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Lees coming from different steps in white wine and red wine vinification were characterized under physicochemical analyses to determine the content in carbon, nitrogen, ashes, solids in suspension, organic compounds, and minerals. Due to the hydrolytic activity of Lactobacillus strains, lees without autolysis treatments were used directly as the unique nutrient or in combination with corn steep liquor to carry out the glucose to lactic acid fermentation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus CECT-288. Time courses of glucose and lactic acid were modeled according to reported models. Using 20 g/L of lees coming from the white wine technology and re-collected after the second decanting step before distillation, as the only nutrient, the values achieved (P = 105.5 g/L, Q(P) = 2.470 g/L.h) were even higher than those obtained with the costly MRS broth (P = 104.3 g/L, Q(P) = 2.251 g/L.h).  相似文献   

The recovery of tartaric acid (TA) from distilled vinification lees coming from the white and red winemaking technology was optimized using response surface methodology and Statistica 5.0 software. The sequential treatment of dissolving TA and further calcium tartrate (CaT) precipitation could be used to recover up to 92.4% of the initial TA when distilled white lees were used. The residual lees were employed as economic nutrients for lactic acid production by Lactobacillus pentosus CECT-4023 using hemicellulosic vine shoot hydrolysates as carbon source. Distilled lees after TA extraction used as nutrients provided values of lactic acid (18.4-18.9 g/L), global volumetric productivities (0.82-0.84 g/L.h), and product yields (0.69-0.70 g/g) similar to those achieved when using the general medium for Lactobacilli (18.6 g/L, 1.11 g/L.h, and 0.62 g/g, respectively) or lees without TA extraction (16.4-17.2 g/L, 0.96-1.21 g/L.h, and 0.61-0.66 g/g, respectively). This technology not only avoids pollutant disposal but also represents a commercial source of tartaric acid and economic nutrients for biotechnological processes.  相似文献   

Esterases play a crucial role in industrial chemical synthesis, maintaining normal physiological metabolism and detoxifying exogenous ester-containing toxicants. To meet the rapidly increasing industrial need for all kinds of esterases, especially enantioselective esterases used to generate highly pure chiral compounds, general substrates are necessary for rapid screening, monitoring, purification, and characterization. In this study, general fluorescent substrates including phenolic derivatives and alpha-cyanoesters were evaluated for sensitivity in detecting esterases in buffer systems. Results with two different esterases and different incubation times suggested that the alpha-cyanoesters examined were significantly more sensitive at detecting esterases than the corresponding tested phenolic derivatives. More importantly, alpha-cyanoesters, containing a secondary alcohol, possess at least one chiral center; thus, they are tools to screen for enantioselective hydrolysis. Results indicated that the enantioselectivity of esterases toward general alpha-cyanoesters strongly depended on the esterase and the substrate, but the majority of esterases examined preferred S-isomers to their corresponding R-enantiomers. Most appealing was the very high enantioselectivity displayed in cytosolic esterases of the house fly. The potential utility of such esterases is discussed. In addition, the use of alpha-cyanoesters as chiral fluorescent substrates was demonstrated for monitoring in enantioselective esterases.  相似文献   

A calcium-alginate gel diet was developed for Spodoptera litura larvae, and its reliability as a carrier for incorporating antifeedants as well as insecticides was investigated. The alginate gel diet was prepared with a simple protocol, which does not involve any heating process. When tested using this diet, acephate, a Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxin formulation and rotenone reproducibly showed insecticidal activity against the larvae, while neem oil and scabequinone deterred the larval feeding effectively. However, not only the insecticidal activity of acephate but also the antifeedant activity of neem oil was reduced by replacing the alginate component by agar in the diet, suggesting the usefulness of the alginate gel diet as an assay tool for testing a broad range of samples against the larvae.  相似文献   

