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The relationship between vaginal discharge, site of inflammation in the reproductive tract and species of bacteria isolated was examined in cows that were either normal, subfertile, or had had an abnormal parturition. Microbiological and cytological examinations were performed on uterine swabs from 221 cows and cervical swabs from 107 cows. There were 167 subferitle cows, 144 of which had failed to conceive to 3 or more services (FTC) and 23 of which had not had a visible oestrus since calving (NVO). Metritis was diagnosed in 22% of the FTC cows, 48% of the NVO cows, and 12% of the cows with abnormal parturition. Fifty percent of cows with metritis had purulent vaginal discharge. However, only 25% of a total of 91 cows with vaginal discharge had metritis; the remainder had cervicitis. Fifty-four percent of subfertile cows had cervicitis without metritis. Mixed infection with aerobes and anaerobes was significantly correlated with uterine inflammation and was found in 20% of cows with metritis. The rate of isolation of H.somnus from inflamed uteruses (22%) and inflamed cervixes (39%) was significantly greater than the isolation rate from normal uteruses (8%) and cervixes (10%). No bacteria were isolated from 50% of inflamed uteruses and 37% of inflamed cervixes. The number of subfertile cows with or without metritis that subsequently conceived was not significantly different.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the effect of treatment of cows not detected in oestrus (NDO) with progesterone (P4) and oestradiol benzoate (ODB) in one lactation, on the reproductive and productive performance in the subsequent lactation. METHODS: Cows (n=770 from nine herds) which were NDO 10 days before the planned start of the seasonal breeding programme (PSM) were blocked by herd, age (2 or >2 years old) and ovarian status (i.e. with or without a palpable corpus luteum; CL), and treated either with an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device and ODB and resynchrony, or were left as untreated controls. In the following lactation, data were collected on the occurrence of endometritis, NDO, breeding dates, pregnancy test results and milk production. The effect of treatment and ovarian status in the previous lactation on the incidence of disease, and the proportions submitted for service, conceived and pregnant in the subsequent lactation were analysed. Calving dates and intervals from start of breeding to first insemination and conception were analysed using Kaplan Meier survival analysis. Additional multivariate analyses were undertaken to include known confounders such as age, breed, herd, calving date and milk production, as well as the cyclic status (i.e. previously cycling, NDO, or "late-calving") in the previous lactation, to examine the potential "carryover" effects of previous status on the reproductive performance in the subsequent lactation. RESULTS: Treatment of NDO cows resulted in an earlier calving date (Julian calving date 214, 95% CI=207-221, vs 224, 95% CI=220-228; p=0.005), more female calves reared (31.4% vs 23.3%; p=0.01), and reduced risk of being NDO (33.9% vs 46.1%; p=0.002) in the subsequent lactation compared with controls. There were no differences in the incidence of peripartum disease, or the proportion of cows submitted, conceived or pregnant between the Treatment and Control groups in the subsequent lactation (p>0.2). Previously CL-positive (+ve) NDO cows were less likely to produce a female calf that was reared (19.0% vs 29.9%; p=0.005), more likely to be treated as NDO (26.4% vs 18.6%; p=0.02), less likely to conceive by the end of the subsequent lactation's breeding programme (82.2% vs 87.8%; p=0.09), and took longer to conceive (41 vs 33 days from the PSM to conception) than cows that were NDO-CL-negative (-ve) in the previous lactation. There was no interaction between ovarian status and treatment for any of the outcome variables (p>0.05). Cows that were NDO or late-calving in the previous lactation were more likely to be NDO (p<0.005), treated as NDO (p<0.005), and have longer PSM to conception intervals (p<0.005) in the subsequent lactation than cycling herdmates, despite inclusion of factors known to confound reproductive performance in analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of NDO cows resulted in more female calves reared, earlier calving and a reduced risk of being NDO in the subsequent lactation. Status (i.e. NDO-CL+ve or NDO-CL-ve) affected some reproductive measures in the subsequent lactation, and the effect of treatment in the subsequent lactation differed between the two groups for some measures. Reproductive performance in the subsequent lactation was not improved despite the earlier calving date and longer calving to PSM intervals. Additionally, the previous season's status was still important in the subsequent season's reproductive performance, despite adjusting for known confounders of fertility. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The economic benefits from treatment of NDO cows are likely limited to effects of an earlier calving date and potential for longer lactation and increased milk yield, increased number of calves derived from artificial insemination and from a reduced number of NDO cows in the subsequent lactation. Effects of improved reproductive performance in the subsequent lactation were not demonstrated and hence should not be included in any economic analysis of therapy of NDO cows.  相似文献   

