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Diurnal and seasonal tree water storage was studied in three large Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) trees at the Wind River Canopy Crane Research site. Changes in water storage were based on measurements of sap flow and changes in stem volume and tissue water content at different heights in the stem and branches. We measured sap flow by two variants of the heat balance method (with internal heating in stems and external heating in branches), stem volume with electronic dendrometers, and tissue water content gravimetrically. Water storage was calculated from the differences in diurnal courses of sap flow at different heights and their integration. Old-growth Douglas-fir trees contained large amounts of free water: stem sapwood was the most important storage site, followed by stem phloem, branch sapwood, branch phloem and needles. There were significant time shifts (minutes to hours) between sap flow measured at different positions within the transport system (i.e., stem base to shoot tip), suggesting a highly elastic transport system. On selected fine days between late July and early October, when daily transpiration ranged from 150 to 300 liters, the quantity of stored water used daily ranged from 25 to 55 liters, i.e., about 20% of daily total sap flow. The greatest amount of this stored water came from the lower stem; however, proportionally more water was removed from the upper parts of the tree relative to their water storage capacity. In addition to lags in sap flow from one point in the hydrolic pathway to another, the withdrawal and replacement of stored water was reflected in changes in stem volume. When point-to-point lags in sap flow (minutes to hours near the top and stem base, respectively) were considered, there was a strong linear relationship between stem volume changes and transpiration. Volume changes of the whole tree were small (equivalent to 14% of the total daily use of stored water) indicating that most stored water came from the stem and from its inelastic (sapwood) tissues. Whole tree transpiration can be maintained with stored water for about a week, but it can be maintained with stored water from the upper crown alone for no more than a few hours.  相似文献   

Canopy transpiration and forest water use are frequently estimated as the product of sap velocity and cross-sectional sapwood area. Few studies, however, have considered whether radial variation in sap velocity and the proportion of sapwood active in water transport are significant sources of uncertainty in the extrapolation process. Therefore, radial profiles of sap velocity were examined as a function of stem diameter and sapwood thickness for yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) trees growing on two adjacent watersheds in eastern Tennessee. The compensation heat pulse velocity technique was used to quantify sap velocity at four equal-area depths in 20 trees that ranged in stem diameter from 15 to 69 cm, and in sapwood thickness from 2.1 to 14.8 cm. Sap velocity was highly dependent on the depth of probe insertion into the sapwood. Rates of sap velocity were greatest for probes located in the two outer sapwood annuli (P1 and P2) and lowest for probes in closest proximity to the heartwood (P3 and P4). Relative sap velocities averaged 0.98 at P1, 0.66 at P2, 0.41 at P3 and 0.35 at P4. Tree-specific sap velocities measured at each of the four probe positions, divided by the maximum sap velocity measured (usually at P1 or P2), indicated that the fraction of sapwood functional in water transport (f(S)) varied between 0.49 and 0.96. There was no relationship between f(S) and sapwood thickness, or between f(S) and stem diameter. The fraction of functional sapwood averaged 0.66 +/- 0.13 for trees on which radial profiles were determined. No significant depth-related differences were observed for sapwood density, which averaged 469 kg m(-3) across all four probe positions. There was, however, a significant decline in sapwood water content between the two outer probe positions (1.04 versus 0.89 kg kg(-1)). This difference was not sufficient to account for the observed radial variation in sap velocity. A Monte-Carlo analysis indicated that the standard error in estimated mean f(S) declined rapidly with increasing sample size. At n = 10, the coefficient of variation in mean f(S) was 7% and at n = 15 it was slightly less than 5%. These observations indicate that radial variation in sap velocity is an important, albeit often overlooked, source of uncertainty in the scaling process. Failure to recognize that not all sapwood is functional in water transport will introduce systematic bias into estimates of both tree and stand water use. Future studies should devise sampling strategies for assessing radial variation in sap velocity and such strategies should be used to identify the magnitude of this variation in a range of non-, diffuse- and ring-porous trees.  相似文献   

