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The objective of the current study was to estimate the dose in human tissues after inhalation exposure to airborne particulate matter-bound metals at a landfill site. Field measurements have revealed that the 8-h permissible exposure limit set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for particulate matter (PM10) was not exceeded for the working personnel at an outdoor weighing facility in the Akrotiri landfill (Chania, Greece). However, PM10 concentrations were exceeding the EU health protection standards (50 μg/m3). Furthermore, dust emanating from landfill operations contains traces of heavy metals due to the nature of materials (e.g., sludge, batteries) which have been deposited over the lifetime of the landfill. In addition, particulate matter-bound metals concentrations at the landfill are enhanced by refuse truck emissions (e.g., exhaust, tire wear dust, brake wear dust, road surface wear dust and resuspension of deposited PM on a road surface) and resuspension from the surface of the composting site. Estimations of particle-bound metals dose in the human body were performed for arsenite (ASIII), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). The Exposure Dose Model (ExDoM) in conjunction with a Physiologically Based PharmacoKinetic (PBPK) model was applied to determine the dose for an adult Caucasian male worker. The ExDoM was used to estimate the human exposure and the deposition, dose, clearance, retention of particulate matter-bound metals in the human respiratory tract and the mass transferred to the gastrointestinal tract and blood. The PBPK model was developed to describe the movement of metals from the blood into the tissues as a blood-flow-limited model. The results showed that after 1 day of exposure to PMAsIII, the major accumulation occurs in the lung, muscle and liver. In addition, for PMPb, the major accumulation occurs in the bone, blood and muscle whereas as regard PMCd the major accumulation occurs in the other tissues (the rest of the body), kidney and liver. The results indicate an increased health risk for an adult Caucasian male worker at the landfill site due to exposure to elevated particulate matter concentrations and their associated metallic content.  相似文献   

Water retention and transport in soils is dependent upon the surface tension of the aqueous phase. Surfactants present in aqueous solution reduce the surface tension of aqueous phase. In soil–water systems, this can result in water drainage and reductions in field capacity and hydraulic conductivity. In this investigation, the surface tension of surfactant solutions mixed with soil—in a constant fixed ratio—was measured as a function of surfactant concentration. Two anionic surfactants were used: sodium dodecyl sulphate and sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate. Two soils were also used—a clay soil and a sandy soil. The key observation made by this investigation was that the addition of soil to the surfactant solution provided a further component of surface tension reduction. Neither soil sample reduced the surface tension of water when surfactant was absent from the aqueous phase, though both soils released soil organic matter at low surfactant concentrations as shown by measurement of the chemical oxygen demand of the supernatant solutions. Furthermore, both surfactants were shown to be weakly adsorbed by soil as shown by the use of a methylene blue assay. It is therefore proposed that the additional reduction in surface tension arises from synergistic interactions between the surfactants and dissolved soil organic matter.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the suitability of extractants for soil-available arsenic (As) under kharif rice (MTU-7029). Ten soil samples were collected from different locations of varying topography and land-use patterns from Nonaghata-Uttarpara of West Bengal. A pot study with MTU-7029, exposed to varying levels of arsenic (0 to 90 mg kg?1 of soil), was conducted for two successive years. Eight extractants, namely sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4), monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl) + sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ammonium carbonate [(NH4)2CO3], sodium hydroxide (NaOH), malic–citric acid, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), were assessed. Soil test and crop uptake correlations revealed that 0.5 M NaHCO3 was the best extractant. In a lateral study, three soils were collected from a conventional rice field of Nonaghata-Uttarpara, Gotera, and Ghentughachi of West Bengal and sequentially extracted. The results showed that the relative abundance of As fractions were in the order of water-soluble As < Ca As < Al As < amorphous Fe As < crystalline Fe As.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) species were quantified by HPLC-HG-AFS in water and vegetables from a rural area of West Bengal (India). Inorganic species predominated in vegetables (including rice) and drinking water; in fact, inorganic arsenic (i-As) represented more than 80% of the total arsenic (t-As) content. To evaluate i-As intake in an arsenic affected rural village, a food survey was carried out on 129 people (69 men and 60 women). The data from the survey showed that the basic diet, of this rural population, was mainly rice and vegetables, representing more than 50% of their total daily food intake. During the periods when nonvegetarian foods (fish and meat) were scarce, the importance of rice increased, and rice alone represented more than 70% of the total daily food intake. The food analysis and the food questionnaires administrated led us to establish a daily intake of i-As of about 170 microg i-As day (-1), which was above the tolerable daily intake of 150 microg i-As day (-1), generally admitted. Our results clearly demonstrated that food is a very important source of i-As and that this source should never be forgotten in populations depending heavily on vegetables (mainly rice) for their diet.  相似文献   

