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Trade patterns of animal movements in a specific industry are complex and difficult to study because there are many stakeholders, premises that are heterogeneously spread over the country, and a highly dynamic flow of animals exists among them. The Danish cattle industry was defined as a network of animal movements and graph theory was used to analyse the movements of cattle within this network. A premise was defined as a farm, an abattoir or a market. These premises constituted the network nodes in the graph and the animal movements between them were the links. In this framework, each premise had a sub-network of other premises to which it was linked by these animal movements. If no movement of animals were registered for a specific farm, then the sub-network for that premise consisted of only that premise. Otherwise, the sub-network linked the premise of interest to all premises from which and to which animals were moved, as long as there was a path linking animal movements to that specific premise. This approach allowed visualization and analyses of four levels of organization that existed in Denmark animal registers: (1) the animal that was moved, (2) the movements of all animals between two premises, (3) the specific premise network, and (4) the overall industry network. When contagious animals are moved from one premise to another, then to a third and so forth, these movements create a path for potential transfer of pathogens. The paths within which pathogens are present identify the transmission risks. A network of animal movements should provide information about pathogen transmission and disease spread. The network of the Danish cattle industry network was a directed scale-free graph (the direction of a movement was known), with an in-degree power of 2 an out-degree power of 1.46, consisted of 29,999 nodes, and 130,265 movements during a 6-month period. The in clustering coefficient was calculated to be 0.52 for the inward direction (movement to), while it was 0.02 for the outward direction (movement from). In Denmark, the cattle movements between premises demonstrated a large degree of heterogeneity. This heterogeneity in movements between farms should be used to evaluate the risk potential of disease transmission for each premise and must be considered when modelling disease spread between premises. The objective of this research was to describe the network of animal movements and not just the animal movements per se.  相似文献   

The measures used to control the epidemics of foot-and-mouth disease in Canada in 1951/52 (29 outbreaks) were compared with those used in the epidemic in Hampshire in 1967 (29 outbreaks). In both epidemics the disease spread more from premises where the disease was reported late and the imposition of quarantine or restrictions on infected premises was delayed. In Hampshire, area restrictions were imposed, susceptible livestock on infected premises and on premises in direct contact were slaughtered, and contacts were traced. In Canada, the initial diagnosis was vesicular stomatitis, no area restrictions were imposed, no tracing was carried out and the animals on infected premises were allowed to recover. However, apart from the disease's spread through infected meat and by unknown or airborne routes, it did not spread from infected premises once quarantine was imposed, partly owing to the low population density of livestock in the area. The effects of the slaughter of infected premises and direct contacts in the Fareham area of Hampshire in 1967 and in the Chathill area of Northumberland in 1966 were compared with what might have happened if, in addition, culling on contiguous premises or culling on premises within 3 km or emergency vaccination had been put into effect. The slaughter of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs on premises within 3 km two days after confirmation of the first outbreak would have resulted in fewer outbreaks and a shorter period to complete slaughter, but more animals would have been slaughtered. In the Chathill area, the slaughter of sheep, goats and pigs only on premises within 3 km two days after confirmation of the first outbreak would not have resulted in fewer outbreaks and more animals would have been slaughtered. Fewer premises and animals would have been slaughtered by a contiguous cull than by a 3 km cull but more than by the slaughter of infected premises and direct contacts. Emergency vaccination within 3 km, providing protection at four days (but not to animals already infected before the development of immunity), would have resulted in the fewest animals being slaughtered and could have reduced the number of outbreaks in the Fareham area by one and in the Chathill area by two or three. All the procedures would have had a greater effect the sooner they were introduced. However, with many foci of infection, priorities for action would have had to have been established. Earlier tracing of the last outbreak in the Fareham area could have shortened the Hampshire epidemic. Surveillance of a farm identified as at risk through animal movements and by the use of an airborne-prediction model could have eliminated the source of further outbreaks in the Chathill area.  相似文献   

