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Recent discoveries of fossil vertebrates from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar include several specimens of a large theropod dinosaur. One specimen includes a nearly complete and exquisitely preserved skull with thickened pneumatic nasals, a median frontal horn, and a dorsal projection on the parietals. The new materials are assigned to the enigmatic theropod group Abelisauridae on the basis of a number of unique features. Fossil remains attributable to abelisaurids are restricted to three Gondwanan landmasses: South America, Madagascar, and the Indian subcontinent. This distribution is consistent with a revised paleogeographic reconstruction that posits prolonged links between these landmasses (via Antarctica), perhaps until late in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Well-preserved Lower Cretaceous fossil copepods related to the super-family Dichelesthioidea have been collected from the gill chamber of the ichthyodectid fish Cladocyclus gardneri. The fossils provide conclusive evidence suporting recent theories that link caligid copepods, which are parasitic on fish, to the invertebrate-associated siphonostomes. This is the first discovery of fossil parasitic copepods, and they are by far the oldest copepods of any sort known.  相似文献   

Many planktonic foraminiferal species deposit their shells at the chlorophyll maximum zone, and it is the temperature range here that is relevant to oceanographic models which use ratios of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 in fossil foraminifera and foraminiferal fossil assemblages to ascertain past climates. During periods of stratification of the upper water column, the temperature at the chlorophyll maximum may differ from the sea surface temperature by 10 degrees C in the western North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Abundant skeletal remains demonstrate that lambeosaurine hadrosaurid, tyrannosaurid, and troodontid dinosaurs lived on the Alaskan North Slope during late Campanian-early Maestrichtian time (about 66 to 76 million years ago) in a deltaic environment dominated by herbaceous vegetation. The high ground terrestrial plant community was a mild- to cold-temperate forest composed of coniferous and broad leaf trees. The high paleolatitude (about 70 degrees to 85 degrees North) implies extreme seasonal variation in solar insolation, temperature, and herbivore food supply. Great distances of migration to contemporaneous evergreen floras and the presence of both juvenile and adult hadrosaurs suggest that they remained at high latitudes year-round. This challenges the hypothesis that short-term periods of darkness and temperature decrease resulting from a bolide impact caused dinosaurian extinction.  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous climatic cycles are reflected in lithological and magnetic variations in carbonate sediments from South Atlantic Deep-Sea Drilling Project site 516F at a paleolatitude of roughly 30 degrees S. Magnetic susceptibility cycles 20 to 60 centimeters in length appear to be controlled by the precession of the equinoxes. Cyclicity is particularly robust within a 24-meter interval in the lower Campanian, where overtone spectral peaks are observed as well as secondary susceptibility maxima within individual precession cycles. One model for this behavior is that sedimentation in the narrow Cretaceous South Atlantic was controlled by equatorial climate dynamics, with the precessional insolation signal rectified by the large land masses surrounding the ocean basin.  相似文献   

A partial skeleton of a primitive bird, Rahona ostromi, gen. et sp. nov., has been discovered from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. This specimen, although exhibiting avian features such as a reversed hallux and ulnar papillae, retains characteristics that indicate a theropod ancestry, including a pubic foot and hyposphene-hypantra vertebral articulations. Rahona has a robust, hyperextendible second digit on the hind foot that terminates in a sicklelike claw, a unique characteristic of the theropod groups Troodontidae and Dromaeosauridae. A phylogenetic analysis places Rahona with Archaeopteryx, making Rahona one of the most primitive birds yet discovered.  相似文献   

Fossil worm tubes of Cretaceous age preserved in the Bayda massive sulfide deposit of the Samail ophiolite, Oman, are apparently the first documented examples of fossils embedded in massive sulfide deposits from the geologic record. The geologic setting of the Bayda deposit and the distinctive mineralogic and textural features of the fossiliferous samples suggest that the Bayda sulfide deposit and fossil fauna are remnants of a Cretaceous sea-floor hydrothermal vent similar to modern hot springs on the East Pacific Rise and the Juan de Fuca Ridge.  相似文献   

Stereotyped feeding damage attributable solely to rolled-leaf hispine beetles is documented on latest Cretaceous and early Eocene ginger leaves from North Dakota and Wyoming. Hispine beetles (6000 extant species) therefore evolved at least 20 million years earlier than suggested by insect body fossils, and their specialized associations with gingers and ginger relatives are ancient and phylogenetically conservative. The latest Cretaceous presence of these relatively derived members of the hyperdiverse leaf-beetle clade (Chrysomelidae, more than 38,000 species) implies that many of the adaptive radiations that account for the present diversity of leaf beetles occurred during the Late Cretaceous, contemporaneously with the ongoing rapid evolution of their angiosperm hosts.  相似文献   

Three partial skeletons of a large pterosaur have been found in the latest Cretaceous nonmarine rock of West Texas. This flying reptile had thin, elongate, perhaps toothless jaws and a long neck similar to Pterodaustro and Pterodactylus. With an estimated wingspan of 15.5 meters, it is undoutbtedly the largest flying creature presently known.  相似文献   

May FE 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1976,193(4258):1128-1130
Fossil dinoflagellate tests have been considered to represent encysted, nonmotile stages. The discovery of flagellar porelike structures and probable trichocyst pores in the Upper Cretaceous genus Dinogymnium suggests that motile stage tests are also preserved as acid-resistant, organic-walled microfossils.  相似文献   

