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不同尺度下低山茶园土壤主要微量元素的空间变异性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
廖桂堂  李廷轩  王永东  张锡洲  黄平 《土壤》2008,40(2):257-263
利用地统计学、主成分分析方法对不同尺度下四川蒙顶山茶园土壤微量元素空间变异性、影响因素及多元素综合制图进行了研究.结果表明:①两个尺度下土壤微量元素的空间相关性存在差异,同时其空间变异方向具有相似性,Mn和Cu在山脉走向垂直方向变异较大,Fe和zn在水平方向变异较大且具有各向同性发展的趋势.普通Kriging插值结果说明微量元素含量从东北至西南呈明显的带状分布,垂直方向上随海拔升高而变化.②主成分综合制图较好地反映了微量元素分布的总体规律.两种主成分均具有较明确的物理意义,其插值图体现了微量元素特性沿坡面方向的带状变化特点,与半方差函数分析的结果完全吻合.③土壤环境条件对蒙顶山茶园土壤微量元素影响较大,而坡度是影响土壤微量元素空间分布形态的主要地形因素.  相似文献   

We collected and analyzed over 600 soil samples from the vegetable production fields in seven regions across California, examining the total As, Cd, Pb, P, and Zn concentrations of the soils. The ranges for baseline concentrations were determined for each region. The total P and Zn contents of the soils in comparison to the baseline ranges served as indicators on P fertilizers and micronutrients inputs through cultivation, the greater the total contents the larger the inputs. When the soil As, Cd, and Pb concentrations of each region were plotted with respect to those of P and Zn, three data distribution patterns emerged: (1) the soil As, Cd and Pb concentrations of the cropland soils remained within the baseline range regardless of the phosphorus or zinc inputs in 5, 2, 4 of the 7 regions, respectively, (2) the soil As, Cd and Pb concentrations of the cropland soils had moved upward and exceeded the baseline ranges but their concentrations did not rise in proportion to the phosphorus or zinc concentrations of soils in 1, 4, and 3 of the 7 regions, respectively. The enrichment was due to diffuse sources other than phosphorus fertilizers or micronutrients. (3) The soil As and Cd concentrations of the cropland soil in the Oxnard/Ventura Area and Fresno showed trends of increasing with respect to inputs of P and or Zn indicating P fertilizer or micronutrients applications over time have caused As and Cd to slowly accumulate in the cropland soils.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of different methods (heavy metals in pore water (PW), diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT), diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction, and total heavy metals (THM) in soil) for the assessment of heavy metal bioavailability from soils having various properties and heavy metal contents. The effect of soil heavy metal pollution on shoot yield and sulfatase enzyme activity was also studied. Wheat (Triticum aestivum) was grown in different soils from Spain (n?=?10) and New Zealand (n?=?20) in a constant environment room for 25 days. The bioavailabilities of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn were assessed by comparing the metal contents extracted by the different methods with those found in the roots. The most widely applicable method was DGT, as satisfactory Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn root concentrations were obtained, and it was able to distinguish between low and high Cr values. The analysis of the metal concentrations in PW was effective for the determination of Cr, Ni, and Zn content in root. Copper and Pb root concentrations were satisfactorily assessed by DTPA extraction, but the method was less successful with determining the Ni and Cr contents and suitable just to distinguish between high and low concentrations of Zn. The THM in soil method satisfactorily predicted Cu and Pb root concentrations but could only be used to distinguish between low and high Cr and Zn values. The Cd root concentration was not successfully predicted for any of the used methods. Neither shoot yield nor sulfatase enzyme activity was affected by the metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Variations in concentrations of 24 elements in soils with loam and sandy loam texture and in Triticum aestivum wheat seedlings grown in the soils under greenhouse conditions were studied. Initial soils differed significantly in concentrations of 20 elements. Elemental composition of wheat seedlings depended on the soil where the plants were grown. An application of ISPOLIN (fertilizer enriched with potassium) resulted in variations in soil pH, plant biomass, and concentrations of several elements both in soils and in plants. An excess of bioavailable potassium (K) in soil led to significant increase of K and deficiency of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in all parts of T. aestivum. Concentrations of many other elements in the plants also changed. The effects of soil fertilization on plant biomass, leaf chlorophyll, and plant element concentrations were soil-dependent. Depending on the ratio of K/Mg in the soils, there was either an increase of plant yield and chlorophyll content or no effect at all.  相似文献   