Clinical and laboratory investigations of five outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) were made during the early stages of the 2001 epidemic in the UK. The first outbreak, confirmed on February 20, was at an abattoir in Essex which specialised in the processing of culled sows and boars. On February 23, the disease was confirmed at a pig farm in Northumberland which held cull sows and boars fed on waste food; the findings indicated that it was the first of the five premises to be infected. The disease had probably been present since early February, and it was the most likely origin of the epidemic. The other premises investigated were a waste food-fed cull sow/boar pig unit in Essex, approximately 30 km from the abattoir, which was probably infected at the same time or before the abattoir, a sheep and cattle farm approximately 6 km from the Northumberland pig farm, which was probably infected by airborne virus from it in the period immediately before February 13, and a sheep and cattle farm in Devon which had clinical disease from February 20 and was probably infected by sheep transported from Northumberland on February 13 which arrived on February 15.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E is a zoonotic disease and is highly prevalent in European swine livestock. There is a need to compare the infection dynamics of hepatitis E virus (HEV) between herds with the same production system and determine the percentage of animals that could arrive infected at slaughter age. Therefore, a longitudinal study was performed in six Spanish farrow-to-finish affected farms. Twenty piglets per farm were monitored from nursery to slaughter. RT-PCR and serology techniques were applied to analyze longitudinally collected sera and/or faecal samples. Liver and bile samples were also taken at the abattoir. Anti-HEV IgM were firstly detected at 7 weeks of age in 5 farms whereas at 13 weeks of age in 1 farm (farm 2). At slaughter age 50–100% of pigs had seroconverted to anti-HEV IgG in the former 5 farms whereas in the other herd only 5% of pigs were IgG seropositive (farm 2). Six out of 96 livers and 5 out of 80 biles analyzed were HEV positive at the abattoir (total percentage of infected animals: 11.5%). All these positive animals had already seroconverted except 2 pigs of farm 2. Hence, pigs can be seronegative at slaughter age being infected during the latest fattening period. Manipulation of HEV-infected livers or other organs from pigs could be considered a possible route of transmission in Spanish abattoirs. This study represents the first longitudinal survey on swine HEV infection dynamics conducted in different herds.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize husbandry practices that could affect the risks of foreign animal disease in miniature swine. DESIGN: Survey study. STUDY POPULATION: 106 owners of miniature swine. PROCEDURES: An online survey of owners of miniature swine was conducted to obtain information about miniature pig and owner demographics; pig husbandry; movements of pigs; and pig contacts with humans, other miniature swine, and livestock. RESULTS: 12 states, 106 premises, and 317 miniature swine were represented in the survey. More than a third (35%) of miniature swine owners also owned other livestock species. Regular contact with livestock species at other premises was reported by 13% of owners. More than a third of owners visited shows or fairs (39%) and club or association events (37%) where miniature swine were present. More than 40% of owners fed food waste to miniature swine. Approximately half (48%) of the veterinarians providing health care for miniature swine were in mixed-animal practice. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of this study indicated that miniature swine kept as pets can be exposed, directly and indirectly, to feed and other livestock, potentially introducing, establishing, or spreading a foreign animal disease such as foot-and-mouth disease. In addition, the veterinary services and carcass disposal methods used by miniature swine owners may reduce the likelihood of sick or dead pigs undergoing ante- or postmortem examination by a veterinarian.  相似文献   

We report the methods and findings of a survey of Canadian swine producers summarizing farm-types at-risk of foreign animal disease (FAD) and the routine movement of animals, semen and workers among swine farms, as observed during a 42-day period. Of the 311 producers who returned completed questionnaires, 17% represented swine-herds with no swine or semen movement on or off the farm during the 42 days, 57% were sow herds or farrow-to-finish herds with limited movement onto the farm but movement off the farm, and 26% were swine-herds with movements on and off the farm. A substantial number of premises (>50% in some provinces) with swine also kept other animal species on the same premises. We applied the empirical movement data from the survey in a stochastic simulation model to estimate the number of herds infected and the basic regional distribution of infection that could be expected to occur if the FAD was not detected and routine movements were permitted to occur up to 42 days after infection with a FAD of a single randomly selected herd. Forty-five percent of the simulations did not involve spread beyond the index farm, whereas 34.8% involved spread among five or more farms after 42 days of routine movement.  相似文献   