An evaluation was made of Padron-Dock-Stader sulfide (PDS) agar for the rapid detection of Salmonella and Arizona microorganisms in foods. Analysts from 9 Food and Drug Administration District laboratories determined the reaction of 638 Salmonella cultures, 30 Arizona cultures, and 1754 non-Salmonella and non-Arizona cultures isolated from 157 food samples in PDS agar. The degree of positive reactions of these cultures in this agar was scored on a scale of "-" to "+++". The highest percentage of Salmonella isolates (64.1%) was in the category of +++ reactions. Progressively lower percentages of Salmonella isolates occurred in the more negative reaction categories. The highest percentage of Arizona isolates (66.7%) occurred in the intermediate ++ category. The majority of non-Salmonella and non-Arizona isolates occurred in the minus (41.0%) and plus or minus (44.8%) categories. Advantages of using the PDS agar are that it is simple to use, requires no specialized training or equipment, and alerts analysts to those Salmonella cultures which produce atypical reactions in triple sugar iron agar particularly the lactosepositive Salmonella. However, in this study the occurrence of false-negative reactions ranged from 4.3 to 13.9% for Salmonella and from 0 to 6.7% for Arizona, according to the criteria used to interpret the reactions in PDS agar.  相似文献   


Rhizobial cells are present in soils as saprophytes after the decay of host plant nodules, and must survive in the soil until the next encounter with the infection sites of the host plant root. Biotic and abiotic environmental factors affect the population size of these rhizobia in the soil (Vincent 1977). Precise estimation of the population size of the native and the introduced rhizobia in the soil is necessary to study the conditions for the successful nodule formation by introduced strains.  相似文献   

Bradyrhizobium strains were isolated from nodules obtained from field-grown soybean plants sampled in 12 soybean production locations in Argentina. These fields had been annually cropped with soybean and did not show decreases in yields even though they had been neither N-fertilized nor inoculated for at least the last 5 years. We hypothesized that the isolated strains maintained high competitiveness and efficiency in fixing adequate N2 levels. A set of strains that showed the highest nodular occupancy in each sampling location were assayed for symbiotic performance under greenhouse and field conditions and comparatively evaluated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum E109, the strain officially recommended for inoculant formulation in Argentina. An inoculant pool, formed by four strains obtained from nodules collected from Cañada Rica, developed higher nodular biomass than B. japonicum E 109 in assays carried out in greenhouses under well irrigated conditions. Additionally, neither nodule production nor specific nitrogenase activity decreased with respect to B. japonicum E 109 when plants were drought stressed during 7 days from sowing. The mean yields obtained under field conditions and plotted against the principal component one (CP1) obtained with an additive main effect and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model showed that the inoculant pool from Cañada Rica had higher contribution to yield than strain E 109, although with lower environmental stability. The inoculant pool from Cañada Rica could be considered an improved inoculant and be used for preliminary assays, to formulate inoculants in Argentina.  相似文献   

响应面法优化酒糟微波间歇干燥工艺   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
为了优化酒糟干燥工艺,保证酒糟干燥后品质,选择微波间歇干燥方法进行试验研究。以干燥速率、能耗、品质为目标,利用隶属度的综合评分法对3个目标综合评分。根据响应面中心组合设计理论,用响应面法探讨了微波功率、糟层厚度、脉冲比对酒糟微波间歇干燥工艺的影响,建立了二次多项式回归模型,并对干燥工艺参数进行了优化。结果表明,3个因素对综合分的影响大小依次为:脉冲比>糟层厚度>微波功率;酒糟微波间歇干燥的最佳工艺参数为:微波功率为480 W、糟层厚度为2.78 cm、脉冲比为6.625,此时得到最大综合分为0.723。为进一步研究酒糟微波干燥设备及工艺提供了理论依据。  相似文献   


Royal beauty cotoneaster (Cotoneaster dammeri C. K. Schneid, ‘Royal Beauty') and Hicksii taxus (Taxus x media Rehd. ‘Hicksii') were grown in media amended with several levels of aggregated fly ash. In general, no differences in root or shoot growth was noted in either species as a result of the media in which they were produced. Higher than normal B levels were observed in the leaf tissue of taxus as the level of the aggregated fly ash in the media increased, while no differences in B levels were noted in the leaf tissue of the cotoneaster. Both Cu and B concentrations in the root tissue of taxus increased with increasing levels of aggregated fly ash in the media, while the level of P in the root tissue decreased under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Using adsorption isotherms, a study was performed of the adsorption of two organophosphorus pesticides, azinphosmethyl (sparingly soluble in water) and dichlorvos (moderately soluble in water), by montmorillonites saturated with the cations hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA+), dodecyltrimethylammonium (DDTMA+) and tetramethylammonium (TMA+) in aqueous media. The results were compared with those obtained for the adsorption of these pesticides by natural montmorillonite, humic acid and by the soil organic matter and with the octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) of the compounds. Results indicated that regarding the capacity to remove azinphosmethyl from water the organic matter derived from the organic cations HDTMA+ and DDTMA+ is 5–10 times more effective than humic acid; 10–20 times more effective than the organic matter from the soil and 20–50 times more efficient than octanol. However, both organic phases, that derived from the organic matter of the soil and that of the organic cations, have similar effectiveness for removing dichlorvos from water, in turn, their efficiency is 50 times higher than that of octanol. These findings may find application in the removal of azinphosmethyl or other sparingly water soluble organophosphorus pesticides from aquifers.  相似文献   