Radial variation in sap flux density across the sapwood was assessed by the heat field deformation method in several trees of Quercus pubescens Wild., a ring-porous species. Sapwood depths were delimited by identifying the point of zero flow in radial patterns of sap flow, yielding tree sapwood areas that were 1.5-2 times larger than assumed based on visual examinations of wood cores. The patterns of sap flow varied both among trees and diurnally. Rates of sap flow were higher close to the cambium, although there was a significant contribution from the inner sapwood, which was greater (up to 60% of total flow) during the early morning and late in the day. Accordingly, the normalized difference between outer and inner sapwood flow was stable during the middle of the day, but showed a general decline in the afternoon. The distribution of sap flux density across the sapwood allowed us to derive correction coefficients for single-point heat dissipation sap flow measurements. We used daytime-averaged coefficients that depended on the particular shape of the radial profile and ranged between 0.45 and 1.28. Stand transpiration calculated using the new method of estimating sapwood areas and the radial correction coefficients was similar to (Year 2003), or about 25% higher than (Year 2004), previous uncorrected values, and was 20-30% of reference evapotranspiration. We demonstrated how inaccuracies in determining sapwood depths and mean sap flux density across the sapwood of ring-porous species could affect tree and stand transpiration estimates.  相似文献   

In large trees, the daily onset of transpiration causes water to be withdrawn from internal storage compartments, resulting in lags between changes in transpiration and sap flow at the base of the tree. We measured time courses of sap flow, hydraulic resistance, plant water potential and stomatal resistance in co-occurring tropical forest canopy trees with trunk diameters ranging from 0.34-0.98 m, to determine how total daily water use and daily reliance on stored water scaled with size. We also examined the effects of scale and tree hydraulic properties on apparent time constants for changes in transpiration and water flow in response to fluctuating environmental variables. Time constants for water movement were estimated from whole-tree hydraulic resistance (R) and capacitance (C) using an electric circuit analogy, and from rates of change in water movement through intact trees. Total daily water use and reliance on stored water were strongly correlated with trunk diameter, independent of species. Although total daily withdrawal of water from internal storage increased with tree size, its relative contribution to the daily water budget (approximately 10%) remained constant. Net withdrawal of water from storage ceased when upper branch water potential corresponded to the sapwood water potential (Psi(sw)) at which further withdrawal of water from sapwood would have caused Psi(sw) to decline precipitously. Stomatal coordination of vapor and liquid phase resistances played a key role in limiting stored water use to a nearly constant fraction of total daily water use. Time constants for changes in transpiration, estimated as the product of whole- tree R and C, were similar among individuals (~0.53 h), indicating that R and C co-varied with tree size in an inverse manner. Similarly, time constants estimated from rates of change in crown and basal sap flux were nearly identical among individuals and therefore independent of tree size and species.  相似文献   

We monitored the radial distribution of sap flux density (v; g H2O m(-2) s(-1)) in the sapwood of six plantation-grown Pinus taeda L. trees during wet and dry soil periods. Mean basal diameter of the 32-year-old trees was 33.3 cm. For all trees, the radial distribution of sap flow in the base of the stem (i.e., radial profile) was Gaussian in shape. Sap flow occurred maximally in the outer 4 cm of sapwood, comprising 50-60% of total stem flow (F), and decreased toward the center, with the innermost 4 cm of sapwood (11-15 cm) comprising less than 10% of F. The percent of flow occurring in the outer 4 cm of sapwood was stable with time (average CV < 10%); however, the percentage of flow occurring in the remaining sapwood was more variable over time (average CV > 40%). Diurnally, the radial profile changed predictably with time and with total stem flow. Seasonally, the radial profile became less steep as the soil water content (theta) declined from 0.38 to 0.21. Throughout the season, daytime sap flow also decreased as theta decreased; however, nighttime sap flow (an estimate of stored water use) remained relatively constant. As a result, the percentage of stored water use increased as theta declined. Time series analysis of 15-min values of F, theta, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and vapor pressure deficit (D) showed that F lagged behind D by 0-15 min and behind PAR by 15-30 min. Diurnally, the relationship between F and D was much stronger than the relationship between F and PAR, whereas no relationship was found between F and theta. An autoregressive moving average (ARIMA) model estimated that 97% of the variability in F could be predicted by D alone. Although total sap flow in all trees responded similarly to D, we show that the radial distribution of sap flow comprising total flow could change temporally, both on daily and seasonal scales.  相似文献   