Three major landforms, Uplands, Old Fluvial/Deltaic Plains and Young Fluvial Plains are identified from the Lower Gangetic Plains of West Bengal, India, on the basis of remote sensing and field studies. Morphologic, quantitative and thermoluminescence studies of soils of the study area have been conducted. Two types of Uplands are recognised: Upland in the west overlain by red soils (autochthonous and allochthonous types) and upland in the north (Barind Tract), characterised by three topographic levels. Aspects of the autochthonous Upland Red Soils (Lower to Middle Pleistocene age) show the ferrugination (ferrisol) phase of development. Soils of the Old Fluvial/Deltaic Plains (6–3 ka) and Lower Level of the Barind Tract have argillic horizons and exhibit the fersiallitisation phase of development. Development of ferrugination and fersiallitisation phases was favored due to the pre-weathered nature of the parent material. Soils of the Old Fluvial/Deltaic Plains, Barind Tract (Lower Level) and Young Fluvial Plains show effects of hydromorphism due to waterlogging in the form of segregations of Fe–Mn oxides/gleying and chloritisation, probably due to ferrolysis in the upper horizons of some of these soils. Neotectonics seems to have affected development of landforms and soils significantly. Due to reactivation of some basement faults in the western region, some tectonic blocks subsided, causing transgression during the Early Pleistocene and at ca. 7 ka. Subsequent uplift of these blocks caused regressions and development of soils on the exposed landscapes. Episodic uplift of the Barind Tract in the northern region may have given rise to three topographic levels. Some faults confine the courses of the Damodar, Ganga and Bhagirathi rivers.  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the influence of soil properties on adsorption and desorption of boron (B) as well as to estimate the degree of reversibility of adsorption reactions. The utility of Freundlich and Langmuir equations for characterizing the plant availability of applied B in soils was established using soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] as a test crop. The adsorption-desorption study revealed that Fe2O3 and clay were primarily responsible for retaining added B in all the 25 different soils under investigation. Organic carbon, pH and cation exchange capacity (CEC) positively influenced the adsorption of B while free Fe2O3, organic carbon and clay retarded release of B from these soils. The degree of irreversibility (hysteresis) of B adsorption/desorption increased with increase in organic carbon and CEC of these soils. Freundlich isotherm proved more effective in describing B adsorption in soils as compared to Langmuir equation. The split Langmuir isotherm demonstrated that any of the adsorption maxima, calculated from lower, upper or entire isotherm, could be of practical use. Contrary, bonding energy coefficient, calculated either at lower or higher equilibrium concentration failed to show any practical benefit. Regression models as a function of B application rate and adsorption equation parameters to predict B uptake from applied B, demonstrated the utility of Langmuir and Freundlich equation parameters.  相似文献   

A 2-year field trial was conducted in processing grade potato cv. Kufri Chipsona-3. The treatments comprised recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) (200:150:150 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha?1) with or without boron (B) application (soil and foliar). The results revealed that B fertilization significantly increased tuber number and yield. Three sprays of 0.1% boric acid (at 40, 50 and 60 days after planting) produced the maximum number and yield of tubers and enhanced B uptake in potato tuber, haulm as well as in total plant accounting 85.8, 182.0 and 169.8% more than control, respectively. The same treatment came up with greatest net return and benefit: cost ratio. B fertilization exerted significant influence on available N and B status of post-harvest soil, while the effect was non-significant on available P and K. Results suggest that right dose and method of B application is vital for optimizing tuber yield and B-use efficiency for processing grade potato.  相似文献   