Pork production began to flourish in the USA after the practice of finishing pigs on corn was popularized in the late 1600s. By the 1840s, there were 35 million pigs and 20 million people in the USA and Cincinnati was the world's largest pork market. Between 1890 and the present, the total number of pigs in the USA has remained at 50-60 million, but dramatic changes in swine husbandry over the course of the 20th century have metamorphosed pig production from small, extensive (outdoor), labor-dependent enterprises into large, intensive (indoor), capital-dependent, production systems. This development has led to debate concerning the impact of swine production on animal/human health, the environment, and the welfare of the animals under our care. In a very tangible way, the future of pork production depends on effectively addressing the public's concerns regarding animal welfare and health. Here, we review basic sensory and behavioral aspects of swine with the objective of reaching a better understanding of pig behavior and pig welfare. The premise of this discussion is that safeguarding animal welfare and health is good for pigs, pork producers and the animal-conscious public.  相似文献   

A matched case-control study of 135 infected and 99 uninfected pig herds from the central area of the 1997 to 1998 epidemic of classical swine fever (CSF) in The Netherlands was undertaken to identify factors associated with the introduction of the virus. The herds were matched on the basis of herd type and the shortest geographical distance between pairs of herds. Data on management, hygienic measures, experiences during the depopulation of an infected nearest neighbour, and the frequency of contact with professionals and other agencies were collected by means of a questionnaire taken by personal interview. There were no significant differences between the infected and uninfected herds in the median total number of contacts per year with professionals and other agencies either with or without contact with the pigs. On the basis of a multivariable analysis, five variables were found to be significantly associated with an increased risk of infection: (1) the presence of commercial poultry on the premises; (2) visitors entering the pig units without wearing an overcoat or overalls and boots supplied by the farm; (3) the driver of the lorry transporting pigs for the Pig Welfare Disposal Scheme (PWDS) using his own boots instead of boots supplied by the farm; (4) herds of moderate size (500 to 1,000 animals) and very large herds (>7,000 animals) were at greater risk than small herds (<500 animals); and (5) an aerosol, produced during high-pressure cleaning of the electrocution equipment used to kill the pigs on a neighbouring infected herd less than 250 m away was carried by the wind on to the premises. Two variables were significantly associated with a decreased risk of CSFV-infection: (1) more than 30 years of experience in pig farming; and (2) additional cleaning of the lorries used to transport pigs for the PWDS before they were allowed on to the premises. In the opinion of the cooperating farmers, airborne transmission of the virus and its transmission during the depopulation of an infected neighbour were among the most important routes of infection.  相似文献   

Most swine Salmonella national control programmes in Europe have been based on the categorization of herds according to risk levels based on serological results. However, none of the non‐Scandinavian countries have reported of any significant success on Salmonella infection reduction in fattening pigs or the number of human cases attributable to pigs or pork. The limited accuracy of the tests used, the small number of animals sampled and the likely lack of herd representativeness of the samples used could be major factors affecting the suitability of these programmes. Focusing on minimizing Salmonella shedding at slaughter appears more important to prevent human infections than focusing on detection of seropositive pigs/herds at this stage. This study assessed whether performing on‐farm serology may help to predict shedding at slaughter. Between 2010 and 2016, pigs from six cohorts from a Salmonella‐positive herd were bled at 30, 60 and 90 days on fattening and before slaughter, and faecal samples collected at slaughter. Serology on days 60, 90 and before slaughter predicted somewhat shedding at slaughter with no significant differences among them. Pigs with higher OD% values at these point times would have higher risk of shedding when arriving to slaughter. The probability of shedding for a pig sampled on day 90 and showing an OD% value of 10 was 43%, and the risk increased up to 65% if the OD% was 40. Concluding, on‐farm serology may help to determine to some extent the risk of Salmonella shedding at slaughter from seropositive fattening units, which would allow for prompt on‐farm and slaughter interventions to reduce the likelihood of slaughter contamination with Salmonella.  相似文献   

