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In 8 Holstein cows, 50 colony-forming units (CFU) of Escherichia coli was administered into 1 mammary gland. Infections were established in all inoculated glands. In 4 of the 8 cows, 500 mg of gentamicin sulfate was administered by intramammary infusion 14 hours after inoculation; the other 4 cows were untreated controls. Infusions of gentamicin also were given after each of the 3 successive milkings after the initial infusion, so that a total dose of 2 g of gentamicin was given to each of the treated cows. During the 33-hour treatment period and for the first milking after the last infusion of gentamicin, the treated cows had a mean gentamicin concentration of greater than or equal to 31.0 micrograms/ml in milk samples that were collected from inoculated quarters immediately before each milking. Concentrations of 0.34 and 0.69 micrograms of gentamicin/ml were detected in milk from 2 cows at 8 days after inoculation with E coli. Mean serum concentrations of gentamicin were greater than or equal to 0.37 micrograms/ml throughout the treatment period and the first 12 hours after the last infusion, with a mean peak concentration of 0.96 micrograms/ml at 24.4 hours. The range of peak concentration of gentamicin detected in urine from all treated cows was 42 to 74.4 micrograms/ml. Peak concentration of E coli in milk in the treated cows (6.08 +/- 1.02 log10 CFU/ml) did not significantly (P greater than 0.05) differ from that of the control cows (5.26 +/- 1.00 log10 CFU/ml). Similarly, mean duration of infection in the treated cows (54 hours) did not differ significantly from that of the control cows (48 hours).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of frequent milkout (FMO) on the outcome of experimentally induced Escherichia coli mastitis in cows. DESIGN: Randomized complete block study. ANIMALS: 16 Holstein dairy cows. PROCEDURE: Cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups and were either not infected and not treated (NI-NT), experimentally infected with E coli and not treated (EC-NT), not infected and FMO (NI-FMO), or experimentally infected with E coli and FMO (EC-FMO). The infected quarter in cows in FMO groups was milked out every 4 hours from 16 to 36 hours and every 6 hours from 36 to 84 hours after challenge, with the aid of oxytocin administration. Somatic cell counts (SCC); times to bacterial, clinical, and systemic cures; and serum concentrations of a-lactalbumin were determined. RESULTS: Use of FMO did not appear to affect SCC. For EC-NT and EC-FMO groups, mean bacterial cure times were 203 and 159 hours, clinical cure times were 276 and 360 hours, and systemic cure times were 144 and 159 hours, respectively; these times were not significantly different. Concentrations of a-lactalbumin were significantly increased in the EC-NT group at 12 hours and in the NI-FMO group at 36 and 60 hours after challenge, compared with values of cows in other treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Compared with results in control cows, FMO does not appear to be an efficacious treatment for experimentally induced moderate to severe E coli mastitis.  相似文献   

The effect of bovine lactoferrin (Lf) was studied in experimental Escherichia coli mastitis, using enrofloxacin as a comparator. Mastitis was induced in six clinically healthy primiparous dairy cows by infusing 1500 colony-forming units of E. coli into a single udder quarter. The challenge was repeated into a contralateral quarter of the same cows 3 weeks later. At the first challenge, three cows were treated with 1.5 g of bovine lactoferrin intramammarily three times (12, 20 and 36 h postchallenge, PC), and the other three cows received 5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin (Baytril) parenterally (12, 36 and 60 h PC). Flunixin meglumine (2.2 mg/kg) was administered to all cows twice at 24-h intervals. During the second challenge, the treatments for the two groups were reversed. Intramammary challenge with E. coli produced clinical mastitis in all cows, but the severity of the disease varied markedly. No statistically significant differences between treatment groups were observed in clinical signs such as rectal temperature, rumen motility and general attitude. Milk somatic cell count, daily milk yield and bacterial counts in cows treated with Lf and those receiving enrofloxacin also did not differ significantly. However, a trend for a more rapid elimination of bacteria was seen in the cows treated with enrofloxacin. Milk NAGase activity also decreased significantly faster in the group treated with enrofloxacin. The concentration of lipopolysaccharide in milk compared with the number of bacteria was significantly lower in Lf than in enrofloxacin-treated cows (20 h PC).  相似文献   