Soils used for rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation in some areas contain high concentrations of arsenic (As) due to irrigation with groundwater containing As and intensive use of agrochemicals or industrial residues containing As. To restrict rice uptake of As in these soils, approaches to reduce As input and bioavailability must be considered. One approach to reduce As input into rice soils or uptake by rice is cultivating rice under aerobic, intermittent flooding, or alternate wetting and drying (AWD) conditions, rather than in submerged soils, or use of irrigation water low in As. For reducing As bioavailability in soil, aerobic or AWD rice culture and application of biochar, sulfur (S), and/or rice polish to soil are promising. Moreover, use of As-hyperaccumulating plant species (e.g., Pteris vittata L.) in rotation or combinations with favourable plant species (e.g., Azolla, Chlorella, or Nannochloropsis species) can also be promoted, in addition to using rice cultivars that are tolerant to As. Though applications of high doses of phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), and silicon (Si) fertilizers have shown promise in many instances, these methods have to be practiced carefully, because negative effects have also been reported, although such incidents are rare. Major factors affecting As speciation and bioavailability in soil are chemical properties such as redox status, pH, and Fe, P, Si, and S concentrations, physical properties such as texture and organic matter, and biological properties such as methylation activity by soil microorganisms. However, as many of these factors interact, long-term examination under field conditions is needed before measures are recommended for and implemented in farmers' fields.  相似文献   

Arsenic pollution in ground water in India and Bangladesh is considered to be the largest contamination problem in the world. About 15?–?18% of the area of West Bengal, India comes under the threat of arsenic (As) contamination and around 5.36 million people are exposed to this hazard. A detailed isoline map corresponding to variations in arsenic concentration and their spatial distribution was prepared for the study area, which comprised two villages Ghentugachi and Gotera in Nadia district, West Bengal and the total area covered was 808 hectares. The pattern of arsenic contamination was highly irregular and diverse. About 11.2% of the study area was affected most (?>?0.50?mg As l?1) with sample As values reaching 0.71 and 0.80?mg?l?1. About 22.5% of the area had As content between 0.20 and 0.50?mg?l?1 and 33.9% of study area had As content below the WHO guideline of 0.01?mg As/l. Thus the local population living around these areas is vulnerable and exposed to arsenic contamination. None of the water samples exceeded the allowable limit (1.0?mg As l?1) of As for water used in irrigation purposes. The spatial distribution map helped to determine zones with different As concentrations, making it possible to identify high-risk zones.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of eight chemical extraction methods was evaluated on 15 Indian soils for the prediction of plant-available potassium (K+) to Sudan grass (Sorghum vulgare var. sudanensis) grown in modified Neubauer technique. Average amounts of soil K+ extracted were in descending order: Morgan’s reagent > 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) > neutral 1N ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) > 1N nitric acid (HNO3) > 0.02 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) > 0.1N HNO3 > Bray and Kurtz No.1> distilled water. The highest simple correlation with plant K+ uptake was obtained with NH4OAc-K+ (r = 0.866**) and the lowest with CaCl2-K+ (r = 0.45*). To develop the predictive models using stepwise regression, plant K+ uptake was used as the dependent variable and the extractable soil K+, pH, sand, silt and organic carbon (C) contents as the independent variables. Based on the final R2, the NH4OAc model was found to be the best predictor of plant-available K+ in the soils when used along with sand and organic C.  相似文献   