We explored observed risk factors and drivers of infection possibly associated with African swine fever (ASF) epidemiology in Uganda. Representative sub-populations of pig farms and statistics were used in a case-control model. Indiscriminate disposal of pig viscera and waste materials after slaughter, including on open refuse dumps, farm-gate buyers collecting pigs and pig products from within a farm, and retention of survivor pigs were plausible risk factors. Wire mesh-protected windows in pig houses were found to be protective against ASF infection. Sighting engorged ticks on pigs, the presence of a lock for each pig pen and/or a gate at the farm entrance were significantly associated with infection/non-infection; possible explanations were offered. Strict adherence to planned within-farm and community-based biosecurity, and avoidance of identified risk factors is recommended to reduce infection. Training for small-scale and emerging farmers should involve multidimensional and multidisciplinary approaches to reduce human-related risky behaviours driving infection.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the contamination sources and the transmission of Salmonella within a pig finishing herd in Italy. Nine sets of samples were collected during the fattening period from cleaned and disinfected pens, animals at different ages (4 days after arrival, 90, 150, 170 and 240 days of age) and at slaughter. Salmonella was isolated from cleaned pens, individual faecal samples, the truck used to transport the pigs to the abattoir and after slaughter (cecal contents, mesenteric lymph nodes and carcasses). Several serovars were isolated: Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella derby on farm; Salmonella bovismorbificans, Salmonella bredeney, Salmonella blockley, Salmonella hadar and Salmonella corvallis from the truck; S. derby, S. hadar, S. bredeney, S. bovismorbificans and Salmonella infantis at slaughter. Antibiotic resistance of the strains was tested and PFGE was carried out to investigate the on-farm epidemiology of Salmonella. The results showed that the environmental contamination may have represented a major source of infection for the pigs both on farm and during transport to the abattoir.  相似文献   

应用反转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测健康猪扁桃体猪瘟病毒以监控与净化猪瘟.2006年用RT-PCR对广西某存栏250头种猪场的母猪扁桃体连续进行3次猪瘟病毒检测,检出并清除带毒猪,猪群中猪瘟病毒的带毒猪明显下降.结果表明,RT-PCR检测猪扁桃体可应用于猪场猪瘟的控制与净化.  相似文献   

Isolation of Treponema hyodysenteriae from sources other than swine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fecal samples were collected from animals and environments on 3 swine farms and cultured for Treponema hyodysenteriae. Each farm was a farrow-to-finish operation and, at the time of sampling, swine dysentery was enzootic among 8- to 22-week-old pigs. Pathogenic T hyodysenteriae was isolated from pigs on all 3 farms. On farm A, nonpathogenic T hyodysenteriae was isolated from a sample of lagoon water. On farm B, pathogenic T hyodysenteriae was isolated from a waste-holding pit. On farm C, a dog was observed to be eating feces of pigs that had swine dysentery. The dog was diarrheic and a fecal sample yielded a pathogenic isolant of T hyodysenteriae. Further isolation attempts were unsuccessful after the dog was removed from the infected premises. Isolation of pathogenic and nonpathogenic organisms from waste-holding systems emphasizes the need for cultural techniques in detecting pathogenic T hyodysenteriae.  相似文献   

贵州省某规模化猪场暴发猪瘟与链球菌病混合感染的诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解贵州某规模化猪场发病断奶仔猪死亡原因,本研究采用流行病学调查、临床症状观察、病理解剖诊断和RT-PCR检测等方法,对该规模化猪场发病猪进行了诊断。试验结果表明,通过流行病学调查、剖检病理和猪瘟抗体快速金标检测卡检测,初步诊断该猪场发病猪疑似猪瘟病毒和细菌混合感染;RT-PCR检测核酸确诊发病猪为猪瘟病毒感染;细菌培养分离、生化特性鉴定和动物致病性试验确诊为猪链球菌。造成该猪场断奶仔猪发病死亡的原因为猪瘟病毒和猪链球菌混合感染所致。  相似文献   