Tropical moist forests are notable for their richness in tree species. The presence of such a diverse tree flora presents potential problems for scaling up estimates of water use from individual trees to entire stands and for drawing generalizations about physiological regulation of water use in tropical trees. We measured sapwood area or sap flow, or both, in 27 co-occurring canopy species in a Panamanian forest to determine the extent to which relationships between tree size, sapwood area and sap flow were species-specific, or whether they were constrained by universal functional relationships between tree size, conducting xylem area, and water use. For the 24 species in which active xylem area was estimated over a range of size classes, diameter at breast height (DBH) accounted for 98% of the variation in sapwood area and 67% of the variation in sapwood depth when data for all species were combined. The DBH alone also accounted for > or = 90% of the variation in both maximum and total daily sap flux density in the outermost 2 cm of sapwood for all species taken together. Maximum sap flux density measured near the base of the tree occurred at about 1,400 h in the largest trees and 1,130 h in the smallest trees studied, and DBH accounted for 93% of the variation in the time of day at which maximum sap flow occurred. The shared relationship between tree size and time of maximum sap flow at the base of the tree suggests that a common relationship between diurnal stem water storage capacity and tree size existed. These results are consistent with a recent hypothesis that allometric scaling of plant vascular systems, and therefore water use, is universal.  相似文献   

在广西黄冕林场采用Granier热扩散技术方法对人工纯林桉树、杉木和香樟的液流密度、液流通量、单株日均耗水量及耗水量与主要环境因子的关系进行了研究.结果表明:3个树种树干液流密度均与光合有效辐射有一致的变化规律和单峰曲线.综合分析显示桉树在3个树种中耗水能力最强,虽然香樟液流密度比杉木大,但因为边材面积最小,所以表现出耗水量最小,单株日均耗水量仅有桉树的0.5倍左右,而杉木虽然边材面积比桉树大,但耗水量并不高,仅为桉树的0.7倍左右;通过偏相关分析发现3个树种的液流通量均与光合有效辐射、水气压亏缺和空气温度有极显著的正相关关系,杉木和香樟液流通量与空气相对湿度有极显著的负相关关系,而桉树表现不显著;通过多元线性分析发现3个树种的液流通量均与光合有效辐射、空气温度和空气相对湿度有很强的线性相关关系.3个不同树种的耗水研究结果可为本地区造林树种选择的优劣性提供参考.  相似文献   

Large areas of forests in the Pacific Northwest are being transformed to younger forests, yet little is known about the impact this may have on hydrological cycles. Previous work suggests that old trees use less water per unit leaf area or sapwood area than young mature trees of the same species in similar environments. Do old forests, therefore, use less water than young mature forests in similar environments, or are there other structural or compositional components in the forests that compensate for tree-level differences? We investigated the impacts of tree age, species composition and sapwood basal area on stand-level transpiration in adjacent watersheds at the H.J. Andrews Forest in the western Cascades of Oregon, one containing a young, mature (about 40 years since disturbance) conifer forest and the other an old growth (about 450 years since disturbance) forest. Sap flow measurements were used to evaluate the degree to which differences in age and species composition affect water use. Stand sapwood basal area was evaluated based on a vegetation survey for species, basal area and sapwood basal area in the riparian area of two watersheds. A simple scaling exercise derived from estimated differences in water use as a result of differences in age, species composition and stand sapwood area was used to estimate transpiration from late June through October within the entire riparian area of these watersheds. Transpiration was higher in the young stand because of greater sap flux density (sap flow per unit sapwood area) by age class and species, and greater total stand sapwood area. During the measurement period, mean daily sap flux density was 2.30 times higher in young compared with old Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) trees. Sap flux density was 1.41 times higher in young red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) compared with young P. menziesii trees, and was 1.45 times higher in old P. menziesii compared with old western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) trees. Overall, sapwood basal area was 21% higher in the young stand than in the old stand. In the old forest, T. heterophylla is an important co-dominant, accounting for 58% of total sapwood basal area, whereas P. menziesii is the only dominant conifer in the young stand. Angiosperms accounted for 36% of total sapwood basal area in the young stand, but only 7% in the old stand. For all factors combined, we estimated 3.27 times more water use by vegetation in the riparian area of the young stand over the measurement period. Tree age had the greatest effect on stand differences in water use, followed by differences in sapwood basal area, and finally species composition. The large differences in transpiration provide further evidence that forest management alters site water balance via elevated transpiration in vigorous young stands.  相似文献   