Fossil bird skeletons discovered in Lower Cretaceous lake deposits in China shed new light on the early evolution of avian flight and perching. The 135 million-year-old sparrow-sized skeletons represent a new avian, Sinornis santensis, n. gen. n. sp., that preserves striking primitive features such as a flexible manus with unguals, a footed pubis, and stomach ribs (gastralia). In contrast to Archaeoperyx, however, Sinornis exhibits advanced features such as a broad sternum, wing-folding mechanism, pygostyle, and large fully reversed hallux. Modern avian flight function and perching capability, therefore, must have evolved in small-bodied birds in inland habitats not long after Archaeopteryx.  相似文献   

Inaccurate stratigraphic correlations in the Hell Creek area, Montana, have led to the assumption that transitional vertebrate faunas (Bug Creek Anthills) exist in the latest Cretaceous, refuting a catastrophic turnover at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Establishment of the transitional faunas in Paleocene channels that cut down through the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary renders the terrestrial faunal record compatible with the marine record and with catastrophic extinction.  相似文献   

Pollen of the primitive angiosperm family Winteraceae has been discovered in the Aptian-Albian of Israel, extending the fossil record of this phylogenetically important family of flowering plants from the uppermost Upper Cretaceous back some 40 million years to the upper Lower Cretaceous. This appears to represent the earliest known record of a magnolialean angiosperm family and is convincing evidence for the existence in the Early Cretaceous of an extant family of angiosperms.  相似文献   

The question to be answered is why do different cultures respond to the land differently? The question is born in the tension between Native American and the Anglo macroculture valuing of the land. Using the philosophy of George Herbert Mead, it is argued that the land is seen as a social being ,in the same way that an individual sees another person. Mead's philosophy of the development of the individual begins with the relation of the developing self and a social other. That relationship defines acts acceptable within the society, including the acts of observation and reflective thought. Thus, the very process of development becomes bound by the society. As the individual grows, according to Mead, the social other (and the relation between the other and the self) become generalized to include objects of the environment, such as the land. The acts toward others now become acts toward the land. As the acts toward others have value within the society, so the acts toward the land take on the same values. The individual mind is never an exact duplicate of the culture, but is limited by the culture, which results in specific tensions as two cultures come together. Again, using Mead, it is shown that the morality of our response to the land is dependent upon the growth of the individual, and that that growth can be provided by the very conflict of the acculturation.  相似文献   

The exposure of a typical complex lunar breccia to hydrogen after a thorough outgassing produces a fully reduced surface state. Subsequent outgassing over a wide temperature range results in the production of water vapor formed from the chemisorbed hydrogen and oxygen from the lunar sample; the proposed mechanism has been confirmed in terms of the chemisorption of deuterium and the release of heavy water. Since the conditions of the experiments are consistent with those on the lunar surface, it is postulated that water vapor will be produced on the moon through the interaction of the solar wind with lunar soil. It is also proposed that such a process could play an important role in the early history of many planets where an oxygen-rich soil is exposed to a reducing atmosphere.  相似文献   

We reexamined the Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary apparent polar wander path for the Pacific plate using 27 paleomagnetic poles from seamounts dated by (40)Ar/(39)Ar geochronology. The path shows little motion from 120 to 90 million years ago (Ma), northward motion from 79 to 39 Ma, and two groups of poles separated by 16 to 21 degrees with indistinguishable mean ages of 84 +/- 2 Ma. The latter phenomenon may represent a rapid polar wander episode (3 to 10 degrees per million years) whose timing is not adequately resolved with existing data. Similar features in other polar wander paths imply that the event was a rapid shift of the spin axis relative to the mantle (true polar wander), which may have been related to global changes in plate motion, large igneous province eruptions, and a shift in magnetic field polarity state.  相似文献   

Two ice cores, covering 1500 years of climatic information, from the summit (5670 meters) of the tropical Quelccaya ice cap, in the Andes of southern Peru, provide information on general environmental conditions including droughts, volcanic activity, moisture sources, temperature, and glacier net balance. The net balance record reconstructed from these cores reflects major precipitation trends for the southern Andes of Peru. These records indicate extended dry periods between 1720 and 1860, 1250 and 1310, and 570 and 610; wet conditions prevailed between 1500 and 1720. Establishing a tropical precipitation record may help explain climatic fluctuations since the tropical evaporation-precipitation cycle is a principal mechanism driving the atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

When the human T-cell line A3.01 is infected with HTLV-III/LAV, the virus associated with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), most of the cells are killed. However, a small number of cells that lack the Leu-3 surface marker survive. Under normal conditions these surviving cells do not produce virus, nor can they be infected by the virus, but they can be induced to produce virus by treatment with 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine. This response can be induced for as long as 3 months after the initial infection, suggesting that the cells may harbor a latent form of HTLV-III/LAV.  相似文献   

Interleukin-2: inception, impact, and implications   总被引:179,自引:0,他引:179  
K A Smith 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1988,240(4856):1169-1176
Interleukin-2 (IL-2), the first of a series of lymphocytotrophic hormones to be recognized and completely characterized, is pivotal for the generation and regulation of the immune response. A T lymphocyte product, IL-2 also stimulates T cells to undergo cell cycle progression via a finite number of interactions with its specific membrane receptors. Because T cell clonal proliferation after antigen challenge is obligatory for immune responsiveness and immune memory, the IL-2-T cell system has opened the way to a molecular understanding of phenomena that are fundamental to biology, immunology, and medicine.  相似文献   

Howard KA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,180(4090):1052-1055
A large avalanche (21 square kilometers) at the Apollo 17 landing site moved out several kilometers over flat ground beyond its source slope. If not triggered by impacts, then it was as "efficient" as terrestrial avalanches attributed to air-cushion sliding. Evidently lunar avalanches are able to flow despite the lack of lubricating fluid.  相似文献   

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