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1 当前形势对植保社会化服务的影响当前 ,世界经济全球化、一体化的趋势己越来越明显。在中国 ,农业已进入一个新的发展阶段 ,调整结构 ,提高农业效益 ,增加农民收入和改善生态环境已成为农业和农村经济发展的重要内容 ,中国加入 WTO后 ,将对我国农业和农村经济产生全方位的影响。在这种新形势下 ,我国植保工作面临科技革命、种植业结构调整、农业产业化经营和农业植保体制改革等方面的机遇和挑战。本文结合我省实际对新形势下植保社会化服务 ,将面临的挑战和存在问题以及应采取的应对策略 ,作简要分析如下 :1 .1 加入 WT0对农药械生产…  相似文献   

本刊是由农业部全国农技推广服务中心主办,国内外公开发行的植保专业科技刊物。遵循“宣传政策法规,引导行业发展,传递植保信息,服务农业生产”的办刊宗旨,本着普及与提高相结合的原则,重点宣传报道国家有关植保法律、法规等方面的政策,以及全国农作物病、虫、草、鼠等有害生物的测报、检疫、防治、农药械等方面的新成果、新技术、新信息、新动态,以及各地植保工作的新经验和国外有关植保工作动态信息,以促进农业生产和推动植保事业发展,为我国“高产、优质、高效、生态、安全”农业服务。本刊为月刊,每月20号出版。投稿要求如下:1)选题及内…  相似文献   

秦昌文 《广西植保》1998,11(3):40-41
植保社会化服务是农业社会化服务的重要组成部分,是植保技术推广工作带方向性的重大改革,是强化技物结合配套服务,落实综合防治措施,加速新技术推广,发展规模经营的重要手段,其目的是为农民提供及时有效的服务,减灾保产。与此同时充实和壮大自己的经济能力,继而能...  相似文献   

植保工作在农业生产中处于举足轻重的地位,没有植保战线和植保工作,就没有粮食生产和经济作物生产的安全可言。面对当前国家高度重视农业的背景下,如何进一步科学、有序、节本、高效地做好植保工作,不断理清和完善今后的植保工作思路,逐步解决制约植保工作发展的突出问题,提升服务农业能力和水平已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

21世纪是信息时代,以计算机为主导的信息技术已广泛应用于人类社会生产生活的各个方面,也不断向农业植保领域渗透,信息技术的突破性进展为植保工作的飞跃发展带来了契机。近年来,在上级有关部门的关心指导下,广西植保总站紧密结合新时期植保工作的新任务、新要求,把信息技术全面、深入地应用到植保工作的各个环节,在提高植保信息化水平,促进植保工作更好地为农业、农村和农民服务方面发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

河北省迁安市农业局植保站适应农业结构调整的需要,针对病虫害的种类、数量及为害程度发生的变化和植保技术推广不能及时到位等问题,自1996年开始,建立发展了村级植保技术服务组织,在植保站统一组织、统一培训、统一指导下,几年来从几十个发展到百余个,并走向了正规化、管理规模化建设的轨道,为迁安市植保技术的推广、农业增产、农民增收做出了较大的贡献。1村级植保组织的建立1996年我们经过认真研究、通过反复论证,决定以市农业局植保站为龙头,在村一级建立植保服务组织。1.1村级植保服务组织的职责村级植保技术服务…  相似文献   

浅谈绿色植保服务与IPM技术应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着农业结构的战略性调整和优质、高产、高效农业的迅速发展,21世纪的植保工作正面临着绿色经济发展带来的机遇和挑战.绿色植保服务正是在这种新的形势下,在以"预防为主,综合防治"的基本方针指导下,充分发挥植保系统的体系和技术信息资源优势,同时利用现代技术,开展农产品生产的产前、产中和产后服务.  相似文献   

