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Developing countries, Kenya included, continue to put considerable efforts in the creation of scientific agricultural information through the utilization of scientific human resources and an extensive agricultural research system. Little attention has been paid to the management and dissemination of the information so created, especially within the research system, as contrasted with the fanner level. This paper argues that the management and dissemination of information at the level of the research scientists is crucial to the effectiveness of the entire research system, and concludes that Kenya is deficient in this respect.  相似文献   


The Ohio State University Libraries was one of 19 institutions collaborating in the Ithaka S+R Research Support Services for the Field of Agriculture study. Based on a series of individual, semistructured interviews with faculty researchers affiliated with the agricultural sciences at the Ohio State University, the study gathered information about current research practices. The study highlighted challenges of the agricultural research process and identified opportunities for improving research support services for agricultural scientists.  相似文献   

Women's participation in development programs is supposed to achieve a process of equitable and active involvement of women in the formulation of development policies and strategic activities. It is, therefore, important to determine the level of participation of women in developmental programs as a basis for sustainable food security initiatives in rural households. To that end, a stratified sampling technique was used to select participating and non-participating women in community development associations in the Ogbomoso South Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. The study found that 92.7% of the respondents are aware of the development programs in the area, while a majority of them (60.9%) show average levels of participation. Correlation analysis established a negative relationship between participation and the food insecurity profile of the respondents; i.e., participation aided their food security. The study recommends that development programs be used to advance food security initiatives among women in rural areas.  相似文献   

In recognition of the importance of communication in extension work and agriculture, this study assessed communication methods used among core sub-programs of the Enugu State Agricultural Development Program (ENADEP). Sixty-three staff were randomly selected to participate in the study. Statistical tools such as percentage, mean score, and factor analysis were used in data analysis. Findings show that a downward (top-down) communication flow was most common, with posters and workshops as primary communication tools. Technology review meetings and training were major situations in which communication occurred, while achievement of ENADEP objectives was the most important motive for communication. Communicator knowledge about subject matter was the top-rated factor that enhanced communication; security/credibility- and human/autocracy-related problems were major constraints to effective communication. The study recommends a de-emphasis on top-down communication approaches and encourages use of digital/information communication technology (ICT) tools to minimize the gap between generation and dissemination of information and its application.  相似文献   

This study examined farmers’ assessment of extension services in Ogun State, Nigeria. One hundred and twenty respondents were randomly selected and an interview schedule was used to collect data. Frequency distribution, percentages, chi-square, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that more than half of the farmers (55%) fall within the age range of 40–59, most are female (66.7%), 70% have some level of formal education, and the majority (80%) had more than 10 years of experience with more than one farm location. A high percentage (90.0%) had frequent contact with extension agents, but less than half (49.2%) acknowledged extension services to be effective. Extension agents should be equipped with necessary materials and training in order to improve their services.  相似文献   

Changes in soil properties under two land use types: smallholder farms and large-scale irrigated agriculture were investigated over a period of 13 and 14 years respectively using the following parameters: particle size distribution, soil pH, exchangeable cations, cation exchange capacity, total organic carbon and nitrogen and total and available potassium and phosphorus. Results indicate that more adverse changes took place in soils under large-scale irrigation than in those under smallholder farms during the periods under consideration. Agricultural sustainability is more likely to be achieved for smallholder farms than for large-scale irrigation where soil degradation resulting from loss of fine soil particles through erosion can be a serious hindrance to long-term land use. In order to achieve agricultural sustainability in Kano State, it is recommended that chemical fertilizers be incorporated into the smallholder farming system, while the adoption of suitable soil conservation practices would make the large-scale irrigation systems more stable and sustainable.  相似文献   

Crop yields are an important determinant of C input into the soil and ultimately of soil organic carbon (SOC). Models to predict changes in SOC require crop yield and future yield growth information. In this review, yield trends for 11 major crops in the US for the period 1939–1994 are analyzed. Historical data are analyzed to detect evidence of a yield plateau. Yields are extrapolated to the year 2020 based on linear and exponential yield trends estimated in the paper. Forward-looking information on yield gaps, on the biological potential for future yield growth, and socio-economic determinants of yield growth is examined for evidence that yield growth may plateau in the near future. A linear model of yield growth indicates a compound annual rate of growth of between 0.7% and 1.3% per year for major US crops through 2020. Under an exponential model, growth rates could range up to 3% per year. This could lead to substantial increases in SOC if crop residues are retained. Biophysical limits, including those imposed by agronomic and tillage practices, do not appear to prevent rates of growth consistent with the linear model. How socioeconomic forces will affect future growth are subject to greater uncertainty.  相似文献   