土壤中抗生素的环境行为及分布特征研究进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
赵方凯  杨磊  乔敏  李守娟  孙龙 《土壤》2017,49(3):428-436
抗生素被广泛应用于治疗和控制人类及其他动物的细菌感染性疾病,并且可以作为饲料添加剂或生长促进剂用于禽畜养殖。大量抗生素通过有机肥施用、污水灌溉等途径持续进入土壤,导致土壤环境中抗生素种类不断增加、含量逐年增高。抗生素污染会对土壤中微生物、动物、植物等产生直接或间接的影响,诱导耐药菌株及抗性基因的产生,并且抗生素还可以被植物吸收,通过食物链影响人类健康。本文系统介绍了近20年来土壤中抗生素的相关研究,并着重就土壤中抗生素的来源归趋、环境行为以及时空分布情况进行了总结。研究认为土壤中抗生素的环境行为受抗生素种类和土壤性质的强烈影响,并且土壤中抗生素的时空分布与其环境行为和人类活动密切相关。  相似文献   

噻虫嗪在农田土壤中环境行为的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘娟  张乃明 《土壤》2020,52(5):883-890
噻虫嗪是当前全球销售量最大的新烟碱类农药之一。随着噻虫嗪在农业生产中的广泛使用,噻虫嗪在土壤环境中的迁移转化和归宿问题开始成为研究热点。本文总结了噻虫嗪在农田土壤中的残留、降解、吸附以及迁移与淋溶等环境行为及主要影响因素,系统综述了噻虫嗪对土壤微生物以及土壤动物(蚯蚓、蚂蚁等)的影响,并针对噻虫嗪在农田土壤中环境行为相关研究存在的不足提出了未来研究应该关注的重点和方向,以期为噻虫嗪的科学安全使用以及保障农田土壤生态系统健康提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The concentration of some trace metals, like Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, Cr and Ni, was measured in the potable water of Cuttack City,India during winter, summer and rain events in the course of a two year period. Apart from Fe, all other trace metals fell well within the maximum permissible limit set by WHO for drinking water. On the basis of spatial/temporal variations, weathering of rocks and anthropogenic input were found to be main sources of trace elements in the ground water. The considerable temporal changes indicate that a majority of trace metals is entering the aquifer during rain fall.Factor analysis of the trace element data suggest that Fe, Mn and Cr are interrelated with each other and derived significantly from the aquifer, whereas input of Pb and Co may be due to atmospheric deposition in the study area.  相似文献   

Human exposure to toxic heavy metals via dietary intake is of increasing concern. Heavy-metal pollution of a rice production system can pose a threat to human health. Thus, it was necessary to develop a suitable extraction procedure that would represent the content of metal available to rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). The aim of this study was to predict, on the basis of single extraction procedures of soil heavy metals, the accumulation of heavy metals (cadium, lead, copper, and zinc) in rice plants. Six extracting agents [Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), DTPA–TEA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid–triethanolamine), ammonium acetate (NH4OAc), and calcium chloride (CaCl2)] were tested to evaluate the bioavailability of heavy metals from paddy soils contaminated with lead–zinc mine tailings to rice. The extraction capacity of the metals was found to be of the order EDTA > Mehlich 3 > Mehlich 1 > DTPA–TEA > NH4OAc > CaCl2. The correlation analysis between metals extracted with different extractants and concentrations of the metals in the grain and stalk of the plant showed positive correlations with all metals. The greatest values of correlation coefficients were determined between the NH4OAc- and CaCl2-soluble fractions of soil and contents in plants in all four metals studied. Therefore, NH4OAc and CaCl2 were the most suitable extractants for predicting bioavailability of heavy metals in the polluted soils to rice. The results suggested that uptake of heavy metals by rice was mostly from exchangeable and water-soluble fractions of the metals in the soils. Soil-extractable metals were more significantly correlated with metal accumulation in the stalk than in the grain. The pH had more significant influence on availability of heavy metals in the soils than total content of metals and other soil properties. The bioavailability of metals for rice plants would be high in acidic soils.  相似文献   