Fiora A  Cescatti A 《Tree physiology》2008,28(9):1317-1323
Understanding the causes determining the radial pattern of sap flux density is important both for improving knowledge of sapwood functioning and for up-scaling sap flow measurements to canopy transpiration and ecosystem water use. To investigate the anatomical connection between whorls and annual sapwood rings, pruning-induced variation in the radial pattern of sap flux density was monitored with Granier probes in a 35-year-old Picea abies (L.) Karst tree that was pruned from the crown bottom up. Modifications in the radial pattern of sap flux density were quantified by a shape index (SI), which varies with the relative contribution of the outer and inner sapwood to tree transpiration. The SI progressively diminished during bottom up pruning, indicating a significant reduction in sap flow contribution of the inner sapwood. Results suggest that the radial pattern of sap flux density depends mainly on the vertical distribution of foliage in the crown, with lower shaded branches hydraulically connected with inner sapwood and upper branches connected with the outer rings.  相似文献   

Axial water transport in trees is mainly determined by the gradient of negative water pressure and the structure of conductive xylem elements (i.e. conduits) connecting the fine roots with the foliage. There is still an essential lack of knowledge concerning the relationship between wood structure and hydraulic properties, especially of coarse roots. To this end, the study aimed (1) to work out a novel approach, based on the combination of computer tomography (CT) and light microscopy (LM), for determining the cumulative cross-sectional lumen area of conduits involved in the water transport of coarse roots in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) and (2) to demonstrate its adequacy in quantifying the functional relationship between sapwood anatomy and ascending water mass flow in the xylem. The cross-sectional sapwood area of coarse roots was assessed through CT. The cumulative cross-sectional lumen area of conduits in the sapwood (i.e. the lumen area of conductive conduits) was measured by LM in combination with interactive image analysis. The new approach was developed with coarse roots of both the tree species growing in a 60-year-old mixed forest in Bavaria, Germany. The combination of the two methods unveiled spruce to possess a distinct sapwood/heartwood boundary in small-diameter roots, whereas such roots of beech reflected a gradual transition zone; only large-diameter roots displayed a distinct boundary in beech. Additionally, the cumulative lumen area of conductive conduits was found to be approximately 12% of the total coarse root cross-sectional area in both the tree species. The new approach of measuring the conductive lumen area of coarse-root conduits yielded levels of specific sap flow (i.e. axial conductivity) that substantially differed from those derived from commonly applied methods, which were based on sap flow per unit of total cross-sectional root area or xylem cross-sectional area of individual roots. The combination of CT and LM will facilitate functional comparisons of woody roots differing in diameter and of tree species of different anatomical xylem structure.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the leaf area/sapwood area ratio in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is influenced by site differences in water vapor pressure deficit of the air (D). Two stands of the same provenance were selected, one in western Scotland and one in eastern England, so that effects resulting from age, genetic variability, density and fertility were minimized. Compared with the Scots pine trees at the cooler and wetter site in Scotland, the trees at the warmer and drier site in England produced less leaf area per unit of conducting sapwood area both at a stem height of 1.3 m and at the base of the live crown, whereas stem permeability was similar at both sites. Also, trees at the drier site had less leaf area per unit branch cross-sectional area at the branch base than trees at the wetter site. For each site, the average values for leaf area, sapwood area and permeability were used, together with values of transpiration rates at different D, to calculate average stem water potential gradients. Changes in the leaf area/sapwood area ratio acted to maintain a similar water potential gradient in the stems of trees at both sites despite climatic differences between the sites.  相似文献   