This study is a synthesis of information on growth, yield, and boron-use efficiency of hybrid sunflower (cultivar Aditya) in an inceptisol (Gangetic alluvium) of West Bengal, India, under varied proportions of soil and foliar-applied boron. Foliar spray of boron (B), under all circumstances, performed better than soil application of B fertilizers with regard to sunflower seed and total dry-matter yield, B uptake, and B-use efficiencies, while 0.2 percent foliar B spray was associated with greatest B recoveries, B-use efficiencies, and sunflower seed yields in the experimental years.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted during 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 at the Gangetic alluvial plains of West Bengal, India, to assess the different levels of drip fertigation at variable evaporation replenishment compared to surface irrigation and conventional soil fertilization on yield, water use efficiency, and nutrients availability in plant and ratoon crop of banana. The experiment was laid in an Augmented Factorial Complete Block Design with three replications having three drip irrigation schedules at 50%, 60%, and 70% of cumulative pan evaporation (CPE) and three drip fertigation schedules at 50%, 60%, and 80% of recommended nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) fertilizers with inclusion of conventional surface irrigation at 100% of IW/CPE. The results showed that fruit yield of plant and ratoon crop increased progressively with increasing levels of irrigation water (up to 60% CPE) and NPK fertigation through the drip system. However, maximum fruit yield and water use efficiency of crops was obtained with drip irrigation at 60% CPE with NPK fertigation at 80% of recommended dose. Drip irrigation, as a whole, registered higher fruit yields and water use efficiency with savings of 38.3–41.5% of water compared to surface irrigation. Availability of N, P, and K in soil at vegetative, shooting, and harvesting stages for plant and ratoon crop consistently increased with increasing rate of irrigation water and NPK fertigation through the drip system. Higher availability of macronutrients in soil was recorded with drip irrigation at 70% CPE with 80% of recommended drip NPK fertigation. Overall drip fertigation system improved the available plant nutrients in the soil as compared with traditional surface irrigation.  相似文献   

Humic acids (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) were extracted from tropical humid forest, tea garden, and field crop soils, and their chemical, potentiometric, and spectrophotometric properties were measured. There was less HA than FA in the cultivated soils. The HAs contained more carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) and had greater C/H ratios but lower O (oxygen)/H (hydrogen) ratios than FAs. Cultivated soils had greater total acidity than the forest soil generally because of both —COOH and phenolic-OH. Molecular weights of HA an FA, estimated from intrinsic viscosities, revealed that cultivation had reasonably reduced the molecular weights. The difference in pH (ΔpH) values, corresponding to three-fourths and one-fourth of the pH at final inflexion point showed that they were polyprotic. The longer time required for stability of greater pH of HAs was related to greater degree of stable coiling. The (E4/E6), in general, revealed a greater amount of aliphatic moiety rather than aromatic moiety.  相似文献   

This laboratory experiment systematically examines arsenic, iron, and phosphorus solubilities in soil suspensions as affected by addition of phosphorus fertilizer under different redox potential (Eh) and pH conditions. Under aerobic conditions, As solubility was low, however, under moderately reducing conditions (0, − 150 mV), As solubility significantly increased due to dissolution of iron oxy-hydroxides. Upon reduction to − 250 mV, As solubility was controlled by the formation of insoluble sulfides, and as a result soluble As contents significantly decreased. Soluble Fe concentration increased from moderate to highly anaerobic conditions; however, it decreased under aerobic conditions likely due to formation of insoluble oxy-hydroxides. A low pH, 5.5, led to increased soluble concentrations of As, Fe, and P. Finally, addition of P-fertilizers resulted in higher soluble P and As, even though the concentration of As did not increased after an addition rate of 600 mg P kg 1 soil.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on mustard (Brassica campestris cv.B9) in an old alluvial soil zone of Crop Research and Seed Multiplication Farm, Burdwan University, Burdwan, West Bengal, India, during the winter seasons of 2011–2012 and 2012–2013. The aim was to evaluate the use of vermicompost prepared from municipality waste and Eichhornia mixture and its efficacy on crop growth and yield. Different combined doses of vermicompost, dried cow dung and chemical fertilizer along with Azotobacter and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria compared to full recommended dose of chemical NPK fertilizer (100:50:50) were used to develop an alternative farming technology for sustainable crop production and conservation of natural resources. The variety B9 gave a significantly higher seed yield and oil content along with other growth and yield-contributing factors as well as being the most economically viable option against treatment T4 (i.e. 75% NPK + vermicompost at 2.5 tons per hectare) among all the treatments applied for the experiment and was found to be superior to other treatments in old alluvial soil of Burdwan, India. In both the experimental years, seed yield and oil content were found to be the best for the treatment T4 and was better than using chemical fertilizer.  相似文献   