无公害农业生产,在技术上对生产者提出了更高的要求,有害生物综合治理尤其是合理使用农药则是其中的关键。因此,向广大农业生产者提供全方位的先进实用植保技术服务,对发展无公害农业生产意义重大。植保技术服务的实现,有赖于组织体系的支撑,而组织体系的完善程度,也影响着植保服务的成效。玉环县自1990年以来,逐步进行植保技术服务网络建设,探索植保技术社会化服务的可行之路,13a年来服务网由点到面、从小到大,不断壮大完善,在农业生产中发挥了重要作用。笔者试从分析玉环县植保技术服务网络现状着手,总结经验,以求对当前的无公害农业生产…  相似文献   

经过20 a的改革和发展,我国农业和农村经济进入了一个新的发展阶段。植物保护工作作为农业生产的重要组成部分,也必须顺应改革和发展的新形势,正确认识和把握农业发展新阶段植保工作的特点,理清工作思路,调整工作重点,推动植保社会化服务,促进防灾减灾整体水平的提高。1正确认识农业发展新阶段植保工作的特点 近几年,农业连年丰收,农产品市场供应丰富,过去长期困扰我们的农产品短缺问题基本得到解决。但农业经济结构还不甚合理,农产品总体质量不高,效益偏低,区域结构雷同,农产品销售不畅,积压严重,以致于造成农业比较效…  相似文献   

公共植保、绿色植保的发展与展望   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
近年来,为顺应绿色消费、可持续发展国际发展潮流,保障国家粮食安全、农产品质量安全、农业生态安全和农业贸易安全,中国植保界适时提出了公共植保、绿色植保理念,并在实践中按照此理念的要求着力推进植保工作。本文通过对公共植保、绿色植保的发展历程和工作举措等内容的深入剖析,充分阐述了其在植保体系、治理对策、技术模式、服务方式、工作机制等方面的重大进展,全面总结了其在提高植保技术到位率和促进粮食生产安全、农产品质量安全、农业生态安全、农业贸易安全等方面的显著成效,并在深入分析当前问题的基础上提出了进一步推进公共植保、绿色植保事业的5点建议。  相似文献   

高灵旺  沈佐锐 《植物保护》2010,36(3):136-140
本文在总结信息技术在植保中的应用情况的基础上,就植保信息技术本身的一些发展情况进行了概述,包括植保信息技术的概念、作用、服务对象、特点和发展趋势等。  相似文献   

Data on the occurrence and spread of pests has been supplied by the Hungarian Plant Protection Organization for over 40 years. Since the 1970s, this service has been operated by the central station and the 20 county stations of the Plant Protection Organization. Data recorded on pest occurrence and developmental stage of pests and plants has been used to run a forecasting system at local and national levels. However, because of significant staff reductions in the Plant Protection Organization and the disappearance of independent forecasting groups, the reliability of the system, which was based on very specific data, has decreased. It has become necessary to develop a more reliable and flexible computer‐aided system (Plant Protection Information System, PPIS), better adjusted to the political and economic changes that have occurred. A major element of the new system, introduced in 1997, is that excessively detailed recording was replaced by a more practical general approach with fewer subjective errors. Specialists from the county stations of the Plant Protection Organization monitor infestation levels of 73 pests in 20 crops using five qualification categories. The results obtained are input into the PPIS program, which processes them into user‐friendly charts and maps showing the plant health situation in each county and in the country as a whole, as a basis for taking decisions on plant protection measures.  相似文献   

Data collected at weather stations are usually used to represent the environmental conditions over the surrounding area (often in the order of 10s or 100s of km2), in spite of differences in elevation, terrain, and other major geophysical factors. We report a method of extending the useful domain of weather data by incorporation of digital terrain data into a model that distributes recorded data over the area surrounding a recording location. Temperature was estimated for each 0.1 km2 witnin a 320 km2 study area comprising Vestfold county in southern Norway. Estimates were based on correlation analysis and models resulting from comparisons of temperature data from 16 farm locations and temperature recorded at three automatic weather stations, elevation, slope, aspect, proximity to the ocean, and proximity to automatic weather stations. Analysis revealed that local weather could be estimated with greater accuracy than by simply using the values recorded at the automatic stations. Calculation and presentation of the model output can be accomplished with a geographic information system (GIS).  相似文献   