Variations in radial patterns of xylem water content and sap flow rate were measured in five laurel forest tree species (Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco, Persea indica (L.) Spreng., Myrica faya Ait., Erica arborea L. and Ilex perado Ait. ssp. platyphylla (Webb & Berth.) Tutin) growing in an experimental plot at Agua García, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Measurements were performed around midday during warm and sunny days by the heat field deformation method. In all species, water content was almost constant (around 35% by volume) over the whole xylem cross-sectional area. There were no differences in wood color over the whole cross-sectional area of the stem in most species with the exception of E. arborea, whose wood became darker in the inner layers. Radial patterns of sap flow were highly variable and did not show clear relationships with tree diameter or species. Sap flow occurred over the whole xylem cross-sectional area in some species, whereas it was limited to the outer xylem layers in others. Sap flow rate was either similar along the xylem radius or exhibited a peak in the outer part of the xylem area. Low sap flow rates with little variation in radial pattern were typical for shaded suppressed trees, whereas dominant trees exhibited high sap flow rates with a peak in the radial pattern. Stem damage resulted in a significant decrease in sap flow rate in the outer xylem layers. The outer xylem is more important for whole tree water supply than the inner xylem because of its larger size. We conclude that measurement of radial flow pattern provides a reliable method of integrating sap flow from individual measuring points to the whole tree.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that stomata respond to changes in hydraulic conductance of the flow path from soil to leaf. In open-grown tall trees, branches of different heights may have different hydraulic conductances because of differences in path length and growth. We determined if leaf gas exchange, branch sap flux, leaf specific hydraulic conductance, foliar carbon isotope composition (delta13C) and ratios of leaf area to sapwood area within branches were dependent on branch height (10 and 25 m) within the crowns of four open-grown ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) trees. We found no difference in leaf gas exchange or leaf specific hydraulic conductance from soil to leaf between the upper and lower canopy of our study trees. Branch sap flux per unit leaf area and per unit sapwood area did not differ between the 10- and 25-m canopy positions; however, branch sap flux per unit sapwood area at the 25-m position had consistently lower values. Branches at the 25-m canopy position had lower leaf to sapwood area ratios (0.17 m2 cm-2) compared with branches at the 10-m position (0.27 m2 cm-2) (P = 0.03). Leaf specific conductance of branches in the upper crown did not differ from that in the lower crown. Other studies at our site indicate lower hydraulic conductance, sap flux, whole-tree canopy conductance and photosynthesis in old trees compared with young trees. This study suggests that height alone may not explain these differences.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of sapwood properties (including radial depth of functional xylem and wood water content) are critical when using the heat pulse velocity (HPV) technique to estimate tree water use. Errors in estimating the volumetric water content (V(h)) of the sapwood, especially in tree species with a large proportion of sapwood, can cause significant errors in the calculations ofsap velocity and sap flow through tree boles. Scaling to the whole-stand level greatly inflates these errors. We determined the effects of season, tree size and radial wood depth on V(h) of wood cores removed from Acer saccharum Marsh. trees throughout 3 years in upstate New York. We also determined the effects of variation in V(h) on sap velocity and sap flow calculations based on HPV data collected from sap flow gauges inserted at four depths. In addition, we compared two modifications of Hatton's weighted average technique, the zero-step and zero-average methods, for determining sap velocity and sap flow at depths beyond those penetrated by the sap flow gauges. Parameter V(h) varied significantly with time of year (DOY), tree size (S), and radial wood depth (RD), and there were significant DOY x S and DOY x RD interactions. Use of a mean whole-tree V(h) value resulted in differences ranging from -6 to +47% for both sap velocity and sap flow for individual sapwood annuli compared with use of the V(h) value determined at the specific depth where a probe was placed. Whole-tree sap flow was 7% higher when calculated on the basis of the individual V(h) value compared with the mean whole-tree V(h) value. Calculated total sap flow for a tree with a DBH of 48.8 cm was 13 and 19% less using the zero-step and the zero-average velocity techniques, respectively, than the value obtained with Hatton's weighted average technique. Smaller differences among the three methods were observed for a tree with a DBH of 24.4 cm. We conclude that, for Acer saccharum: (1) mean V(h) changes significantly during the year and can range from nearly 50% during winter and early spring, to 20% during the growing season;(2) large trees have a significantly greater V(h) than small trees; (3) overall, V(h) decreases and then increases significantly with radial wood depth, suggesting that radial water movement and storage are highly dynamic; and (4) V(h) estimates can vary greatly and influence subsequent water use calculations depending on whether an average or an individual V(h) value for a wood core is used. For large diameter trees in which sapwood comprises a large fraction of total stem cross-sectional area (where sap flow gauges cannot be inserted across the entire cross-sectional area), the zero-average modification of Hatton's weighted average method reduces the potential for large errors in whole-tree and landscape water balance estimates based on the HPV method.  相似文献   