Arsenic (As) is a deadly poison at high concentrations. It is mysterious in the sense that people are exposed to it most of the time through drinking groundwater, fortunately at much lower concentrations than the deadly levels, and usually without knowing it. Arsenic content in alluvial aquifers of Punjab varied from 3.5 to 688 µg L?1. Arsenic status of groundwater is classified into low (<10 µg L?1), moderate (≥10 to <25 µg L?1), high (≥25 to <50 µg L?1), and very high (>50 µg L?1). In zone I, the concentration of As in groundwater varied from 3.5 to 42 µg L?1 with a mean value of 23.4 µg L?1. On the basis of these limits, only 8% of samples were low, whereas 51 and 41% of the total samples collected from this region fall in the moderate and high As categories. The concentration of As in groundwater of zone II varied from 9.8 to 42.5 µg L?1 with a mean value of 24.1 µg L?1. Arsenic concentration in the alluvial aquifers of the central plain of zone II is 2 and 52% in the low and moderate limits. In this region, 46% of groundwater sites contain high As concentrations. Arsenic concentrations in the aridic southwestern parts are significantly different from other two provinces. The As concentration ranged from 11.4 to 688 µg L?1 with average value of 76.8 µg L?1. Eleven percent of the aquifers of the southwestern region of zone III are in the moderate category, 54% in the high, and 35% in the very high. According to safe As limits (<10 µg L?1), only 3 and 1% of the groundwater samples collected from zones I and II were fit for dinking purposes with respect to As content. In the aridic southwest, zone III, all water samples contained As concentrations greater than the safe limits and thus are not suitable for drinking purposes. The presence of elevated As concentrations in groundwater are generally due to the results of natural occurrences of As in the aquifer materials. The concentration of other competitive oxyanions in waters such as phosphate, sulfate, and borate also depressed the adsorption of As on the sorption sites of aquifer materials and thereby eventually elevate the As concentration in groundwaters. In groundwater of alluvial aquifers of Punjab, released from sulfide oxidation and oxyhydroxide of iron, elevated (>10 µg L?1) concentrations of As were widespread because of high pH (>8.0) and higher concentrations of phosphate, borate, sulfate, and hydroxyl anions. It is conclusively evident that geochemical conditions, such as pH, oxidation–reduction, associated or competing ions, and evaporative environments have significant effects on As concentration in groundwater. These conditions influence how much As is dissolved or precipitated into the water and how much is bound to the aquifer materials or the solid particles in water.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As), which is present in all living tissues, water, and soil, is considered toxic to humans and animals. Because of the presence of arsenic-contaminated sites throughout the world, there is a renewed interest in studying the status of As in water, soil, and plants. Concentrations of As above the permissible limit have been reported in Lower Ganges Plains (West Bengal in India and Bangladesh). The present investigation aimed to examine the concentration of As in water, soil, and rice plants in the Upper/Trans-Ganges Plains covering Punjab in northwestern India. In total, 200 water samples were collected from different locations in Punjab. Corresponding soil, rice grain, and straw samples were collected from the same locations as the water samples had been collected. In addition to deep tube well water (>125 m deep), water samples from shallow hand pumps (<50 m deep) and canals were also collected. The samples were analyzed for total As concentration using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipped with a hydride generating system (AAS-HG). The concentration of As in tube well water samples varied from 5.33 to 17.27 μg As L–1, with about 40% samples having As concentrations greater than the permissible limit (10 μg As L–1). None of the hand pump and canal water samples had As concentrations greater than permissible limits. The As concentration of surface soils varied from 1.09 to 2.48 mg As kg–1. There was no trend in the distribution of As with depth of soil. The concentration of As in rice straw varied from 4.05 to 15.06 μg As kg–1 and that of grain from 1.48 to 6.87 μg As kg–1. The concentration of As was lower in edible grain than in inedible straw. There was a positive and significant correlation between As concentration in tube well water and As concentration in surface soils. The buildup of As in soils was directly related to the As concentration of tube well waters. There was a significant correlation between As in water and As in plants. However, a nonsignificant correlation existed between As in soil and As in plants. This indicates that plants absorbed more As from irrigation water than that from soil. This also suggests that irrigation with such waters over a longer period of time may have detrimental effects on soil and on plants, animals, and humans. There is thus a need to continuously monitor the As concentration in undergroundwater.  相似文献   

