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大气CO_2浓度升高对植物影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CO2是植物光合作用的底物,也是构成植物生境的一种环境因子。随着现代工农业的发展与人类活动的增加,大气中CO2浓度将会不可避免的呈升高趋势。这种趋势将对植物生长发育及生物产量产生影响,最终将影响人类的生存环境,因此,近年来对其研究逐渐增多。综述了国内外学者对植物的形态学特征、生物量的变化、生理生化机制、根系分泌物及根际微生物等受大气中CO2浓度升高的影响等方面的研究。结果表明,CO2的浓度升高会增加植物的根系面积、增加叶片的厚度、促进根系分泌物的释放,改变根际微生物的多样性,也可能会提高植物的呼吸作用和光合速率。  相似文献   

In this study, a controlled experiment was designed to determine the potential impacts that salt types impose on soil reflectance spectra. Base soil from a typical inland river basin in China and 99% pure salts of three representive salt types as well as their combinations in different proportions were used to create composite soil samples. Seven levels of salt concentration were assigned for each saline soil treatment. The results revealed that salt concentration did not affect pattern parameters significantly (P > 0.5), where varying the salt concentrations only led to changes in the confined range that corresponded to salt types. Statistical parameter Rmean was sensitive to salt types but was limited to single-type salts. Therefore, salt types largely determined the overall shapes of soil reflectance spectra rather than salt concentrations. It is therefore necessary to identify salt type before retrival of salt concentration in saline soils by use of remote sensing data.  相似文献   

This study vividly presents results from a seasonal particulate matter measurement campaign conducted at world’s largest ship-breaking yard i.e., Alang-Sosiya (Gujarat, India) at six locations and a reference station at Gopnath which is 30 km south of this ship-breaking yard. The collected suspended particulate matter (SPM) 24-h samples were critically analyzed for heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Co, Ni, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn). The average concentration of SPM within the ship-breaking yard during the investigation was 287.5 ± 20.4 μg m?3 and at reference station it was 111.13 ± 5.81 μg m?3. These values are found to be in excess of the permitted national standards. The levels of heavy metals at Alang-Sosiya are very high as compared to US EPA and WHO guidelines. The mean concentrations of all metals are in the order: Fe >>Zn >Cu > Mn > Cd >Pb > Co >Ni >Cr. The results on enrichment factors (EF) suggest that most of the metals in the ship-breaking yard exhibit EF values of near or above 100 which must have been comprehensively affected by ship-breaking activities. Metal data was used to evaluate the role of spatial factors on their distribution characteristics. Thereafter, factor analysis was carried out to identify the main components liable for the variance of the data set.  相似文献   

Meteorological scenarios concerning the data required for engineering applications of pollutant transport modeling in the low layers of troposphere are defined through a simple methodology. This involves only data at soil surface and substantially relies on the determination of atmospheric stability carried out through fictitious vertical profiles of air temperature considered as representative of the actual vertical profiles in a study area. This assumption is supported by comparisons of fictitious vertical profiles, obtained by measurements of air temperature at soil surface but at different heights above sea level, and the temperature vertical profiles observed by the radio-sounding station closer to the study area. The fictitious profiles are first used to derive the usual classes of atmospheric stability as unstable atmosphere, neutral atmosphere, stable atmosphere, thermal inversion at the surface and thermal inversion in the upper layers. Then, each scenario is determined through the classes of atmospheric stability observed at 06.00 GMT and 15.00 GMT together with the experimental data of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and cloud cover, all averaged in the period of investigation of a few years. An area of Central Italy, where the meteorological measurements for a period of 7 years were available, has been selected for this study.  相似文献   

A 12 months study on urban atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contained in the particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 microns (PM10) was carried out in Zaragoza (Spain) from July 12th, 2001 to July 26th, 2002 by using a high-volume air sampler able to collect the PAH supported on a Teflon-coated fibre glass filter. Samples were analysed by using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). PAH of high molecular weight, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (IcdP), benzo[g,h,i]perylene (BghiP) and coronene (Co) were the most abundant compounds. The concentrations of benz[a]pyrene equivalent carcinogenic power (BaP-eq) showed a mean value of 0.7 ng/m3 with 22.5% of the samples exceeding the 1.0 ng/m3 guide value established by the European Directive. These episodes were mainly produced during cold season. Regarding meteorological variables, a positive effect of the prevalent wind “cierzo” (NW direction) over the Zaragoza city was confirmed from the environmental point of view. The NE, E and S directions, corresponding to highway and industrial areas were the directions showing the high PAH atmospheric concentrations. Despite the proximity of a high-level traffic highway, stationary sources related to industry were the dominant source of PAH in the sampled area. Vehicular emissions and natural gas home heating also contributed to PAH concentrations. The predominance of local pollution sources versus long-range transport on PAH concentrations was shown. However, the contribution of long-range transport of anthropogenic origin from other European areas was reflected for specific dates on PAH concentrations and PM10 levels.  相似文献   