We estimated daily use of stored water by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees growing in a temperate climate with the ANAFORE model (ANAlysis of FORest Ecosystems) and compared the simulation results with sap flow measurements. The original model was expanded with a dynamic water flow and storage model that simulates sap flow dynamics in an individual tree. ANAFORE was able to accurately simulate diurnal patterns of measured sap flow under microclimatic conditions that differ from those of the calibration period. Strong relationships were found between stored water use and several tree characteristics (diameter at breast height, sapwood area, leaf area), but not with tree height. Relative to transpiration, stored water use varied over time (between < 1% and 44% of daily transpiration). On days when transpiration was high, trees were more dependent on stored water, indicating that the contribution of internal water to transpiration is not a constant in the water budget of trees.  相似文献   

Sap flow rates were measured simultaneously by the heat pulse and deuterium tracing techniques in nine Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. trees at two sites (1) to compare results from the two techniques and (2) to assess the impact of the assumptions underlying the deuterium tracing method on the calculation of sap flow for a range of tree sizes. The trees ranged in height from 4 to 14 m with leaf areas of 5 to 35 m(2). In all trees, sap flow estimated by the deuterium tracing technique was higher than sap flow estimated by the heat pulse method, with differences of 11 to 43% in eight of the trees and 113% in one tree. The largest difference was attributed to errors in the heat pulse method, as indicated by aberrant relationships between sap flow measured by the heat pulse method and tree size characteristics (i.e., diameter, sap wood area, leaf area) for that tree compared with the other experimental trees. Drilling holes in the trees to allow injection of deuterium had no significant effect on sap flow, even when 32 holes were drilled. Sap flow measured by the heat pulse method was only lower after drilling than before drilling in three trees, and the difference only persisted for about 1 h. Deuterium concentrations of water collected from the tree canopies had not returned to background values 17 days after injection. Twenty-one days after injection, sapwood and heartwood samples taken from trunks near the injection sites contained considerable concentrations of deuterium, indicating that some of the deuterium injected into the trees was still present. An experiment performed on two trees showed that deuterium was stored in the heartwood and sapwood throughout the trees, and its distribution within the trees four days after injection was similar whether it was injected into only the sapwood (where it should mix with sap and be transported from the tree most readily) or into both the sapwood and heartwood, indicating that there was considerable movement of deuterium between the heartwood and sapwood. Deuterium storage was accounted for by an approximate means in the sap flow calculations, and may have resulted in an error of about 10% in sap flow estimated by this method. We conclude that the heat pulse and deuterium tracing techniques can be used simultaneously to increase the number of sap flow measurements obtained from a forest, thereby increasing the precision of forest water use estimates. Their combination would be most effective in stands with a wide range of tree sizes and sap flow rates, where the relative differences in sap flux estimates between the methods is small compared with differences in sap flow between trees.  相似文献   

Link between diurnal stem radius changes and tree water relations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zweifel R  Item H  Häsler R 《Tree physiology》2001,21(12-13):869-877
Internal water reserves are depleted and replenished daily, not only in succulent plants, but also in trees. The significance of these changes in tissue water storage for tree water relations was investigated by monitoring diurnal fluctuations in stem radius. In 6-year-old potted Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees, whole-tree transpiration rate (T), sap flow at the stem base and fluctuations in stem radius were measured at 10-min intervals over eight successive weeks. The dynamics of diurnal water storage in relation to the daily course of water movement was simulated and the contribution of stored water to T quantified. The finding that, in P. abies, the course of bark water content is linearly coupled to stem radius fluctuations provided the basis for linking stem radius changes to a functional flow and storage model for tree water relations. This model, which consists of physical functions only and is driven by a single input variable (T), accurately simulates the diurnal course of changes in stem radius and water storage of the tree crown and stem. It was concluded that fluctuations were mainly determined by the course of transpiration. The availability of soil water and the degree to which storage tissues were saturated were also factors affecting the diurnal course of stem radius changes. Internally stored water contributed to daily transpiration even in well-watered trees, indicating that stored water plays an important role not only during periods of drought, but whenever water transport occurs within the tree. Needle and bark water reserves were most heavily depleted during transpiration. Together they supplied approximately 10% of daily T on sunny days, and up to 65% on cloudy days. On a daily basis, the crown (mainly needles) contributed approximately eight times more water to T than the stem (mainly bark). The depletion of the two storage pools and the water movements observed in the trees always occurred in the same sequence. In the morning, T first caused a depletion of the water stored in the crown. It then caused depletion of bark storage tissues at ever increasing distances from the needles. Up to 75% of the transpired water could be withdrawn from storage tissues when the increase in T reached a maximum.  相似文献   

