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Meat chickens on commercial broiler farms were vaccinated once at 1 to 15 days of age with a live V4 Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine administered by drinking water, aerosol or coarse spray. Hatchmates were housed and similarly vaccinated in laboratory isolation pens. Samples of birds were bled at weekly to fortnightly intervals and the serums tested for haemagglutination inhibiting antibody to NDV. Log2 mean titres of up to 6.26, and assumed protection levels (based on the percentage of birds with log2 titres of 4 or greater) of up to 89%, were obtained in field trials within 4 weeks of vaccination. Differences were observed between the results obtained from parallel field and laboratory trials. The presence of maternal NDV antibody reduced the response to vaccination. The results show that this V4 vaccine can produce an adequate serological response following mass administration to Australian meat chickens housed under commercial conditions.  相似文献   

Flocks of broiler breeder chickens housed on a commercial farm were monitored from 13 w of age for natural infection with endemic lentogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Seroconversion was first detected at 17 w. By 24 w, all 8 flocks had achieved peak log2 mean haemagglutination inhibiting antibody titres of up to 4.8. Antibody titres then declined and rose again over several months, suggesting cyclic reinfection with NDV. A lentogenic NDV indistinguishable from V4 was isolated from the cloaca of one bird at 18 weeks of age. At 54 weeks of age, 6 of 8 flocks were vaccinated en masse with live V4 NDV vaccine, 3 flocks by drinking water and 3 flocks by aerosol. All flocks were serologically monitored for a further 8 w. Drinking water vaccination induced an anamnestic response in 3 flocks, showing that flocks with pre-existing active immunity to NDV may be successfully vaccinated with V4. However, in all aerosol vaccinated flocks, the procedures failed to induce a response different to that observed in unvaccinated flocks. The serological response to vaccination was greater in sires than in dams.  相似文献   

Humorally deficient, in ovo-bursectomized (Bx) and sham-Bx chickens were vaccinated twice, 1 month apart, with Newcastle disease virus (NDV) Roakin strain and challenged with a velogenic viscerotropic NDV strain via the oronasal route. Hemagglutination-inhibition and seroneutralization tests showed that Bx chickens had reduced antibody-mediated immunity to virus infection. In contrast, they had significantly higher cell-mediated immunity (CMI) before challenge, as estimated simultaneously by determination of blastogenic capacity of peripheral blood lymphocytes induced by phytohemagglutinin and by specific antigen stimulation. After virus challenge, there was transitory inhibition of CMI based on marked reductions in levels of stimulation indices, and this impairment in CMI was supported by persistence of virus in Bx chickens for longer periods. Bx chickens resisted challenge, even though antibody titers were well below those considered predictive of resistance to challenge, suggesting that CMI provides a degree of resistance to velogenic NDV.  相似文献   

Layer chickens on a commercial started pullet farm were vaccinated once at 31 to 52 days of age by drinking water or aerosol with live V4 Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine. Flockmates which had been rehoused in laboratory isolation pens shortly beforehand were similarly vaccinated. Samples of birds were bled at intervals and the serums tested for haemagglutination inhibiting antibody to NDV. Log2 mean titres of up to 4.88 and assumed protection levels (based on the percentage of birds with log2 titres of 4 or greater) of up to 81%, were obtained in the field trials within 4 weeks of vaccination. A subsequent laboratory trial further compared the response of different breeds of chicken to different routes of vaccination. Differences were observed between breeds, routes of vaccination, and parallel field and laboratory trials. The results show that this V4 vaccine can produce an adequate serological response following mass vaccination of Australian layer pullets housed under commercial conditions, and that care should be exercised in extrapolating results obtained under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

King DJ 《Avian diseases》1999,43(4):745-755
Four-week-old specific-pathogen-free white rock chickens were immunized with either a commercial recombinant fowl poxvirus-vectored Newcastle disease vaccine (FPN) expressing the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase and fusion protein genes of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain B1 or live NDV B1. Vaccinates and controls were challenged by eyedrop and intranasal (E/I) route with a viscerotropic velogenic NDV at 14 days postvaccination to determine the time of clearance of challenge virus. In a subsequent experiment, chickens were challenged at 3, 6, or 10 days postvaccination to determine the onset of immunity. Chickens that received a recommended field dose (1x) or a 0.01x dose of FP-N subcutaneously (s.c.) and were seropositive by hemagglutination-inhibition test at 14 days postvaccination cleared the challenge virus by 14 days postchallenge. Clinical Newcastle disease and high challenge virus titers in tissues were seen only in seronegative FP-N 0.01x dose vaccinates and controls. In a comparison of vaccination with FP-N (1x, 10(4,9) median tissue culture infective dose) s.c., B1 (10(6) median egg infective dose [EID50]) s.c., or B1 (10(6) EID50) E/I, chickens vaccinated at 6 or 10 days before challenge with all vaccines were protected against clinical disease, but only those vaccinated with B1 E/I 10 days before challenge were protected against infection with the challenge virus. Vaccination at 3 days before challenge with B1 E/I provided early protection, but severe nervous signs developed later and reduced overall protection to 60%, whereas disease in chickens vaccinated with B1 s.c. and FP-N s.c. 3 days before challenge was similar to the challenge controls.  相似文献   