A 12-month study was undertaken in a 9-veterinarian dairy practice to determine patterns of uterine prolapse and factors associated with posttreatment survival. Of 220,000 cows in herds visited by veterinarians from the practice, 200 (0.09%) developed prolapses mostly (155/169 with data) in the first 24 hours after calving. Most cows (130/200) had prolapses during fall and winter months, and assistance was required in 47 of 200 calvings that resulted in prolapses. Treatment of affected cows (n = 196) consisted of cleansing and replacement of the uterus, insertion of perivulvar retention sutures, local and systemic administration of antibiotics, and parenteral administration of dexamethasone and oxytocin. Calcium was administered to cows with milk fever (n = 117) and to multiparous cows without milk fever attended by veterinarian 9 (n = 8). Crude recovery rate after 2 weeks was 72.4%, but recovery was significantly better if the calf was born alive (P = 0.001), the cow was primiparous (P = 0.03), the cow did not have stage-3 milk fever (P = 0.003), or if the cow was attended by veterinarian 9 (P = 0.01). Time to treatment was not significantly associated with recovery, but affected cows were treated mostly (127/156) within 2 hours of occurrence of the prolapse. By multivariable analysis, presence of a liveborn calf, parity, and lack of stage-3 milk fever, but not attending veterinarian, were significant (P less than 0.05) prognostic indicators of 2-week survival.  相似文献   

Induction of premature calving contributes to subsequent failure of some dairy cows to become pregnant and calve. Of a sample of 276 cows 16.7% failed to calve the following year despite the occurrence of oestrus relatively early after calving, and several matings. The cows which did conceive had a normal first-mating calving rate of 53.9%, requiring 1.7 matings per pregnancy. Two of the 18 survey herds under consideration suffered lengthy calving-to-first-mating oestrus intervals, presumably because the induced cows were in poor condition at the time of calving.  相似文献   

Procedures for breeding value estimation for reproductive traits under pasture mating conditions were developed and tested using a computer simulation model of genetic control of bovine reproduction. The model generated annual calving rates (BCR) (0 or 1) and calving dates (CD) for each cow as a function of underlying genetic variation in two independent traits: single-service conception rate, which was indicative of the ability to conceive when estrus occurs, and postpartum interval (PPI) from calving to first estrus. Observed values for BCR and CD were shown to be complex, nonlinear functions of breeding values for ability to conceive (CRG) and for postpartum interval (PPIG) and of the previous CD. Effects of CRG on BCR and CD were small at high values of CRG, but these effects increased as CRG declined. Effects of PPIG on BCR and CD were small for cows that previously calved within the first 21 d of the calving season, but these effects increased for cows that calved after d 21. Previous CD had substantial nongenetic carryover effects on both BCR and CD. Unbiased estimates of CRG and PPIG could not be derived in the absence of breeding information. However, CD were reasonably highly correlated with breeding values for ability to conceive, provided information on open cows was included in the evaluation. Calving dates were only weakly associated with breeding values for PPI, in part because of the relatively short mean PPI (70 d) that was simulated.  相似文献   

The non-selective antibiotic treatment of dairy cows at the last milking in lactation was studied for its influence on the reduction in the occurrence of infectious processes in the udder after calving. The herd of 120 dairy cows, on an average, was housed in the K 98 cow-house and in a calving house equipped with the traditional technology. The non-selective treatment was performed in 125 dairy cows in the form of single administration of Oxymykoin foam (Galena) (70 cows) and Chronicin foam (Galena) (55 cows) after the last milking in lactation. The treatment of 53 bacteriologically positive cows with Oxymykoin foam had 86.8% therapeutic effectiveness; this indicates the excellent effectiveness of the preparation. Five additional new infections arose in this group of cows treated with Oxymykoin. The treatment of 36 bacteriologically positive cows with Chronicin foam had the effectiveness of 63.9%; in almost 2/5 of the treated cows (13 animals) the bacteria causing mastitis persisted in the post-parturient period. Eight new infections occurred in this group of treated cows. The results of the non-selective antibiotic treatment of dairy cows after the last milking in lactation prove the good effectiveness of the method reducing the percentage of infected cows in the period after calving.  相似文献   