The content of 36 elements in the H horizon of coniferous forest floor humus was determined for 56 sampling plots situated in linear transects running out radially to a distance of 14 km from a lead smelter. Fine-scale contour maps of element content in humus revealed five types of basic patterns for the positions of hot spots. Using PCA and contour maps the following four dominant pollution sources were identified that had influenced the accumulation of some elements in humus in the area (615 km2): operation of a lead smelter (Ag, Bi, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, In, Pb, S, Sb, Zn), gravel production from stones from uranium pit heaps (Al, Be, Co, Cr, Ga, Mn, Sc, Se, Th, U, V), operation of works processing heat resistant steel (Mo) and anthropogenic or local geogenic factors (Ce, Co, La, Nd, Pr, Y). Except in the case of Pb, Cd, Zn, (As, Hg), high current and long-term accumulated loads of the other elements named above have not previously been indicated in the literature for this area. In addition, no patterns of accumulated elements in humus in details of registers and allotments are known for this area. The interpolated hot spot area for heavy forest humus contamination was found to be 5–80 km2, however, U, Cd and Pb were highly accumulated in humus at 100, 320 and more than 630 km2, respectively. At a distance of 200 m and 22 km windward and 600 m and 22 km leeward from the lead smelter, the Pb content in the forest floor humus was 78 500 and 131 μg g-1 windward and 81 050 and 175 μg g-1 leeward, respectively. The normal Pb content in forest floor humus is less than 100 μg g-1 in the Czech Republic. Also patterns of accumulated elements in humus in details of registers and allotments have not been known for the area up to now. The distributions of the long-term accumulated elements in humus related to the distance from the source could be described nearly perfectly by exponential equations, while elevation, topography, leeward/windward exposure, and the geology of the sampling plots have not significantly influenced accumulation ofmost elements. Results of the forest floor humus analysis were fully supported by the parallel moss monitoring results. Humus monitoringtechniques can reliably determine the long-term effects of pollutionsources and reveal the hidden accumulated loads of elements in details in the landscape.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of crude oil is often dependent on the population sizes and metabolic activity of hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms in addition to nutrient supply. Fertilization with N and P and bioaugmentation of oil-contaminated soil with hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms may serve to enhance oil biodegradation rates. Glasshouse experiments were conducted to determine the impacts of fertilization and commercial bioremediation products on crude oil biodegradation and on changes in nutrient concentrations and populations of hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms in salt marsh mesocosms growing Spartina alterniflora. Experiments were conducted under continuously-flooded and alternately-flooded/drained conditions with and without N and P fertilization. MaxBac, a slow-release fertilizer, was applied at a rate of 100 kg N ha-1 and 20 kg P ha-1, while additional P was applied at 20 kg P ha-1. Commercial products failed to enhance total oil or total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) degradation under either continuously or alternately-flooded conditions. An average of 62% of TPH was degraded by 33 d under continuously-flooded conditions, while 59% was degraded by 41 d after oil application under alternately-flooded conditions. Products generally did not increase population sizes of heterotrophs orhydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms. Concentrations of NH4 + and P decreased during experimentation, and fertilization with N and P stimulated total oil and TPH degradation under continuously-flooded, but not under alternately-flooded conditions.  相似文献   

The NO2, nitrate and ammonia sampling in aerosols and rainfall was carried out at five stations located along the Cuban Island from 1986 to 1991. The sampling and chemical analysis were made mainly on the basis of methodologies recommended by WMO for above mentioned compounds at regional level. The total deposition of these compounds varies from 0.706 to 3.317 g m-2 yr-1. The wet deposition is about of 60%, so that the dry one is 40%. The amount of both depositions depends on our tropical rainy climate features. For some of these compounds the trend is increasing.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L.) cropping is increasing in marginal environments, including water-limited lands, some of which are loaded with arsenic (As). Plants inoculated with mycorrhiza increased their tolerance to water stress. We studied the effect of a sudden and severe water stress on soybean inoculated with the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices in soils with increasing concentrations of As. Soybean plants were grown in greenhouse with adequate water supply for 60 days. Irrigation was stopped completely and soil abruptly reached the permanent wilting point. Most inoculated plants survived under such limiting water stress, but noninoculated plants were clearly affected. Arsenic showed a negative effect on plant growth but improved plant survival under this severe water stress. It seems that the negative effects of As on plant water equilibrium explain why plants affected by As survived extreme water stress events.  相似文献   