在全国农业技术推广服务中心和河北省农业厅的指导下,我们从 1998年开始在隆尧县创办县级植保协会试点,并在部分市、县进行示范推广.在总结市、县级植保协会经验的基础上, 2004年 7月在全国率先成立了省级植保技术推广协会.目的是适应新形势、新阶段的需要,促进植保技术推广,推进植保事业的发展.  相似文献   

N. S. MURALI 《EPPO Bulletin》1990,20(2):359-365
At the Danish Research Centre for Plant Protection, under the Information System Program, a Pest and Disease Monitoring System (PDM) and a Plant Protection Information System (PPIS) are being developed and maintained with the objectives of recording the pest and disease status of the country and integrating information pertaining to optimal plant protection measures, pests and diseases, spraying techniques, pesticides and beneficial organisms. PDM was initiated in 1983 and covers five pests and 11 diseases in seven groups of crops. Monitoring is done regularly by voluntary participants during the growing season and the system includes individual farm recommendations. In 1989 there were 692 participants in the programme. PPIS was initiated in 1987 and will be tested in 1990. The system integrates optimal plant protection strategies for individual farms with all relevant information on plant protection.  相似文献   

新疆植保网络采用当前较为先进的视频流媒体技术、数据存储RAID5技术和SQLserver数据库技术、ASP.NET动态交互式信息管理和VoIP网络视频等关键技术,建设计算机网络控制中心,开发并推广了“新疆植物保护网”和植保系统办公自动化(OA)系统,大大加快了新疆植保信息传递速度,推进了新疆植保信息现代化建设进程。  相似文献   

基层植保工作是农技推广体系的重要组成部分,是农业发展、农民增收的重要支撑。新形势下,植保工作中面临着诸多困难和挑战,表现为植保推广体系不健全,队伍建设不稳定,信息传递手段落后,技术入户率低,缺乏相应的领导支持等。尽管植保工作面临许多困难,各级植保人员大都能够以高度的责任感和强烈的事业心,真抓实干,为农业安全生产保驾护航,并涌现出一批好的典型。菏泽市郓城植保站走出了一条新形势下切实做好基层植保工作的路子。1加强体系建设,发挥网络优势郓城自1995年开始注重加强植保技术推广体系的建设。首先争取领导的…  相似文献   

Plant protection has many international aspects; it is also quickly changing, especially in relation to sustainability. FAO’s activities in plant protection are grouped in four major thrusts: plant quarantine, pesticide management, integrated pest management and migratory pest control. The International Plant Protection Convention defines the FAO’s activities in plant quarantine, while, in response to the GATT Uruguay Round, harmonization of plant quarantine is also being undertaken. Pesticide management activities address the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides and standard setting on pesticide residues. Integrated Pest Management is the core of the plant protection programme, together with international coordination of migratory pest control. All these activities are complemented by technical assistance programmes, including assistance with the establishment of plant protection services.FAO’s activities remain a compromise between what member countries see as desirable and what is affordable. Long term commitment is required to achieve result. New functions in quarantine and pesticide management have been taken up, but the international assessment of pesticides needs urgent attention. The paradigm change away from pesticide use will require further international cooperation. Substantial research and a new control system is needed for locust control.  相似文献   

Natural products can be used to control pests and diseases in crops. These products include anorganic compounds, but also a variety of plant extracts. In the beginning of this century active microbial extracts were discovered as well. Synthetic crop protection chemicals were developed from about 1940 onwards and sustained progress in modern agriculture. The first generation chemicals have aspecific modes of toxic action and are in many instances deleterious to the environment. The second generation chemicals have specific modes of action and meet modern environmental requirements. A disadvantage of these chemicals is the potency of target organisms to acquire resistance. This condition urged agrochemical industry to develop chemicals with new modes of action. Such chemicals can be developed by using natural bioactive products as leads in synthesis programmes. This paper decribes the progress that was made in the development of natural bioactive compounds in pest and disease control.  相似文献   

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