The following reproductive parameters were studied in 40 Icelandic dairy cows on 2 farms with free stall and tie stall housing: The time of onset of post-partum luteal activity; the time of first post-partum artificial insemination (AI); the time of conception; conception rate to first post-partum AI; the number of AI's per conception; length of gestation; and the number of days between 2 consecutive calvings. Milk for progesterone analysis was sampled 3 times a week from calving until first AI on farm 1, but every day for 90-100 days from calving on farm 2. In this study the average onset of luteal function was 21 days post-partum, the cows were inseminated 62 days and conceived 74 days post-partum. Conception rate to first AI was 71% and number of AI's per conception was 1.6. Significant differences were not found between the 2 farms. The reproductive performance of the cows in this study was greater than found in earlier studies of the Icelandic dairy cows and indicate that this animal has reproductive capabilities comparable to high producing foreign dairy cows.  相似文献   

A Holstein-Friesian bull and three Holstein-Friesian cows were seronegative for bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus but were persistently infected with the virus. Virus was isolated from buffy coat cells and nasal and lacrimal secretions during their lifetime, and they remained free of clinical signs of BVD. The three cows were pregnant when purchased, and they gave birth to full-term calves. One calf lived only a few hours, one calf became ill and died within a few days, and one calf became ill and was euthanatized within a few weeks. One cow was then bred and became pregnant but aborted a 7-month fetus. A second cow was bred approximately 5 months after parturition but did not conceive. The third cow was necropsied 6 weeks after calving, because of loss of weight. Although the bull's semen contained BVD virus when seropositive cows were bred, normal calves were born. When seronegative heifers were bred, they became seropositive to BVD virus within two weeks, with higher titers in six weeks. On heifer conceived after one service but aborted a 6-month fetus. Three others continued to have estrous cycles until their titers rose to 1:128, then they conceived and gave birth to normal calves. Another heifer conceived on the first service, had a titer of 1:128 two weeks after breeding, and gave birth to a normal calf.  相似文献   

During the springs of the 1990-91 and 1991-92 dairying seasons, 103 cases of uterine prolapse in dairy cows were treated and then followed to determine the survival rate and the pregnancy rate of the remaining cows. It was found that 19 (18.4%) cows died within 24 hours of treatment and a further 16 (15.5%) died or were lost to the study during the course of the season. The 68 cows that remained were mated, and of these 53 (77.9%) were found to be pregnant and six (8.8%) aborted later. No cows suffered a repeat prolapse during the season. Cases were seen in all age groups, with the highest incidence in this study occurring in the 4 year-olds. All cases that survived went on to milk satisfactorily until the end of the season, indicating that prompt attention to uterine prolapse gives a reasonable survival rate and an acceptable conception rate.  相似文献   