通过室内培养实验.研究了草甸沼泽土壤N2O排放和反硝化损失对氮输入的响应特征,结果表明,在培养期(23 d)内N2O平均排放速率为0.32(NO).0.87(N1).17.69(N2),28.07(N3)μgN2O-N/(kg±·h),反硝化平均损失速率为0.25(NO),0.81(NI),22.29(N2),30.28(N3)μgN2O--N/(kg±·h).两者都随氮输入量增高而升高.其中,N3处理N2O平均排放速率和反硝化平均损失速率与对照差异显著(p<0.05),N1和N2与对照差异不显著.N2O排放总量占氮输入的比例为0.03%(N1),1.04%(N2).1.76%(N3),反硝化损失总量占氮输入的比例为0.04%(N1),1.29%(N2),1.93%(N3).均表现为随氮输入量的增大而增高.N1处理下有机碳矿化速率低于对照,而N2和N3有机碳矿化速率高于对照,说明低氮输入对有机碳矿化有一定抑制作用,.高氮输入促进有机碳矿化.  相似文献   

The use of biochar (BC) has been suggested for remediation of contaminated soils. This study aims to investigate the role of microorganisms in sorption of PAH to BC-amended soils. Fungi, especially the wood and litter-degrading fungi, have shown the ability for humification and to degrade recalcitrant molecules, and are thus suitable model organisms. Haplic Arenosol with high organic matter content was chosen to highlight the importance of soil organic matter (SOM) in PAH sorption, possibly to form non-extractable residue. Basidiomycetous fungi Agrocybe praecox and Phanerochaete velutina grown on pine bark were inoculated in organic matter (OM)-rich Haplic Arenosol and OM-poor sandy loam with either BC or chemically activated BC (ABC) and 14C-labelled pyrene for 60 days. Fungi did not mineralize pyrene, but increased sorption up to 47–56% in BC-amended Haplic Arenosol in comparison with controls (13–25%) without a fungus irrespective of the presence of an adsorbent. In OM-poor sandy loam, only 9–12% of pyrene was sorbed to amended soil in the presence of fungus and adsorbent. The results suggest that BC and fungal amendment increased sorption of pyrene, especially to Haplic Arenosol more than by either BC or fungi alone.  相似文献   

[目的] 微咸水灌溉是缓解农业用水紧张、保障粮食生产的重要途径之一,但灌溉水中的可溶性盐会导致土壤盐分累积,进而影响作物生长,寻求适宜的灌溉水盐分浓度是咸水、微咸水资源得到安全利用的有利保障。[方法] 研究采用遮雨盆栽试验种植冬小麦,以去离子水为对照(CK),添加氯化盐形成不同浓度的微咸水处理,灌溉水电导率(ECw)分别为:0.26(CK),3.00(S1),5.26(S2),7.07(S3),9.24(S4) dS/m,研究土壤水盐分布和冬小麦生长、光合生理及产量形成的响应。[结果] 不同浓度微咸水灌溉下土壤含水率、土壤含盐量随盐分浓度的增加而增大。当灌溉水电导率为9.24 dS/m时,土壤含水率分别比CK高5.43%(0—10 cm),4.21%(10—20 cm),4.98%(20—40 cm);冬小麦收获后CK及S1-S4处理下0—40 cm土层土壤饱和浸提液电导率(ECe)分别为0.66,4.89,7.88,9.34,10.16 dS/m;与CK相比,灌溉水电导率为3.00,5.26 dS/m时,冬小麦生长、光合生理指标、产量无显著差异,而为7.07,9.24 dS/m时显著降低,当灌溉水电导率为9.24 dS/m时,冬小麦净光合速率、最大株高、最大叶面积、成熟期地上部干物质量、根系干物质量及产量相比CK分别降低71.00%,2.81%,15.33%,15.55%,47.25%,27.53%。利用FAO分段函数拟合计算得冬小麦灌溉微咸水电导率阈值为5.82 dS/m,超过该值,每增加1 dS/m,冬小麦相对产量下降8.80%。[结论] 综上所述,灌溉水盐分浓度越高,对土壤水盐分布及冬小麦生长的影响越大,5.82 dS/m为冬小麦的灌溉微咸水电导率阈值。综合考虑冬小麦生长、光合生理指标及土壤理化性质,建议使用微咸水灌溉冬小麦时,ECw不宜超过5.82 dS/m。该研究结果可为微咸水安全利用提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