通过对老官台全新世黄土剖面12种微量元素的测定分析,结合本剖面已测定的粒度、磁化率、光释光(OSL)年龄,研究和揭示了它们在表生环境下的地球化学特征和古气候意义。微量元素在风化成壤过程中,其活动性由强至弱顺序为BaSrCdPbLiZnCuCrMnCoRbNi。其中Rb、Li、Cr、Co、Zn、Cu、Mn、Ni八种元素在土壤形成过程中相对富集,含量较高;Sr、Ba、Cd三种元素在土壤中相对淋失,含量较低;但Zn、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb五种元素对黄土层和土壤层的区别不是很明显。因此,Rb、Li、Cr、Co的高含量反映了较温湿的成壤环境,低含量反映了较冷干的粉尘加积环境;而Sr、Ba、Cd低含量反映了较温湿的成壤环境,高含量反映了较冷干的粉尘加积环境。Pb、Zn、Cu、Mn、Ni、Cd元素含量在表土层中的富集主要与现代耕作活动或工业污染有关,反映了人类活动强度的不断增强。LGT剖面主要微量元素的变化清楚地记录了关中盆地自末次冰消期以来气候环境经历的显著波动变化。  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of potentially toxic trace elements in agricultural soils contribute to soil pollution affecting food quality and safety. We assessed pollution levels in agricultural systems, lowland rice (LL) and highland cash crops (HL), by comparing with non-agricultural soils (NA). Correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were performed, and geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and pollution loading index (PLI) were calculated. Zinc in LL, and Cd in LL and HL, were significantly higher than in NA. The Igeo values of cooper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) ranged from uncontaminated to moderately contaminated (Class 0 to 2) for LL, HL, and NA. Overall, trace element levels were categorized as unpolluted based on PLI. Soil properties significantly correlated with Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn concentrations but not with Cd. Based on PCA, sources of origin for Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn were lithogenic, while the sources for Cd was anthropogenic in the studied agricultural soils.  相似文献   

为研究沉积物中不同形态氮的释放能力及其生物可利用性大小,为湖泊水环境生态安全评估提供基础依据,以春季巢湖表层沉积物为例,采用连续分级提取法将氮分为游离态氮(FN)、可交换态氮(EN)、酸解态氮(HN)及残渣态氮(RN),并研究了这4种形态的赋存特征。结果表明,沉积物中总凯氏氮含量(TKN)在1004—2285mg·kg^-1之间,各形态氮含量大小为HN〉EN〉RN〉FN,占总提取态氮比例分别为78.32%、11.50%、9.76%、0.42%。酸解氨基酸态氮是可矿化态氮最有效贡献者,多元逐步回归方法得到“最优”方程为y=0.696AAN-108.918。连续提取法测得总氮值(TSEN)比用凯氏半微量法测得总氮值(TKN)偏小,但在误差允许的范围内,TSEN可替代半微量凯氏法测得的总氮。  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - Increasing demographic pressure in the area around the Mounts Kupe and Manengouba (Cameroon) is leading to increased agricultural activities with potential heavy metal...  相似文献   

This study focused on the capability of two silty soils (tills) having low clay contents and CEC to retain and release two heavy metals, Pb and Cu. Samples of two non contaminated till deposits from the Eastern Townships region of Quebec, Canada, were artificially contaminated with concentrated solutions of these heavy metals. The latter were later extracted from the various geochemical phases of the soils by using the sequential extraction procedure. The results show that silty soils may have a relatively high heavy metal retention capacity due to the presence of carbonate and that this retention capacity can be comparable in magnitude to the retention capacity of certain clayey soils. This is particularly positive in the context of municipal waste disposal (landfills) in Quebec, where some old sanitary landfill sites are underlain by till deposits. A high buffering capacity is not as desirable in the case a deposit needs to undergo remediation.  相似文献   