The use of the calving index as a measure of herd fertility ignores the proportion of the herd that is culled, generally for failing to conceive. It is more important to consider the total cost of long calving intervals, high culling rate and even low pregnancy rates in an integrated index that reflects inefficient management, than to have to cope with balancing a number of separate physical indicators. In a study of 91 herds containing 14,524 cows a full range of physical indices was examined. The average herd calving interval was 380.3 days, with a culling rate of 23.1 per cent. Of the cows calving, 76.9 per cent recalved, a figure which when adjusted for the calving interval (CIA calving rate) became 73.8 per cent. In quartiles split on the basis of CIA calving rate, the top quartile achieved 82 per cent with a calving index of 375.2, and a culling rate of 16.7 per cent. These standards were achieved by serving 91.9 per cent of the cows after calving, at an interval to first service of 67.2 days. The submission rate for artificial insemination in the first 24 days after the earliest service date was 57.5 per cent and the overall pregnancy rate was 51.2 per cent. As a result 92.1 per cent of the cows served, and 85.3 per cent of those which calved, conceived again, with an average of 1.9 services per conception. Assessing fertility on a financial basis, with costs attributed to calving interval, culling rate and pregnancy rate to give a fertility index, the average herd was losing pounds 62/cow/year, compared with target levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to determine the interrelationships between ambient temperature, age at calving, postpartum reproductive events and reproductive performance in dairy cows. The data used in the analysis were collected on 226 Holstein-Friesian cows calving in a commercial dairy herd during a 17 month period (May 1, 1981 to October 1, 1982). The data were obtained from a double blind study evaluating the effects of gonadotrophin releasing hormone and cloprostenol in postpartum cows. Rectal palpation to assess uterine involution and ovarian activity was performed on each cow on days 15, 24 and 28 postpartum. At the same time, blood samples were collected for subsequent progesterone assay. Data were recorded on the occurrence of reproductive diseases and events from the time of parturition until the diagnosis of pregnancy or until the cow left the herd in the case of culled cows. There was an increase in the incidence of retained placenta, in the percentage of cows with abnormal vaginal discharge in the early postpartum period as well as a delay in uterine involution during the winter months. In addition, cows calving during the winter had prolonged intervals to first estrus, first service and conception compared to cows calving during the summer. (Cows calving during the warmest months, on average, were seen in estrus 24 days sooner, received first service 42 days sooner and conceived 27 days sooner than cows calving during the coldest months of the year).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of metritis and subclinical hypocalcemia on reduction of uterine size in dairy cows using ultrasonography and sonomicrometry. Four piezoelectric crystals were implanted via laparotomy into the myometrium of the pregnant uterine horn of 12 pluriparous Holstein Friesian cows 3 weeks before the calculated calving date. Sonometric measurements were conducted daily from 2 days before parturition (= Day 0) until Day 14 after calving and then every other day until Day 28. Distances between adjacent crystals were expressed in relation to reference values obtained before calving. The diameter of the formerly pregnant uterine horn was measured using transrectal B-Mode sonography starting on Day 10. Cows were retrospectively divided into the following groups: cows without metritis (M–; n = 7), cows with metritis (M+; n = 5), cows with normocalcemia (SH–; Ca > 2.0 mmol/l on Days 1 to 3; n = 5) and cows with subclinical hypocalcemia (SH+; Ca < 2.0 mmol/l in at least one sample between Days 1 and 3; n = 7). Metritis did not affect (P > 0.05) sonometric measurements, but the diameter of the formerly pregnant horn was larger (P ≤ 0.05) between Days 15 and 21 in M+ cows than in M‒ cows. Reduction in uterine length in hypocalcemic cows was delayed (P ≤ 0.05) between Days 8 and 21 compared with normocalcemic cows, but the uterine horn diameter was not related to calcium status. In conclusion, both diseases affected reduction of uterine size until Day 28. Cows with metritis had a larger uterine diameter, possibly attributable to accumulation of lochia, and cows with subclinical hypocalcemia had delayed reduction of uterine length, presumably related to reduction of myometrial contractility.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to characterize an ultrasound reproductive tract scoring (URTS) system to assess suitability for breeding in dairy cows, to describe the prevalence of these scores in commercial dairy herds and to examine their relationship with subsequent fertility. Ultrasound examinations (7797) were performed on 5751 Holstein–Friesian cows prior to breeding in 62 seasonally calving herds over 2 years. Data recorded from images of both ovaries and the uterus were combined into a six point scoring system and the prevalence of cows with cystic ovarian follicles and uterine abscesses and adhesions was recorded separately. The prevalence of ovulatory cows which had completed uterine involution (score 1), or had mild (2) or moderate endometritis (3) was 62.5%, 21.7% and 2.2%, respectively. The prevalence of anovulatory cows with moderate endometritis (4), ovulatory cows with pyometra (5) and anovulatory cows which had completed uterine involution (6) was 3.3%, 2.2% and 8.1%, respectively. The interval between calving and examination differed between cows with each of the scores 1, 2, 5 and 6 (61, 46, 53 and 50 days, respectively, p < 0.05) but not between cows with scores 3 and 4 (37 and 35 days, respectively). Ovulatory cows which had completed uterine involution (score 1) had a higher likelihood of pregnancy to first service than ovulatory or anovulatory cows which had not completed uterine involution (p ≤ 0.10). The prevalence of cows with cystic ovarian follicles or abscesses or adhesions of the reproductive tract was 3.9% and 1.2%, respectively. In conclusion, 29% and 11% of cows in seasonally calving and breeding dairy herds had not completed uterine involution or were anovulatory prior to the mating start date, respectively. Both conditions, detected using a URTS system, significantly reduced first service pregnancy rate in these pasture-based dairy herds.  相似文献   