为强化科研管理资源的科学有效利用,充分发挥科研院所的职能。采用查阅文献与工作时间相结合的方法,分析了农业科研院所实施项目多元化管理的必要,并针对存在的问题,提出了以下对策措施:提高对科研项目管理重要性的认识;强化科研项目管理人才队伍建设;建立健全科研管理激励制度;全面规范项目管理流程;严格把好科研项目经费使用关;加大科技信息服务水平;提高科研档案管理意识。  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines data practices of agricultural scientists. A series of individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted with researchers from multiple agricultural disciplines to identify commonalities of data management approaches, to document currently available data management infrastructure, and to explore experiences and attitudes toward sharing of research data. The study highlights the challenges and obstacles agricultural scientists face when managing research data. It shows how barriers to data access and sharing jeopardize usability and longevity of potentially valuable and unique agricultural data sets.  相似文献   

The soil microbial biomass and activity were estimated for seven field (intensive and extensive management), grassland (dry and wet), and forest (beech, dry and wet alder) sites. Three of the sites (wet grassland, dry and wet alder) are located on a lakeshore and are influenced by lake water and groundwater. Four different methods were selected to measure and characterize the microbial biomass. Values of microbial biomass (weight basis) and total microbial biomass per upper horizon and hectare (volume basis) were compared for each site.Fumigation-extraction and substrate-induced respiration results were correlated but dit not give the same absolute values for microbial biomass content. When using the original conversion factors, substrate-induced respiration gave higher values in field and dry grassland soils, and fumigation-extraction higher values in soils with low pH and high water levels (high organic content). Results from dimethylsulfoxide reduction and arginine ammonification, two methods for estimating microbial activity, were not correlated with microbial biomass values determined by fumigation-extraction or substrate-induced respiration in all soils examined. In alder forest soils dimethylsulfoxide reduction and arginine ammonification gave higher values on the wet site than on the dry site, contrary to the values estimated by fumigation-extraction and substrate-induced respiration. These microbial activities were correlated with microbial biomass values only in field and dry grassland soils. Based on soil dry weight, microbial biomass values increased in the order intensive field, beech forest, extensive field, dry grassland, alder forest, wet grassland. However, microbial biomass values per upper horizon and hectare (related to soil volume) increased in agricultural soils in the order intensive field, dry grassland, extensive field, wet grassland and in forest soils in the order beech, wet alder, dry alder. We conclude that use of the original conversion factors with the soils in the present study for fumigation-extraction and substrate-induced respiration measurements does not give the same values for the microbial biomass. Furthermore, dimethylsulfoxide reduction and arginine ammonification principally characterize specific microbial activities and can be correlated with microbial biomass values under specific soil conditions. Further improvements in microbial biomass estimates, particularly in waterlogged soils, may be obtained by direct counts of organisms, ATP estimate, and the use of 14C-labelled organic substrates. From the ecological viewpoint, data should also be expressed per horizon and hectare (related to soil volume) to assist in the comparison of different sites.  相似文献   

赵其国 《土壤》2005,37(1):1-7
农产品清洁生产是保证食物安全的关键,是现代生产过程中运用的一种新的、创造性的思维方式。它是指通过对农业生产的全程控制或减少污染,生产出合格的卫生食品,以达到环境健康和人类食品安全的目的。江苏省于 2002 年 1 月启动了全省农业清洁生产技术与管理体系的试验示范研究。这项研究历时两年多,在省政府领导及有关职能部门与科研单位的共同配合下,已取得初步进展,积累了不少可值得借鉴的有关农业清洁生产的技术与管理体系的创新经验。本文是此项研究工作经验的综合总结,仅供有关方面参考。  相似文献   

