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<正>对水产业来讲,今年是复杂的、矛盾的一年。在亚洲,早期死亡综合症(Early Mortality Syndrome,EMS)继续危害养虾业,在智利,传染性鲑鱼贫血病(Infectious Salmon Anaemia,ISA)再次出现。然而,在EMS的研究上也有了新进展。此外,水产业作为一个整体正朝着可持续发展前进。2013年水产业最大的新闻之一是在亚洲破坏了许多养虾场生产的EMS的致病菌被发现。研究人员发现,EMS是由  相似文献   


Production of fingerlings from very small fry depends upon an initial high concentration of rotifers followed by high densities of crustacean zooplankton. High fertilization rates lead to increased zooplankton production but often cause poor water quality conditions that aeration may alleviate. This study was designed to determine the effects of constant, nocturnal, and no aeration on water quality, primary productivity, and standing crops of phytoplankton and zooplankton in heavily fertilized nursery-size ponds that contained no fish.

Four 0.04-ha ponds were aerated continually; four ponds were aerated only at night with a 372-W (1/2 hp) paddlewheel aerator; and four ponds were not aerated. For 21 days after they were filled on July 21, 1999, the ponds received 1,224 kg/ha rice bran and 581kg/ha liquid 9-27-0 fertilizer. Water quality variables, primary production, chlorophyll-a and zooplankton were sampled daily.

Constant aeration resulted in several conditions more conducive to survival of fish fry, such as higher zooplankton densities, more moderate temperatures, and safer dissolved oxygen levels than did nocturnal aeration or no aeration. However, the development of a higher standing crop of phytoplankton and higher total ammonia concentrations in the turbulent, constantly aerated ponds resulted in higher un-ionized ammonia levels that were not favorable to survival and growth of fry. The high concentrations of zooplankton that developed in the aerated ponds have good potential for cropping to inoculate other ponds or to provide live foods for tank culture of zooplanktivorous fish.  相似文献   

The production of juvenile turbot in research and commercial practice still involves the use of live foods for the early larvae. The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is used for the first few days followed by nauplii of the brine shrimp, Artemia salina. During this live food phase, the addition of live unicellular algae to the rearing tanks improves the growth and survival of the turbot larvae.Within 10 days of the start of feeding, large differences in growth rate become apparent depending on the presence or absence of particular algae. The use of Dunaliella tertiolecta in particular results in stunted growth and high mortalities. Evidence is presented in this paper that Dunaliella tertiolecta is not toxic, and that its failure to support turbot larval growth is probably due to a deficiency of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds have been shown by other workers to be an essential dietary requirement in O-group turbot.  相似文献   

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