The objectives were to investigate the relationships between endometrial cytology (EC) and interval from calving to first ovulation, and pregnancy in dairy cows, and that between uterine fluid and EC. On day 25 postpartum, 39 dairy cows were grouped based on EC, as having low (?8%) or high (>8%) polymorphonuclear cells (PMN), and the quantity of uterine fluid was assessed by ultrasound. The interval from calving to first ovulation was shorter in low, than in high PMN cows (32 vs. 45 d). A greater proportion of cows with uterine fluid had high PMN (64% vs. 21%), and the PMN increased from 14% to 34% as the quantity of uterine fluid increased. The mean interval from calving to ovulation was longer in primiparous cows with high PMN (49 d) compared to that of primiparous and multiparous cows with low PMN (28 and 29 d, respectively). Although the conception rate to first service at 92 d postpartum was not different between PMN groups, the cumulative pregnancy at 270 d tended to be higher in low than in high PMN (80% vs. 58%) multiparous cows. Also, cows that had uterine fluid on day 25 postpartum had a shorter interval from calving to pregnancy than those with no uterine fluid (161 vs. 208 d). In conclusion, combining transrectal ultrasonography with endometrial cytology on day 25 postpartum has diagnostic value in the assessment of uterine inflammation.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the associations between peripheral blood neutrophil (PMN) function, energy status, and uterine health in periparturient dairy cows. Data were collected from 83 multiparous Holstein cows. Blood samples for PMN function determination were collected weekly from 1 week prior to calving (week -1) through 4 weeks after calving and again at 8 weeks after calving. Energy metabolites were measured and dry matter intake (DMI) was determined from weeks -2 to 5 to evaluate energy status of cows during the periparturient period. All cows were examined for uterine health disorders. Blood PMN killing ability was evaluated by determining myeloperoxidase activity and cytochrome c reduction activity in isolated blood PMN's. For cows that were diagnosed with puerperal metritis and subclinical (SC) endometritis and puerperal metritis, blood PMN functions were significantly (P<0.05) impaired during the periparturient period, compared to cows with normal uterine health. Cows with subclinical endometritis and puerperal metritis or SC endometritis also had significantly (P<0.01) higher NEFA and significantly (P<0.001) lower DMI during the periparturient period, and significantly (P<0.05) higher BHBA during early lactation, compared to cows with normal uterine health. Neutrophil function was also significantly (P<0.01) impaired in cows with peripartum negative energy balance, which was characterized by elevated blood levels of NEFA and decreased DMI. Decreased PMN function and energy balance were associated with uterine health disorders and the decreases in PMN function and energy balance occurred prior to parturition and prior to the detection of these uterine disorders.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the gross pathology, bacteriology and histopathology of the reproductive tracts of dairy cows that failed to conceive or maintain pregnancy. METHODS: The reproductive tracts of 105 cows that were not pregnant at the end of the seasonal breeding programme were retrieved following slaughter. The tracts were examined grossly, both horns of the uterine lumen were swabbed for bacteriology, and tissue was collected from each horn and the body of the uterus for histopathology. Grossly enlarged uteri and tracts containing purulent vaginal content were excluded. Histopathology was performed on three sections of uterine tissue from each of three cows in which no gross pathological changes were detected and from which no bacteria were isolated, from three cows in which no gross pathology was detected but from which bacteria were isolated, and from three cows in which gross pathological changes were detected but from which no bacteria were isolated. RESULTS: Thirty-six (34%) cows had one or more gross lesions which involved the ovary, uterine tube, uterus or vagina. Bacteria were isolated from the uteri of 22 (21%) cows. Isolates included Arcanobacterium pyogenes (n = 1), Escherichia coli (n = 1), Fusobacterium spp (n = 1), Haemophilus somnus (n = 5), Streptococcus acidominimus (n = 12), S. bovis (n = 2), S. uberis (n = 1) and S. salivarious (n = 1). In only five cows were both gross pathology and bacteria detected. There was no relationship between the isolation of bacteria and the diagnosis of gross pathology of the uterus. There were no differences in the degree of histopathological changes in the uteri from the three groups of cows examined, and lesions present were minor. CONCLUSIONS: Gross pathological changes and intra-uterine bacteria were found in 34% and 20% of cows, respectively, but the correlation between the two was poor. Histopathological changes were unremarkable, suggesting the bacteriological findings were coincidental, that causative agents of infertility were not present at the time of examination, or that unrelated causes such as nutritional anoestrus may have been responsible for the failure of some cows to conceive.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of acupuncture in dairy cows (Bos taurus) on caruncular matrix metalloproteinase type‐2 (MMP2) at 0, 2 and 4 hr after calving. Acupuncture (n = 6) was applied at 0 and 2 hr after calving to 6 points that relax the cervix and stimulate uterine contractions. Controls (n = 9) were kept in a stanchion for 15 min without acupuncture. All of the cows in the study delivered their placenta in <4 hr. Formalin‐fixed caruncles were paraffin‐embedded and subjected to routine immunohistochemistry to determine MMP2 expression, which was scored by a single observer. Flash frozen caruncles were homogenized, and protein concentration was determined. MMP2 concentrations were calculated using commercial bovine ELISAs. MMP2 enzyme activity was determined using zymography. The mean value for each time point for each cow was used to calculate the mean ± SEM for each treatment group. MMP2 was predominantly localized to the epithelial and subepithelial stromal cells of the caruncles in both treatment groups. MMP2 immunoexpression was lower 4 hr after calving in the control cows (p = 0.012) but not in the acupuncture treated cows indicating that acupuncture treatment maintained MMP expression. MMP2 tissue concentration was lower 2 hr after calving in the control cows (p = 0.048) but not in the acupuncture treated cows. MMP2 enzyme activity decreased from 0 to 2 hr after calving in control cows (p = 0.046) but not in acupuncture treated cows. This study provides physiologic evidence for the effects of acupuncture on the bovine reproductive tract and substantiates the use of this treatment in cases of placental retention.  相似文献   