Shallow‐drained horticultural soils utilized in containers, sporting areas, and landscape sites tend to retain excess water and be poorly aerated as a consequence of capillary retention following irrigation or precipitation. This problem is usually corrected by soil physical amendment with coarse‐textured particulates which add pores sufficiently large to drain and provide adequate aeration. A variety of materials are used for soil physical amendment. One of the most common and successful amendments is perlite. This study examined the feasibility of using pumice, a very similar mineral, as a substitute for perlite in soil amendment.

The physiochemical properties of pumice important to its use as a container soil amendment were found similar to those of perlite.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of different growing media on some properties of tomato (Lycopersicom esculentum L. cv. Falcato). Four growing media including wheat residue, composted wheat residue, coco peat + perlite, and coco peat + soil were applied in pot experiment with completely randomized design with three replications. The results showed that fruit yield, chlorophyll, and vitamin C contents of tomatoes grown in the composted wheat residue and coco peat + perlite treatments were significantly greater than the other growth media. Fresh weight of root and inflorescence were higher in the tomatoes cultivated in the composted wheat residue pots than the other media. Higher internode length and nutrient concentrations in leaf and fruit at the coco peat + perlite treatment were obtained as compared to the other growth media treatments. According to the results, it can be concluded that the coco peat + perlite can be substituted for by composted wheat residue for the cultivation of tomato.  相似文献   


NutraSweet sludge, a by‐product of the production of the noncarbohydrate sweetener aspartame, is often used as a N fertilizer for crops. However, its performance with respect to inorganic N fertilizers is not well understood. This work was conducted to compare NutraSweet sludge to ammonium sulfate and urea as an N fertilizer for wheat and corn. Samples from two soils were mixed with one of the three N sources to achieve rates of 0, 25, 50, 100, or 150 mg N kg‐1. The treated soil was placed in pots, which were used to grow corn or wheat for 45 days in the greenhouse. Above‐ground dry matter yields of com and wheat increased as N rate increased from 0 to 50 or 100 mg N kg‐1. Above 100 mg N kg‐1, dry matter yields decreased. In general, at a given N rate, NutraSweet sludge produced dry matter yields that were equal to or higher than those obtained with ammonium sulfate or urea. The results suggest that NutraSweet sludge could be managed as an ammoniacal N fertilizer when applied to crops.  相似文献   

In this study, two different doses of commercial beta-glucanase enzyme preparation were tested to verify their effect on wines aged on lees. These wines were compared with two samples with no enzymatic treatment. The former was aged on lees (control), and the latter was readily filtered off from the yeast cell biomass (standard). Analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), the Tukey test, and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to all of the samples, which were analyzed for aroma composition, along with galacturonic acid, total acidity, pH, and color. Results showed a large number of statistically significant differences among samples. In general, wines treated with beta-glucanase were characterized by higher concentration of many volatile compounds. The presence of lees and even more the exogenous enzymatic action enhanced almost all volatile compounds. Besides the high presence of ethyl esters, it is worth mentioning the behavior of hexanol and trans-3-hexenol, which are strongly enhanced by the presence of lees and by enzymatic treatments.  相似文献   