Collembolan populations were followed monthly for 3 years in a long-term cultivated and fertilized agricultural field, in East India (West Bengal), where three crops (jute, paddy rice and wheat) were cultivated and subjected to various doses of NPK fertilizers, herbicides and organic manure. Each crop showed a rise followed by a decrease in Collembolan populations. When crossed with crop effects Collembolan populations showed a negative correlation with soil temperature and a positive correlation with soil moisture. Application of organic manure induced an increase in the population but the effects of fertilizers and other treatments applied to the field were not as significant as seasonal and crop influences.  相似文献   

The characterization of runoff-related pesticide input and the identification of areas of concern in the field are essential for a comprehensive assessment of risk and the planning of mitigation measures. To this end, the agriculturally-derived aqueous and particle-associated pesticide contamination of the Lourens River and its tributaries was measured in a comprehensive design. Sampling was performed in the beginning of April prior to the first rainfall of the wet season and in the middle of April during high water conditions following the first rainfall of 9.6 mm d-1. Pre-runoff samples indicated contamination with endosulfan at levels up to 0.06 μg L-1, while no other pesticides were detectable. Rainfall-induced runoff resulted in an increase in the levels of the pesticides endosulfan, deltamethrin, azinphos-methyl, chlorpyrifos, and procymidone up to levels of 0.35, 1.4, 0.6, 0.19 and 9 μg L-1, respectively in water samples. Endosulfan, azinphos-methyl, and chlorpyrifos were detected at maximum concentrations of 273, 152, and 245 μg kg-1 in suspended sediments. No increased pesticide levels were detected at a control site upstream of the agricultural area. The Lourens River received its contamination via the tributaries discharging the surrounding farming area. Contamination of the six tributaries depended on landuse and slope characteristics and enabled the identification of target sites for risk reduction approaches. Transient pesticide levels exceeded the target water quality limit proposed by the South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). The Lourens River site downstream of the farming area has been identified as a site where potential toxic conditions could arise.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of ambient air pollution on leaf characteristics of white willow, northern red oak, and Scots pine. Willow, oak, and pine saplings were planted at sixteen locations in Belgium, where nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM10) concentrations were continuously measured. The trees were exposed to ambient air during 6 months (April–September 2010), and, thereafter, specific leaf area (SLA), stomatal resistance (R s), leaf fluctuating asymmetry (FA), drop contact angle (CA), relative chlorophyll content, and chlorophyll fluorescence (F v/F m) were measured. Leaf characteristics of willow, oak, and pine were differently related to the ambient air pollution, indicating a species-dependent response. Willow and pine had a higher SLA at measuring stations with higher NO2 and lower O3 concentrations. Willow had a higher R s and pine had a higher F v/F m at measuring stations with a higher NO2 and lower O3 concentrations, while oak had a higher F v/F m and a lower FA at measuring stations with a higher NO2 and lower O3 concentrations. FA and R s of willow, oak, and pine, SLA of oak, and CA of willow were rather an indicator for local adaptation to the micro-environment than an indicator for the ambient air pollution.  相似文献   

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