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This article describes a consumer-based approach for development of new seafood product concepts among young adults in Norway and Iceland. The study aim was to gain insight into how young adults determine their acceptance of seafood and make potential product choices. Additional insights measured were confidence in seafood preparation and consumption choices when exposed to specific new seafood concepts. Based on consumer-reported values, three seafood product concepts were evaluated by 354 consumers in a web-based, conjoint experiment in Norway and Iceland. Consumers' evaluations showed a number of consumer preferences for specific seafood product concepts partly associated with and partly conflicting with their original values. Understanding consumer attitudes can help to explain these results. The results of this study will be used as a guide for the next step in developing seafood product concepts.  相似文献   

膜分离技术在水产加工中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
膜分离技术是 2 0世纪 60年代发展起来的新型分离单元操作。由于它在分离物质过程中具有不涉及相变、无二次污染、结构紧凑、易于自动化操作等诸多优点 ,发展相当迅速 ,被国际上公认为 2 0世纪末至2 1世纪中期最具有发展前途 ,甚至会导致一次工业革命的前沿技术 ,现已成为世界研究的热点[1,2 ] 。目前 ,膜分离技术最多应用在工业水处理和海水淡化等方面 ,在食品工业中也得到广泛应用[3~ 5] 。膜分离技术应用于水产品加工业的优越性主要有 :1 分离过程在密闭系统中、常温下即可进行 ,无相变 ,过程避免和减轻了热和氧对风味物质和营养成份的…  相似文献   

A Survey was carried out on oysters and mussels collected from three different areas of New Zealand for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes and fecal coliforms. Three samples of oysters contained L. monocytogenes. Fifty-two samples of processed seafood purchased from retail outlets were tested for L. monocytogenes before their designated use-by dates. Eighteen samples (35%) contained L. monocytogenes. These were cold-smoked salmon, hot-smokes squid strips, cold smoked blue cod fillet, smoked eel fillets and hot-smoked mussel samples. It was concluded that contamination of the processed seafood occurred during processing rather than form the aquaculture sites.  相似文献   

本文通过对2001年中国国际渔业博览会会展情况的分析比较,结合我国渔业的实际发展情况,提出了我国在水产品养殖,捕捞、加工方面与国外的差距及新世纪的发展方向。  相似文献   

Japanese output of fishery products in 1993 amounted to 8.7 million metric tons valued at 2.5 trillion yen, and has gradually decreased for the last five years. Annual imported fishery products in that year amounted to 3.1 million metric tons (1.6 trillion yen). Prawn, tuna, salmon, mackerel and cod were the most prominent fishes imported mainly from the US, Taiwan and Republic of China. These accounted for 40% of total imports. A Japanese self-supplying rate for fishery products was about 64% in 1993. Under these severe conditions surrounding the fisheries of Japan, the Government operates several projects to develop increased utilization of initialized aquatic natural resources and to increase the value of marine products. These include better utilization for human consumption of initialized flying squid, headlight fish and low-quality spawned salmon; development of a large-scale extraction and purification technology for docosahexaenoic acid from marine products; and development of novel seafood by using high hydrostatic pressure technology. For the topics of by-products from aquatic resources, products from chitin and chitosan, fish oils, both for medical and food uses, liquid crystal, protamines from fish testicles for antibacterial for foods, growth hormones for fish farming, and several pharmaceutical compounds from marine organisms are introduced.  相似文献   

近年来 ,世界渔业由开发型向管理型逐步转变 ,水产养殖业越来越受到人们的关注。海珍品养殖作为水产养殖业中最具活力的新的经济增长点 ,有力地推动了水产养殖业的发展。随着海珍品养殖技术的迅速发展 ,产生了大量的科技档案。这些档案 ,不仅是海珍品养殖科学研究的真实记录 ,而且是重要的信息资源 ,是国家的宝贵财富。因此 ,应把加强对海珍品养殖科技档案的管理作为当前养殖生产、科技管理中的重要内容来抓 ,全力做好四个方面的工作。一、高度重视 ,确保原始资料齐全完整。海珍品养殖资料的收集 ,是养殖科技档案管理过程中的重要环节。从海…  相似文献   

我国水产品质量安全问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国水产品的品种繁多 ,仅鱼类就有 30 0 0多种 ,虾类 30 0多种 ,蟹类 60 0多种 ,头足类 90多种。不仅是世界上最大的水产品生产国 ,也是世界上最大的消费国。水产品生产为改善我国居民的消费结构 ,提高饮食营养水平做出了积极的贡献。由于水产品易受海、淡水域环境污染的影响和药物在水产养殖中的大量使用 ,因此水产品安全性倍受国内外的关注。本文就我国水产品质量安全问题进行综述和剖析 ,并提出对策和建议。1我国水产品的质量安全现状1 .1水产品质量的现代内涵安全卫生是反映食品质量的主要指标 ,离开了安全卫生 ,就无法对食品质量的优…  相似文献   

膨化技术在农产品深加工中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 前言改革开放以来 ,我国基本解决了温饱问题 ,人民生活水平有了很大的提高。因而 ,对农产品 (包括水产品 )进行深加工 ,已成为社会的需要。国家已经明确 :积极发展农业生产和农产品深加工 ,增加农业的后续效益 ,努力拓宽农民增收领域。并且以农产品深加工为龙头 ,带动农业结构的升级。我国是一个农业大国 ,农产品和水产品十分丰富 ,进行深加工已成为热门话题 ,并是当前和今后的发展方向。目前我国食品工业产值与农业产值之比仅0 .38∶ 1 ,而发达国家和地区为 2∶ 1~ 3∶ 1 ,美国高达 4∶ 1。我国城乡居民消费的食品中 ,仅 4成经过加工 ,…  相似文献   

Food-grade phosphates have many functional uses in seafood products, including, but not limited to, the retention of moisture and flavor; the prevention of lipid oxidation; shelf-life extension and cryoprotection. Condensed phosphates such as, sodium tripoly- and hexameta- phosphates and blends are most often used. Information on the uniform and consistent application of phosphates to seafood products is generally lacking and the process protocol in many seafood plants is often derived empirically. Abuse of phosphates leads to dramatic increases in the ratio of water to protein and charges of economic fraud. The objective of this work is to summarize previous efforts related to the responsible application of phosphates to seafood products.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


A questionnaire on quality management and measurement issues was conducted in the Danish seafood industry. The aim of the survey was to investigate to what extent the industry uses quality management systems, and which measurement methods are used. The results showed that the mandatory Own Check Systems, EU directive no. 91/439, were very well established. However, the application of more comprehensive systems was only found in 4% of the participating companies. Characteristics common to these companies were a high export rate, over 100 employees, and high turnover. The survey demonstrated that the measuring and control methods utilized by companies were mainly directed at controlling temperature, weight, sensory aspects, and microbes.  相似文献   

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