The massive oil release from the Deep Water Horizon disaster has reemphasized the need to remediate oil impacted marshes. Due to the physically fragile nature of salt water marshes, bioremediation is often proposed as an appropriate technology and nutrient amendment is often proposed as a means of accelerating biodegradation of crude oil. However, no information is currently available concerning the efficacy of in situ nutrient amendments in Gulf Coast salt marshes. An experimental crude oil spill (142 l over 100 m2) was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of nitrogen amendment to stimulate bioremediation in a Spartina alterniflora dominated Louisiana salt marsh. A randomized complete block design with replication (n = 10) was utilized to test the hypothesis that additions of fast-release ammonium nitrate (60 g N/m2) and slow-release urea (30 g N/m2) fertilizers could enhance biodegradation of selected crude oil components in the marsh. Crude oil degradation was monitored by analyzing sediment samples for branched and unbranched alkanes over the 180-day study period. The compound/hopane ratio was used to correct for nonbiological losses. No consistent statistically significant effect of fertilizer addition on degradation rates was observed, despite success in increasing the porewater ammonium and NaCl-extractable ammonium over the time frame of the trial. Intrinsic pseudo-first order degradation rates of alkanes in all plots were substantial (0.003–0.008 day−1). Existing, background levels of N did not appear to limit biodegradation rates in Spartina-dominated salt marshes. These results suggest that nutrient amendments will not be successful in stimulation biodegradation of crude oil in these systems.  相似文献   

The total concentrations of ten elements (Ag, As, Co, Cs, Fe, Ir, Ni, Rb, Sb, and Sc) were determined in soil and vegetation samples from the surroundings of a Cu-Ni smelter in Monchegorsk, Northwest Russia, and a background area in Naruska, North Finland. The samples were analysed by epithermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA). Elements emitted from the smelter (Ag, As, Co, Ir, Ni, and Sb) were mostly accumulated in the topsoil. Some elements also appeared to contaminate deeper soil layers. In both soil and vegetation the metal concentrations decreased with increasing distance from the smelter. The most significant contributor to the high concentrations of Fe and Sc near the smelter was probably damaged ground vegetation and subsequent wind erosion. Possibly high geochemical abundance of Fe and Sc may also have been a contributing factor. Concentrations of Cs and Rb in soil and vegetation generally increased with increasing distance from the pollution source. High negative correlations were evident between these elements and the elements emitted from the smelter, suggesting that cation exchange of Cs and Rb by the elements supplied from the smelter was likely occurring in the surface soil.  相似文献   

This report summarizes research aimed at describing the processes and quantifying the factors affecting transfer of P and K from soil into plants. Soil properties related to availability and plant properties reflecting nutrient acquisition were determined. Their interactions in the rhizosphere and their importance for nutrient supply of plants were studied by a combination of measurements and calculations using a simulation model. Phosphorus and potassium uptake by roots decreased P and K concentration at the root surface and caused characteristic depletion profiles in the adjacent soil. The shape of the profiles depended on the effective diffusion coefficient, the concentration of the nutrient in soil, morphological properties of the roots and on influx into roots. The degree of depletion at the root surface indicated the proportion of the nutrient potentially available in the soil. The shape of the depletion profiles reflected the amount of the nutrient taken up by a root section. The parameters found to describe nutrient acquisition are (i) influx per unit root length, (ii) root length per unit shoot weight (root/shoot ratio), and (iii) the period of time a root section absorbs nutrients. Plant species differed considerably in these properties. In order to integrate the processes involved and to evaluate the importance of individual factors, the Claassen-Barber model was used. Depletion profiles and nutrient uptake calculated with this model were in good agreement with measured values in a number of cases. However, at low P supply, plants absorbed substantially more P than the model predicted. This indicates that influx in this case is supported by mechanisms not properly taken into account yet. Influx per unit root length depends on morphological properties of and nutrient mobilization by roots. Root hairs increase root surface area per unit root length. In addition, because of their small diameter and geometric arrangement in soil, root hairs are specially apt to gain from diffusion when concentration gradients are small. This applies even more to VA-mycorrhizae. Their hyphae are longer and thinner than root hairs and can thus deplete larger volumes of soil per unit root length. Root-induced changes of soil pH increased the size of P depletion profiles, indicating that roots can mobilize soil P by this mechanism. Both acid and alkaline phosphatase enzyme activities were found to be markedly increased at the soil-root interface suggesting that soil organic P may contribute to the P supply of plants.  相似文献   