After the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) epidemic in Dumfries and Galloway in south-west Scotland in 2001, serosurveillance of sheep remaining in the 3 km radius Protection Zones around Infected Premises (IPS), and within a 10 km radius of IPS, revealed no evidence of infection. The epidemic was brought under control by a range of traditional techniques: slaughter of all animals on IPS and of veterinary-assessed Dangerous Contacts (DCS), movement restrictions, biosecurity, tracing of potential sources and spread of virus, and surveillance of At-Risk premises. Novel pre-emptive slaughter of FMD-susceptible animals on premises contiguous to IPS, and small ruminants and pigs on premises within 3 km of IPSs, commenced after the epidemic had peaked. Most of the traditional control procedures were undertaken quickly and with appropriate priority. Animals on IPS were usually slaughtered within one day of confirmation, and veterinary-assessed DCS within two days of confirmation of relevant IPS (a median of two days). The pre-emptive contiguous and 3 km culls took somewhat longer (medians of five and 17 days, respectively). IPS were most commonly identified as a result of reporting by farmers or their veterinarians (72 per cent of IPS); veterinary clinical patrols identified 16 per cent, while veterinary assessment of DCS and tracing each identified 5 per cent. No evidence of infection was found on any pre-emptively contiguously culled premises, and IPS were declared only on three 3 km cull premises. The time from estimated first lesion to end of slaughter on an IP was found, by regression analysis, to be a key component in effective control, manifested by a reduction in the estimated dissemination rate (EDR); there was little evidence that the intensity of contiguous culling affected the EDR. Patrols and serological surveillance of residual animals within 10 km of IPS, supported by more extensive evidence from elsewhere in the UK, suggested that cryptic infection in sheep was not widespread. Ultimately, there was insufficient evidence to support the effectiveness of 3 km pre-emptive culling as a control procedure.  相似文献   

A stochastic simulation model to investigate the transmission of classical swine fever (CSF) virus within an infected farm is described. The model is structured according to the processes that occur within and between management groups (pig units or houses). It uses the individual pig as the unit of interest and estimates the number of animals in the states 'susceptible', 'infected', 'infectious', and 'removed' for each day of the disease incident. Probabilities are assigned to the transitions between states. The probability of a pig becoming infected is made dependent on the probability of contact between a susceptible and an infectious pig as well as the probability of transmission. The more pigs become infected in one unit, the more likely is subsequent spread to another management group on the farm. Ultimately, the probability that a shipment of pigs from the farm will include at least one infected pig can be estimated in order to identify high-risk movements during a CSF epidemic. The model results were compared with experimental data on CSF transmission within one pig unit (management group). It could be shown that the model was capable of reproducing the experimentally observed infection and mortality rates. To improve the input parameters and for further model validation, more experimental data and field data from CSF outbreaks are needed.  相似文献   

Serum acute phase proteins and swine health status   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between swine health status and the concentration of the serum acute phase proteins, haptoglobin (HP), and C-reactive protein (CRP). A total of 378 clinically healthy pigs from farms A and B, plus 20 pigs culled from farm A due to poor growth, were used in this experiment. Each pig was examined and blood samples were collected during slaughter. The HP concentration was measured by using an HP-hemoglobin binding assay. The CRP concentration was measured by using a CRP enzyme immunoassay. Gross and histopathological lesions were examined and recorded at slaughter. Representative samples were then collected in order to isolate pathogens. Swine enzootic pneumonia, found in 47.7% of the pigs, was the most common lesion. Other lesions included pleuropneumonia (32.7%), suppurative pneumonia (10.3%), fibrinous pericardititis (4.3%), Ascaris migration in the liver (33.9%), and intestinal serositis (3.0%).  相似文献   

养猪场猪瘟净化技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在4个流行仔猪猪瘟半年以上的养猪场实施了初乳前猪瘟首免的方法,进一步证实了这种免疫方法的免疫可靠性。随后,建立了以实施初乳前首免、建立严格隔离检疫和消毒制度、淘汰可疑带病毒母猪、建立健康种猪群等技术措施为主要内容的猪瘟净化技术,并在一个连续多年经常散发或暴发猪瘟的某养猪场应用,经连续3年多的临床和实验室检测,未发现临床病猪和健康带毒猪。  相似文献   

The lamb slaughter records of a large private abattoir showed that a small minority of farms had a lamb liver rejection rate exceeding 40 per cent. Small sheep farms were most likely to have high rejection rates and farms producing both lambs and pigs had relatively high lamb liver rejection rates. In a farm survey statistical analysis showed that the spreading of pig slurry, access to the grazing land by hunts and the infrequent use of dog cestocides were factors significantly linked to high lamb liver rejection rates. A survey of 4000 lambs' livers confirmed the importance of Cysticercus tenuicollis as a cause of rejection. Fifty-two per cent of the livers had lesions which could not be identified but showed histological similarities to ascarid lesions.  相似文献   

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