Induction of twinning by ipsilateral nonsurgical transfer of frozen two or demi-embryos was attempted in 129 virgin dairy or crossbred heifers that had been kept under a stable in our station (group-1), mountain field (group-2) and private farm (group-3) conditions. Ninety seven heifers (75%) were diagnosed pregnant by rectal palpation at 35 to 60 days of gestation; 86 heifers produced 37 sets of twins and 49 single calves. Pregnancy rate of group-1 was lower compared to those of groups-2 and -3 (63%, 88%, 78%, respectively). Abortion and mortality rates of group-3 were significantly lower (P less than 0.05) than those of groups-1 and -2 (8% and 6%, 12% and 16%, 18% and 24%). Twin calves had a lower birth weight (P less than 0.05) than singles. But there was no significant difference in weight between singles and twin calves at 270-330 days of age. Dystocia and difficult delivery were not observed in females producing twins. The incidence of retained placentas in twin calving cows (17%) was higher than that of single calving cows (2%). The interval to conceive postpartum was longer in twin calving cows (95 +/- 41 days) than in single calving cows (87 +/- 26 days). Gestation length was 5.0 days shorter for twin calving cows (P less than 0.05).  相似文献   


In order to utilize spring growth efficiently under a system of grassland farming, a New Zealand dairy farmer endeavours to calve as many cows as possible within a four to six weeks' period. To maintain this calving pattern, herd members must conceive by 70 to 80 days after calving. Consequently normal postparturient uterine involution, together with a minimum of delay in the onset of ovarian activity and oestral cyclicity, is of vital importance. A study of these phenomena may be very rewarding in helping to achieve optimal reproductive efficiency.  相似文献   

Twenty cows and 20 uncalved 20 month old heifers with severely burnt teats were studied. Ten of each group received topical treatment with a mixture of lanoline, cetrimide and dimethyl sulphoxide or vitamin A and petroleum jelly, respectively. Prognosis for survival and future normal milking ability was poor in heifers (8 subsequently normal of 20 assessed) but moderate in cows (9 cows with normal and 5 cows with partial machine milking ability of 18 cows fully assessed). Treatment did not significantly increase the rate of epithelialisation of wounds. Topical treatment had no effect on the prognosis of heifers. However treated cows were more likely than control cows to survive and to show adequate teat function following subsequent calving. Severe clinical mastitis prior to calving, teat distortion and teat canal constriction were common sequelae. Recommendations on the management of heifers and cows with severely burnt teats are made.  相似文献   

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