Laos (14–22.5°N and 100–107.5°E) is a land-locked country located in the Indo-China Peninsula, adjacent to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, and China. The total area of the country is 236,800 km2 and about 70% of the land is occupied by mountains. Paddy fields are distributed in flood plains along the Mekong River and its tributaries and in valley bottom plains dissected by small rivers. The climate is dominated by tropical monsoon.  相似文献   

Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is an efficient, well-known and widely applied soil remediation technology. However, under certain conditions it cannot achieve the defined cleanup goals, requiring further treatment, for example, through bioremediation (BR). The sequential application of these technologies is presented as a valid option but is not yet entirely studied. This work presents the study of the remediation of ethylbenzene (EB)-contaminated soils, with different soil water and natural organic matter (NOMC) contents, using sequential SVE and BR. The obtained results allow the conclusion that: (1) SVE was sufficient to reach the cleanup goals in 63% of the experiments (all the soils with NOMC below 4%), (2) higher NOMCs led to longer SVE remediation times, (3) BR showed to be a possible and cost-effective option when EB concentrations were lower than 335?mg?kg soil ?1 , and (4) concentrations of EB above 438?mg?kg soil ?1 showed to be inhibitory for microbial activity.  相似文献   

Semenkov  I. N.  Koroleva  T. V. 《Eurasian Soil Science》2019,52(10):1289-1297
Eurasian Soil Science - We analyzed the original and most developed environmental legislation of the Netherlands, Germany, the United States, and Canada, as well as the systems of Finland, the...  相似文献   

土壤中钨的环境行为与潜在风险:研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钨(W)已被美国环境保护署(EPA)列为一种新兴污染物。钨可通过多种途径在土壤中累积,进一步对土壤环境和生物生态系统造成潜在危害,而目前人类对土壤中钨的赋存、生物地球化学循环和生态风险等方面的认识严重不足。结合国内外研究进展和本课题组的试验数据,系统梳理了典型区域土壤钨含量水平、钨在土壤中的环境界面行为以及钨在生物中的富集特征和潜在健康风险。指出目前该研究领域存在的科学问题与研究方向,旨在呼吁更多学者关注土壤系统中钨的生态环境风险、生物地球化学过程及风险管控与治理修复。  相似文献   

钨(W)已被美国环境保护署(EPA)列为一种新兴污染物。钨可通过多种途径在土壤中累积,进一步对土壤环境和生物生态系统造成潜在危害,而目前人类对土壤中钨的赋存、生物地球化学循环和生态风险等方面的认识严重不足。结合国内外研究进展和本课题组的试验数据,系统梳理了典型区域土壤钨含量水平、钨在土壤中的环境界面行为以及钨在生物中的富集特征和潜在健康风险。指出目前该研究领域存在的科学问题与研究方向,旨在呼吁更多学者关注土壤系统中钨的生态环境风险、生物地球化学过程及风险管控与治理修复。  相似文献   

不同材料在石灰性土壤中的扩散调酸效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内无植物培养试验研究了条施糠醛渣、硫磺、颗粒硫肥、风化煤和磷酸二氢铵五种材料对石灰性土壤的扩散调酸效应。结果表明,五种调酸材料均能降低土壤pH值,且使石灰性土壤的pH值在不同距离处(1、2、3、4、6、8 cm)均有所变化;随着施用时间的延长,pH值下降程度增大,调酸范围扩大;其中,磷酸二氢铵的调酸效应最好,最大能使土壤pH值在1 cm处从8.49下降到7.96,下降0.53个单位,对土壤pH值降低最大的距离为3 cm。  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The Russian soil quality assessment system, where the guideline values for the content of heavy metals and metalloids derived for arable lands (mostly, in terms of the...  相似文献   

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