当前,中国进入了建设农业强国的新阶段,农业气象面临前所未有的挑战与发展机遇。针对农业生产智慧化、粮食安全、气候变化、绿色可持续发展等新形势,农业气象迫切需要建立气候要素与农业生产的定量关系,科学合理利用和提高气候资源利用率。农业气象学的重要任务包括深化研究内容、拓展研究视野、创新理论方法;重要研究方向在农业气象基础、气候变化适应、温室气体减排、农业气候资源高效利用、农业气象灾害与风险应对、农业小气候调控、气候智慧型农业等方面。作为一门农业基础学科,农业气象学需要加快发展,走在其他农业科学的前面。  相似文献   

农业生态效率研究进展分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
农业生态效率是评价农业可持续发展能力的一个非常重要的指标,通过农业生态效率的评价,可以准确评估了解农业生态系统的真实价值,以实现农业资源的高效率利用,并减轻农业废弃物所造成的内源性污染,进而从根本上解决农业生态系统退化和环境污染问题,为农业的可持续发展奠定基础。对已有文献进行系统梳理后发现,农业生态效率研究方面存在如下几个方面的问题:1)概念界定不统一、评价方法趋同;2)宏观层面对农业生态效率的影响因素研究不足、县域层面的收敛性分析亟待丰富;3)生态资产再生产、生态农业生产方式、生态农业政策等方面的应用还亟待加强等问题。为此,剖析了未来为推动我国农业的可持续发展,农业生态效率研究将会更加关注的如下几个方面:1)提升农业生态效率的评价方法;2)加强农业生态效率驱动因素的研究;3)推进农业生态效率在生态资产再生产、转变农业生产方式、制定农业政策等方面的应用。  相似文献   

Biophysical and participatory research methods were combined to examine factors contributing to soil erosion at field plot, village and regional scale on the sandstone dominated Udi-Nsukka Cuesta in southeastern Nigeria. At field plot scale, the properties of seven pedons were related to soil erodibility. Very high infiltration rates measured with a double ring infiltrometer and permeameter, were not in accordance to reported runoff and soil loss. The effect of groundcover and canopy height was incorporated into rainfall erosivity for plots under cashew, oil palm dominated forest and secondary natural vegetation. Cropping systems and field management practices were compared for different positions along a toposequence traversing the plateau and escarpment of the Udi-Nsukka Cuesta. Soil loss, calculated by a modified version of the universal soil loss equation, was 10 to 100 times higher on escarpment than on plateau plots. Farmers are adapting to the problems of interrill and rill erosion through careful crop selection and rotation, and contour ridging. At the village and regional scale, terrain observations were compared to archival research, historical accounts by villagers and geographic analysis of 1962 aerial photographs (1:40 000). Ravine and gully formations seemed influenced by a combination of infrastructure, geohydrology, topography, vegetation and land use. Both community efforts and state measures to combat erosion tend to be crisis managed, and are concentrated on repairing damage to economically important infrastructures. A conceptual diagram has been developed to show the complex interaction between various geophysical, agroecological, socio-economic and political components influencing soil erosion at farm, village and regional scale. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of urban crop agriculture in Enugu metropolis, Enugu State. A questionnaire/interview schedule was used to collect information from 60 urban agriculture (UA) farmers. Respondents were engaged in UA to provide food for family members (97%), for extra income (91.67%), and to pay children's school fees (85.45%). The average amount realized from sales of UA produce was US$11 per week. The destruction of crops by stray animals, theft, and lack of information were identified as the major barriers to UA in the study area. Only 20% of the respondents were aware of extension services. Urban agriculture as practiced today in Enugu is of limited scale. To reach its full potential, government intervention is needed.  相似文献   

2007年,吉林省作为全国六个试点省份之一,开始在全省范围内开办政策性农业保险。在各级政府、相关部门和经办公司的共同努力之下,农业保险工作取得了长足的发展.但也面临着一些问题,如,政策性农业保险的目的性不够明确、保费分担无章可循、农民投保意识不强烈、地方财政补贴不够等一系列问题。对于这些问题和困难的解决,是政策性农业保险实验持续发展、经营水平不断提高的关键。  相似文献   

本文以农技推广信息综合服务系统项目的建设为例,通过一定的专家评分方法,得出项目建设过程中存在的六个主要风险,并提出相应的风险控制对策,以降低对项日的影响。  相似文献   

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