均日产奶量与Ⅰ组相比分别提高了7.06%和5.16%,差异显著(P<0.05),Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。综上,复合酶与复合酶菌制剂均能在一定程度上提高日粮体外DMD和CPD以及奶牛在不同时期的产奶量,其中,复合酶制剂对提高泌乳后期奶牛产奶量效果更好,复合酶菌制剂对提高泌乳中期奶牛产奶量效果更好。  相似文献   

为了研究不同加工处理方法对玉米在奶牛瘤胃内降解率的影响,本试验选用5头荷斯坦泌乳牛利用尼龙袋法测定玉米渣、膨化玉米、玉米片和蒸汽压片玉米的干物质和淀粉在泌乳奶牛瘤胃中的降解率..结果表明,48h的瘤胃降解率规律为:玉米片〉膨化玉米〉蒸汽压片玉米〉玉米渣。瘤胃内可降解干物质为:膨化玉米和玉米片〉蒸汽压片玉米和玉米渣;而可降解淀粉则为:膨化玉米〉玉米片〉蒸汽压片玉米〉玉米渣,以上结果表明,加工过程中温度湿度和压力的作用下,玉米籽实的结构发生变化,改变了瘤胃微生物接触淀粉的机会,从而影响玉米在瘤胃内的降解率。  相似文献   

柴贵明 《中国乳业》2022,(11):72-75
副结核是一种慢性传染性细菌疾病,病原为禽分支杆菌副结核亚种,主要感染牛、羊,造成病畜小肠和其他器官损伤,引发腹泻、体重降低、营养不良、贫血甚至死亡。奶牛副结核病可导致奶牛死淘率增加、产奶量下降、饲料转化率降低、繁殖能力下降、屠宰率降低以及增加其他病原的感染率,从而对奶牛养殖业造成重大的经济损失。副结核分支杆菌主要通过粪口途径进行传播,也可通过子宫进行垂直传播。副结核分支杆菌通过在小肠黏膜下层中的巨噬细胞中持续感染来逃避免疫系统,在大多数情况下,这种隐性感染至少会持续两年,然后细菌开始脱落并出现临床症状。副结核分支杆菌感染进程缓慢,管理不当会使易感犊牛发病率更高,这使得牛副结核病的防控具有很大挑战性,尤其是在季节性产犊牛群中。本文对奶牛副结核病的概念、可造成的经济危害以及诊断方法进行阐述,旨在为奶牛副结核病的临床诊断与新型诊断方法的研制提供参考。  相似文献   

本试验旨在通过体外产气法研究木薯渣与甜菜颗粒粕组合用作泌乳中后期奶牛饲料的可行性及适宜组合比例.试验设计7个处理:木薯渣分别以0%(对照组)、5%、10%、15%、20%、25%和30%与甜菜颗粒粕(风干物质基础)组合,使用AGRS-ⅡI型微生物发酵产气系统进行体外瘤胃微生物发酵试验,监测体外培养3、6、12、24、4...  相似文献   

[目的]分析增加挤奶次数对不同阶段泌乳奶牛产奶量的提升,找出最佳挤奶管理方案,为有效提升牧场效益提供理论依据。[方法]将泌乳牛只随机分为两组,保证不同胎次、不同产犊阶段平均泌乳量相当,分组后两组分别保持3次挤奶和4次挤奶1个月。对牧场不同挤奶次数奶牛泌乳量进行统计汇总整理分析。[结果]增加挤奶次数能有效提高奶牛泌乳量(P<0.05);泌乳量高于45 kg奶牛增加挤奶次数对产奶量的提升,显著高于泌乳量低于45 kg的奶量(P<0.05);增加挤奶次数显著提升头胎牛产量2.33 kg,二胎牛产量2.31 kg,三胎及以上牛奶产量2.78 kg(P<0.05);不同泌乳阶段,增加挤奶次数能有效提高泌乳初期及产奶高峰期的产奶量(P<0.05)。[结论]增加挤奶次数能有效提升奶牛泌乳量,对高产及处于产奶初期及高峰期的奶牛提升效果最佳。  相似文献   