Six Finnish Ayrshire cows were challenged intramammarily with 1500 CFU of Escherichia coli (E. coli) into single udder quarters, and the challenge was repeated into contralateral quarters 3 weeks later. All cows received flunixine meglumine once, and 3 of them were also treated with enrofloxacin. At the 2nd challenge, treatments were changed vice versa. The development of mastitis was followed by monitoring of systemic and local clinical signs, and with serial milk and serum samples. Intramammary challenge with E. coli produced clinical mastitis in all cows, the severity of the disease varying greatly between the animals. No significant changes between the 2 treatment regimens or sequent challenges were found for any of the clinical parameters. The response of each cow followed the same pattern after both challenges; three of the cows became mildly and the other 3 either moderately or severely affected. Two severely affected cows had to be euthanized because of severe mastitis. Serum haptoglobin and amyloid-A concentrations peaked 2-3 days after bacterial challenge. Serum haptoglobin did not correlate with the severity of the disease. Serum amyloid-A rose gradually in the severely affected cows, and significant differences were found between severely versus moderately or mildly affected cows at day 4. Serum tumor necrosis factor alpha concentrations increased only in the severely affected cows. Serum cortisol response was prolonged in the severely diseased animals, and was significantly lower after the second challenge. Serum nitrite/nitrate concentration increased in the severely affected cows. This indicated excess nitric oxide production during acute E. coli mastitis. Strongly decreased milk production, and high bacterial growth in the infected quarters were best predictors for the outcome from acute E. coli mastitis.  相似文献   

为了探讨奶牛隐性乳房炎的有效防治方法,笔者在四川的绵阳、江油、德阳、洪雅等地的7个奶牛场,对部分经检测为隐性乳房炎阳性的奶牛,应用盐酸左旋咪唑(LMS)进行治疗试验,获得了满意效果。1材料与方法对7个奶牛场的635头奶牛,采用十二烷基硫酸钠凝乳检验法...  相似文献   

1症状 多发于半个或整个乳房,或局限几个乳叶,常为急性经过,患病乳区红、肿、热、痛,局部增温,病部明显肿胀,榨乳躲避,有剧痛感,有的乳房水肿特别严重,似乎要拖地,乳房皮肤红色甚至紫红色斑点,淋巴结肿大,乳汁稀薄如水,呈淡红色或血色,曾见1例4个乳头全出鲜血,含凝乳及凝血絮状物。病牛精神萎顿,食欲减少或废绝;若继发细  相似文献   

真菌性乳房炎的诊治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
泰安地区某奶牛养殖户2头奶牛患乳房炎2个多月,使用中药和多种常规抗生素治疗均无效.本试验对无菌采集奶样进行了病原菌的分离鉴定,确诊为白色假丝酵母菌感染;通过药敏试验,使用敏感药物酮康唑对其进行治疗,症状明显减轻,产奶量回升,但仍未恢复到患乳房炎以前的产量.  相似文献   

The efficacy of flunixin alone and together with enrofloxacin in treatment of experimental Escherichia coli mastitis was compared using six cows. The cross-over study design was used. Pharmacokinetics of flunixin and enrofloxacin were also studied in these diseased cows. The response of each cow was similar after the first and second challenge and the individual reaction seemed to explain the severity of clinical signs. The most important predictive factor for outcome of E. coli mastitis was a heavy drop in milk yield. Treatment with enrofloxacin and flunixin enhanced elimination of bacteria, but the difference from those receiving flunixin alone was not significant. Two cows, which had received no antimicrobial treatment (Group 1), were killed on day 4 postchallenge. One cow was killed after the first and the other after the second challenge. Cows receiving combination therapy produced 0.9 L more milk per day during the study period than cows which had only received flunixin (P < 0.05). Based on our findings, antimicrobial treatment might be beneficial in the treatment of high-yielding cows in early lactation. The absorption of enrofloxacin was delayed after subcutaneous administration, the mean apparent elimination half-life being about 23 h, whereas after i.v. administration elimination t(1/2) was only 1.5 h. The majority of the antimicrobial activity in milk originated from the active metabolite, ciprofloxacin, which could be measured throughout the 120-h follow-up period after the last subcutaneous administration. No differences were present in the pharmacokinetic parameters of flunixin between treatment groups: mean elimination half-life was 5.7-6.2 h, volume of distribution 0.43-0.49 L/kg and clearance 0.13-0.14 L h/kg. No flunixin or merely traces were detected in milk: one of the three cows had a concentration of 0.019 mg/L 8 h after administration.  相似文献   



Mastitis is a high incidence disease in dairy cows. The acute stage is considered painful and inflammation can lead to hyperalgesia and thereby contribute to decreased welfare. The aim of this study was to examine changes in nociceptive responses toward cutaneous nociceptive laser stimulation (NLS) in dairy cows with experimentally induced Escherichia coli mastitis, and correlate behavioral changes in nociceptive responses to clinical and paraclinical variables.


Seven Danish Holstein-Friesian cows were kept in tie-stalls, where the E. coli associated mastitis was induced and laser stimulations were conducted. Measurements of rectal temperature, somatic cell counts, white blood cell counts and E. coli counts were conducted. Furthermore, scores were given for anorexia, local udder inflammation and milk appearance to quantify the local and systemic disease response. In order to quantify the nociceptive threshold, behavioral responses toward cutaneous NLS applied to six skin areas at the tarsus/metatarsus and udder hind quarters were registered at evening milking on day 0 (control) and days 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 after experimental induction of mastitis.


