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Biochemical and rheological properties of surimi were examined based on: (a) salting time (from 18 to 3 min) while maintaining 21 min for total chopping time; and (b) total chopping time (from 6 to 21 min) while salting during the final 3 min. Extending salting time, which was defined as time of salt contact with proteins during chopping, significantly increased breaking force and penetration distance, while chopping time extension with fixed salting time did not. Salt soluble proteins decreased when salting time decreased; however, this trend performed contrarily against chopping time. A relationship between gel texture and salt soluble proteins was not found. Oxidation of sulfhydryl groups could occur during the chopping process when chopping without salt was extended. Surface hydrophobicity, indicating a certain degree of protein unfolding, was affected differently by chopping versus salting time. Dynamic rheology demonstrated that total chopping time affected denaturation of the myosin tail region more than salting time.  相似文献   

It is well-established in fish technology that freshness should be measured primarily by sensory procedures, though considerable effort has been expended in looking for nonsensory alternatives. A variety of methods for sensory evaluation of freshness has been described and this historical review traces developments of these methods. Much of the source material derives from the research literature such as research journals and reports of research, and the use of sensory methods in commercial quality control has scarcely been documented. There is a brief discussion of possible future developments in sensory evaluation of freshness.  相似文献   

我国养殖水产品全链可追溯性系统平台的建设思路   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
据农业部渔业局统计,2005年我国水产品出口额继续位居大农业之首即占农产品出口总额28.6%,其中自产原料占水产品出口总额的64%,养殖水产品继续构成我国渔业生产、水产品消费以及渔业贸易的支柱。我国水产养殖产品在渔业出口贸易中占重要地位且发展潜力极大。近年来我国出口的养殖水产品在国际市场不断被检出孔雀石绿及各种抗生素药残,2006年8月至今连续发生的福寿螺及多宝鱼事件均表明,我国养殖水产品全链的生产管理安全机制存在严重漏洞,福寿螺事件的处理过程也暴露了紧急预警系统和危机处理能力都有很大的缺陷,不论是科学层面还是管理层面…  相似文献   

随着人们对水产品需求的快速增长,消费者对水产品原产地信息也越来越重视。鉴于以假充真、以次充好的不法行为严重影响消费者和生产者的合法权益,开发更有效的水产品溯源、真伪鉴别及原产地保护体系愈发重要。与此相适应,本文重点综述了基于矿质元素与稳定同位素地理“指纹”溯源技术的基本原理及其在水产品产地溯源中的研究进展,以期为今后相关技术的开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   


Two case studies of the herring industry reveal that insufficient data on processes and traceability are currently recorded onboard fishing vessels, at primary processing into marinated herring fillets and at secondary processing into small jars as pickled herring products. This means that the traceable unit of a batch of herring is at the level of a whole fishing trip, and that there is a disconnection in traceability along the chain. Data on process and product parameters are insufficient and precludes the use of modern data analysis to examine where improvements and greater efficiencies can be obtained. Suggestions and procedures to overcome these deficiencies are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   


An electronic nose with electrochemical gas sensors (CO, NH3, SO2 and H2S) was used as a rapid technique to monitor changes in the headspace of whole ungutted redfish (Sebastes marinus) stored in ice and under various conditions of modified atmosphere (MA) bulk storage (CO2/N2:60/40). The precision of the electronic nose measurements was determined using standard compounds (ethanol, trimethylamine, acetal-dehyde and dimethyldisulfide). The response of the CO sensor, suggesting the formation of alcohols and carbonyls, increased with time for both aerobic and MA storage and correlated well with sensory analysis using the Quality Index Method. Slower spoilage rate reflected by lower intensities of sensors' responses, lower microbial counts and less TMA production were observed in MA-stored redfish compared with aerobic storage in ice.  相似文献   

王勤 《水产科技情报》1994,21(4):159-162
以日本长崎县沿岸海域捕捞的远东拟沙丁鱼作为鱼糜制品的原料,测定其凝胶形成能,结果如下:随着冰藏时间的延长,凝胶形成能迅速降低,采用碱盐水漂洗可使产品的凝胶弹性显著增强;凝胶化温度在60-70℃间是劣化温度带;另外,原料鱼的捕捞季节对产品质量也有显著影响。  相似文献   

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