本文作者在湖南南山牧场通过放牧试验研究了不同放牧强度下奶牛对多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地土壤物理和化学特性的影响。结果表明:放牧强度直接影响着多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地土壤的物理结构。随放牧强度增加,奶牛对草地土壤的践踏加剧,导致土壤紧实度增加,容重上升,通气性变差,含水量下降。放牧强度对土壤物理特性的影响随土层深度增加而减轻。土壤中全磷、速效磷、碱解氮和有机质随放牧强度的增加而减少,而全氮、速效钾则随放牧强度的增加而增加。土壤中各养分含量随季节变化波动很大。  相似文献   

The aim of this trial was to discuss the effects of Mozart music, light music and original music on the lactation and antioxidant capacity of lactating cows.64 Holstein lactating cows with similar milk yield, age,parity and lactation period were enrolled and randomly divided into four groups (Mozart music, light music, original music and the control groups) with 16 cows in each group. Music was played 3 times at morning, afternoon, and evening per day in the three trial groups, with each time for 2 h, and no music played in the control group. From the beginning of trial period (0 day), milk yield per unit was measured and blood samples were collected for testing total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and content of malondialdehyde (MDA) every 20 d.The preliminary trial period was 7 d, and the trial period was 60 d. The results showed as followed:On the 20th day, comparing with the control group, the milk yield of cows in light music and Mozart music groups were both significantly higher (P <0.05); The serum activities of SOD in 3 trial groups were all significantly higher (P <0.05); The serum contents of MDA in light music and Mozart music groups were both significantly lower (P <0.05); And the activities of GSH-Px in light music and Mozart music groups were both significantly higher (P <0.05). During the trial period from 0 to 60 d, the serum amount of T-AOC in light music and Mozart music groups were both significantly higher than that in the control group (P <0.05). In conclusion, light music and Mozart music had the tendency of increasing the milk yield of cows. Original music had shown no obvious effects on the cows' milk performance.Light music,Mozart music and original music had the tendency of improving antioxidant capacity of dairy cows.  相似文献   

通过应用抗生素与中草药制剂——清宫液两种不同子宫冲洗液对配种牛处理,结果表明;试验组对母牛受胎率的提高有显著效果(P〈0.05),两种不同试验组问无显著差异(P〉0.05)。说明配种后用这两种药物冲洗子宫可显著提高受胎率,由于中草药付作用小,故中草药剂——清宫液可为首选药。  相似文献   

试验旨在探讨莫扎特音乐、轻音乐、原创音乐对奶牛泌乳及抗氧化性能的影响。选用产奶量、年龄、胎次、泌乳期相近的荷斯坦泌乳牛64头,随机分成4组,即莫扎特音乐组、轻音乐组、原创音乐组及对照组,每组16头。试验组早、中、晚3次各播放音乐2 h,对照组无音乐播放。正试期当天起(0 d),每隔20 d测定单产奶量并采集血样1次,测定血液中总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量。预试期7 d,正试期60 d。结果表明,试验第20天,轻音乐组、莫扎特音乐组奶牛产奶量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),轻音乐组、莫扎特音乐组、原创音乐组奶牛血清中SOD含量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),轻音乐组、莫扎特音乐组奶牛血清中MDA含量均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),轻音乐组、莫扎特音乐组奶牛血清中GSH-Px活性均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);试验0~60 d,轻音乐组、莫扎特音乐组奶牛血清中T-AOC水平均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。综上所述,轻音乐、莫扎特音乐均有提高奶牛泌乳量的作用趋势,原创音乐对奶牛泌乳性能无显著影响;轻音乐、莫扎特音乐、原创音乐均有提高奶牛机体抗氧化能力的趋势。  相似文献   

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