All clinical and paraclinical variables were affected by the induced mastitis. All cows were clinically ill on days 1 and 2. The cows responded behaviorally toward the NLS. For hind leg stimulation, the proportion of cows responding by stepping was higher on day 0 than days 3 and 6, and the frequency of leg movements after laser stimulation tended to decrease on day 1 compared to the other days. After udder stimulation, the proportion of cows responding by stepping was higher on day 1 than on all other days of testing. Significant correlations between the clinical and paraclinical variables of disease and the behavioral responses toward nociceptive stimulation were found.


Changes in behavioral responses coincide with peaks in local and systemic signs of E. coli mastitis. During the acute stage of E. coli mastitis nociceptive thermal stimulation on hind leg and mammary glands results in decreased behavioral responses toward nociceptive stimulation, which might be interpreted as hypoalgesia.  相似文献   

During two years in a herd of dairy cows with an average number of 94 cows the effects on infection level were investigated of single nonselective antibiotics treatment of cow's udder in the dry period. The treatment influenced favourably the results of complex periodic three-months examinations: --level of infection with infectious mastitis was reduced from 38.3% to 9.8%; --occurrence of clinical forms of mastitis dropped from 17.4% to 5.9%;--occurrence of NK-test positive reactions decreased from 55.8% to 21.8%. An investigation into therapeutic efficiency of three intramammary preparations revealed the highest total therapeutic effect of Stapenor retard (Bayer, FRG)--93.2%; Syntarpene 500 (Polfa, Poland) had the total therapeutic efficiency of 92.6% and the efficiency of Oxaclene foam (Spofa, CSSR) made 86.5%. The results demonstrate good efficiency of the method because the levels of mastitis infection in the herd were positively influenced, and excellent therapeutic efficiency of semisynthetic penicillins containing intramammary preparations used for mastitis treatment of dairy cows in the dry period.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear cells have a critical role in the pathogenesis of bovine mastitis. We have documented that experimentally induced Staphylococcus aureus mastitis is associated with cyclic increase and decrease in the quantity of viable bacteria shed in the milk. Concomitant with this cycling of bacteria is an inverse cycling of the hosts cells within the milk. Such somatic cells were determined to be greater than or equal to 95% polymorphonuclear cells. The quality of these cells was evaluated by measuring their relative efficiency of bacterial killing and phagocytosis at various times during an infection. Host polymorphonuclear cells had as much as 10,000-fold variation in the bactericidal failure rate for staphylococci during cell cycling. The most efficient bactericidal effect was observed at or near the peak of the somatic cell count (SCC). The ability of these cycling cells to ingest fluorescent beads was also quantitated by use of flow cytometry. The percentage of phagocytic polymorphonuclear cells that ingested fluorescent latex beads ranged from 15 to 80% of the total cell population during cell cycling, and tended to be optimal at or near peak SCC. In addition, the average number of beads ingested varied between 1 and 2 particles/polymorphonuclear cell, with as many as 17% of the phagocytic cells ingesting 4 or more beads at maximal efficiency. Polymorphonuclear cells from quarters infected with S aureus varied quantitatively (total SCC) and qualitatively (bactericidal activity and phagocytic ability) during the course of an infection. Not only is the quantity of host's phagocytic cells in the mammary gland central to the defense mechanism against infection, but the biological activation state appears to be equally important. The role of these cells in the pathogenesis of a cycling infection is presented in a model to explain the cyclic nature of mastitis.  相似文献   

Mastitis was induced experimentally in ewes with Staphylococcus epidermidis, and the concentrations of serum amyloid A (SAA) in milk and serum, and the somatic cell counts and bacteria in the milk were determined for up to 10 weeks in two experiments, each examining five infected and five control ewes. The somatic cell counts peaked eight hours after infection and preceded an increase in SAA in milk. A maximum concentration of 6460 microg/ml SAA was recorded in milk from the infected sheep, compared with a mean concentration of 1.4 microg/ml in the control sheep. The mean peak concentration of SAA in serum (206.8 microg/ml) occurred earlier (one day after infection) than in milk. The serum concentration of SAA in the healthy animals ranged from 0 to 29.4 microg/ml. There was no correlation between the concentrations of SAA in serum and milk.  相似文献   

Milk yield and milk acetoacetate (M-acac) were measured weekly for the first 6 weeks of lactation in 5 herds with a ketosis problem. Ketosis treatments and the corresponding ketotest score, were also recorded. The treatment rate was highest 7-16 days after calving. Most of these early cases were associated with low ketone levels in milk, whereas the treatment rate for cows with high ketone levels was highest 17-31 days after calving. Nearly half of the treated cows were low-ketone animals. They were classified as ketosis cases in the cow health card records, although probably suffering from other post partum disturbances in many instances. About 40% of the cows with high ketone levels recovered spontaneously. Reduction in milk yield associated with peak M-acac levels was transient and moderate. It was concluded that health card statistics overestimates the severity of the ketosis problem in Norway.  相似文献   

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