Two media used for recovery of foodborne Staphylococcus aureus were compared: trypticase soy broth with 10% salt (TSBS), used in the official AOAC method, and TSBS with 1% sodium pyruvate added (PTSB). Adding pyruvate increased recovery of 4 heat-stressed and nonstressed S. aureus foodborne strains from artificially contaminated mashed potato and ham salad substrates. The overall geometric means for the 2 media differed significantly at the alpha = 0.05 level. Recovery of S. aureus from 70 replicates of naturally contaminated Monterey Jack cheese was highest in PTSB. The overall geometric means/g were 63 in TSBS and 96 in PTSB.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the suitability of the Mehlic h3 universal extractant as a part of a multielement test to assess the nutrient status of Australian sugarcane soils. Soil samples from BSES Soil Exchange Programs, representing all major soil types and geographic sugarcane-growing regions, were analyzed using existing BSES, acid-based extraction methods for calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and phosphorus (P) and the ASPAC 10B3 method for sulfur (S). These were compared with the Mehlich 3 procedure. Mehlich 3 results for Ca, Mg, Na, S, and Mn correlated highly with the BSES procedures (R2 = 0.95, 0.98, 0.99, 0.91, and 0.91, respectively). Satisfactory correlations were also obtained with 0.1 M HCl–extracted Zn, Cu, and Fe (R2 = 0.89, 0.85, and 0.85, respectively) and with the BSES sulfuric acid (H2SO4)–extracted P (R2 = 0.81). The poorest correlation (R2 = 0.79) was observed for K. In conclusion, the Mehlich 3 procedure is suitable as a diagnostic tool to assess the basic nutrient status of Australian sugarcane soils.  相似文献   

Li  Guoxue  Zhang  Fushuo  Sun  Ying  Wong  J. W. C.  Fang  Ming 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,132(3-4):333-345
Several chemical parameters were studied during a 100 daysperiod in order to identify parameters that can be used asindicators of compost maturity. One treatment was a mixture ofsewage sludge and sawdust (TS); another was a mixture of sewagesludge, pig manure and sawdust (TS-PM). The pH of water extractsincreased during the thermophilic phase and then decreased in twotreatments. While the electrical conductivity (EC) decreasedthroughout the composting time. The 4.99% in the change ofvolatile matter of TS-PM was higher than 1.73% in that of TS,at the same time, the change of organic carbon were 5.04% inTS-PM more than 3.82% of TS. Total nitrogen content in TS andTS-PM had a markedly increase tendence during composting, andthe change in TS-PM was very more obvious than in TS, soreduction of C/N ratio in TS-PM was higher than in TS, C/Nratio of TS-PM and TS was 14.39 and 18.57 in mature production,respectively. Carbon content in HA plus FA and HA in twocomposts decreased from 0 to 100 day, but carbon content of FAdecreased, so HA-C/FA-C ratio, HR, HI has a markedly increase inTS and TS-PM, and the parameters in TS-PM were higher than inTS. The points expressing maturity degree in TS-PM was more inTS. The nitrogen content of HA plus and HA showed a increasedtendence in TS and TS-PM, the change of nitrogen of thesefractions in TS-PM was higher than in TS, so C/N ratio of allfractions including HA plus FA, HA and FA, indicated a reductiontendence, and the refuction in FA was larger than in HA. E4/E6ratio of HA plus FA and HA decreased during composting, and one FA was increase. E4/E6 ratio of HA plus FA and HA in TS-PM wasvery smaller than in TS, HA in TS-PM was a larger molecular sizethan HA in TS. The changes of organic matter compositions incomposting: the crude fat and carbohydrates had a markedlyreduction and cellulose plus hemicellulose had a slight decrease;crude protein and lignin content in TS and TS-PM had an increasetendence.  相似文献   


Log yard residues (LYR) a bark and soil waste material produced during log handling, could find use as a growth medium for plants. In this study, log yard fines (LYF), a screened fraction of the LYR (<1.3 cm), were either not amended or amended with a N‐S fertilizer mixture (LYF + F) or with cow manure (LYF + M) and then composted outdoors in insulated, aerated tanks for 18–22 weeks. The resulting substrates were then evaluated as growth media for ‘Chief crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) and ‘Streaker’ red top (Agrostis alba L.). Plants were fertilized (0 or 78 kg N/ha) and grown in a growth chamber.

Temperatures in the LYF and LYF + F piles were similar to ambient conditions over the 5–6 month treatment period, whereas the manure‐amended pile reached a maximum of 34°C after two weeks and then cooled to ambient after two additional weeks. The final C/N ratio of the nonamended LYF was 85 as compared to 36 for LYF + M and 44 for LYF + F. Clover and red top grew best (height and biomass) in LYF + F and poorest in LYF + M, regardless of fertilization regime. Red top grew poorly in the nonamended, unfertilized LYF presumably due to the high C/N ratio of this medium. In summary, this study suggested that LYF could be either amended with fertilizer and aged in piles or directly land applied with supplemental fertilization to support plant growth.  相似文献   

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