A group of 1-day-old commercial leghorn chickens was prophylactically treated with lymphokines obtained from lymphocyte cultures of chickens previously infected with Salmonella enteritidis (S. enteritidis-immune lymphokines [SE-ILK]) with the objective to investigate the effect of SE-ILK on development of Newcastle disease (ND) infection caused by Chimalguacan strain, a Mexican velogenic ND virus (vNDV). Clinical signs, histologic lesions, and hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) serum titers were compared with four other groups, namely, chickens without SE-ILK treatment with virus challenge; with SE-ILK without virus challenge; with nonimmune lymphokine (NILK) treatment and virus challenge; with lymphokine treatment and no virus challenge. SE-ILK was administered intraperitoneally in a dose of 0.5 ml/chicken and was followed 30 min later with the challenge of vNDV in a dose of 10(7.6) 50% embryo lethal dose/ml per bird. Birds were observed during 21 days of postchallenge. Detection of histologic changes and virus isolation procedures were carried out on the third, seventh, 14th, and 21st postinoculation days. HI tests were performed first before treatment and later on the days of histologic sample collection except on the third postinoculation day. Results showed that SE-ILK administration conferred resistance to the chickens because: 1) it significantly diminished the severity of ND infection by inhibiting appearance of clinical signs (P < 0.001), lesions (P < 0.005), and histopathologic changes (P < 0.005); 2) it decreased vNDV isolation rate from the organs (P < 0.001), and 3) it potentialized and even accelerated (P < 0.005) primary immune response by antibodies in the presence of vNDV.  相似文献   

Effects of parental immunity and method of vaccination were studied in broiler chickens vaccinated with a commercial LaSota vaccine and challenged with the Fontana strain of velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease (VVND). Immunity was satisfactory from all methods of vaccination used.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes in the tracheal epithelium of chickens infected intranasally with velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease virus were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Hypertrophy of the mucus-secreting, or goblet, cells was the first sign of change, followed by disoriented and deformed cilia, hemorrhage, and hyperplasia of goblet cells accompanied by an increase in mucus. By day 7 postinfection, there was a marked decrease in the number of ciliated cells. Submucosal glands and some collagen fibers were exposed to the surface, an indication of loss of the epithelial cells. Macrophages and cell debris were abundant, and hyperplasia of the basal cells was evident in the later stages of infection, probably in an attempt to regenerate the lost epithelium. However, all chickens died 10 days postinfection, before any further work could be done.  相似文献   

The efficacy of green-coloured (GC) I-2 Newcastle disease vaccine was determined in the present study. I-2 vaccine was mixed with a green coloured dye and stored at 4°C for 6 months while assayed for the virus infectivity at a monthly interval. Chickens were vaccinated with the GC vaccine by eye drop. Serum samples were collected from all birds before and after vaccination at weekly interval for 4 weeks and tested for haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody against Newcastle disease virus (NDV). These chickens were challenged with NDV virulent strain four weeks after vaccination. The results showed that there was no difference between the infectivity titres of GC and uncoloured vaccines. However, chickens vaccinated with GC vaccine produced higher HI antibody titres than chickens vaccinated with uncoloured vaccine. Results from the challenge trial showed that all vaccinated chickens survived whereas all unvaccinated chickens died. The findings from this study have shown that the GC vaccine is safe and produced protective antibodies against NDV in vaccinated chickens. Wambura, P. N., 2008. Protective antibody response produced by the chickens vaccinated with green coloured thermostable Newcastle disease virus. Tropical Animal Health and Production.  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms of chickens infected with viscerotropic velogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) or virulent avian influenza virus (AIV) were characterized and compared. The ECG were monitored by radiotelemetry and were recorded twice daily before virus infection and during the course of the infection. Thirteen lead II intervals, segments, and amplitudes were measured and analyzed. The ECG of NDV-infected chickens were characterized by lengthened (P less than or equal to 0.05) ST segments and increased (P less than or equal to 0.05) P amplitudes. The ECG of AIV-infected chickens were characterized by lengthened (P less than or equal to 0.05) RS intervals, ST segments, TP intervals, and PR segments and by increased (P less than or equal to 0.05) P amplitudes. The TP intervals and PR segments of ECG of AIV-infected chickens were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) longer than those of NDV-infected chickens. The pronounced conduction delays indicated in the ECG of AIV-infected chickens may have diagnostic importance.  相似文献   

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