We studied sap flow in dominant coniferous (Pinus sylvestris L.) and broadleaf (Populus canescens L.) species and in understory species (Prunus serotina Ehrh. and Rhododendron ponticum L.) by the heat field deformation (HFD) method. We attempted to identify possible errors arising during flow integration and scaling from single-point measurements to whole trees. Large systematic errors of -90 to 300% were found when it was assumed that sap flow was uniform over the sapwood depth. Therefore, we recommend that the radial sap flow pattern should be determined first using sensors with multiple measuring points along a stem radius followed by single-point measurements with sensors placed at a predetermined depth. Other significant errors occurred in the scaling procedure even when the sap flow radial pattern was known. These included errors associated with uncertainties in the positioning of sensors beneath the cambium (up to 15% per 1 mm error in estimated xylem depth), and differences in environmental conditions when the radial profile applied for integration was determined over the short term (up to 47% error). High temporal variation in the point-to-area correction factor along the xylem radius used for flow integration is also problematic. Compared with midday measurements, measurements of radial variation of sap flow in the morning and evening of sunny days minimized the influence of temporal variations on the point-to-area correction factor, which was especially pronounced in trees with a highly asymmetric sap flow radial pattern because of differences in functioning of the sapwood xylem layers. Positioning a single-point sensor at a depth with maximum sap flow is advantageous because of the high sensitivity of maximum sap flow to water stress conditions and changes in micro-climate, and because of the lower random errors associated with the positioning of a single-point sensor along the xylem radius.  相似文献   

Our study dealt with the determination of sapwood sap flow of a single Populus euphratica tree by heat pulse technique and the calculation of water consumption of an entire forest stand, given the correlation between sap flow and sapwood area of P. euphratica. The relation between diameter at breast height (DBH) and sapwood area constitutes a powerful model; these variables are highly correlated. By means of an analysis of DBH in the sample plot, the distribution of the sapwood area of the forest land was obtained and the water consumption of this P. euphratica forest, in the lower reaches of the Heihe River, calculated as 214.9 mm by standard specific conductivity of the sample tree.  相似文献   

Adequate water transport is necessary to prevent stomatal closure and allow for photosynthesis. Dysfunction in the water transport pathway can result in stomatal closure, and can be deleterious to overall plant health and survival. Although much is known about small branch hydraulics, little is known about the coordination of leaf and stem hydraulic function. Additionally, the daily variations in leaf hydraulic conductance (K(leaf)), stomatal conductance and water potential (Ψ(L)) have only been measured for a few species. The objective of the current study was to characterize stem and leaf vulnerability to hydraulic dysfunction for three eastern U.S. tree species (Acer rubrum, Liriodendron tulipifera and Pinus virginiana) and to measure in situ daily patterns of K(leaf), leaf and stem Ψ, and stomatal conductance in the field. Sap flow measurements were made on two of the three species to compare patterns of whole-plant water use with changes in K(leaf) and stomatal conductance. Overall, stems were more resistant to hydraulic dysfunction than leaves. Stem P50 (Ψ resulting in 50% loss in conductivity) ranged from -3.0 to -4.2 MPa, whereas leaf P50 ranged from -0.8 to -1.7 MPa. Field Ψ(L) declined over the course of the day, but only P. virginiana experienced reductions in K(leaf) (nearly 100% loss). Stomatal conductance was greatest overall in P. virginiana, but peaked midmorning and then declined in all three species. Midday stem Ψ in all three species remained well above the threshold for embolism formation. The daily course of sap flux in P. virginiana was bell-shaped, whereas in A. rubrum sap flux peaked early in the morning and then declined over the remainder of the day. An analysis of our data and data for 39 other species suggest that there may be at least three distinct trajectories of relationships between maximum K(leaf) and the % K(leaf) at Ψ(min). In one group of species, a trade-off between maximum K(leaf) and % K(leaf) at Ψ(min) appeared to exist, but no trade-off was evident in the other two trajectories.  相似文献   

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