Kolka  R. K.  Nater  E. A.  Grigal  D. F.  Verry  E. S. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1999,113(1-4):273-294
Inputs of mercury (Hg) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in throughfall and stemflow waters were measured for an upland/bog watershed in northern Minnesota, and were compared to the deposition in a nearby opening to determine the influence of tree canopies on Hg and DOC deposition. Twice as much Hg and seven times as much DOC was deposited in the forested watershed compared to the opening. Mass balance studies that are based on wet-only deposition in openings severely underestimate atmospheric deposition of Hg in forests. Conifer canopies are more efficient filters of airborne particulates than are deciduous canopies as indicated by much higher Hg concentrations and total deposition in throughfall and stemflow waters under conifers. Significant positive relationships existed between Hg and DOC in both throughfall (36–57% of the variation) and stemflow waters (55–88% of the variation). Hg complexation by DOC appears to be related to the contact time between precipitation and carbon sources.  相似文献   

Feng  Y. W.  Ogura  N.  Feng  Z. W.  Zhang  F. Z.  Shimizu  H. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2003,145(1-4):95-107
This study was carried out from June 1995 to December 1998 to explore the current status of fluoride pollution, fluoride deposition, and sources of fluoride in Beijing. The mean fluorideconcentration of ambient aerosols in Beijing was 0.61 μg m-3, with a range of 0.08 to 1.61 μg m-3. The highest concentration (1.61 μg m-3) occurred in winterand was 20 times higher than in summer. This maximum concentration is to compare with annual volume-weighted averagefluoride concentration in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, an areaseriously polluted with fluoride. Fluoride pollution occurred inwinter in Beijing, because of the increased consumption of coal for heating, which resulted also in the highest dry deposition during winter and lowest in summer. The seasonal variations intotal fluoride were different from those of dry deposition. Thehighest total deposition was observed in summer, when 75% of theannual precipitation falls. Soil dust and coal combustion wereconsidered the main sources of fluoride in Beijing.  相似文献   

盐碱地枸杞间作不同作物的土壤水盐变化及盐平衡   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]研究盐碱地枸杞不同间作模式下土壤水盐的变化,为盐碱地改良和利用提供一定科学依据。[方法]设置枸杞间作苜蓿、枸杞间作油菜、枸杞间作碱蓬、枸杞单作4种处理,分析不同间作模式下土壤水盐变化以及土壤盐平衡。[结果]各处理土壤含水率,在0—60 cm土层呈现出:间作苜蓿间作油菜间作碱蓬对照,依次为13.67%,13.02%,12.22%,11.86%,在60—100 cm土层变化不明显;土壤盐分含量在0—40 cm土层中与对照相比,间作苜蓿、间作油菜、间作碱蓬分别下降6.91,5.82,2.21g/kg,在40—100 cm土层土壤盐分分别下降3.20,2.93,0.95g/kg;0—100 cm土层,枸杞间作苜蓿、间作油菜、间作碱蓬及对照土壤脱盐率依次为40.38%,26.52%,9.00%,-60.66%。除对照外,其他处理的土壤盐分均呈脱盐状态。[结论]盐碱地枸杞不同间作模式均能有效增加土壤含水率,降低土壤盐分,达到改良盐碱地的效果。  相似文献   

采用室内模拟实验,研究沼泽湿地土壤N2O排放和有机碳矿化对不同外源氮输入浓度的响应特征.整个培养期(23 d)内N2O排放量为2696.85(N0),5362.61(N1),8288.48(N2),7903.84(N3)μg/kg,处理间差异达到极显著水平(p<0.01),随氮输入量增加呈现先增加后降低的趋势,表明适当的氮输入促进土壤N2O排放,过量的氮输入则对土壤N2O排放有一定的抑制作用.各氮输入处理有机碳矿化速率在培养期内各阶段都低于对照,各氮输入处理之间差异不显著,表明氮输入降低有机碳矿化速率.氮输人对土壤微生物量碳影响不大,而土壤微生物置氮随氮输入量增大而增大.  相似文献   

设施土壤水-盐运移的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
设施土壤不同于其他露地土壤,由于其内部高温、缺少雨水淋洗、蒸发强烈及施肥等因素的影响,表层土壤盐分不断积累,且以营养盐分为主,致使设施土壤的次生盐渍化、板结、酸化等生态问题日益突出,常引起各种作物的生理障碍.而水分则是影响上述变化较为活跃的因素之一,故设施土壤水分的作用则显得尤为重要.它作为其他溶质运移的载体,不仅影响其水量平衡和盐分积累的过程,同时还决定着土壤退化和农业面源污染进程.因此,本文在大量分析国内外研究的基础上,从土壤水-盐运移理论、露地土壤水-盐运移、设施水-盐运移的研究方面出发,客观地评价了该领域研究状况,并提出了该领域研究存在的问题和展望.  相似文献   

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